Beyond Fucked


The economics of conferences

I really don't have anything to write about. It's just past 12AM. I had three hours sleep last night. Fuck that. After this I am going to have a shower, because I have got to keep myself looking sexy. Don't know what for. SOMEONE DATE ME? No actually I don't want dates, I just get sick of people upon repeatedly exposed to them. Seeing people rarely makes them more interesting, or maybe I am anti social. I don't get sick of myself, because I am fantastic!

Sunday now, I had a better night's sleep last night. Back to me being fantastic. I launched a helpdesk product this week and I am now working on new event listing products which will be launching over the next two months. I still need to get someone for marketing.

A thing that I want to eventually do is going to conferences but I have concluded that this is super expensive. Even a local conference on inclusive education would cost $200, that is without traveling which would be in the thousands per time. I think that this is possible if I factor travel in when pricing my accessibility software products. If I split the cost between 20 sales plus additional marketing it'll probably work. First I have to have more products to launch. Getting closer.
Posted at 10/04/2016 01:50:40 UTC 0 comments

Week, work, stupid people

Spent all Saturday programming review system for my events software, because apparently I don't know the meaning of a weekend.

Monday I delivered a disability themed speech. Again, easter, what the fuck is a holiday?

Thursday I saw and wrote a review on international comedian Aindrias De Staic.

Regarding disability stuff, I'm not really getting enough diversity in my work, if I do one thing I get sick of it really really quickly. This includes partners haha. As I am going to continue with my disability book series I'll probably limit disability industry work to 3 days a week. I'm nearly finish eye tracking, so this should be workable. This is probably not interesting, but I will write whatever I fucking well like.

Had an interesting thought. "Is it OK to insult stupid people since they can't help being stupid, is it ableist" I am not sure why I am quoting, I just made that up. My conclusion is YES. Comedy is about picking on the powerful; stupid people rule the world. Stupid people vote for stupid politicians that practice trickle down economics, raise expenses on the middle class while lowering taxes for the rich who don't spend as much in the economy than the middle class, ruin people's lives by locking people up for what they put in their body THEN SHOUT FREEDOM, increase inequality, fuck up environments, go into completely unnecessary wars. Some stupid people are just ignorant and should fucking learn some facts. Others are emotionally attached to there ideas and political parties. I'd qualify that as environmental rather than as themselves. This is certainly an interesting conversation, but I lean on the side of stupid people do too much damage for me to stop making fun of them. When sensible people run things then we can have this conversation. Although again comedy is about making fun of the powerful What would we do if things weren't fucked up? Comedy doesn't demand chaos, but it certainly helps.

I don't like the word ableist, but that's a subject probably for
Posted at 03/04/2016 02:03:33 UTC 0 comments

Auckland, Comedy, Flag

Wednesday I went to Auckland, partly to perform stand up, mostly for other business which I enjoyed. I may make creating software for new small businesses a priority. Stand up comedy went great. Had to stop countless times for applause. Wrote most of an upcoming speech about disability and what New Zealand should change; it's for a private audience. I am currently at Auckland airport and can't just get on to good Wifi, so I will write an article.

Saturday I saw comedian magician Jared Fell, I thought he was very entertaining. Skilled at crowd work.

The flag debate is over. No change. Unfortunate but the process was completely fucked up. They obviously wanted to match their approach to economics! The polling was 50/50 before the two referendums. It just wasn't going to pass. I find it hilarious that people who claimed to be "fiscal conservative" just wasted 32 million dollars on something that wasn't going to pass. Although this is not rare in conservative politics, remember Novapay? Private prisons and locking people up completely unnecessarily is basically a black hole of money. The conservatives in the US have wasted trillions on war. What's interesting is conservative movement is by very definition anti change and is patriotic respecting traditions, the flag debate flipped that on its head. That was kind of nice. I voted to change the flag and would happily do it again. Having the Union Jack on it is absurd and it's too similar to Australia. I am constant and don't care if it the process was initiated by people I strongly disagree with. If you don't like my opinion, sad day for you.
Posted at 27/03/2016 02:03:11 UTC 0 comments

Dawn French etc

Monday I went to Dawn French, it was a good show! I didn't pay for the ticket thanks to a News Talk ZB competition. Talk back radio is good for something, who knew? Usually it's full of idiots with nothing better to do. Kind of like internet trolling, but the target is common sense.

It's Saturday but I spent it so far designing a website, looks better than what it was which was not hard as apparently it looked utter shit before. Graphical art is not my thing. I have the skills to design sites but don't have the eye for it. Design isn't even important to me. However apparently it's important to normal people. I think that I am using GIMP better and I think that I have done a good job.

I have decided I don't like spending time on marketing; I like programming far better. So I need someone for sales when I have the money.

And I just spent an additional three hours on graphics.

My rant this week is end of the world predictions. Shouldn't this be something people should put maximum research into? Apparently when someone goes the world is ending some other people go OK! "The world is ending in October" "Well gosh darn it what are you going to do?" It's unbelievable what people believe. I am being deliberately ironic. I don't actually think things are unbelievable, apart from fiction of course, I guess claims people make could also qualify. Hypothetical if the world was ending I'd sell everything and enjoy life. I am talking about an astroid coming to earth, though I'd try to get off this planet first. "Let me off this planet, because I am fucking intelligent, I'm Thane Pullan bitches!" That pitch probably needs work, I will work on that. By the way I am completely sober as I write this, just to scare you some more. People give me credibility? That's hilarious! I am a lunatic that says nonsense things, and sometimes I get paid for it, I love stand up comedy. By the way I am available for corporate events, Email me!
Posted at 20/03/2016 01:32:36 UTC 0 comments

I like saying random offensive shit

Nothing exciting this week so if I can be fucked I will type random shit. Do you ever wish you were drunk and then act silly, punch random people just to get the sensation? Me neither! This is the reason I will not run for office. I like saying random offensive shit. I know Donald Trump is practically winning because he says random offensive shit, I don't want to appeal to morons. I considered running for DHB (Distinct Health Board) but I have several products ready to launch and I would rather focus on that. I also have no desire to campaign for office myself. I'd help another campaign, but people seem too stupid to ask for my help. Politics is full of narcissistic lunatics but so are the entertainment industry and business. So I guess I can't really get away from such types. The music industry specifically seems littered with abusers and bad characters. I really don't understand why some rich people aren't satisfied with good looking people that genuinely want them for their money; I sure as hell would be. Instead they resort to more abusive tactics; Bill Cosby and it's known that the manager of N'Sync and Backstreet was up to questionable stuff but interestingly was locked up for a Ponzi scheme, there's also the recent case of Ke$ha's abuse, this is really the tip of the iceberg. Many people in power have personality disorders, That might be an explanation. It's actually quite fascinating seeing how much abusive stuff is in the music industry.. Business is also full of people who think short term, I am more of a long term guy. Entertainment is naturally full of attention seekers. I am in it for the perks, it's convenient. I also have started to like the idea of being an artist, even though I just say a bunch of stupid shit on stage. It's difficult for me to connect this with art, but that is slowly changing. I want to expand into different art forms, but I am currently too busy.
Posted at 13/03/2016 01:36:37 UTC 0 comments

Madonna 2016

This is the third attempt at writing this. It no longer asks to save when I exit this application, so fuck that. I am in Auckland, the plane was about 2 hours 45 minutes late but managed to do programming on spare time projects in that time. Redeemed a Koru lounge pass, had some alcohol. I went and went to The Classic then I went to Family Bar. There was a really annoying guy who wouldn't leave me alone no matter how disinterested I acted, i felt like punching him.

Sunday I went to Madonna. She was good but bit late. You would think after doing something for 50 years she would have her shit together. Fans pay money, the least she could do is to start on time. While I am complaining why do DJs tell people to put their hands up? Again it is US that pays money. WE should be telling YOU what to do. It was a good concert. I would have liked Frozen to be played but it was still awesome.

Monday I am going home and will post this when I get back.
Posted at 07/03/2016 03:55:11 UTC 0 comments


y next blog will be a day late.

I have just been bitching about random topics here lately and that probably will continue. I don't drink enough, I hardly ever get drunk. Although the constant need for pissing is the major downside. I appear to be addicted to programming lately. There's no Programmers Anonymous, but considering Alcoholics Anonymous is a miserable failure of a program there would be no benefit. The success rate is something like 10%, why does society stick with shit that doesn't work? Society's approach to addiction needs to be reformed; find out why exactly they are addicted whether chemical or something lacking in life and fix that. I joke that I am not addicted to substances because other people need to feed me. It's fucking difficult to be addicted to smoking when you can't hold a cigarette. I do excessive programming because it fills in time. I imagine I'll stop when I am rich and have a hot blond. The sooner, the better.
Posted at 28/02/2016 01:08:20 UTC 0 comments

Flag and software

Why the fuck are we having two referendums on that something is almost certainly doomed to fail. I desperately want a flag change, but I can see the writing on the wall. I can read the polls. When the polling was 50/50 at the very beginning it made no sense to initiate a ridiculous debate on a cloth design. I am not in any way sentimental, I will call it a cloth design. Now the polling is two thirds against. My prediction is this will be an utter waste of time and the government is absolutely moronic for doing this. I do genuinely hate the british symbol on the flag, but facts are facts.

Also people didn't fight to protect a flag for fuck sakes. They did what they did to keep us from being taken over by god knows who. It was about protecting the people and the freedom. The flag is not really relevant and some veterans would have disliked the flag. Changing it does nothing to take away from their accomplishments. People using this ridiculous argument should really get a grip.

I want to launch at least one accessibility product in April, I now have about four. My live event subtitle software is going really well, I hope I finish it within two weeks. This was much easier than developing eye tracking, I'll probably make official apps for it later, until then it'll be fully browser based.
Posted at 21/02/2016 01:23:33 UTC 0 comments

valentine's Day, quake

Friday I went to the doctor, visit was unusually quick. Generally best to go early in the morning, except I did that one time and the doctor cancelled, so mixed bag.

Happy Valentine's Day, let's rant about that, why not? Now, I am not pissed or annoyed about Valentine's Day. I am very happily single. I have been single for three or four years. I will continue to be single for the rest of my life. If I change my mind, I am more than likely suffering from Amnesia. In that case please tell me to read my own book "The Teachings of a Grumpy Cripple Volume 1" By the way have you brought my books? They're MARVELOUS! Buy BUY BUY! I sound like N'sync. The only thing more cliche than Valentine's Day posts are anti Valentine's Day post. I am Valentine's Day neutral, because I am fucking original! I don't care if other people celebrate love, leave me the fuck out of it, and we'll get along fine.

I don't want to spend my mental energy on relationships, excluding sexual relationships but I have companies to launch first. Priorities people!

I hope you enjoyed my Valentine's Day rant, and by that I actually mean I don't give a fuck.

We just had a 5.9 earthquake, it's too late to rant about it. I am going to watch TheYoungTurks coverage of a republican debate and do programming.
Posted at 14/02/2016 01:15:37 UTC 0 comments

On the TPPA

Tuesday I had an appointment, if I wanted to talk about it, I would. However let me continue posting things to fuck people off.

On the TPPA, the delusional left has come out. People on the left make far more sense than the right the majority of the times. However there's times that the left are utterly and completely delusional. They said that they were going to stop asset sales, they didn't. They said that they were going to stop the GCSB, they didn't. Now they're declaring areas TPPA free zones. You sound absolutely moronic as you have absolutely no power to do that. It's OK to protest something, just don't go into a complete fantasy world while doing it. Otherwise you're no different than the idiots who believe in trickle down economics and that companies can regulate themselves. Getting people's hopes up may turn them off in the long run.

I wonder how libertarians feel about drug patient extensions? Surely they would believe in the freedom to offer generic drugs. How about three strikes laws? Instead of the government deciding your internet usage, it's the corporations. If they're not comfortable with the government telling them what to do, why would they be in favour of a massive agreement which tells the governments what to do? That is better, how? Pointing these things out to true libertarians of right wing parties may be the only hope in stopping it, do that. Although most "professional libertarians" are likely hypocrites who don't mean what they say and only use the small government line to fuck over poor people, you may find one or two genuines in each country, lobby them.

I mostly stay away from public (local) political advocacy nowadays. I have my reasons, but finding other ways to change what I can rather than posting on facebook.
Posted at 07/02/2016 00:44:52 UTC 0 comments


I don't know if my planned mid year break is going to happen because I have committed to a trip elsewhere in June. It depends on revenue from software, which is will be nill for a few months more. Ugh. I have started a new project for arts venues. Hopefully revenue will come soon.

I have nothing that I want to say about this week so I will just rant about a 60 million dollar cathedral. Jesus would not approve. "It's easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. What the fuck you call a 60 million dollar cathedral? Jesus said give your things to the poor. Inequality is at record levels, Jesus would have wanted to feed the poor. If you are against mega churches, this is literally a mega church! Jesus was against excess, that is just a fact! Also if God really wanted the cathedral to exist, why was it destroyed in an act of God? Obviously God's plan was to demolish the cathedral. As always if you disagree with my opinion, I really don't give a fuck. I am just taking the piss, because that's what I do. I AM NOT GOOD AT WALKING AND TALKING, I HAVE TO BE GOOD AT SOMETHING! I don't play the disability card to get away with unpopular opinions, what are you talking about?

Anyone offended by this, should fucking get a sense of humour, that is all.
Posted at 31/01/2016 01:12:50 UTC 0 comments

Comedy and Adam Lambert

I am in a hotel in Auckland and internet access sucks, I only have two hours free so I am avoiding going online until I have written my blog. I am just up for the night for the Adam Lambert concert. What kind of idiot builds a hotel near the central fire station? Absurd idea. No wonder it was so cheap.

Did stand up last night. Just for a free ticket to the headline show, because you know, I'm cheap. Tried some new stuff. That went OK, perhaps I'll expand and modify some content when I get back into comedy. Had two Sambucas before the show, thanks Hine!

Adam Lambert was good. I was directly beside the VIP section. Views were good apart from people getting in my eye shot constantly but I would rather be close and have my shots occasionally blocked than be so far away he is only a spec. My only main complaint was he did a slower version of "If I Had You" as the last song I would have preferred the original version.

Saturday now, the downstairs wifi at the airport is shitty, the one at McDonalds just flat out didn't work. Luckily I now know how to get better wifi from Air New Zealand upstairs.

Sunday now, surprisingly I didn't hear any sirens when I was trying to sleep Friday. The air conditioning was loud but maybe that blocked out other noises. Wasn't a bad hotel, apart from the internet.
Posted at 24/01/2016 01:10:28 UTC 0 comments

David Bowie, pop culture, direction

I have nothing to say, so I am just going to rant about stupid shit. OK? Well you don't have a choice as this is my blog.

I am going to talk about pop culture obsessive freaks. David Bowie died, seems that I am the only person in the world that didn't know who he was. Facebook was fulled with David Bowie states, It was worse than Christmas. I now understand that the man made a massive impact on people's life, but I have absolutely no desire to learn about him. That should be OK. There is no universal rule that I have to learn about David Bowie. It's not like laws of physics, do onto others, learn about David Bowie. I couldn't care less about which celebrities/icons people expect me know. People can fuck off.

I learned about aspects of his life through a news video from TheYoungTurks. He stood up to MTV saying that they played too much music from white people. For that he deserves credit. He also impacted a lot of people. Again credit. I couldn't get into his music, but at least I can acknowledge that he was a top guy.

What more interesting to me is the impact celebrities have on people's psychology. People get emotionally attached to celebrities and fiercely cling to them. Luckily Bowie has been without any majorly known controversy. It will be completely different when someone like Bill Cosby dies. Attacking a celebrity is kind of like attacking a person's identity. You see the same thing with political parties, but that's a conversation for another day.

I am not really a pop culture fan. Sure I like some TV and music. However I not into hero worship, that's the same thing as religion, well at least you can prove the existence of celebrities. I am overly inspired by celebrities. I like it that way. I also have no real direction. Being rich has downsides. Being famous has downsides. Where I am currently has downsides. So, I don't really know what direction to take. I will continue with what I am doing with business and see what comes. Suppose what would gives me the most independence and sex could be the most worthwhile. Also being an innovator could also make me happy, and give me the other things.
Posted at 17/01/2016 00:55:11 UTC 0 comments

Trading workshop, software

Saturday I spent two hours at a trading workshop. Always been curious about trading currencies. I am too broke and busy right now, perhaps in a few years, or a year. I'll give it a go after I get a few businesses up.

I am nearly up to the stage of using my own accessibility software, I'd give it a month before I can use it in the first stage, except I'm too broke to upgrade my computer right now. Though hopefully when I finally start selling I won't be broke anymore.

Nothing else to report, I should be starting a local disability site soon. Although I want more variety in my work; as opposed to spending the majority of work time on disability projects. After accessibility software is complete and arts software is development I imagine that I can venture into other industries more.

Jeremy Elwood is performing January 21st at Churchill's. I am also doing six minutes. I am writing new content about being a celebrity in the afterlife. "angel tits" are mentioned. There
Posted at 10/01/2016 01:48:20 UTC 0 comments


I went to a Six60 concert for new years eve. It was good, enjoyed the later parts. A guy kept annoying me by constantly giving me high fives or something, I moved, that solved the problem. Ended up with some women, who were quite protective. One said she was 30 and that she was old, apparently she had no idea that I was 30. I quite enjoyed Mike Taylor as a warm up act.

My main new years goals are to launch my accessibility software and go to at least two concerts. Most of these are already planned and don't really count as goals. Shut up I'll make up any bullshit I want. I have GOALS, not RESOLUTIONS. CAPITALS MAKE THINGS VERY IMPORTANT IN CASE PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND DON'T UNDERSTAND. Can I just say how much I hate people using capitals to emphasize words? Well if I made a goal not to get side tracked, I'd fail. I have no idea of my goals for last year, I probably didn't achieve them. Do I care? No I do not.

Speaking of bullshit, please like this facebook page. God Hates Wheelchairs
Posted at 03/01/2016 01:46:49 UTC 0 comments

2015 is almost gone, new blog

I spent Christmas working, I probably shouldn't have, but that is done now. For some reason I decided to have an anti social Christmas, to go with my anti social life. Well if I am anti social the rest of the year, why change it?

It has been a great year. The end of the year is a bit shit. To be absolutely clear, this has nothing to do with Christmas. It's other stuff in my life that could be better, but never mind. Putting aside that it was a fantastic year; even better than last.

Though work wise, a bit shit. I expected to launch my software company 6 months ago. Traveling overseas a few times and publishing two books is still a great achievement. I am further expanding my disability work with the launch of I guess that I have doomed myself not to get along with the politically correct police. Oh well, people who get hung up with stupid shit really aren't much use to me honestly. Disability advocacy needs to be productive, my initiatives will be. Time to cut the crap and push things that work. I now have two dedicated disability blogs so will schedule my own posts for every two weeks on each.
Posted at 27/12/2015 01:06:31 UTC 0 comments

Random shit

It's going to be a random entry where I just say random shit.

I am sick of not partying, but plan to resume when I launch my software company. I think I've only been clubbing on holiday in August and probably NYE.

I am now working on the internal communication side of my software, still working on eye tracking. Hopefully things will be completed by the end of January, about eight months longer than expected. Hopefully this will have a big financial reward at the end, and I am also looking forward to starting new things.

I have decided that I don't have time to do comedy as other comedians, and I am frankly more interested in creating technology. I don't care about getting famous or being on TV. Fame attracts people, and people are annoying. I'll be satisfied just doing comedy at overseas comedy clubs, I think that is a good goal.

I will be ready to make massive changes to my life in the next two and a half years. (that's oddly specific) I'm getting bored, but want to launch my software company before I make any change. I was supposed to make changes when I hit 30, but the silver lining is I will be in a better position to make massive changes when the time comes.
Posted at 19/12/2015 23:52:18 UTC 0 comments

Dentist, new flag, blogging platform

Time for my weekly blog, I had an early lunch and went to the dentist, sometime this week, perhaps Wednesday. I was an hour early. I knew that my appointment time, other people didn't. I should just do things my way next time.

The new flag design is stupid, looks like someone just slapped a silver fern over the current flag, looks incredibly lazy. The only reason we have it because fucking morons were voting for the "ISIS" flag and deliberately sabotaging the voting process, by the way I actually liked the black and white Maori flag and had I deliberately voted it would have been first or second, toss up between Red Peak. I really don't give a fuck if you disagree with me on this issue. I have my opinion, you have your's. Let's just get on with life. I have no desires to debate opinions on a flag, I have more important shit to do: like investing in a flag manufacturing company. I will be thrilled to dump the British symbol, ditch the monarchy while at it. If no change, the new one is also ugly and that will piss off John Key. Either way, I win. Voting to change, and really don't give a fuck about how you're voting. Go and write your shit on your own blog and I will write my shit here. Also since it's half black and white I'm going to call it half ISIS. John Key is not the only one who can be utterly ridiculous.

I have started a (hopefully) major site using my own blogging platform, the same platform as I use for all my blogs. I am in the process of implementing polls so I can conduct surveys. No idea what type, but it's nice to have the option for all my current and future sites.
Posted at 13/12/2015 01:22:06 UTC 0 comments

Continuing whatever the fuck this is


I haven't posted in the past three weeks due to major website issues. However they are now over, so let's continue whatever the fuck this is.

(Friday 3 weeks ago) I am in Wellington and can only access facebook on the wifi. Fuck this shit. I don't even like Facebook most of the time. Full of outrage porn. This place is shit, the only thing left was a backpackers. I do have my my own room this time, so a step up from the last. Though apparently a hot blond staying in the other room, so a mixed blessing.

Saturday was Elton John, enjoyed it but shitty venue accessibility. Though not as cold this time.

Sunday I went home. Stupid early flights, that's why I brought Redbull. Caffeine is a good substitute for sleep.

Friday I attempted to go to Wellington again, didn't happen because of the wind. At this time I was utterly sick of going to Wellington, though primarily because a guy annoyed me last time, and when that happens why not hold it against an entire city? IT'S FUNNIER!

Saturday I finally got to Wellington, early morning flight. My Redbull wasn't packed unfortunately but had extra coffee as it was free and I am a cheaper fucker. I enjoyed Saturday.

Sunday was also good, I took part in a blogging panel. after the day I went to the Koru Lounge, because the food and alcohol was free. Why do people keep saying that is my favourite word? Free alcohol is fucking awesome though.

Thursday I did a video for Canterbury University, it went smoothly. I am grateful to be working with education institutions as I like being able to teach. I hope to get similar work.

Normal people are taking holidays, I plan to keep working and take a vacation mid year, probably to America. I am finally progressing with eye tracking after months of going nowhere, hopefully I can finish it within a few weeks.

It's Saturday night and I've decided to put on Christmas music "STICK YOUR CHRISTMAS UP YOUR ARSE HO HO FUCKING HO" All together now
"ho ho fucking ho
What a crock of shit
We all work for Santa Claws, we've had enough we quit
Cos we all do the fucking work while he stars in the show
Stick your Christmas up your arse ho ho fucking ho."

This is as close to the Christmas spirit as I get.
Posted at 06/12/2015 01:10:39 UTC 0 comments

Basic pupil detection complete

Today (Saturday) I got accepted into a San Diego conference. Pity there's no way I can go with my current financial situation. Maybe if I find an investor for my accessibility software company but that chance is slim. If I can't go I'll probably go to Houston in August for an expo and LA afterwards for my birthday when my accessibility software company is up and running. I finally completed basic pupil detection this week!

I would be open to investors on my ecommerce platform. I am also working on a domain name research tool. Plus I have a number of other projects that I need people to market/could take investors. I need staff or partners to get my projects up. I'll seek them after my accessibility software is running. I am even more crippled without reliable accessibility software.

Eye tracking, turns out, wasn't the most productive use of time versus web programming. If I had of known it was going to take me this long I probably wouldn't have taken on the project. Although it is good to challenge yourself and do different things. I am probably going to limit challenging work to one day per week next year so things still move.

Due to my weekend schedule for the next two weeks blogs will be posted on Monday, obviously excluding tomorrow.
Posted at 15/11/2015 04:27:32 UTC 0 comments

Robbie Williams, Comedy, Business

Saturday I went to Wellington and Robbie Williams, I should have dressed warmer. I thought the concert was rather shit at first, found him really annoying on the first two songs. After that I really enjoyed the concert. The venue absolutely sucked though. Didn't have an easily accessible entrance and I had to 20 minutes to get out in the fucking cold, which was completely unnecessary. They should have just opened up the accessible gate when the event ended.

Sunday I had my stand up show. It went well. I had great feedback from the show.

Tuesday I went home. The airport took far too long to get my chair. I am considering complaining.

I have now restructured a part of my business more towards the disability industry. Hopefully this will go ok. The old stuff wasn't generating significant income. Hopefully when I launch disability products the new asset will help promote it plus be a good outlet to get my writings out. Regarding software; word prediction is done, pupil detection is nearly done. The software company will finally launch next year.
Posted at 08/11/2015 02:31:15 UTC 0 comments

Wellington, Lifehouse, Neil Diamond, Comedy

Monday I went to Welligton to I guess lobby for a card which has been on my to do list for years. I am glad that I was able to do this and never expected that I would go to Welligton to do this. I had a planned trip to Auckland afterwards. I went to a Lifehouse concert. It was good, when everyone stood up I took the opportunity to go up the front. I think that they wanted to move me upstairs, but fuck that. I was very happy that they let me go up front. One thing that amused me was the people filming the concert. No idea why they do that. There are hundreds of videos online already, your footage will not be so amazing, just enjoy the fucking music. People today, pifft. Now get off my lawn.

Wednesday I went to Neil Diamond. It was good but I had no idea where I was supposed to sit as someone took me to my seat but I moved and someone ended up taking my seat with a carer beside them. Found a slightly closer position so I didn't care. I was meant to share a taxi but since I like to get out before the crowds the driver took me home first.

Thursday I performed at the Classic, very positive response, someone liked my approach to terrorism. Thanks! Fighting terrorism with military forces is fucking stupid. They've been fighting the Taliban for 15 years. At what point do people say this isn't working? Apparently it was about harbouring Bin Laden, but they got him years ago, in another fucking country.

Friday I went home.

No blog next week, scheduled trip.
Posted at 25/10/2015 02:57:36 UTC 0 comments

SURPRISE , speech, social enterprise


I know I said that I wasn't going to post this week, I lied, or rather my weekend in Wellington got cancelled, or I am lying right now. You decide.

Wednesday I did a speech about non verbal communication, it went well, apart from some slight technology problems. Stupid communication software takes about five minutes to load then interfered with my speaking software when it finally loaded. It only recently started doing this. Piece of shit, I'll be so glad when I launch my own communication software, but that is taking about six months longer than expected, fucking annoying.

I am also planning on building a social enterprise which sells humour products to fund technology and screen projects. Contact me if you would like to be involved as I am seeking people to assist me with this as I am busy with eye tracking and accessibility software, among other things.
Posted at 18/10/2015 02:30:00 UTC 0 comments


Well I attempted to do something this week, but I seriously fucked up, but luckily I was able to postpone the event. I also can't post a blog next week, busy.

Can I say how much drink drivers suck? I am allowed to drink and drive, because I don't kill people. Don't fucking drink and drive if operating on the road. I don't know if people get upset when I say automated cars are the answer, but I am a solution provider, and this would significantly reduce this type of accident and can't come soon enough, provided they're not prone to hacking. I don't know if I would be legally allowed one if I can't drive myself, I hope so. Even if not this would ultimately be good for the road toll. I can only hope that this prevents idiot drunk drivers from killing people.

I have also been looking into automated corporations. Some say they're possible, some say that corporations need to be dynamic and respond to sudden conditions. Personally the answer may be somewhere in the middle. I am an automation freak, I am a programmer and do things very slowly, so I like to automate things. I have also crap marketing skills, so making marketing at least semi automatic along with a design overhaul for my sites could work well. Customer service, I have developed infrastructure to semi automate that. Maybe I'll try a test automated corporation as an interest project. I could likely use parts of it elsewhere, though I have a backlog of projects so won't be for quite a while. However if you're interested in my work surrounding this contact me, I can probably help with a customer service solution for starters. My current spare time project is to improve software for my business infrastructure, finally getting around to it again after a long break and will allow me to keep much better track of things.
Posted at 11/10/2015 02:14:46 UTC 0 comments

Eye tracking and rambles

I have so many road blocks in developing eye tracking, it's like driving in Christchurch. However I am building a really flexible system.

I did nothing but work this week, do you what that means? Time to ramble about shit. I'm like Sarah Palin, only not a fucking idiot.

I don't have anything substantial to say so I am just making stuff up. I am like Donald Trump, only not a fucking idiot. Am I going to do anything else other than bash right wingers? Probably not.

Time to focus on things I like, honestly I like making fun of things I don't like, so let's just continue doing that! This is probably why I spend the majority of my spare time doing work.

People have asked am I a troll? Well actually I asked that question and nobody else has. No! I don't spend my time directly abusing people. Not even John Key! Firstly if I don't like you there's a good reason. I am not going to spend my time abusing people, I have shit to do, literally I spend time shitting, plus many other things. I type so slow it would take ages to send hate tweets. By the way definitely follow me on Twitter @thanepullan. People should be thankful I don't type quickly so I can't abuse people unless I genuinely wanted to waste my life.

Speaking of wasting a life, wasn't Shortland Street good this week? Actually I don't watch it. I watch Days Of Lives on YouTube. Even though I think that most characters are just dumb on that show and people raise from the dead too often. Now if they returned as zombies that would be interesting. Oddly enough that is the only scripted show I regularly watch. I watch John Oliver and Bill Maher, every else is YouTube shows like TheYoungTurks.

I have shit to do, goodbye!
Posted at 04/10/2015 00:59:01 UTC 0 comments

Melbourne and plans

So Melbourne, if I did anything before that I am sure I will remember in time. Went Sunday, I was going to do a blog post Saturday, didn't fucking happen. Got too busy. Went to Melbourne at 4AM, that's a fucking stupid time to fly. Watched JFK on flight, I found that interesting. Is it wrong I found him kind of cute? No, it's only wrong if I wanted to fuck him now. Anyway, conspiracy, I'm putting that in the probably not category, but I would find it more plausible than other popular conspiracy theories. Yeah, I watched a movie about a president, I am such a political nerd. Melbourne practically lost my chair, it was as bad as Shanghai. Went to Vodafone in the city, it would have been easier to get a sim at the airport. Went to McDonalds, they have a double quarter pounder, no idea why it isn't called a half pounder. Ridiculous. Only other time I went out was for my gigs. I worked on my third book for the rest. I liked the crowd the first night; there were more and their laugher was louder.

Second night was not the best, was not the worst either. Strangers still came to see me, and don't think I had any walk outs, that was good. There were positive and negatives about the situation.
kWednesday I went home via Auckland. I am booking months in advanced next time.

I now have two festivals under my belt, an international comedian and am now the author of two books. Hire me for fucking corporate gigs. I'm brilliant.

Next big comedy trip will be mid to late 2016. I was reminded I quite like performing, however launching a software company will give me the income I need to travel. I will either travel with comedy, public lectures or presentations about my software, maybe a combination.

After I finish volume 3 I will probably work on a book about capitalism and psychology, along with a book to be made into a screen production of some sort. I will likely do both at the same time.

Volume two of The Teachings of the Grumpy Cripple is out now! Order it through Amazon, or contact me if you live in New Zealand.
Posted at 27/09/2015 01:33:40 UTC 0 comments

New opportunities

wel this week came with new opportunities, I am not going to talk about them but one project is a collaboration and I have other ideas relating to communication and creating music, and if I can use the technologies beyond accessibility, let's say a new phase of my life will start. I had a meeting Thursday about the collaboration project, it went well.

Friday I did a music therapy speech and questio/ answer session via Skype, it went very well and I enjoyed it. I am open to further offers in this area.

However my main focus after my Melbourne show is launching my technology company. Basically I'm waiting to finish software and then it's time to get staff and sell. I will also work on new concepts after eye tracking, I am excited about my new ideas and know that my life will be dramatically improved if I can get my communication idea to work, specifically in cases where I can't have a physical computer in front of me, and even at home when I don't want to use eye gaze. The programming for this is actually not going to be difficult at all! Hopefully I can work on it in November.

No blog next week, I am in Melbourne, sorry. Actually I am not sorry!
Posted at 13/09/2015 02:10:39 UTC 3 comments

Flag and Christchurch rants

Don't think that I did anything this week, made a break through in an art software project, progressed accessibility software, had to rebuild a website, nothing terribly exciting.

So I am going to complain about the flag. The old design is shit. The new design will be shit. I can only conclude that the people picking the potential new designs had some sort of weird sexual fetish for silver ferns, 3/4 flag have them. I thought that our national icon was the kiwi, not a fucking silver fern. I'd vote for a maori design, and not because I like maori designs, art in general does not interest me at all. They're the native people of NZ, do one of their designs and be done with it I say. I'm far from culturely sensitive, but seriously, what else is there? Sheep? Cities? Possibly the environment, but a good design can integrate maori culture and the environment, the best of both worlds. The flag panel was stupid, but I guess it is done now. At least we get to ditch the horrid British symbol. I have nothing against the British, but their flag can stay in Britain, and their prehistoric monarchy system but the majority of New Zealanders disagree with me. Speaking of popular vote, if half of the country wants to keep the flag, it would seem the wrong time to change it, as much as I want to myself. I love democracy (unless special interests hijack it), but I am not entirely clear whether I can be bothered voting for this. Side note, did flag manufacturing companies donate to the National Party campaign? Probably not, but the thought is amusing and totally in sync with the modern political system.

The flag now like a wasted opportunity, much like the Christchurch rebuild. it's been five years. The city is still filled with road cones and the only ideas for economic stimulation appears to be getting migrate workers in and a convention center. Nothing against migrants, but why couldn't we start training locals four years ago? This would have put a dent in the youth unemployment. A counter point to this is the rebuild is only temporary, but at the current speed it would be a fucking lifelong career. If they had any brains at all they would realize that New Brighton will probably be "beyond fucked" in 30 years due to climate change with the sea level rise, this is a prime opportunity to plan for this case. Instead they are doing absolutely fuck all about it. This is absolutely a wasted opportunity and will probably have serious consequences down the road. Even worse, I saw a news story that much of the repair work is flawed. I have said this before, and I will say it again. UPDATE THE FUCKING BUILDING CODE!!!!!! It's based on sixties legislation. If you don't make sure that buildings are secure in an earthquake prone zone, you are fucking dumb. If you you don't make sure that buildings are secure in an earthquake zone after a massive earthquake, you are even dumber than the people who are fucking dumb.

This entry turned into an anti government rant. Oh well.

In other news I have some plans for next year only if I can pull off eye tracking and/or accessibility software. I will likely announce them at that time. I suddenly remembered I did have a business meeting last Tuesday, and have one next week.
Posted at 06/09/2015 02:46:27 UTC 5 comments

Speeches, software, books, economic output

Friday I did a small speech to the students at Computer Power Plus about how I do programming and also my approach to business. It's on my YouTube channel. Link on the side. Don't forget to subscribe! I need more subscribers! I have an upcoming speech in Wellington, however I am filming it at home and appearing on Skype. The wonders of the internet! My 15 minute speech should be released on YouTube in two weeks.

The people who are interested in my software continue to expand. That's very good. I still have about a month of development to go, then it could be time to consider getting a business manager.

I am currently working on the third installment of my book series. It will be a more personal take on experiences, or at least part of it will be. I don't actually have a solid plan for it, I am just writing whatever comes to mind. That's kind of like volume 2. I think that I was just thinking about stuff to complain about for part of it. In my defense the publisher finalized volume two much sooner than expected, so it must be good! Go and buy it in October! Volume three will have one part personal experiences, and another part my usual factual style. I'm rather interested in writing about economic inequality for people with disabilities, I think that it's an Interesting topic. I have already written about the economic output of my careers, so it's a logical extension.

On economic output, it's kind of depressing knowing you have the skills to earn $80 per hour for a company as a senior programmer, but type ten times as slow so can't get hired. However I am pleased that I never went to university, if nobody will hire you, what's the point of getting qualifications? Rather than learning at institutions, I am doing speeches at them. I am spending my life building technology and see big things when it's all complete. Life is fucking fantastic actually!
Posted at 30/08/2015 03:10:14 UTC 6 comments

China and other stuff

Saturday I went to China and got travel sickness, fuck that we arrived early so the airport didn't have anything ready, i went down the plane stairs as couldn't be bothered waiting for the eagle lift. They couldn't find my wheelchair, but did eventually, thank fuck. China is fucking hot, idiots that don't believe in global warming should totally go to Shanghai in the summer, not quite the most legit evidence out there, but fuck it I'm talking about China.

I slept for a few hours after the flight. It's actually extremely rare for me to sleep in the day time so I was impressed. Went out after. I remembered how much I love big cities. I went to M&M World which has three floors full of M&M stuff. I brought a tie for stand up comedy, thought that would be random to wear. Then went across the Bund. The city At night looks amazing.

I have never been stared at so much in my life. People particularly randomly stare when I am talking. It is amusing when they stare when they are driving motorbikes, I'm like a public safety hazzard. We are just waiting for one to crash.

Tuesday i went to the Financial Tower which I was supposed to be 100 floors but I only got up to the 94th. So fuck that, I should have gotten a discount. Then I went to the A. That was fucking boring but I enjoyed seeing live penguins. I couldn't understand why people were taking photos of the fish, there's plenty of fish pictures online if you wanted to see pictures of fish. I enjoyed going in the underground tunnel under the river with the light show.

Wednesday and Thursday I went shopping, actually not really, I am a tight ass so didn't buy much. Wednesday was the outside market. Some people brought photos with me; because I'm a cripple I guess. Thursday was a department store and a supermarket. Exciting stuff!

Friday and Saturday were partying nights. I enjoyed Friday more because there were clowns at the gay club. LITERAL CLOWNS! I also got less drunk Saturday, let's say my decision after a slight initial hang over. They had crap shows on the Saturday and there was also less people which was interesting.

Sunday the only time we went out was to get train tickets. I am making the most of hotel time. I know that I really shouldn't do so much work on vacation but it means that I can justtify some work on spare time projects later when I do programming again.

Monday I am currently on a five hour train trip to Beijing. More time to work! Now making an effort to look out the window every so often. The new hotel is somewhat awful, particularly because of the constant tooting outside. I brought ear plugs and wear one at night, it's not so bad.

Tuesday we went for a walk and also had very nice pizza.

Wednesday we met with various people to discuss the opportunities of doing business with China. It went very well and I will form a business strategy around the things discussed

Thursday was my birthday. I had narchos plus two chocolate martinis and various other alcohol. I decided to try pole dancing and succeeded. On this night i went to Blue Frog and Kai Bar. Ended with eating KFC and a nightmare about a kitten; they're not so cute when they're eating your hands. I thoroughly dislike cats.

Friday some prick utterly wasted a few hours of my time when I could have been doing something more productive.That night I had multiple Long Island Iced Teas, bad idea! I was going to have Vodka, but I was handed them. I don't even like LIITs when I am out clubbing. I drink more liquid when I drink Vodka although China seems to make Vodka mixes very strong, which is actually a pain if you're going all night on it. The first club we went to sucked so we went to a massive gay club called Destination. There was probably 2,000 people there. I got in free! It was fun, I was in a dancing mood. Although not when people were waving my arms about. I deliberately acted as unenthused as possible, they still kept going. Even though the club was a short distance from the hotel, Craig and I was so drunk we got lost. It was hillarious! Ended up in KFC which didn't have any chicken, useless fuckers, I wanted chicken.

Saturday, got up at 3, yes 3. Apparently the sun was too hot to go out and we would fry, suited me. Although I wish that we didn't leave the unbrella in Shanghai! That night, partying, again. I had a tiny bit of Long Island Iced Tea left. I really hate wasting alcohol. After that I had a Vodka and Redbull and then Vodka and Sprite. I was feeling very over clubbing by 330 but stayed for a while. Then Craig wanted to go to another club but apparently it was dead so off to KFC again, luckily it had chicken. The end of clubbing was basically spent thinking about things instead of partying. We witnessed a crash, I didn't cause it, unfortunately.

People clubbing here have been much less annoying since most people cannot communicate with you. I love it, it's great.

Couldn't really sleep, problems with air conditioning. So Sunday I really had a can't be fucked day and didn't go out. Luckily I had most of a second Vodka and Redbull from the night before due to a mix up, so drank that after coffee, why the fuck not? Also had some Sprite and Vodka left. I thought that I would keep my fluids up by drinking that too.

I now have the shirts I specifically wanted after hearing about them in stand up comedy in NZ. I heart BJ. (Beijing) You really expect me NOT to do something like that???

Monday I am on a train back to Shanghai. The others didn't think to make sure the taxi was ordered the night before so they were running around like headless chickens. And people call me disorganized. We had to get two cars to the train station. Craig was incredibly relieved when we made the train. Train trip over. The hotel for the remaining night is very nice but they made a mistake with the room, I was able to move. There is an annoying buzzing sound and the tap appear to turn on randomly. There is still random horns, looks like I still need the ear plug.

Tuesday it's back to Christchurch. The fucking air conditioning unit was broken. Absolutely fuck that hotel. Never going there again. Did eventually get to sleep though. Trying to restore my body by by constantly drinking today. We waited for about an hour for the plane to take off. Now it's bumpy as hell. Fun for my motion stickness. Also feeding.

Wednesday I couldn't be bothered trying to sleep so I had Redbull. Noisy shits on planes should banned or isolated, didn't get to sleep. I knew that I should have taken another sleeping pill. Luckily I didn't get motion sickness. How come I didn't know that they served Vodka on flights until now??? Took advantage of that.

Friday I am out for a meal with the family and finishing off this blog... Found out that night that I am now a victim of credit card fraud. What a fucking inconvenience.

Saturday I went to the bank.
Posted at 23/08/2015 00:22:13 UTC 10 comments

Software, comedy, China

This weekend I am spending most of my time programming because I am going to China next weekend and I want to see what software I can finish. Basic word prediction is mostly working, eye tracking needs the most work. I am hopefully going to finish a 3D graphics program too.

Thursday I did a gig to get to Melbourne, I have most of the money, well about two thirds. That is great, the money I make from Melbourne will cycle to the NZ comedy festival even though I don't really see the sense of gigging when literally everybody else is. People can buy limited tickets at one time and if all the shows are on at the same time. That model seems completely bonkers to me. Also why the fuck can't Christchurch have official festival programmes here? We're just as big as Wellington. Though the comedy festival will be a great excuse to travel.

Chilna is not really a vacation because I have will start a new book and will probably do a presentation on accessibility technology. On the up side this means that I can spend some work time doing projects that interest me later on in the year, or knowing me I'd try to them into commercial products, because why the fuck not? Inventing things that interests me and making money off them is a fucking good aspiration. I have started this process, so fuck yeah.

You shouldn't expect a post again for 3-4 weeks. I don't exactly trust the internet security in hotels.

See you later people! Actually if you're in another country this is highly unlikely. Also I am not seeing you right now, be very worried if I could.
Posted at 26/07/2015 00:21:38 UTC 404 comments

Apparently I am talking about male strippers for some reason

I had a better week this week, further along in all three major Windows projects. Will be happy when I can finally work on websites again but my Windows work is critical for my success. Also it means that I will no longer have to put up with shitty accessibility software since I would have invented my own. Hopefully I can get it to work before my vacation.

I am spending part of the weekend working, nothing else to do and I have to finish stuff before my vacation.

Here's my comment for this week. Why do people say "hi guys" when females are around? It's like that gender is utterly ignored. This bothers me. If I say that I want to fuck hot guys, could I now be mistaken as bisexual since the term guys can refer to men or women. It's possible that I have some mild form of OCD but I am bothered by this. If you want to refer to both men and woman, use the term people. I know this isn't the most pressing issue women face today. Side note what's the wo in women? Anyway I consider myself a feminist, specifically an equal rights feminist. Men should be objectified as much as women! Actually stumbled on new research very recently that says that male strippers partly do it because they genuinely like the confidence boost. Now the deeper issue weren't discussed, let's discuss them. Men who strip are primarily fit, so they probably take pride in their bodies and are less likely to have a problem with people looking at it. Some, not all. Some theories on why some guys take pride in their bodies include psychological reasons such as filling a void due to other issues, and thinking that's the only way to find a mate. Can the issues be fixed and exactly who's problem is this? Is it mine as a spectator to educate them on the possible deeper issues going on? Possibly, but you can't fix everyone and such comments may not be welcomed. Not objectifyng them is an option, but you simply cannot stop people objectifying others on a mass scale, anyone thinking otherwise is living in a delusional fantasy world. In fact this is even more impossible because the need exists on both sides. Conclusion: promote education of this issue in blogs etc, but realize time is better spent solving other problems.
Posted at 19/07/2015 01:12:29 UTC 254 comments

Vomiting out thoughts

I like to think of myself as an honest person. Honestly I'm increasingly frustrated at the pace of my accessibility software development. I am increasingly frustrated at the lack of focus on my websites because I am spending all my time on Windows programming. I also want staff, I don't have staff and can't until I'm further with my software. I broke a nail the other night, why the fuck not complain about that too? I want to do more innovative stuff and move on to other projects, but can't until eye tracking is complete. Can I complain about anything else? The answer is always YES! I should be hired more for stand up, I am fucking amazing. I am OK creating my own opportunities though. I am still fucking amazing and should be hired. Why not keep bitching at this point??? I don't get drunk enough, I am not where I want to be in my career. The people running for President are absolutely fucking lunatics. Isn't anyone alarmed that you could be batshit crazy and can get a job running a country? George W Bush was a moron and people still voted for him. why must I be so fucking attractive? Why doesn't hair grow on my chest? Seriously I am asking! Why am I too lazy to look up a scientific explanation for this? I am almost 30. Fuck I am almost 30. Someone thought I was 19 the other week, can't complain about looking young, or can I? Challenge accepted. This actually contributes to people thinking that I have no intelligence. Fuck those people! I wrote a book and am a software developer. I am probably much more intelligent than the people assuming I am thick because of the wheelchair and looking young. Young people are not as stupid as people think, of course many are exceptionally stupid but the same can be said for old people! Are you still reading at this point? Why?

Hopefully I will be less frustrated in a few months. I can do amazing things. It would have helped if I started doing amazing things a decade ago, better late than never. What I am suddenly considering is making software for movie studios, it's worthwhile targeting a desirable industry. Again it's important that I do my current ideas. I have project ADHD!!! However, I could just invest in such software when my current pieces of software are launched. This could allow me to go into the film industry without doing the bulk of the work myself. I TOLD YOU I FUCKING NEED STAFF!!! Maybe mid 2016 I will consult with movie studios in NZ about potential projects then take the technology offshore. Maybe my ideas about text to speech can fit in somehow. OK that is my goal for 2016 and beyond. Obviously I will do lots of other stuff too. Again, project ADHD which has been half my problem for 13 years, but is leading me recently to new and inspiring places. Once I have staff I can better make money from projects and will be more free to move from project to project, especially if people take over the development of projects.

This blog post is my brain vomiting out thoughts. You get that on here sometimes.
Posted at 11/07/2015 23:51:44 UTC 410 comments

Software, books, technology

I am progressing with accessibility software, although slowly. This month I hope to complete eye tracking software, or have it mostly complete. I also have some possible speeches and a headline stand up gig at Alvarados 23rd, 7:45PM, please come to that if you're in Christchurch, it will help me get to Melbourne. Koha entry.

I sent the second volume of Teachings of a Grumpy Cripple away to be edited. It should be available late 2015. I will start the third book next month to be released mid 2016. I am enjoying seeing the book constantly low stock at Amazon; that means people are regularly buying it! For those who want to buy directly from me just go to

With accessibility software and another project which I can't reveal it seems like I have progressed into creating awesome technology for a living. This is what I had desires to do a few years ago, now I am doing it and am looking forward to what's coming next. when I launch my initial products, I am going to try doing more speeches and comedy, the security from software revenue will help me do more exciting and interesting things.
Posted at 05/07/2015 04:13:58 UTC 99 comments

International entertainer

Thursday I went to Brisbane for a stand up comedy gig, I can now call myself an international entertainer. I'm definitely going to apply for more things. This was an important lesson from this. You really don't know what you're going to get. I mean fuck, my entire comedy career started this way, now I performed in Brisbane with the same type of thing; me just deciding to randomly do something and it working out brilliantly. Taking the time to apply was a fucking good call. I should focus more on comedy after I launch my software, I will have more money then. Fuck it, I am taking on the world!

Friday I went to the opening of the Undercover Arts Festival. I enjoyed some great company.

Saturday I took part in a leadership panel, gave me some great ideas for my next book. I have also decided if people are calling me a leader, then I am a leader. I decided that I was hot using the same method. That night I performed a 30 minute stand up comedy set. I received some great comments afterwards. This was a truly amazing experience. I am truly grateful.

Sunday I am going home. The wifi doesn't seem to work in some parts of the airport. Can Is just rant about internet access? Why the fuck is it so absolutely appalling in hotels? This hotel it would only work in a certain spot. In a hotel in Welligton it is always painfully slow. You would think that since internet access is so essential for business it wouldn't be so constantly awful. It is almost always a fuck around. I might consider buying mobile internet on some trips.

This is pretty much the end goal for comedy, traveling demestically and overseas in a cost effective way. I have taken the first international trip. Now I need to keep building software so I can help subsidise trips for years to come.
Posted at 29/06/2015 03:49:09 UTC 494 comments

Software, Theatre, Arts Festival

I have successfully created software to detect the position of pupils in images. This means that I can proceed with creating eye gaze software. People could even use webcams for eye tracking if they needed to. This is a very significant step. I am excited! Making image applications is mainly about modifying numbers. I am keen to do more of that in future as I have several ideas.

Thursday I went to a student at CPIT theatre production: I was invited. Some parts of it was just weird, some was funny. I enjoyed some of the music, surprisingly modern. Also surprising nobody sang, I guess as a gay man I am automatically programmed to think musical when I go to the theatre, which is approximately once a decade.

My blog next week will be late since I am doing my first international gig in Brisbane! I am closing the Undercover Arts Festival. It really sucks to be this awesome.
Posted at 21/06/2015 08:26:30 UTC 201 comments

Software and books

I would say that I had a worse week than usual for reasons that are really only relevant to me. However I have come away with some fantastic new ideas for my accessibility software, a few changes will make me possibly compete in a new market, then again maybe my ideas can be postponed until after official launch.

I have decided to sell my books direct, I never considered doing this until the opportunity came up. This is bit of extra cash that will be an enormous help over the coming months. On a side note, I now fully understand why people hate banks. It would seem dishonour payments unfairly target the poor and if you get many of them the cost will add up. If I had $20 to just throw away to the bank, my account wouldn't have been so low in the first place. It's literally punishing people for being poor. Luckily it only happens once a year to me, but still, fuck the banks!

Things have been tight this past two years, but I have also been doing much more. Can't complain. (but am anyway!) Perhaps that statement should be \'shouldn't complain" rather than "can't complain" as anybody can complain about anything, unless they are unimaginative. I have some fantastic new opportunities going forward.

Monday and Saturday I had meetings, nothing terribly exciting.
Posted at 14/06/2015 03:03:24 UTC 129 comments

Software and gig announcements

Spent my Saturday afternoon and evening trying to work out how to do modular programming, I finally hit success! The only issue is that the first eye gaze device is not working but hopefully I can solve that problem in time. In the meantime I am going to create more extensions for the application. I have also learnt how to create graphics software, hopefully I can create video software with that knowledge. I have no official training in programming so I am learning everything from the web.

Did things Friday and Saturday morning. You don't need to know about them.

I have booked a Wellington show November 1st and I will also do a book event at that time. I have a fund raising for Melbourne gig in Christchurch, not sure when. If Melbourne is successful that's half of the NZ Comedy Festival costs taken care of. Things are definitely progressing in this area despite mainly focusing on software development, I expect that software development will slow down sometime in before September, I can do other stuff like promoting my book and gigs. Hopefully I can have staff and revenue will start coming in. This is a long time coming and will make life better.
Posted at 07/06/2015 02:20:27 UTC 975 comments

Programming, Entertainment, Paperback Book


This week I pretty much focused on learning modular programming for my accessibility software. I think that everything is all sorted for that now, hopefully! Will further test in the week ahead. I practically a full time Windows programmer until Brisbane. It's looking like a September launch of my accessibility software. I know that I said July but considering I am going away for half of August perhaps September is better. That way I can take a few weeks off early November. I have also taken on an additional software package that I am doing with a partner.

I need a new entertainment manager, but may have a lead. Any manager would need to focus on corporate shows and travel opportunities. I need that people I employ or partner with to make me money. I am very good at not making money; I have been doing that for the past 14 years. If I wanted the people I work with to not make money, I'd just work with myself. The function of my staff and partners is to take my ideas or programming code and make me a fuck ton of money. I am a fucking genius dammit. I need to use my intellect to my advantage and get rich. Other people are better suited to manage my projects, that's where I am headed! I also prefer money than fame. However I can be a good teacher with fame. That's the only advantage I can see. The problem with fame is fans project their own dreams, expectations and ideas on to you. I expect that is why many famous people go insane or turn to drugs. I would prefer the benefits without the batshit crazy fans. I am not sure that's possible. This is probably a shit pitch to a manager of my entertainment projects. Really don't care. I do comedy primarily for travel perks, and I am currently being very successful at it and I would prefer that to continue.

I am now a published author! And not just self published. My book actually has an ISBN! It's called Teachings of a Grumpy Cripple. It will be in stores very soon!. You can currently order it at Amazon.
Posted at 31/05/2015 03:15:05 UTC 121 comments

Gigs, Piction, eye gaze

This will be short because I am busy and really can't be fucked. Don't I make you feel special? Yep.

Performed in Christchurch Friday and Piction Saturday. I received great feedback on my comedy and the message behind it. I think I will go with more of that theme in future. I find that truly rewarding. Do you know what else I find rewarding? CA$H!!! I am sleep deprived so I am typing like a lunatic. You probably noticed no difference. Two hours sleep, people really need to tell people to shut the fuck up more, the drawback of not being able to talk. Actually I would have joined the party if I had known how long they'd be.

This is a day late. Shit happens.

This week I hope to have one eye gaze system integrated in my accessibility software. I have quite a few eye gaze methods to integrate. Looking forward to that. Fuck I'm such a geek.
Posted at 24/05/2015 22:11:31 UTC 0 comments

Eye gaze, business, comedy

This week I took a major step towards eye gaze software and I hope that I can complete it within two weeks. It's possible that I could take it to Brisbane. I still haven't found a business manager and believe that this has a lot of potential. I'll consider taking on an investor for this and my ecommerce business. I am better at building products than making money but I am finally taking steps to get other people on board with my products and ideas. Hopefully it works out.

I am performing as part of wider shows Elmwood Tavern May 22nd and in Picton on the 23rd, I would advise to get ticketS early for the Elmwood.

I was going to take half of July off but with revised business plans I'm not sure that is going to be possible, it may be a terrible time. Maybe I will just switch that time to November. Both of my main businesses should be independent by then. I was looking forward to July but at least I would have finished the core accessibility software development and can focus on other things. Just noticed Windows 10 is coming out, I will probably have to do extra work to make it compatible, but hopefully not
Posted at 17/05/2015 04:58:26 UTC 0 comments

A&E, Hosting, Melbourne, Happiness

Spent yesterday at A&E, there's probably nothing to worry about, I take a better safe than sorry attitude when it come to my health. I will not share what it is at this time because it will be probably be nothing.

Thursday I hosted a comedy night at Jane's Bar. I had my first heckler, he was constantly heckling throughout my set. There was nothing I can do about it so, I just pushed on with the show and occasionally laughed at his comments. People always ask what do I do in the case of heckling and before this I didn't have an answer. Now I do. Thank you random old guy in a wheelchair for providing me with an answer: ignore them.

Me and my entertainment manager have decided to try and raise money to get to the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Click here to donate. It was extremely disappointing to not be a part of the New Zealand comedy festival this year. Now I have two possible international shows. This more than makes up for it and has given me renewed enthusiasm for comedy. It will be so good to travel and spread my comedy and hopefully change a few people's perspectives. That is what I am working towards with this. Your donation will help me take my entertainment career to a new high and also bring laughter to people. This also has the side effect of demonstrating what people like me can do which helps with the public perceptions of people with disabilities as well as give hope to parents and people who experience disabilities. I like the way I've made my campaign about other people. The bottom line is that you'll be helping me greatly by allowing me to travel as part of my career. This will kickstart this ambition.

I do bring happiness to other people though. I released a video of me and Anastacia and all the people commenting were incredibly happy to see it. I like the fact that I can bring happiness to people without much effort.
Posted at 10/05/2015 04:59:10 UTC 0 comments

Gold Coast, Dancing with Anastacia, Brisbane

Friday I went to the Gold Coast. I threw up on the plane. The plane was nearly diverted. Thank fuck it wasn't, that would have been a disaster. The trains also wasn't working from the airport which was fucking annoying. The apartment also sucked, not designed for wheelchairs, lip in the floor when you come in, shit shower. You can hear people outside when going to the bathroom.

Saturday was awesome though and was totally worth the trip. I went to an Anastacia concert. I liked the seats, reasonably close. At the last song which happened to be my favourite Anastacia came over to me and danced. I couldn't quite believe it happened. Me dancing with a pop star? That's something for the bucket list, which I didn't know was on. That is not how bucket lists work but do I care? Not at all. Anastacia must have seen me in the crowd, she actually came over to me directly. This will be a good year.

No thanks free this time. I have two more trips to do that.

I have been accepted into the Undercover Arts Festival in Austraila, I go back to Brisbane in June for a performance. This is my first international gig. I told you this year will be good!

Tuesday I performed at Alvarados, people said that I did a good set.

Thursday I am MCing a gig at Jane's Bar.
Posted at 05/05/2015 02:16:16 UTC 20 comments

Software, War, Comedy, Delay

This week I've managed to acquire, this is going to be the name of my new business! It's the perfect domain for an accessibility software company! I have started the beginnings of eye tracking software, I will get into it properly next month. Thursday I met with someone from Canterbury Development Corporation to explore some avenues for the business. Things are slow, but it's progressing.

What can I complain about this week? Anzac Day? Nope. I will however complain about the pointlessness of the Iraq war and fighting ISIS. These wars are fucking stupid and only exist make the defense contractors very very rich. War should be a last resort. We should absolutely defend our country against intruders. Correct me if I am wrong, but the US hasn't done this in 30 years. Most of the 9/11 highjackers were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq. I support the people in the army, I support them even more by not wanting them to fight in wars they don't need to be in. This saves lives. Opening hooters around the middle east would be far more effective than bombing them. To open people's minds you have to introduce them to good experiences. Do that, and watch them flock to your side.


I have just finished a six minute script for Tuesday night at Alvarados. Topics include head transplants, John Key, sex robots, terrorism. Should be fun, or a disaster, or both.

I am in Brisbane next weekend but will post about the 5th.
Posted at 26/04/2015 00:49:27 UTC 532 comments

Rod Stewart and software

Monday I went to Auckland, Tuesday I came back from Auckland. I went via Wellington, that was a fuck around, I don't recommend doing that. I went to Auckland to see Rod Stewart, I enjoyed his music. R&R Taxis is also a very reasonably priced mobility taxi service, I recommend it. Auckland was good apart from being fucking cold and had some crappy service, some good service too though.

I am drinking with a friend tonight. (Saturday)

I have decided I don't have enough fun for the amount of work I am doing. I am hoping things will change in a few months, or after China, I'll try and prioritize fun after my software has launched, which is taking fucking forever. I have a clear target for everything and that is July. I'll probably spend two days a week developing eye gaze software next month. If I sacrifice something it would be word prediction software. It's critical that I finish eye gaze software before my China trip, Can always do word prediction software after that.
Posted at 19/04/2015 00:31:54 UTC 1311 comments

Partying and facebook groups

I was going to work also all day today since I am in Auckland Monday for barely 24 hours but got invited to a party tonight so that plan failed. Did three hours today, will probably do about five hours tomorrow. My mind could be crap tomorrow, perfect time to do non creative work.

Thursday I went to the doctor, not Doctor Who, my doctor. I had some kind of head pain issue. Turns out that it was a neck muscle issue.

Facebook groups are a waste of time. Especially ones fulled with people that moan about being insulted. Getting upset over random people online is a waste of time. If you post unpopular things, you can expect to be insulted. This is coming from personal experience, not just from insulting people. I am actually surprised how little insults I get, but when I do I just ignore and/or laugh. It would seem that we don't give people the emotional tools to deal with the harsh realities of life, this goes with financial literary too. The education system can be improved tremendously if we stopped the utter pointlessness of some of it and actually taught better life skills. I insulted someone and proceeded to blame the education system for not teaching people how to deal with online insults. Marvellous! At least I know how to make fun of my tendency to blame others. I am entirely self aware. I also think that some forum admins get drunk with power, or at the very least enjoy asserting authority. You must do what I say because I am the Admin blah blah blah. This is the only power I have dammit, so I will assert my authority, RESPECT MY AUTH-OR-ITY! I'm now speaking about forum moderators in general, a certain percentage are like that. In short, I am not posting on facebook groups anymore because I can't insult people. This is also the reason why I won't do customer service. I like to speak my mind, and really shouldn't, but now I have a career out of it, so fuck yeah!

Last night I went to a party, it was good.
Posted at 12/04/2015 01:08:34 UTC 134 comments

Billy Idol, Software, Holidays

Going to Billy Idol tonight writing this before I go out the door because I have nothing better to do, don't you you feel so special?

I have decided to start launching software next month instead of this month. My software lines are progressing each week though, it's exciting. I am looking forward to finishing some projects in a month.

I haven't taken Christmas or easter holidays so I plan to take six weeks off from late July. Only I have work to do in China then. Only I don't know how to spend my days not being productive so realistically I can see myself doing the minimum amount of work and doing programming and entertainment projects that interest me, that's how I will spend my holidays.

Billy Idol was good. I fail to understand why people hate on pop music so much. If you study the music of rock and pop, much of the lyrics are remarkably similar, sometimes identical. Both genes repeat the same lines over and over, both have long breaks between lyrics. The similarities are amusing. People like what they like, and that's OK. Last night was enjoyable. I did my usual trick of leaving just before everybody else to avoid the traffic.
Posted at 05/04/2015 04:52:51 UTC 372 comments

Projects and Rant

This week I have decided to do two or three additional spare time projects, which is a bad idea since I haven't even started on singing synthesis software yet but I will definitely work on it after I launch my Text To Speech Studio which is the base of it. will get an upgrade with event dates and a newsletter, I will keep you all posted. I still don't have a name for my accessibility software company despite working on such software for about five months. I will figure that out.

I should really avoid facebook on sporting days. Time for a random rant. I tend to avoid facebook at Christmas and Easter, everybody just says the same thing. I don't want to read the same thing over and over, so I just avoid facebook on such days. I have even less tolerance for sports. I watched some cricket earlier in the week, it's just people hitting balls over and over, it was fucking boring. I can't believe that people watch that for hours on end, well actually yes I can believe it. I also find it annoying when people say something is unbelievable. A pink and green duck that shits on John Key from the moon is unbelievable. Most things that people say are unbelievable, are actually believable.
Posted at 29/03/2015 01:56:53 UTC 159 comments

Making shit up

This will be a random ranty entry.

A few weeks ago my screen died and I got a bigger one. I was always told that I could only use a 19" screen. They don't know what they are talking about. I am using a 22" screen. For the last six years I've use a smaller screen, for no reason at all! I hate being stuck with small things. That was the reason I dumped, never mind! At least you know where I stand when it comes to size, nowhere I can't stand at all hahaha.

I am super pleased with the progress with my software. Added several new features to my text to speech studio this week, should be ready for commercial release in about a month with my accessibility software soon after. I am getting what I need to use it on my own computers. Perhaps I will make use of my old equipment by throwing it at someone I don't like. Of course since I cannot throw I'll have to pay someone to do it for me. Or just find a mutual enemy and perhaps they will do it for me. I'd be charged with conspiracy to assault a person with obsolete accessibility software. Would that be the charge? Who cares! I am making shit up.

I would like to announce that I am going to Africa. I would like to further announced that my last announcement was a lie. I am not going to Africa, anytime soon.

This week I attended a talk Thursday, a meeting today and a dance party yesterday. I didn't like the DJ in the first half because he would keep cutting off songs. You get into a song then it would suddenly change. Fuck that! The only good thing was you're never stuck with a crap song for too long. I really liked the music in the second half. Good dance music. Some are outraged that the staff made a rule against shirtlessness. To be fair, that's kind of the point of a gay dance party, isn't it? Well it is for me. I can dance at home, the only shirtless sexy guy is me, most of the time. Hopefully I can increase the density of hot undressed guys in the future.
Posted at 22/03/2015 03:48:22 UTC 969 comments

Software, China, Comedy

I have decided that I really need to launch my Text To Speech Studio product so I am getting that ready for commercial use. I am doing the same with my accessibility software. As for comedy, the big focus is preparing to do corporate shows, I expect that this will be a long process. I also want to try for the Billy T award as well. I missed out last year due to scheduling conflicts, it hopefully won't happen this year. I basically booked the flights and ended up going to a concert, then the auditions moved, so I theoretically could have auditioned. This year I will be better prepared to do it.

Last week I announced that I was going to Brisbane, this week I am announcing that I am going to China. It's a business trip plus I am spending my 23rd birthday there. Oh, it's actually my 30th but people keep being surprised at my actual age so why not just tell people that I am years younger? People called me a hermit for not going outside. WHO GOT MINIMAL SUN DAMAGE AND LOOKS YEARS YOUNGER BITCHES??? Anyway, China, I am exploring the idea of selling my accessibility software there. By August I should have eye gaze and switching accessibility software as well as word prediction software. Hopefully then I will be completely financially independent and can travel more on business! Exciting times!

Performed at Alvarados last week. It went well, people were very complimentary on my new material.
Posted at 14/03/2015 22:24:25 UTC 161 comments

Brain interface, Comedy, Anastacia

I have decided to investigate options to get a brain interface system sooner than I planned. From what I can tell it's mostly done by mapping the intention to move rather than actual thoughts; I like this idea. I have seen people control the cursor with their head, which won't work for me, but perhaps I could map it to my eyes. This will enable me to use eye gaze in sunlight, I am also researching more options for my singing synthesis application. I think that I have found something better. Some things are not going as fast as I would like, but I have no shortage of things to do.

I am performing at Alvarados Tuesday, sometime between 730-10. I wrote some stuff about Mediums this past few days, I think that it would be a good set.

Anastacia cancelled her New Zealand tour, so I am going to see her in Brisbane. I was going to skip it but I figured that I went to LA for concerts last year, Australian is small in comparison, and singers tend to die from drug overdoses randomly. I may as well see her now.
Posted at 08/03/2015 02:37:02 UTC 2447 comments

Software, music, comedy

I have pretty much finished all the essential functions I need personally to replace my switch scanning software. The next step is getting hardware to interface with my application. Also I need to start on programming eye gaze and word prediction software, that's my task for the next four months. I am also now looking for someone to sell my accessibility software, want to start selling in April. I am also working on another product to help run websites, I am finishing that next week. I am also working on my first mainstream Windows software, that's slowly coming together.

I am making moves towards the music industry, but this will be a super slow process as I have a ton of other stuff to do, planning to get more serious about music in June.

I performed stand up at Alvarados this week. I have had better sets but still got praise afterwards.
Posted at 01/03/2015 01:20:04 UTC 125 comments

Eddie Izzard, YouTube, Foo Fighters, Software

Monday I went and saw Eddie Izzard, parts were very funny. I like how he takes history and makes up stories about it. The style is refreshing.

Tuesday I went to a seminar on YouTube. I also took some notes and will implement some ideas like scheduling comedy videos monthly. I am going to create new channels like Christchurch scenery and events, and maybe something on disabilities plus a channel for stunts etc. That's all for now. Oh I imagine I need a channel if I am going to produce music too. It's been an awfully busy month so I don't expect to finish my singing synthesis software in February as planned, but it's a priority, I just have roughly a million things to do and was away from my main computer more than expected this month.

Wednesday I saw Foo Fighters. I was told that the wheelchair platform was upstairs so I went in the corporate lift, but that wasn't it. Opps. Also the lift broke down when on it. Fun.

Friday I showed some therapists my accessibility software, they seemed impressed. The next step is to create a video of it so I can show potential distributors outside of Christchurch, planning to do that next weekend.

This weekend I am again working on a number of projects.

I have another performance at Alvarados Tuesday, performance two weeks ago went great.
Posted at 22/02/2015 02:39:58 UTC 1125 comments

Eye gaze and Wellington

I have places to be, so let's get this over with. I am sorry for not posting yesterday, actually I'm not. I was in Wellington.

Firstly, I got funding to get an eye gaze development kit. This means that I can now develop and test my own eye gaze software. This is a big step forward for my upcoming accessibility software company. By August I hope to develop eye gaze and also word prediction software. This is badly needed. I am on my way and hope to launch the initial switch scanning software in April.

Monday I went to a birthday and had ice cream and Kahlua, brilliant idea combining these things, I don't know why I hadn't thought of that before, What could be better than ice cream and shots? Sex.

Friday I went to Wellington for a gig. Going Friday was inconvenient but the extra time I had Saturday to organized things was very worthwhile.

Sunday I filmed a video for YouTube with Andrew and Jepha as crew, thanks for helping! My Parliament/wildlife documentary sketch is going to be hilarious! I am also filmed with a gathering of Wellington YouTubers. I had a great time filming. It was cool to do a tiny bit of acting. My only line was "You fuckers". They asked if I was comfortable swearing. LOL they obviously didn't know about this blog, or seen my stand up. Quite a few did come and perform stand up that night, I really appreciated that! My performance was great, topped off a great day. I had lots of applause breaks and enjoyed listening to the other acts.

Came home Monday and my eye gaze device arrived, that was unbelievably quick! Oh, there was a fire drill at the airport, they put the cripple inside out of the wind. Thanks but if the fire was real I think that I would prefer to be cold.
Posted at 16/02/2015 03:39:42 UTC 998 comments

Electric music festival and I need more staff

This week I basically just went to an electric music festival Friday, it was good though too hot and too cold at times, separately. I left soon after Shapshifter started. I tend to leave early to avoid all the masses of people leaving at the end, it's a great system I think. I imagined going later than I did but the time I did go was OK. I wish that I could have been bothered finding the narchoes though. I also want to buy some sort of glow in the dark suit, they look cool.

I need more staff to work for me very badly. Hopefully I can hire a person in April. I may get them to work on multiple businesses for me, but getting them to grow my accessibility software company would be the priority. Next week I am going to work on more mouse functionality for the software package. I am impressed on how big it has gotten, and it will get bigger. I hope to make it the most flexible in the industry.

My disability book has almost doubled in size, I am again running out of topics, but should be good for a week or so, maybe I will just end up writing about the different types of disabilities. That direction sounds unappealing though.

I am basically spending the entire weekend on spare time projects since I am going to Wellington next week. I am performing at Fringe Bar on the 15th.

Oh and my wheelchair keeps coming apart, not good, need to complain.

I am performing two love themed half sets Tuesday at Alvarados. Local comedy starts at 8.
Posted at 08/02/2015 02:28:24 UTC 429 comments

Sting, Paul Simon, Auckland, Work

Friday I went to Auckland to see Paul Simon and Sting. It would help if the total mobililty scheme get their shit together for people who are in Christchurch but travel to Auckland; the cards don't work up here and the drivers can't be fucked filling out the form. This is technically part of their job, but never mind, people should be thankful I cannot talk.

I am pleased that I manage to complete the scanning functionality of my accessibility software. This could be huge for me and I am looking forward to it launching. I love the idea of owning a technology and research company. I can see the start of it.

I basically spent the entire weekend on the continuation of my disability book. I did went to a bar and had wedges because I like things that are cheap. It had crap access.

Going back tomorrow, I am writing Saturday night so I can just post this when I get home.
Posted at 01/02/2015 03:47:11 UTC 912 comments

Programming and comedy

Completed hotkeys for my accessibility software this week, now it's just a case of perfecting the scanning for it. Other work is going well, will complete another project within two weeks. I am going to start advertising for positions soon.

Friday I went and saw a few metal bands, I think they were metal. I was drinking, the rest doesn't matter. If I am ever short of comedic inspiration going to a room full of drunk people is an excellent way to be inspired!

I am performing in Wellington February 15th, it's a GLBT comedy night. I don't know if we're making fun of being GLBT or what.

Tested a set yesterday, it went well. My next set will be two themed sets. I'll put them on YouTube. My entertainment manager is working on more things for me to do locally, not just strictly comedy. I have also installed my animation software again, this is another tool in my entertainment box and I will probably use it.
Posted at 25/01/2015 01:34:10 UTC 464 comments

Comedy, software, music, drinking

Performed Tuesday, it went well. I have decided to change my software so that it can roll back lines. Sometimes the audience takes a while to start laughing and I hit the next line just as they start. This will solve this issue. I was going to use a second switch to respond to hecklers but I never get hecklers. Perhaps I can add a third button. I am also working with a friend to do something unique and possibly hilarious for my stand up comedy act. I won't reveal it until the prop is finish.

Switching and hotkey integration is started on my accessibility software, perhaps I will finish next week. I am quite keen to get started on my electronic singing software, perhaps I will do that in February, possibly earlier. I know it's possible, I saw something similar by coincidence yesterday. After looking online again a day (It's Saturday) after I wrote this, I have found some commercial software, I have inquired about it.

Sunday now

Last night I got pissed with friends, it was a good time.
Posted at 18/01/2015 02:43:00 UTC 323 comments

Programming and Plans

It's Saturday, spent half the day building a very basic Python application, C++ appears to be better for commercial applications so I think I will go with that instead of Python for this specific applications, I'll start learning that next week. I spend most of my free time programming, i'm such a nerd! For my first accessibility software project I'm pretty sure that I can have basic scanning done as well as implementing hotkey controls next week, possibly the week after for hotkeys. I have new plans to release eye tracking software and a separate word prediction application by August. The initial version of my accessibility software will be commercially released in April.

I have decided to spend my birthday overseas, probably China. It will definitely help if I can finish accessibility and word prediction software before then so I can promote it there. Of course it won't be all work! My party will be after I come back, going to hire a hall, why the fuck not?

Some people don't like to turn 30, I however think that the best times are ahead. I have been doing more different things this past two years. I will launch what I have been working on and it will open up new possibilities! I am excited for the future, I also had lots of fun in my twenties and if things go to plan, that won't change! It will only get better. I am very excited to start making progress in the field of accessibility, I also have an ecommerce software partnership and stand up comedy. I am also finding writing the continuation of my disability book fulfilling, I suppose it depends on the specific topic. This week I wrote about self segregation and whether people with disabilities are more likely to be narcissistic. My mood is passionate currently.
Posted at 11/01/2015 02:25:54 UTC 376 comments


Spent New Years night at a Concord Dawn gig. It was great, best night in ages, I think, I can't remember recent nights, but let's say it was. You don't know if I am going utterly insane or saying things for comedic affect. Let's keep it that way! Someone called me inspirational, I think that my internal reaction was something along the lines of "I'm just at a club WTF". Girls were paying attention to me all night, I wish that I was bisexual! One was giving me drinks. Nice, if you're paying attention to me, at least give me drinks! I was asked to randomly fist bump everyone that passed by. Why? I don't know. I was there to dance, not fist bump people! someone called me a god, I wish! I had visions of messing with people like Bruce Almighty.

I don't DO resolutions but I am planning to do these things in 2015.
Release a music project. Seriously, the night reminded me I need to experiment with writing my own music. I'll probably do that in the second half of this year.
Keep saying utterly ridiculous shit. Doing so is working for me.
Get a green screen and camera mount for my wheelchair for YouTube videos.
Do more themed sets.
Go to more concerts.
Finish a full book of 30,000 words, currently at 15,000.
Take a spontaneous holiday later in the year, I am working over Christmas to do this.
Write and release more software paceages as well as increase web work. Perhaps some software packages will be on the smaller side.
Have some time to myself; not doing work or other commitments. This is not easy as I have a default mode of being busy. When I am not working I do spare time projects. For example I finished work tonight, got frustrated when I couldn't find the Days Of Our Lives episodes I wanted on YouTube then randomly started writing this blog for the past hour. I just don't DO chilling out. Perhaps I should try dancing, or get so drunk that I cannot use this computer. I can use the computer very drunk, so that is not really an option unless I want to vomit, which I don't.

It's Saturday now: two days later.

Spent my day off writing an application to enable me to watch YouTube videos on my secondary monitor without constantly having to move windows. It could do with some improving but it's fine for personal use. I'll probably do a small public version later this year.

Sunday comments.
I have decided IF I am going to stay in Christchurch for a few more years I need to take more holidays to Auckland and overseas. Perhaps I'll do a combo LA and Europe trip next year. It depends on how successful my software companies are.

I am now going to work on a spare time project or two, or more. I really should try to create more Grumpy Cripple memes.
Posted at 04/01/2015 01:56:22 UTC 385 comments

Last blog of 2014

I have worked all week to get most of my websites back up. I can continuing programming now, but I have decided to reduce Windows programming by one day a week to work on other stuff. I should have my Windows projects completed by March. I still need to redo some websites but they are not a big priority.

Wednesday I performed at Churchill's Tavern. I really enjoyed that performance, and more importantly so did everybody else. Well they laughed and applauded throughout, so unless they conspired to do that even though I was shit to give me fake confidence, the conclusion is they thoroughly enjoyed it. I am not sorry for that conspiracy theory, I am however very sorry for not having a tinfoil hat when typing it out.

Thursday it was Christmas day, I spent it with family. A few other people were drinking this year. Makes a change.

Friday I went to the pub and wrote some comedy. Only managed a few lines, I was also researching brain interfaces for computers. I think I may try one next year.

Last blog of the year. This year has been good! I went to LA, went to about five concert, started stand up, been in all sorts of media including TV, published an Ebook, got a physical book publishing contract, finally got into Windows programming. I am not where I want to be in life but I can get there with work. Things are looking good for me. This year has been quite random with completely unexpected experiences, but I like it, may that continue for years to come. I have been quite sober this year in comparison to others, I expect that will change eventually. I think that I can make next year better in some ways, launching more software companies will be awesome and I have no idea what places my comedy will take me, I am enthused!
Posted at 28/12/2014 02:21:19 UTC 4019 comments

Site problems, 7 Days, Katy Perry

I have been having several issues with my websites recently. Many of my blog posts from several blogs are gone plus I have other issues to deal with. The bottom line is my websites bring in no revenue, which is why I have moved towards developing software this past year. I hope to fix my websites but beyond the next week or so, they'll be a low priority. Launching accessibility and ecommerce software companies is my biggest priority 2015, site development will be my last priority after writing comedy and books.

Tuesday I went to the dentist and 7 Days Live, enjoyed the latter more.

Thursday I went to Auckland, the taxi was 1.5 hours late but that was OK as some random drunk guy paid. I didn't know about it until he had paid. Oh well, thanks random drunk stranger. I also met an ex All Black from the eighties. I don't like rugby, but his friend paid for my taxi, that's all good.

Friday I went to Katy Perry, it was a good show. Similar to Pink's in Sydney.

Saturday I went home.

Next week I'm performing at Churchill's on Christmas eve; it'll be a mix of old and new stuff.
Posted at 21/12/2014 06:09:16 UTC 24 comments

Stem cells, taxi companies suck and some other stuff

So apparently stem cells do not have massive benefits for adults, whether multiple treatments will have additional benefits, I don't know. It's probably a wait and see situation, maybe I will wait a few years, or not, haven't decided.

Yesterday three taxis were booked and only one came. Well actually the second one came but to the wrong address and an hour and an half late. I specifically booked this company because they're apparently mandated to have a wheelchair taxi on at all times. This particular company has lost my business. I will now avoid them at all costs. Problem is the others just say that they don't have taxis on, hence why I am forced to use this particular company. Right, I am avoiding taxi companies at all costs.

I was going to go to Cruz, that didn't happen. Spent the night watching South Park, Robot Chicken and some extremely morbid comedy, I think it was a comedy, it was the most fucked up shit I've seen in a long time. Lucky I brought extra Tequila, when it was obvious I wasn't going to Cruz I thought I'd have some shots.

Thursday I went to the doctor, he basically renewed some medication, nothing terribly exciting. It was pissing down.
Posted at 23/06/2013 04:54:29 UTC 545 comments

Business, stem cells, cures, Audacity, Cruz

In this entry I will discuss cures and stem cells, but first can I ramble about business? You actually have no choice.

It's Saturday.

Yesterday was not productive as I spent virtually all day trying to make graphics, and failed. Gave up when someone offered to do it for me in exchange for web hosting. Haven't mastered GIMP yet, but I will learn. Thursday I made a very simple Windows program which basically goes from one page to the next through buttons and also has an exit button. It's crap, but I consider it a milestone! I have practically decided to press a head with the accessibility software idea, first an onscreen keyboard (template based) then add scanning and mouse functionality to it. It would feel great to eventually use accessibility software I made myself! I will also do the games of course. Also fixed some problems with my ecommerce product, but that's less exciting.

Original plan with stem cells was to do it in three years before I moved to Auckland. However I'm really hoping I can convince a local clinic to do it, that would be so much cheaper than staying out of the country for 3 weeks. If that fails China is cheap and again I will consider doing it sooner if, and only if, I can use my own stem cells from my own fat. Apparently they're safer than donors, no cancer or rejection risks. I hope that I can get somewhere with these options.

I don't believe that people need to be cured of their disabilities if they don't want to. Some embrace their disabilities. I am clearly not in that camp. I also don't believe that accepting your disability and not trying to lessen your disability are mutually exclusive. I purposefully use the words "lessen your disability" rather than "cure" as science has simply not gotten to that stage yet, perhaps it will, perhaps it won't, but any lessening of my disability is good with me, I'm not expecting miracles, that would be unrealistic. Living independently perhaps with the aid of assistive technology, perhaps this is an unrealistic goal too, but meh, I'll see where I am in three to five years.

The downside of getting treatment is I would need to give up alcohol for five years or more. On the plus side I'll save a lot of money that I could use for other things. Of could if I become more mobile later in life, I will eventually run into old age, so my mobility will probably peak then decline again LOL.

Still Saturday, but hours later.

Just tried mixing music. Not successful at isolating a central tune. Is there a simple way I can do that in Audacity? Zoe? Perhaps I should try to create a version without voices then I probably zoomed in a bit to far to be workable. Picking up the interface, I just need to know what the best way to optimize time. My feeling is it will be easy but somewhat tedious once I get the hang of it. I want to learn and I hope to pick it up reasonably fast. I have several uses for this skill.

Sunday update.

I think I found a way to remove vocals, but getting the beat to flow is a bit time consuming. I think I better switch to another project which will be more constructive; making sets. Let's say there could be a tiny demand for an electronic DJ, more on this later. I am also keen to play around with public domain songs and possibly doing some political humour.

Last night I went to Cruz. Before that I watched TV, had a good laugh at some conspiracy show about lizard people, who believes this shit? At Cruz some people left drinks on my tray, made one turn around but apparently he saw nothing wrong. Moron! I was dancing with this cute guy but a girl cut in and started blabbering. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Got a phone number written on my tray however it was raining so I could guessed how that would have turned out, yep...
Posted at 16/06/2013 02:20:01 UTC 175 comments

Disability Attitudes, Plans, Cruz

This is a disability themed entry. A friend blogged about the lack of outcry from abuse from disabled carers. I don't want to talk about this specifically but it does lead to ask the question whether there's a societal problem with disabilities? I still find it extremely patronizing when people say "It's good to see you out". Seeing a disabled person shouldn't be anything special, we're just normal people. On reflection there is a problem with disabled people going out; some are reclusive and have a give up attitude, some think it's too hard with accessibility. In life I find there's usually sets of problems feeding off each other.

I know I was extremely reclusive 16-22, I should make this absolutely clear it was not because of the reasons above. I was simply a nerd and workahollic! I was also struggling with my sexuality. I came out of reclusiveness when I found an old school friend on myspace (anybody remember that?) and coming out of the closet gave me a renewed interest in going out and finding a partner. Yeah, that didn't really work out and now I am happily single, again! This was also around the same time as my brother's wedding, so perhaps it was a combination of events that launched me out of total reclusiveness. Now I just go out clubbing (which I feel a bit old for, but eh, nothing else to do LOL) and see a few friends occasionally. I am still very much a nerd and workahollic. I do want to travel more when I have the cash.

This brings me to my decision today. Some months ago I talked about creating a wheelchair shoot em up game. I think I am finally going to do that. Quickly looking on the internet I can do it in C# which I already started learning months ago. Coding is winding down on my massive PHP projects so I can create the game to develop my skills in another programming language. I'll dedicate Thursdays to it, Wednesdays will be blogging and PHP products as I never have time to do extra blogs. Friday will be website development. Monday and Tuesday, PHP products. Weekends, usual two weekly blogs (BF and NP), PHP products and starting next weekend, making music and/or comedy skits. Getting back to the game, I will do a pledge drive for the graphics or perhaps a kind soul will donate their time, or perhaps I can refer web design clients to them. I have plenty of options. :) I will monetize this through donations and disability comedy themed T shirts, which can be another small project of mine.

A new attitude of mine is ranting alone is not enough, It's time for meaningful action. The T shirts are part of that. Other things will come later.

Stay tuned next week for thoughts on stem cells and cures.

Last Sunday I went to the second birthday of Uprising. It was good, some good looking guys there, didn't take anybody home, bit disappointed, no idea why, I never do.

On another note I have had a fantastic day today.

Next day: Sunday.

I went to Cruz, I ordered a Redbull because I wanted to see if it would help me stay awake, it helped, I think. oh before that I fell down a hole in the footpath. You would think after two or three fucking years they would have repaired the footpaths in the central city. Apparently not. It's like the fucking third world. People tried to used me as a table five or six times, the first time it was a guy I knew and I knew it would only be temporary so wasn't really that fussed. A woman shouted me a shot around closing time. Thanks to her! Much appreciated! I called someone a clown because he was dancing like shit and he (jokenly) flicked me the bird. That guy needs a makeover if he wants to pick up chicks. Just my opinion! Because the chicks always love me, which isn't particularly useful seeing as I am gay.
Posted at 09/06/2013 05:42:03 UTC 625 comments

Random thoughts on poverty

Oh dear, what can I write about. I can't be bothered rhyming better so can I say I don't have a snout? I got drunk hours ago and it's worn off. Fuck.

It's Sunday... Just.

I am going to pick a random topic and write about that.


Sure, why not?

It exist because the rich have too much money. That's cliche and rather boring.

There's two types of poverty western poverty and extreme poverty. Two different types, two different causes. Extreme poverty: Cause by corrupt government keeping the wealth for themselves instead of helping the people. Western poverty: caused by corporations and powerful keeping the money to themselves, aided by the government. My point was these things have different causes, but on reflection that's wrong; governments cause poverty, or at least the bad ones. This is really a recent problem in the western world. It started in the eighties, maybe earlier in the UK. The entire system has changed. Higher education used to be free, it's not now, students have to take out loans, much of the world has to pay interest. This leads to more debt and less accessibility of education. Less education generally leads to more crime in communities. If you're uneducated you're unlikely to get a high paying job. Not all people struggle, some do, some of those and turn to crime because they're desperate. Hence the increased crime. Another thing has also happened since 2008, a new batch of beneficiaries has been created caused by the financial collapse. So we're dealing with growing poverty in the western world. Considering there used to be slaves, perhaps income equality peaked in the 70's then has been going down since Thatcherism, Reganomics, Rodgernomics. I have no idea of my point. These are just random thoughts with no real purpose. To fight back either two things need to happen. 1. A few really rich people need to heavily donate to make a difference. 2. Information needs to treated as currency as opposed to money. Especially information on politics. This is also not likely as people simply don't really care for politics or live in their own bubble actively rejecting information instead of understanding it. Perhaps humanity is doomed to vote against itself, and unless something changes, that could always be the case.

13 hours later.

I am considering learning how to speed read but if I lose meaning in the process, as I really only read things to learn, I don't see the point, thoughts???

Friday I saw Hine, didn't go out any other time but going out tonight.
Posted at 02/06/2013 03:40:13 UTC 2107 comments

Crap and doctor

So nobody facebook liked my blog entries since I started writing super crazy. I am offended FUCK YOU ALL! I thought that people wanted me to be insane and comedic. I don't know what people want. I want money! Specifically your money, but anybody's money will do. Yes I am drunk on a Saturday night, why not? Drunk in charge of a computer. This doesn't end well. Seriously, Y U NO LIKE MY POSTS??? A conspiracy theorist just blocked me on facebook bahahaha good riddance! You and your clan of conspiracy nutjobs will accomplish nothing since most of the things you fight for don't exist and frankly it's an honour to be blocked. I definitely have a love to hate relationship with conspiracy theorists recently. I am just morbidly fascinated by them.

Next day: Well it was technically morning when I wrote some of the above, but let's ignore that.

I went to the doctor Wednesday, sorted some problems I was having out. I also had to get a letter to be able to fly on an airline. Ridiculous! I have flown many times in the past, countless in fact, so fuck that! The letter does say I am "highly intelligent" so I can live with getting one. The visit to the doctor was productive though. I also got a blood test done and need to go back to the doctor in a month.
Posted at 26/05/2013 02:38:42 UTC 1170 comments

Work, Happiness, Cruz

Going out soon, probably to Cruz, unless I get abducted.

Well I am not happy because I basically have to redo all my scripts due to an upcoming change in PHP. The changes won't be too bothersome hopefully but it's time I could be spending doing other things. It's really mostly renamming functions so I am really grateful for my mass replace software. Other stuff is going well but I still need to get around to developing sites. Been spending most of my time on my shopping cart script which is going really well but I am getting sick of the project honestly, I need to do other things.

I have also recently decided to enjoy life more. I don't know how, I like sex. Someone have sex with me???

OK, that wasn't exactly what I meant. Although...

Nah, I'll find someone soon enough for that, always do...

Oh getting drunk also makes me happy, but that's still not what I meant. I listen to music constantly so that can't be it. Blogging and comedy makes me happy so perhaps I will do more of that. Errrrrrr don't I say this frequently and never do.

Oh well, I'm repetitive.

Oh well, I'm repetitive.

Oh well, I'm repetitive.

Oh fuck

Haha I bet you weren't expecting that!

Next morning: last night I went to Cruz. Before that I had two Absinthe shots, that was interesting. Girls were trying to give me drinks through at Cruz, straws. Only problem is I can't suck, so, yeah. I just acted like I was getting some. What else what I meant to do?

Oh I now get email notifications of your blog comments, which doesn't particularly matter as nobody comments on my blog itself anyway. Sometimes they do on facebook.
Posted at 19/05/2013 04:29:57 UTC 697 comments

I could have been soberer

Blah blah blah, I am just typing because I am bored on a Saturday night and need to do a post with nothing to talk about. You know it's going to be a good entry when I have nothing to talk about and could be soberer, is that a word, it is now!

How are you? I don't care! This blog is about MEEEEEEE! Isn't that fabulous! I have a blog to myself! I am just typing any old shit that comes to mind. Can you tell? I have my crazy hat on. Can you tell?

I had Narchoes for lunch today. No I didn't, that was a lie. Why would anybody lie about what they had for lunch? I don't know why don't you ask someone who tells such lies. Oh shit, that would be me.

Not telling you what I had for lunch, mind your own business.

I think that I have discovered something more boring than watching cooking shows, watching poker shows. I am actually not sure, which is more boring to watch; cooking or poker? Hello and welcome to the Poker Stars dot zzzzzzzzzz. Next week on My Kitchen Rules zzzzzzzzzz.

I had an ulcer this week. YAY FOR A CRIPPLE TELLING YOU ABOUT HIS HEALTH PROBLEMS! HOW FASCINATING! Have you ever had Cerebral Palsy while having an itchy nose and an ulcer. That shit is not fun. I also had a haircut. I look sexy, but I always do.

In boring work news I finally developed code to work with IPV6 IP databases. Especially useful for creating advertising backends. I needed to do this three years ago but never mind. I can greatly improve my products now. Seems I am learning new skills that I have meaning to learn for years. I also acquired a generic poker domain, going to develop a site on it. I am moving away from parked domains to developed sites, parking revenue is shit. Although my new provider has improved things a bit. Developing sites is where the money is. Now that I know how to design, I should be all set.

Blah blah blah, you don't care, fuck off.
Posted at 12/05/2013 03:10:45 UTC 21822 comments

Business, skits, night out

Well I have started on my Christchurch site, it should be ready to launch Wednesday. It will be very basic to start. On another note I think I have finally learned how to design sites using all public domain (free) templates and graphics. My lack of design skill and eye has held me back for years but now I am pretty confident I can spit out professional looking sites now, at zero cost. I have plenty of existing sites that need redoing plus I am planning to launch lots of new sites including a few major web development projects. Everything is coming together very nicely. It is going to be a great year, it already has been in terms of business progress. Got no offers for the things I discussed in my last entry. Maybe I will advertise for some volunteer actors or do a pledgeme campaign so I can pay them. Come on, I really want to do deaf tourettes skits and skits involving annoying people treating disabled people as if they're stupid. Someone can voice what I am thinking. Let's make this thing happen! Saturday night I went to Kat's birthday and Cruz. Had a few Kahluas at Kat's. I really want a bottle of Kahlua, and lemon liqueur, and honey liqueur. I like liqueurs. This post makes me sound like a drunk, but doesn't every post? I am not a drunk, and if you think otherwise you're a fucking idiot. At Cruz a woman kissed me on the cheek and when she found out I was gay she got a straight guy to do the same. That was random.
Posted at 05/05/2013 04:24:18 UTC 2374 comments

This is a blog post, whatevs

Arrrrr I didn't really do anything this week and could have done more work. I was stuck on a SQL problem for two days and didn't solve it, gave up and took a break. Did do some last night and will continue tonight.

What to talk about? Well I keep forgetting to talk about the performance of my new brain diet, which isn't exactly a good sign, but do think that I am slightly sharper in some regards. Coconut Oil taste like shit though. Blueberries taste OK.

This week I should really start on the local site for Christchurch t. Pifft, I have no ideas, do you? Please comment! I know there must be galleries, a page listing community organizations to get involved with. What else? Does anybody want to write for the site?

Hell, if anybody want to run a few of my sites, contact me! I need a few managers to help make sites profitable. I am far better at programming than running sites. Serious, competent people only please.

What else can I ramble about? Seems my Labour Party membership expired in January, and I still get invitations and news. Meh if they're still sending me invites maybe I will show up for some. Except for the members only events, that would be stupid. I'll be voting Green anyway.

This isn't a very comical entry. Does anybody want to act in YouTube videos with me? I have some ideas for some short clips that I think will fit nicely with the thanepullan channel, or I could make another channel. Either way I need a person to uh basically act like a ignorant idiot so people can laugh at the situation. Any takers? I know, I make such an inviting offer! The idea came to me last night while I was drunk on duty free Sambuca.

This entry is crap, fuck.
Posted at 28/04/2013 03:36:31 UTC 1093 comments

Equal marriage celebrations, writings, Cruz

Wednesday I went to the Pegasus Arms to celebrate the forthcoming passing of equal marriage. It was great being part of history (whatever the hell that means) and witnessing a mini civil rights moment. I could have went upstairs to watch the reading of the bill but decided not to as I had no doubt that it was going to pass. Anika Moa was playing downstairs so I decided to just listen to that. A woman was yelling at me, but that's OK, she was just trying to talk to me. Errrrrrr I am not deaf, so maybe don't yell? I wonder why people do that; I have a wheelchair, not hearing aids. Completely different departments, what's the connection? I wrote something else here but decided to publish it as a standalone article. You can see it here.

I also wrote about how to fix climate change and you can see the rest of my articles/rants here. I seem to pop in and out of writing for that site. Apparently I'm much less provocative, so next set of rants I'll try to improve. Fuck fuck fuck, is that better?

Last night (it's Sunday) I went to Cruz. I was going to go, then wasn't, then Craig said let's go partying at 12, so we did. I was amazed we got a taxi so quickly. I was going have a jager to start me off, but that turned into seven and I didn't end up having Vodka. Turns out Jager is a great anti depressant, perks you right up. OK not really, stick to your medication or coping strategy if you experience depression. I am an offensive jackass! There was stupid people spelling at me, two were literally one after the other, I have no idea they said, nor do I care.
Posted at 21/04/2013 04:19:09 UTC 2410 comments

Auckland, Issues, One culture Launch Party

Sunday 7th April. Friday me and my parents went to Auckland; family trip! They moaned pretty much the whole time, they hate Auckland! I like Auckland but do hate driving around on roads etc. Auckland is OK, as long as a don't have to wait in traffic. That night went for dinner at SkyCity, had ribs and pizza. Couldn't find my rewards card for free coke. Total rewards points I have is probably 0.

Saturday we were going to go to a disability expo but that didn't happen, I didn't want to go anyway, so that worked out absolutely fine. We went to get a taxi but couldn't. Then we were waiting for bus #2 and that was inaccessible, gave up on waiting for another one, went to a pub, I had a Vodka and also enjoyed Narchos and watching Pink music videos. Why the fuck do they have inaccessible buses. I must complain! Public transport is not public if the public cannot get on it.

Sunday I went to Burger King, that's it. Spent almost all of the rest of the day blogging. This is the main thing I have done this trip. Only went to Burger King for something to do.

Sunday 14th April

Monday it was the Paul Simon and Rufus W whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is concert. By coincidence I sat next to a friend. I knew one song per singer LOL. The trip was an excuse, and that excuse disappeared, but the trip was very worthwhile. Oddly allowed me to get over my ex, had trouble two nights, but for two very different reasons. I was already finally starting to get over him the previous week. That trip further streamlined the process. Sam was incredibly fun while it lasted. I regret nothing. I guess I am ready to focus on other things. Whether I want a new relationship... Well, I never required one before Sam, and my attitude has reverted back. So no...

Thursday I launched a campaign to make Auckland transport more accessible, I don't know how successful I will be, probably not very. At least I can say to myself I don't neglect disability issues. I have always thought that. In reality; I don't. I have always covered a wide range of issues including disability issues, GLBT issues, economic issues, women's issues. I am not an one issue guy and don't always focus on issues that effect me on a personal level, in fact half of the time I don't.

Saturday I went to a Young Labour forum with David Shearer. I'll release a blog about it Tuesday or Wednesday on another site. Later that night I went to One Culture launch party. I thought the last DJ was pretty hot. I was right up the front so had a good view. (general view, not of him. Well...) A woman was randomly spelling out jungle. Well at first jjjjjjungle then by the end jungleee. I had no idea why. Oh well. It was a great night!
Posted at 14/04/2013 04:47:59 UTC 0 comments

I am a success!

Certain events recently have made me examine my life. Do you know what I've realized? I am really fucking successful for my age. I may not have a nice income stream (yet) but I have acquired and built a lot of websites/scripts. My business assets are great, but my business skills need work. I have two problems; I treat businesses like hobbies and once I build something, I move on immediately to the next project. Also I am a shit designer and don't promote anything. I am currently working on some major products with wide appeal. Once they are done I need to optimize many of my major sites so they sell better and also have a marketing budget. The good news is that I have done deals with a few designers, they get free copies of a very early version of my ecommerce product to use and I get a free custom design and a few templates for each copy. I can probably do something similar for my upcoming NZ sites. Also a friend will help me market my NZ business. I have a very good future with my internet business, especially if I focus like I have been the past three weeks. I probably need to focus a bit less and enjoy myself or blog more, I am sure I will in time.

Taking a break next week to go to Auckland. No blog next week. I will focus on my business until then and write some blogs in Auckland. Probably about
Gun control
Charter Schools and Novapay
How to fix global warming
Anything else I like. Suggest something???

Basically work was pretty much all I did over the past week, and wrote two blogs.

I forgot to mention in Sydney when I was coming home this security worker pointed to my spelling tray and said "A: Apple" I did have the thought of "I: Idiot". People assuming that I am an idiot because I am in a wheelchair are really fucking ironic.
Posted at 31/03/2013 01:02:29 UTC 0 comments

Friends, Brain, Business, Monday Room

Saw Craig then Danice separately, I forgot to put it's Thursday. I am a bit drunk and I don't work drunk, been working all week. I like to use my brain whenever possible and if I can't do it through working, I will do it through blogging. Fuck just tipped something over, that's what happens when you're Cerebral Palsy, and possibly made worst when drinking.

Few interesting conclusions reached tonight, not going to tell you about them. Or am I? No.

Sunday now

No idea what the conclusions were, I was drunk.

Anyway I have changed some of my diet to include more brain stimulates, well just taking oils and capsules etc. It's in my best interest to optimize brain performance however possible. I know I am already a genius (recalls of drunken times don't count) but I just want to get the maximum out of my brain. Also I am concerned about aging/deterioration even though that I have read "Senior Moments" happen to some people because they just give up on thinking, brain deterioration is kind of a myth. Keep it active and healthy and you shouldn't have any major problems, just like any muscle. It's not a guarantee against other factors, but in general, this method should at least lessen any deterioration. So preventing brain deterioration is the purpose of these changes, any performance improvement would be a bonus. Also I would be quite interested to find out how keeping an optimized brain effects stem cell treatment, but that's not for a few years yet.

For the past two weeks I've been working almost exclusively on a single ecommerce product, it's progressing very nicely and even had some unexpected early interest. I am really hoping that this will turn into a profitable, stable business for me, and have a great feeling about this. I have several other things in the pipeline too. Hopefully I'll see real results in three to six months.

Last night I went to Monday Room with Craig, we were supposed to go to Cruz after but that didn't happen, we probably couldn't have gotten a taxi even if we tried, fuck taxis! Monday Room had a DJ, was good House music. A blonde woman hung around, was OK company, she kept my mind from wandering off into other things. Usually I love it when my mind wanders however now is really not the best time for me, it will pass and the not so distant future will be fucking awesome, beyond that is going to be great. (side note I don't know if now is the ideal time to chemically stimulate my brain, oh well, I'll find out!) There was a few spellers, one spelt every word twice, I hate that. Also I get highly disappointed when I think people are spelling fuck and it turns out to be fun, they just bore me. Gave up on getting a wheelchair taxi, only one company had a van on the road, they said 45 minutes then we rang a bit later and they said an hour, so we found a Station Wagon and put my manual in there.

Oh well, finished blogging, back to work.
Posted at 24/03/2013 02:47:59 UTC 0 comments

ACC/business and outings

Thursday my ACC case worker came to discuss work opportunities. As far as I can tell they're probably going to let me continue working on developing a business for myself. It's the best way for me to make money; due to accessibility I work incredibly slow, it won't be worth a corporation hiring me if there are people that do stuff five times as fast. Owning a company also gives me expandability, I hope to build something big. I could take a surveillance job, can you imagine how intellectually boring that would be? I am better off with building web development products, software and a business, hopefully I'll be finished my first product to launch in the local market in three months, then not long until big things will happen, I'm excited.

On another note it looks like a portable computer to communicate with is going to take a long time to get, not happy about that as I need one and honestly it will lessen boredom when people talk among themselves and don't bother communicating with me at length. If I could do something productive at gatherings, that will make them much better at certain times. Also it looks like I need to seek alternative funding sources to get an environmental control system, perhaps CP Society grants.

Friday I saw Hine, that was good. I am glad that I have friends that think the same as me on some things.

Saturday I went to Craig's BBQ, I just drank, too much! While there I also thought about stuff that has been going on. In the light of day, I drew a right conclusion and also a wrong conclusion. I think that I will be on a great path soon.

I do know I have goals, and I will achieve them, so fuck everything else. It's time to work towards them.
Posted at 17/03/2013 00:13:42 UTC 0 comments

Long Auckland trip 2014

Wednesday. I had one of the most unhelpful woman serving me at Air New Zealand, she wasted all my time on stupid shit that normally wouldn't be a problem then she said I had to rush because I was going to miss my flight. Before I got to the airport my electric wheelchair broke down just as I was going out the door. Now I have to hire one out of my own pocket. My support system is useless! Ugh. Hey turns out I got a borrowed one. That was fucking lucky.

Thursday I went to Sydney. The Hotel was nice. "Million Dollar View" according to Sam. We ordered some chips for dinner but someone gave us some and the order was forgotten about, so yay for not having to pay.

Friday we stayed in the hotel as it was raining. We went out, then retreated, then out again for dinner. We had Pizza and a Lime Chello shot. Then we were going to go for hotel cocktails however Sam didn't like the deals at the bar so we just had Jagers in hotel room before attempting to go to a pre Mardi Gras party, however got there and it was inaccessible so just had Vodka in our room.

Saturday we checked out before going to the Museum. Sam hopped on my lap and we drove around Sydney. Rather interesting thing to do when you're not over your ex, but I just wanted to see people's reactions. We went to the parade, I actually quite enjoyed it this year. We got free stuff and was in a great dedicated wheelchair area. Then we went to the Mardi Gras Party.

Sunday, still at the Party. I thought the Delta Goodrom act was too short and I couldn't see half the time. Sam did stood me up on the wheelchair seat. After the party we picked up our luggage and went to the airport. We took trains as they were cheap; we're cheap! Sam got a free business class upgrade, lucky him, I paid for the flights and most of his recent flights so he could get the upgrade, but I don't mind. Flash things really aren't important to me on a personal level. Hell if I stay single my concern would be to minimize non technological and medical expenses and maximum sustainability. I'm talking about growing food instead of lawns and solar panels. This will save money over the long term. More savings = more investments = more automated income = more investments, less work required for survival and perhaps more traveling.

Monday night I went to Wellington, Sam wanted to go, basically just to make things difficult, he's a strange guy.

Tuesday we had lunch with Kay, that was very enjoyable. Later we went to the airport to enquire about my broken chair back, that was not exactly productive. We went back to Sam's relatives where we were staying and had dinner. Then we went to the airport to go home.

Wednesday I just blogged and tagged along to the casino, didn't gamble, drank free coke, I like coke. No I don't mean cocaine, although haven't tried that.

Thursday we went to a beach bingo competition hosted The Edge, well they called it bingo, everyone just got a single number to be drawn out. It was a raffle, not bingo. Then we got stuck in traffic for about an hour and a half, that was amazingly productive. Then we went to "The Breath Of The Volcano". I'm not entirely sure what fireworks and people that light up have to do with volcanoes. Surely if people were to light up, they'd be burning alive. It was a performance, I shouldn't take it so literally.

Friday, blogged, ate, that's all.

Saturday, got home, got drunk, was going to go out but didn't have manual chair and the place was inaccessible, so fuck inaccessible places.

Sunday, that's today.

Firstly thanks Sam for the trip, guess I'll see you more infrequently now until I move to Auckland in a few years.

I really need to spend a few months working on my products for the local market. Maybe I will do creative things like making music and blogging and get back to learning programming. I am looking forward to the future, I have a great life.

Yeah I missed a week, get over it. I wrote about five blogs in Auckland, so I am happy. They will be released periodically over the next few weeks.
Posted at 10/03/2013 02:28:15 UTC 0 comments

New Direction, Auckland, Linkin Park, Cruz

Yes I think I should blog drunk.

AngryAussie does rants drunk all time

I do this for entertainment purposes

I am a comedian.

Well I have decided a (obsessed over grammar here) new focus for my life, well it's more an old focus really, and something different. They involve getting money for stem cell treatment and getting my business successful. I will move on to being happy and successful while doing the things I want like entertaining and informing people. You got to do things you're passionate about in life. I am writing positive suddenly, why? Why not? This is a rant blog, that's why? There was no need for a question mark there. I have ruined a perfectly good thought there. Be passionate and happy I was saying. That is a great way to live your life. Oh and intellectually stimulated, that is part of my passion. I will do great things, but right now I am drunk. Why did I do this announcement drunk? This is serious business. Apparently not so much.

Above Friday, below Saturday.

Tuesday I went to Auckland then a disability expo, boring. Then I watched several episodes of The Blue Rose.

Wednesday I did misc crap and something else, I think. No just misc crap.

Thursday I went to Linkin Park! That was fucking fantastic! Great mix of old and new stuff. I was singing away to the new stuff. Don't know what the person to my right thought, nor do I care. Hopefully she did not hear me.

Friday I went home.

On a side note screaming Linkin Park songs in my room always makes me feel good.

Sunday update.

Last night I went to Cruz, there were several very annoying people. One woman spelt out her name three times in a row, then about five times in a row. Bitch nobody is THAT important that I need to know how to spell their name THAT much. It was a four letter name. FFS. Then another woman kept holding my hands, and wanted me to say something. Ummmmmmm I didn't know what to say, I suck at making conversation.
Posted at 24/02/2013 02:44:06 UTC 0 comments

Political visions and love

Right, think I'm sober enough to do this, although going to bed soon. It's Sunday morning, didn't go out. so I have nothing to write about. In these cases I need a topic. What I would do as leader was a topic suggested. First bed. Wrote a post. I have a passion for informing people and learning about the world. I love information and knowledge. I also love music, like Samantha Jade's What You've Done To Me.

10 hours later...

If I was leader of a developed country I'd make sure critical thinking was taught in school and hold free education classes for adults on the subject. I'd make higher education free, if the people want this, otherwise I'd create a government investment fund to subsidize this. The fund would only invest in local companies with a preference for infrastructure, I'd make that rule for all similar funds. I'd take government money out of corporate sport, it should be solely the private sector's responsibility. I'd put much more funding into scientific research with the specific focus on medical and combatting climate change. These will be a huge money making export for the country, especially technology to combat climate change.
National standards, charter schools and private prisons are all gone, these things poison our education and justice systems. Speaking of justice, you want to lock people up for chemicals they put into their body? Well not on my watch. My government will be evidence based and only do things that work, such as rehabilitation funded by taxation on certain substances, including a small tax on fast food to help fund programs that tackle obesity. Hopefully along with a better life and additional education, attitudes towards many minorities will slowly change, a lot of hostility is caused by ignorance and unhappiness.

I'd tax the rich enough to ensure a stable society, I'd make sure that people could live comfortablely on the minimum wage and create a think tank to see what the most effective minimum wage would be for society. I'd switch from demonizing beneficiaries, to focusing on job growth. I realize that many people want to punish beneficiaries, but the fact is that this is counter productive to society, I would not do things that don't work. Public safety nets must be set at standards that minimize harm to society and also promote economic growth.

I'd make elections publicly financed and have strict measures to reduce corruption. I'd let go of corporate contracts with the government if the government can provide the service themselves, especially government contracts with offshore corporations. I'd promote living a more sustainable, happy life rather than one filled with wealth, but if you want a wealthy life, that's great but don't screw over the people. Most importantly I'd promote a society of sustainability, happiness without the need for excessive wealth, intelligence and acceptance of people that don't hurt other people.

End of vision. I could accomplish a lot given the chance.

I have been having problems with romantic love, especially trying to figure out if humans have a biological need for this, a friend says yes, another says no. The yes brought up an excellent point about brains expanding, I am still unconvinced that means that we need a mate. Upon further research I've found that love releases drug like chemicals in the brain, that could explain while there are no real societies that are non monogamus anymore. So it's a chemical reaction rather than a biological necessary. You could argue that that chemical reaction was needed for an evolutionary perspective, also quacks say that to bash homosexuality. You could argue evolution for people that don't want to reproduce. I am sticking with love is not a necessity. As for me, my ex has moved on, I highly doubt I would want somebody else, the chances of anybody like him coming along are next to zero, perhaps I made a big mistake letting him go. Although perhaps I can accomplish more being independent.

Oh nobody saying crap like "Love will still happen for you" If you think you can predict the future please tell me the lottery numbers or STFU.
Posted at 17/02/2013 02:02:04 UTC 0 comments

Blogs, projects, Saturday night

I blogged on why politics doesn't work. I will write new blogs in the current weeks/months. Topics include
Debunking Christianity and non-christian "christian" beliefs
Alex Jones: Insane, frauster, or both?
Ron Paul and Libertarianism (Spoiler: it won't be a favourable article)
Solving Climate Change
Possibly something on gun control
Perhaps a rant on George W Bush

On another note turns out a project I was working on that I hoped will be complete at the end of the month, will take a few month, but that's ok, I'll form a company at the end of the month and launch something in March while working on other things.

Last night I went to Hine's birthday and Cruz. Hine's birthday was at Costas, a greek restaurant. I was a cheap bastard and did not have anything. The mini chocolate desert looked nice though. Watched TV before Cruz. Some hot guys at Cruz! Also some annoying ones. A guy kept patting me and holding my hand, he was not hot either, his friend was OK to talk to. This other guy remembered me from about a year ago but I didn't remember him, until later. Cups on tray count: 2

Oh I also went out with Craig for Classical Sparks Wednesday and drinking with him Thursday. Classical Sparks was good, I like classical music, however the MC was shit at comedy, does he do that crap comedy routine every year? People that are not funny shouldn't try to be funny. Enjoyed Thursday drinks.
Posted at 10/02/2013 02:11:02 UTC 82 comments

Blogs, Eddie's, TV, Cruz

Why doesn't anybody link to my blogs? Not specifically the blogs where I swear a lot although they are also great and should be linked to. Specifically my left-wing NZ blog. Nobody is linking to it. I need to figure out why and change that. I need to have more of an audience, because I am a genius! I am not joking, I really am a fucking genius. I will contact other blogs next week and get feedback. I am also thinking of creating my own research site/facebook page (piss easy) and a progressive change organization. The later will come much later as I have many other things to do.

Today I went to Eddie's and Jonothon's, brought Hine. Had some chats. It was nice weather, bit hot.

My TV is dead but that's OK as I watch fuck all TV, three shows, won't be missed. Family is sorting a replacement, so good. If that falls through, eh. I'm in no hurry to replace. I don't like TV/movies. There's too much emphasis on celebrities rather than the content of the show themselves.

Last night I went to Cruz. Usual stuff happened blah blah blah. Some hot guys there. Someone started to spell out something when I wasn't looking. Don't know what the fuck it was. It occurred to me, nobody ever spells out anything remotely interesting. Although their mistakes are amusing such as "yoyou". Again nothing remotely interesting. I also get frustrated and bored when they spend ages trying to find letters. Ugh just speak it, my ears work perfectly. I have more enjoyable things to do than watching some random drunk person failing to find letters quickly when there's absolutely no need to do that.
Posted at 02/02/2013 23:29:31 UTC 5 comments

Auckland, music, Cruz

I was meant to go to Auckland this week but that didn't happen, don't ask. Going next month for Linkin Park! Only, I listen to classic Linkin Park, they now play a completely different style of music due to issues with the singer's voice. Apparently it is the same issue that Adele had. That sucks, but eh. Few days in Auckland will do me good.

Delta Goodrem is playing at the Mardi Gras party, looking forward to that and I'll check out DJ Bimbo Jones too, she makes good stuff.

Pop music is starting to sound the same. Actually there's different sets of songs that can be grouped and sound very same. Pop's merging with club has a lot to do with that for me. Many people have always hated pop. I can kind of see why now. Lyrics like na na na don't help pop's cause. I like nineties pop the best. Aside from Lady GaGa and Pink. Seeing Pink in August will be great.

Went to Cruz last night. I think I am getting more and more people phobic LOL. As soon as I was thinking of something good, someone would interrupt haha. This usually happens when there's a song I like on. Random people in no particular order. A girl spelt things while I was drinking, I don't know how the fuck I was meant to see while I was drinking. Stupid bitch. Another girl spelt hello, then hi. Yeah those two words mean the same fucking thing. Another lady was dancing with me and asked if she could put her purse and drink on my tray. Eh I could have let her, but I didn't want to, I'm an ass. Drinks have a habit of falling off because of the vibrations, it was glass. That was part of it. But mainly, eh.
Posted at 27/01/2013 03:26:26 UTC 0 comments

Random rambles, Lance Armstrong, Cruz

Personal blog personal blog personal blog.

I am struggling to come up with crap to write about every week. I would ask for feedback but since nobody answered my questions last week it would be pointless. I would like a more two way conversation on my blogs, I frequently complain about this, I frequently complain about everything really. Oh look as I was complaining about the lack of comments, I got a comment. Now I will complain about not having a trillion dollars. Why don't I have a trillion dollars?




No? Fuck!

Anyway ignore me about the comments, I know most will anyway. I know most just like reading my crazy rants without making comments. That's OK. I am not a dictator. (yet) I should be! I'd make a fucking fabulous dictator. Please make me a dictator. Have I pointlessly ranted enough this entry about stuff I probably ranted about countless times before? Yes? Good.

Last night I went to Steven's and Cruz. Watched the Discovery Channel. The only thing I discovered was they play the same four ads over and over. Including a Lance Armstrong, Oprah interview. I don't give a fuck that Lance Armstrong cheated. To my knowledge, everyone cheats in cycling, so why is this news? At Cruz someone put an empty glass on my tray. I yelled (I don't know why) and someone else took it off almost immediately, I didn't see who it was. Then someone leaned on my tray and then what I thought stared at me for a few seconds, I thought he was weird. Later I found out he was blind. Not knowing he was blind, that was quite an odd experience, afterwards I was amused. Ran into somebody I knew at school, I can't for the life of me remember her name.
Posted at 20/01/2013 02:51:34 UTC 0 comments

Artificial Intelligence, Business, Blogs, Lunch

It's Sunday, I went out last night to a drum and base gig, it was crowded. Artificial Intelligence was the name of the main act. It was a good night. Saw a friend, he spelt out things like pussy, sluts and wanker. Only he couldn't find the R despite being right next to his hand. That was funny, more amusing than the typical speller.There was this woman, I could not understand what she was saying, and this man, same again, I just nodded and hoped he go away.

About 100 unique visitors to my blog in just 11 days. My news blog, that number strinks to about 20. I really like doing the news, so if you have any suggestions on what would make the blog better, let me know. Do I focus on US politics too much? Do you want me to do more New Zealand stories? I watch absolutely no mainstream news in New Zealand. This has been this way for a few months. They focus on crap stories and don't really tell you anything you need to know to be an informed citizen, most of the time. So I refuse to watch it.

On the business side. (sorry I really have fuck all to talk about this entry) I'm creating four products this month, three big projects, one reasonably size one. These are products that will help my business tremendously when done.

I had KFC for lunch, apparently people find it necessary to announce what they're eating these days. I have no idea why. Is your life any better knowing what I had for lunch? I certainly hope not.
Posted at 13/01/2013 02:25:52 UTC 0 comments

New Years 2013 and Cruz

Tuesday it was New Years Eve and I went to Culvaden with the family. Had a great time. I was in a state by 11 and stayed there until I went home at 3. Well not home, a camp facility building, where the showers were. Luckily not too many people came in to use the facilities, perhaps one.

Wednesday we went home, I felt sick on the way back. Luckily I didn't throw up!

Saturday night I went to Steven's and Cruz. The funniest thing happened to me at Cruz. I was dancing and I saw some random woman look at me, she screamed! Just like she saw a ghost! Then she and her friend rushed off. It was absolutely hilarious! Gave me a right good laugh. Later on another random woman came over stared at me and started to cry. (I think) It wouldn't be the first time, this other woman from a few months ago cried while looking at me, she went on for about fifteen minutes, I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously, what the hell am I meant to do with random people coming up to me and crying, probably because they feel sorry for me? I have absolutely no idea, so I just laugh.
Posted at 06/01/2013 01:01:40 UTC 0 comments

Christmas 2012

Wrote this Sunday.

It was Christmas Tuesday. I didn't work on that day, I worked all other days. Why didn't I work? No reason, I am not religious, in fact I highly doubt that Jesus even existed. Sorry. MERRY CHRISTMAS! I didn't work because I didn't feel like it. Oh well, I decided to use my time blogging instead. I should do some work today as I will be away from the computer for about a day or so starting tomorrow. Eek how will I cope? No unsuspecting souls to argue pointlessly with.

Christmas day I spent with family. I got a Vodka shotgun, suddenly not in favour of gun control. I also got shot syringes. Why do I feel like the alcoholic of the family! LOL! No I haven't had a drink for over a week in reality. Maybe I had some accidental Vodka Monday. Sometimes my bottles get mixed up and I accidentally get a bit of alcohol instead of juice, gives you a shock in the morning I tell ya!

Didn't convert to a blog but I'll do that mid January.

Finished three products the past week or so, working on four or five January and February, then I will do some marketing.
Posted at 30/12/2012 02:23:15 UTC 0 comments

2012, People, Menfriends, Cruz

Saturday December 22. I survived December 21 2012. Well no fucking shit, there was no reason why I wouldn't so survivor groups can fuck off, especially if they are serious. Some would be, people believe all sorts of moronic crap. You can't rule anything out as being too stupid for people to believe. Some incredibly stupid beliefs are believed by the mainstream population. Ugh I would be sympathetic to the people who want the world to end, but that would mean being sympathetic... No thanks.

By the way apparently I am not as funny since I have stopped complaining about various offline people. People can't take criticism, because they're fuckwits. Especially the people who take me seriously on here. I have also noticed people who like honesty only like honesty if it's not directed at them, there are exceptions. Meh I would rather be myself as much with I can without fucking off people in the local community, too much, and depending on my mood. I actually thought that my last posts were funny, maybe the problem is you? Yeah, I am going to go ahead and blame you, OK? Tough shit if not. I wonder how you get tough shit.

Tuesday I went to the Menfriends opening, Friday I went back. It Looks good, the ground floor is good for wheelchairs. Friday I went upstairs. I would write more but I would have to charge.

Saturday me and Sam went to a mexican restaurant. He was here for the weekend.

Later me and Sam went to Cruz, it was a good night. A group of girls we spelling, one started, then they all did it. Like dominos, only with silly bitches! They were OK after friends told them I can hear, well they eventually got it. I got shouted two drinks! Thanks random people! Drank one tequila mexican style, that's having coke straight after. I learned something, drinking is educational.

It's time to convert to a blog. I'll do that this week as well as write a post and a post for as well as more product development.

Oh shit! I forgot to mention I saw Hine Wednesday. It was a great day for a drive. I ran into my old chess coach, not literally.
Posted at 23/12/2012 01:36:52 UTC 0 comments

Nights out, work, clueless talk back caller

What did I do this week? Get drunk and partied. The usual.

On Friday I went to Craig's for Steve's leaving do. I felt like Whisky and also had punch before it was watered down. Thankfully I did not drink that much so did not feel like absolute shit the next day. Yay me!

Saturday I went to Tony and Nic's for a rainbow Labour social BBQ. Then I went to [SFN], Ghost Daddy and Mynor Star hosted by Elyslum Fields, that was good, enjoyed the music. I was totally checking out a band member LOL! Liked the DJ music too. I'll download some tracks soon. Must remember to wear black next time.

Launched a product and site this week and I'll probably do the same in the next two or three weeks. Then I will launch several more sites, or perhaps I'll do that at the same time as I am working on products.

Oh by the way, apparently I was wrong about Mitt being the anti christ so we're not going to die. Oh but not according to a News Talk ZB caller last night at 1:30. He seems to think that the planets could align and block out the sun for up to 5,000 years. He also said that there's four or five planets between us and the sun; there's two; Mercury and Venus. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT??? In fairness he only said that this was a possibility. I'll go ahead and say that he's batshit crazy and there's no possibility of this.
Posted at 16/12/2012 02:20:05 UTC 0 comments

Nights out 12/2012

It's Sunday.

Thursday I did Thirsty Thursday with Craig, that was good. We Went to Pomeroy's Old Brewery Inn, Monday Room and Cruz, I had far too many shots, I don't know how many, definitely too many. There were some sane people at the first two places, we probably were not in that group. Cruz was a different story. Multiple people told Craig off for giving me alcohol LOL.. "Ask a child if he wants alcohol" Well the guy who said this is probably much closer to the mentality of a child than I am. Ignorant moron. Cracking up on the street on the way home was rather fun.

The next day, wasn't, got up at 2pm and was back in bed at 4pm. Well I was falling asleep while typing, so yeah, that day, not happening. Felt better after a rest, got back up at 6pm.

Last night, well morning I went to Cruz. It was good, no major ignorant people.

Finishing off a product today and tomorrow, then creating another small product in the days after.
Posted at 09/12/2012 02:43:28 UTC 0 comments

Fantasy Ball 2012

This week I went out Saturday night and that's about all LOL so I'll have to make some crap up.

Saturday night I went to the Fantasy Ball which was the Christchurch GLBT pride closing event. Had a good time. Had pre drinks. I didn't watch many of the shows, because I was getting drunk outside. Least I'm honest.

Did some web development this week, didn't create any new sites or blogs, I have a bunch to do though.

OK I am officially sick of people mentioning the TPP, will the whole thing just go away? The last statement should please activists that want to stop the deal who I am particularly sick of. I agree with them, but I am sick of them. I am sick of activists in general really, even though I am one. Yes I am a hypocrite, I say it loud and proud! I am not entirely sure why people view hypocrisy as a bad thing. Surely if you're honest about your hypocrisy it cannot be considered a bad thing. I am probably wrong, but I don't care. In conclusion I am generally sick of activists. I get this way from time to time, then it passes.

Errrrrrr file the above under Thane blurts out stuff for no apparent reason.
Posted at 02/12/2012 02:41:14 UTC 0 comments

Nicki Minaj and a RIP


Monday I want to a Family dinner.

Friday I went to Auckland. While passing through airport security I was asked if I was going on a plane. #NoShit. I don't pass through airport security for the hell of it. That was a highly amusing question.

Saturday I went to Nicki Minaj. It was OK. Wasn't the best show, wasn't the worst. I thought that some of the visuals were OK, I did like some songs. Maybe I need better excuses to see Sam. We went to Family afterwards, did enjoy that.

Monday now

Sam wanted me to mention we went through a bottle of his bubbly and the cheapest pizza available "because I am such a tight ass". Bitch, I learned it from you.

Monday now, won some completely free money before going home to Christchurch, SkyCity is offering free $15 for joining their rewards program.

My business programme is over and I am no longer required to post updates on my business. Of course sometimes I need to fill up space and blathering on about my business serves that purpose. So expect occasional blatherings. I am going to work on products to sell to NZ businesses until the end of February. It saddened me to hear that a programme participant and facebook friend passed away last week. RIP vShaun McKinney, his disability came bundled with low life expectancy, a terrible thing but it looks like he used his time to make an impact on the people he encountered, I think that that can be a good thing.

Back to me and Sam.

Sunday we went and saw James Bond Skyfall, best part was the popcorn and coke. It was alright for my first Bond film. SPOILER WARNING FOR REST OF ENTRY.

I found it unbelievable that guy could freely escape and was not better guarded and that MI5 couldn't capture it better.
Posted at 27/11/2012 03:06:14 UTC 0 comments

Drum and base, sites, submission

Sunday Not really an eventful week so I will bore you with my submission on the starting out wage bill. First I went out Saturday night to a drum and base gig. I don't know what it was called, they all sound the same, I don't pay much attention to the individual acts. Looking up, it was called Dose & Trei. Next week I am going to Auckland to see Nicki Minaj so this will probably be late. I have gone off Nicki recently, she's not that great. Still looking forward to being in Auckland. Business wise, no idea what I am doing, probably want to find some backend work and also create some products to sell to local sites. On blogging, I am going to work on some new projects and create some new blogs. Am planning on writing another political article next week. Well it's more of a rant about how people, especially MPs are being ridiculously stupid. Hey, wasn't that the subject of my article Friday? Why not continue the trend of calling MPs stupid? If they don't like it they should stop being stupid. It's remarkably simple! Submission: I oppose the Minimum Wage (Starting Out Wage) Amendment Bill. You are not going to solve the employment crises by paying people less. This effects buyers' spending power in a negative way, if they spend less it has a negative impact on the economy and if they need further assistance from the government because they can't afford basic expenses, how does this save money especially since there is very little evidence that this will increase jobs? Labour abolished youth rates with null effect on overall employment, if the opposite is true, this is entirely pointless! All you're doing is shifting employees to the youth because employers can pay them less. Also most employers don't hire more people just because their profits are up. If you think that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how business works. Demand is a factor and this will effect local demand negatively.
Posted at 18/11/2012 03:01:17 UTC 0 comments nz and Auckland/birthdays

It's Wednesday. I'm in Auckland. Just had business mentoring. A criticism from my business mentor is that I have too many ideas, and I came out of that session with a few more that I will do in conjunction with what I am already planning. I'm going to turn into a web services site and into a site offering writing services, just because I can. Writing for others won't be a large part of my business. I'm going to run several independent web services sites and several blogs/events sites too. I have changed picture on, I will move the previous picture to this site.

Sunday I went around Christchurch taking pictures with Craig for one of my sites. It was a beautiful day for it. We went to the Avon, The Gardens, Restart Mall, and Brighton.

Monday Andy, Craig and I went to the Brighton fireworks. This random woman called me "excited" in an extremely patronizing way, I hate that, I was actually laughing at something in my head, as I do. The fireworks were good.

Tuesday I went to Auckland. Air New Zealand changed the safety video again. They do it every three months. Topical videos must help get people's attention. Personally I think that they are a waste of money, especially this new one. I would say that as I just don't like Peter Jackson. Casino for dinner.

Wednesday for dinner I went to a Mexican restaurant, liked the Tarco and spicy fried chicken. The Sangreta was good too. Had a tiny bit for breakfast the next day.

Sunday now.

Thursday I went back to Christchurch.

Saturday I partied with Craig and Andy for their birthday. It was a great night. I had Tequila, Sambuca and punch. Good thing I don't get hangovers. Now going to work on sites.
Posted at 11/11/2012 04:41:39 UTC 0 comments

Mitt Romney is the antichrist and we are all going to die.

it's Saturday for about 35 more minutes.

I think I went drinking Thursday, yes I did, Thirsty Thursday. It was not as cold as today. Oh after that I went to a drum and base gig. That's a rather random thing to suddenly remember. The gig was good.

Tuesday I went to the doctor. Turns out I might be in a wheelchair for a couple of months. I just had an ear problem, should I tell people I was half deaf for a while and couldn't understand a word they're saying at certain times. It only happened when people were on my right-hand side. Started antibiotics Friday, because I was drinking Thursday.

Sunday, 11:30

Yesterday I went out to Hine's. We chatted. She can predict what I am about to say sometimes, I am not sure if that's a good or scary thing.

This week I finished off a product, gained a potential web design client. Which is good because I can use the income for a business venture. Going to Auckland on business Tuesday, then partying Saturday.

A person asked me why are you so fucking awesome. OK it was myself. I said that it just comes naturally.

Less than 100 hours before the wonderful Mitt Romney gets in and less than two months to go before the world is going to end and we all die. This means Mitt Romney's stupid critics will only have to endure him for two months. I don't know why anybody would not support Mitt Romney, it's beyond me. Hey, wait, is he the antichrist? Doesn't the bible say that a new leader will come of a different religion, then the world will end? He rules for seven years. God must have decided to speed up the process and make the leader a mormon. It makes sense now...

Posted at 04/11/2012 00:47:17 UTC 0 comments

Local music, Pink concert, sites, gay marriage submission

It's Sunday.

Saturday I went to Steven's, then a kiwi music reunion concert. Why did I go? I am not entirely sure. I just ended up randomly buying tickets for some completely unknown reason. I spent almost the entire time dissecting the music into different tunes, that occupied me. It was an OK event. Then I went to Cruz. Apart from a particularly weird woman, I had a great time.

I booked tickets to a Pink concert in July. It's in Sydney which is a bitch because that's expensive. Kind of good that it is months away, so I can manage my finances. I love Pink, I probably like her better than GaGa.

I've acquired a great domain name for the Christchurch area. I'll develop that site next month along with another local site. Although I still haven't properly developed my local gay site since launching it in February. Maybe I can make improvements to that at the same time since will run off the same base as the Christchurch site.

This is my (edited) submission on the marriage equality bill. I have never made a submission before. I suppose I could make a submission for all other issue I feel strongly about, except my views are usually the opposite of this government, so that may be pointless.

I was going to include this on another blog but I don't feel like writing anymore on this entry, so to fill space, here it is.

While I understand about religious arguments, let me point out that two atheists can freely get married in a registry office, this cannot be considered a solely religious institution. It is also important to note that marriage licenses are maintained by the government, not churches. Additionally the bible bans divorce, we got rid of that ban over half a century ago, we already don't enforce the biblical definition of marriage. There were men with multiple wives in the bible too. I have no plans to bring up all the mountains of other stuff in the bible that we don't enforce this would take too long.

This bill also offers no changes on how churches conduct themselves, if two people of alternate sexualities want to get married, that's certainly no business of any church.

I strongly believe that marriage licenses should be available to all consenting adults. Civil Unions were a good halfway step, but as long as a straight couple can get civil unioned or married, and a GLBT couple can only get civil unioned, there will still be some degree of inequality in the law. This is simply wrong.

I am writing this submission simply because it is the right thing to do, I don't want to get married or civil unioned, being tied to one person is simply nonsense to me. However if other consenting adults want to do that through whatever means that they desire, it is not my business, or anybody else's. If we allow people of alternate sexualities to have the same privileges through civil unions, there is absolutely no logical reason why we cannot allow them to get married.

I would like to be heard only if I can do so in Christchurch, thanks.
Posted at 28/10/2012 03:35:06 UTC 0 comments

Web development and awards

Yes, this is late again, this is becoming a habit. I had a web development emergency yesterday and knew I was going out Sunday night. Web development emergency? Fuck, I'm a nerd. So basically did web development all week apart from going to Danice's Friday night. Oh I also went out Saturday, that was a fucking pointless trip. Had a great time at Danice's. Getting a taxi home was a bit of a bitch though. The company sent a car, not a van which took fucking ages so I decided to phone a friend who works at the company to see if I could get a van, but a car came a few minutes later, and my chair is also not the easiest to fold down. Sunday night I went to Dress To Impress, I wasn't dressed to impressed. I was dressed. Be thankful. Not that I would turn up nude, I'd probably get arrested. Anyway I had a great time, mainly after the awards when the alcohol really kicked in!!! Also enjoyed Miss Mole on MC, funny stuff. If I was MCing an awards show I'd give myself LOTS of awards as a running gag. "Best MC", "Best Crippled MC", "Sexiest Man In A Wheelchair On Stage", "Sexiest Man Named Thane Pullan", "Opps, I've just shat out another award, it's for myself". This week I have more web development to do, and building a site, then a gig Saturday.
Posted at 22/10/2012 01:57:29 UTC 0 comments

Computer issues and conspiracy theories

Yes, this is late, again. I've been busy today doing computer stuff.

I don't have anything to talk about so I will talk about that. I got a new hard drive put into my main computer and we hooked my VCR to my DVR so I can convert videos to digital format. I can't get my DVR to display any picture on the TV. Which is annoying, but workable, who needs a GUI anyway? It may be a graphics card issue, is there any Linux people out there? I have an additional time issue but a friend has directed me to articles so I can probably fix it myself. I have been meaning to upgrade that box for ages but I have other priorities.

I finished one of the products that I was working on, now need to do some fixes for some others and work on the next one.

Didn't go out, it's not pleasant going out in the cold. Had a drunken argument about the can cause of climate change instead. It's extremely well accepted in the scientific community that it is caused by CO2, there is no debate here. This been known for decades. I have been meaning to write about conspiracy theorists as they have been getting on my nerves lately, especially the "global warming is a hoax to force a one world government" crowd. By the way they have been going on about the one world government since the eighties. New World Order, where the bloody hell are ya??? At least this particular person believes in global warming, she just thinks that it's caused by something entirely fictional.
Posted at 15/10/2012 02:26:18 UTC 3 comments

Sound Check and learning programming

It's Wednesday, arrived in Auckland Tuesday. I was planning to write some blogs but I can't really think of anything to write about. (Sunday edit: I wrote about The Zeitgeist Movement. Click here. I have been meaning to write about this for months and months. My views of The Zeitgeist Movement itself have changed quite a bit recently.)

Yesterday I arrived too early at the airport but occupied myself by having Burbon, Rum and wines at the Koru Lounge.

Today I did offline business stuff. Apparently I'm going to be a car dealer for Sam, so I may interfere and try to get a better sales price for "TP Motors" If my name is on the business and I am getting a cut, it's in my best interest to lift revenue. The web site will be easy, I can just reuse the code I made for Sam and develop a design.

I watched some of "My Kitchen Rules", what a fucking boring show! Why wasn't I doing something productive? Life is too short to watch food porn. Life is also too short not to watch actual porn, and have sex. Just saying! I guess that shit would be OK if you like food, but I don't, it's boring and not mentally stimulating.

Saturday now. Last night I went to Sound Check, mainly to see Nero again. The last time I saw them was at the Big Day Out and I was extremely sleep deprived because I didn't sleep the night before. There were spellers but they weren't as annoying as other times. One guy kept spelling his name every time he saw me, ugh yeah I get it. Some of the guys and staff were quite overprotective of me, mixed feelings about that, I'm fine, just leave me to it. Feel free to give me Vodka though. Some girls did that, thanks! I started at the back of the crowd but decided to go up the front when Nero came on, why not? They were great, Rusko was too. I enjoyed Nero more though! Simply because I knew their music and I got to listen to my favourite song of theirs instead the venue, instead of outside like last time. It was a wicked night.

Sunday now. Last night I went out for cocktails with Sam and his family. Enjoyed it. First time I had a Jager cocktail. Sam and I were going to the movies afterwards but Sam's car broke down, so we went to another pub and I had a Sambuca, then I fell out of my chair. I was not driving.

I have finished the C# tutorial that I was going through. I may reread some of it before downloading some example code to work on. Maybe I will start with a very basic accessibility toolbar or a tray application for one of my advertising sites. I'll try to work on a few decent projects next year. I have quite a few web development projects to do when I get back, including finishing a product in the week ahead then working on the Christchurch Pride site again. Then creating a few more products in the coming weeks and finally launching my new local business next month, just before I go to Auckland again.

Microsoft appears to have a pissy API for toolbars so I think that I will start with a tray notification application.

I have enjoyed this trip. Going home tomorrow.

Tuesday now, I am enjoying having a fast computer, unlimited internet and eye typing back. Although I did enjoy Auckland! Yesterday I learned about multi threading in C#, among other things. I'll try to create an application next month. Had a Brandy in the Koru Lounge on the way back to Christchurch.

I forgot to mention this will be posted a few days late, oh well, fuck it.
Posted at 09/10/2012 01:16:24 UTC 0 comments

Spellers and rhymes

I went out Saturday night; to Cruz and Steven's before. I had vodka and lime at Steven's. I like to have new drinks. Spellers were beyond annoying at Cruz, once one starts doing it, the people seeing it do it too. One person did it even after I spelt out "I can hear". Well first I tried spelling out "I have ears" but she didn't understand that. I wasn't in the mood for spellers for some strange reason. I do not like them on a boat, I do not like them while dissecting a goat. I do not like them on a train, I do not like them, do they have no brain? Yes I am just rhyming for the hell of it. I made a rhyme, is that a crime? I've lost track of where I was going with this. I wasn't going anywhere, that was an easy place to find. No that didn't make sense to myself either, but it sounded good, hopefully, meh fuck you if you don't like it.

I got up at twelve today.

Now I have to work. I have to test a product, hopefully I'll launch it before I go away for a few days. I am going to a Nero concert and helping Sam with his business. I really need to focus on my business, and I am. I am just having capital problems, but I can work on products until that's sorted.
Posted at 30/09/2012 06:45:44 UTC 0 comments

Subhumans and a few rants

Wednesday I went out to dinner with my parents, I had pizza.

Thursday night i went to a Subhumans concert with my brother. It was good, though I think that I enjoyed the first warm up act better. I don't even know the band's name, but I know they had a song "Everyone is a stupid cunt but me".

Saturday, I went out with Hine, to a mall, it was a nice day, though I was very glad I was wearing a jacket. Two people commented that they thought (jokingly?) that we were having a race. This isn't a problem for me, however that is a stupid and unoriginal comment. See two people in wheelchairs; say that they're having a race. WTF. Taking it to another level, they wouldn't say this if they saw two regular people walking. Obviously it's their attempt at humour, fail! I imagine if this happened to me all the time, it would get old really really fast. This could explain why Hine was annoyed with it! Ah... So in conclusion, don't say it, it is not clever or original, if you want to say something in passing, try something intelligent, or just "How are you?".

There's also some wheelchair sport they're looking for members in, electric wheelchair soccer, or something. Practice is at 10AM Sundays, so, fuck that. I get home at 4AM some Sundays, Even if practice was at a reasonable time, sounds fun, but I have better things to do with my time. Sport is generally unproductive as a society. computing is much more productive and mentally stimulating for me.

Speaking of computing, I need to spend more time learning C#. I've done a tiny bit but not much. I'm also planning to focus more on scripting products in my business, which differs from what I said last week, but oh well. Plans are temporarily on hold until the start of November. I can use the time to learn and create products.
Posted at 23/09/2012 03:22:31 UTC 0 comments

auckland, business, programming, move back

Tuesday I went to Auckland for business mentoring.

Wednesday was the session. It was a good one with good advisers, including an accountant. I need to get me one of those, mainly for advice, I can maintain my own books. Anyway I should be starting a local web hosting company next week, I was going to sell a shopping cart script, but that will come later. This business is primarily to start building an income, I'll do other things.

I'm actually thinking of learning a programming language (or two) and creating accessibility software. There is nothing that I particularly like for Windows 7. Even the one on XP has massive bugs and companies generally don't provide adequate updates. This will be a lot of work and I'm not sure if it will be worth it monetary wise, but if I need it myself maybe it's worth developing.

Above Thursday, below Sunday.

Maybe I'll learn programming and do some easier projects before accessibility software.

Thursday I got up early and wrote then went straight to the airport because plans fell through. I wandered around the airport, went to the international terminal etc, and all around outside, there was nothing else to do.

Friday I had no sleep which was a fucker because I was moving back home and needed my wits about me because my systems were being setup. Oh well. The important stuff got done. Because I was sleep deprived I didn't go out. Had a good time Saturday night anyway.

Oh yeah I fell out of my chair Wednesday after business mentioning, I wasn't driving.
Posted at 16/09/2012 03:15:16 UTC 0 comments

Reflections and Economics

I'm in a rather strange mood, been reflecting life, been reflecting on the intelligence of humanity (or lack of), been reflecting on the way other people see things due to their own ignorance and general lack of understanding on how things work. What seems completely obvious to me may not occur at all to another person so their perception of things is impacted. I am not sure what I am trying to say. Perhaps this would sound better to a person that is interested in the human mind. Take this example right here, you could interpret this as me bashing the human race yet again, or me just making observations about how the human mind works and trying to understand people's perceptions better. What does this mean in the long term? Probably nothing. I am who I am. I do reflect on life to time to time, It mostly comes to nothing. I ponder things. My brain never stops working. I like to analyze, everything really. What is the point of writing about this? I don't know, what is the point of writing about anything? To share my opinions. OK so why is it important for people to know my opinions? Well it's not only the sharing of the opinions but also to create humour. OK you could ask why do I feel the need to do that; because it gives me joy. You could go into further detail, but let's not do that. Do I sound more insane or less? Serious question. I don't think that I have a point. I am just putting ideas out there, because I am in that sort of mood.

Monday I had drinks with Danice, that was good.

Saturday I went to a talk on economical thinking by Steve Keen. A few interesting things were brought to my attention. Economists nowadays use backwards thinking and view things from an overly simplistic way. Their economical models only work with most factors staying the same and are ineffective at predicting anything. This holds true because in 2007 the OECD economists were predicting great growth with Europe leading the way. The result was recession and Europe is fucked and they are now practicing austerity, which will be an absolute failure. It's also that most economists are arrogant, don't acknowledge that there models can be flawed and advise governments with flawed thinking. Governments go along with it because they trust the economists. The problem is their models are too simplistic and they don't treat economics like a science. There models lack complexity and do not factor in enough information. It was an eye opener.

I look at myself, then look at the world. That's comforting.
Posted at 09/09/2012 03:30:07 UTC 0 comments

No sleep, sick dog, outings

Well I had had no sleep and the dog is sick, so yeah not the best day.

Few hours later:
Just found out it's a gut infection, not a stroke. So that's good.

Wednesday I went out with mum, dad and mum's friends. Hmmmm, that was interesting. Lunch was good though. I had, I don't remember what the fuck I had, sweet and sour pork, baked potato, something else, and ice cream. It was the Garden City Restaurant, or something like that.

Saturday I went out with my sister her partner. We went to Gorilla, I had two sets lamb snacks and apple crumble, also a taste of various things, and wine. After that I drank and watched some episodes of Extras then went to Cruz. A person was angrily shouting gay slurs at the bar from across the street, I'm betting he's secretly gay. Someone asked me for my age, I started to spell, someone guessed a few years younger so I went with that, sure, why not? Anyway it was a rather weird night, but almost always is LOL.
Posted at 02/09/2012 05:41:36 UTC 0 comments

i have a cold and other random crap

I have a cold, I didn't go out last night. Partly because of the cold, partly because meh. So I don't have anything specific to talk about.

On the business side I restored a site's design. The graphics files were damaged so I managed to get a copy from and a random mirror of the site. I will probably change the content and I need to make a new logo. I also need to do more script development.

So I am bored and uninspired this blog entry.

My footplate broke, we hooked it up with wire. My van also needs fixing.

I got Sky Tuesday afternoon. Freeview is not working but who cares? I can get the programmes I watch online anyway

I am just moaning about random things for something to write about.

So how are you? I don't care. What do you want me to write about? List topics and I'll write about them when I have nothing else to write about. This assumes my insight is so great, you would actually want to hear my opinions, and it is, so start fucking suggesting topics.

Neil Armstrong died. One small step in the grave... I just looked through my facebook feed and am thoroughly disappointed that none of my nutty conspiracy theory friends are claiming that the moon landing was a hoax.
Posted at 26/08/2012 03:45:48 UTC 0 comments

Temporarily relocated, birthday drinks and dance party

Yes, this is late again. I have temporarily relocated and didn't have internet until today. Hopefully it's Monday.

Yes it is Monday, had to get a new router before I could access the internet. DVR and Sky are the only things that I am waiting for, hopefully tomorrow. It's a beautiful place and has a spa I might have to use.

Saturday I moved in then got quite shit faced at my birthday celebrations, Thanks to everyone that came. To those that came after I left. I did clearly state that I would be drinking *afterwards* and put an end time. So??? I thought that was pretty self explanatory. That is one of my problems, what I think is self explanatory isn't to everyone else. This is particularly frustrating in business when people request manuals for my scripts. I can't understand why they need manuals, things should be self explanatory. Why on earth would I put an end time if I had no intention of leaving then, this makes entirely no sense to me. Thanks for trying though! Anyway it was a good night. No drinking before the dance party, yeah that didn't work out, at all. I had three Vodkas and two shots. In my defense two drinks were free. Thanks Alex for the double Vodka and some random guy for the Tequila! After that me and Craig went to Steven's and then to a dance party. While there Allen gave me a shot. Cheers!

Did I do anything before Saturday? ... ... ... No. Well if I did, I can't fucking remember. I did get some equipment to trial, that's all.
Posted at 20/08/2012 02:37:19 UTC 0 comments

Wellington 2012

Oh that's right I still have a blog to do.

It's my birthday.


Apparently from 27, your body is slowly dying.

Yes I'm such a positive person.

Least I still look good.

Thursday I went out for lunch with mum and dad for mum's birthday. Also Sam came down.

Friday I saw Kenny Rodgers, it was a great show.

So last week I tried a communication device. I am unsure it's good for computer access, but for typing, it's OK. It doesn't predict very well but that would improve in time. It's OK as a communication device and for general typing. I'll try to type some blogs on it tomorrow.

I went to Wellington Saturday, I was in the middle of a server move before I left but luckily everything appears to be fine. I am back up and running again.

We went to a gin cocktail party, that was good but I don't like gin, I know that now. It's OK, prefer vodka or tequila. Also had mini sausages and some mini lemon cakes. After that we went out for dinner, had some beef and lamb, also some pear for dessert. Then we went clubbing for an hour. Couldn't find a gay bar. I thought public was a gay bar but obviously I just recognized the name from One of Justin Sane's events, either that or just randomly thought that public was a gay club. By chance Justin Sane was playing, saw him two or three weeks ago.

Sunday we went to the Wetta Workshop, found it small and pathetic really. Can't stand Peter Jackson, mainly because he's popular and everyone likes him. I have never seen most of his movies and have no desires to. We then dropped by Sam's relatives, and went out to lunch with one, I had an ostrich patty, never had that before, was quite nice. A very short trip to Te Papa was next, I wasn't really interested and thought it was crap. Although we arrived at the "Drinks Based On Charles Dickons" early so we could have had more time at Te Papa, I was slightly annoyed but eh, we didn't check the times properly. The drinks were good, I didn't finish the gin one. We then went out to dinner, It was pricey but we got a free dessert as a special deal which we took home and had for breakfast the next day. We visited Sam's relatives again. I had peppermint tea, just because it was offered and to try something new. It was OK, felt weird in my stomach but maybe I was just too full.

Monday (today as I'm writing this, posting Tuesday) we went back to Christchurch. I really wasn't going to have any alcohol from the Koru Lounge but Sam talked me into having some cider, I didn't take much convincing, funny that. Now, definitely no more alcohol, until Saturday when I have every intention of getting absolutely shit faced.

Tuesday Comments

Wheelchair access to the hotel was quite crap, fine if you like almost pitch black lifts, I almost felt like meditating. The first time going up was really fucking slow because Sam went up with me. So we didn't use it for almost the entire trip. We either took the chair upstairs, I walked upstairs and to my room, then another time I was drunk from gin and decided it would be fun and easier to go to my room on a luggage trolley. Should I be ashamed? Fuck off, whatever is easier I say. I don't care if people stare, not my concern, it was a laugh. The second time Sam didn't go up with me so it was faster. I'd be fucked if I took my electric wheelchair. Actually we had a car to my surprise so it was fucking lucky i didn't bring my electric wheelchair.

I am currently thinking of doing a site dedicated to accessible businesses. A women in my business mentoring group had a very similar idea. I am not stealing it, or maybe I am. My experience inspired me to do it. I have loads of other shit to do first, thn Hine may work on it with me. I am sure we can co exist with the lady from the business mentoring.

Not much to report on the business side. Once this week is done I will have plenty of time to focus on product development.
Posted at 14/08/2012 05:37:02 UTC 0 comments

A rather food oriented week in Auckland

Tuesday I came up to Auckland. Had a fucking work emergency just before I left but luckily nothing fucked up while I was gone so that's great!

Wednesday we went to Auckland restaurant month launch party. Surprisingly I had a good time! I very much enjoyed the little pork burger and the duck susuage. Oddly enough I hated duck last time I tried. Desert and ground floor food was good to. Also tried four wines and had a cider, first time I tried pear cider. It was a great night.

Thursday we went to a Big Boys Toys talk, they were trying to sign up people who want to show their crap.

Friday we went to the Food Show, we got free tickets. Basically it involved lots of free samples etc. There was also free alcohol! My favourite was the Honey Liquar. My birthday is coming up hint hint. Nah I have tons of alcohol already. Geez I say that like you can have enough. Fuck I have had enough alcohol this week, not going out this Saturday night. Anyway I also liked trying the youghets and ice creams. Oh and the lemon based energy drink was also nice. Had a shit ton of coffee too, well maybe not a shit ton. Define a shit ton. TON OF SHIT! Hmmmm

After the food show I went to a friend's house.

Saturday (today) I went home. Sam is going back tomorrow.

Did manage to do my blogs, posting tomorrow. (which is actually today) I am trying a new communication device next week. Not sure how that will interfere with my work schedule. Like I said things will hopefully die down so I can focus on work in the second half of this month.

Next post will be three to four days late because I am in Wellington.
Posted at 05/08/2012 02:52:29 UTC 0 comments

Cars, Casino, Justin Sane, Future Plans

I guess I should blog some before I go out this Saturday night. Going to a Justin Sane gig, I quite like his name LOL!

Thursday Sam dropped off a car for me to sell on his behalf. We went to the casino. I was grumpy and didn't gamble. Well we didn't go to the roulette tables. I am not playing games that I can't properly assess the and calculate a good risk. Also you don't know if those electronic roulettes are rigged.

Since I am flying a lot, I'm aiming to focus on getting more airpoints. Hopefully it will make my life SLIGHTLY more cost efficient.

Friday Talk Link came over to talk about the trial of the eye gaze device. It looks good, the word prediction software is an improvement over what I am currently using and should make my life easier. I am not convinced that it's good for computer accessibility but hopefully I am wrong. The trial is August 6th, am excited. If I get the new eye gaze system it means that I can ditch XP.

Not much progress on my local venture, I progressed a software a bit and started on the site's design. Feedback is in, it fucking sucks. I'll progress the site some more and maybe get a designer in. I do genuinely fucking suck at design, I am really not suffering from low self esteem, I'm a realist. I am a backend coder and businessman, not a designer. I am also delaying because I don't have start up funds yet and am away a lot until the second half of August, I'll be back to a regular work schedule then too! Apart from a few short trips over the next few months for concerts and business. Shame that I won't see Sam as much.. My other venture is going OK, got a product out yesterday and I will hopefully do another one before I go to Auckland Tuesday. Then launch a site to sell the products the next week and work on more products.

I know I've neglected my other blogs. I'll do a few posts in Auckland next week. I'm also seeing one of my business mentors. See, it's a business trip again. Don't hassle me I am away on business! I am also working on the weekend to make up for lost time.

Planned blog posts:
Making fun of ridiculous anti gay marriage arguments.
China floods and why the chinese government is partly to blame.
Moronic Americans and guns.
Why people leading the anti smoking crusade in New Zealand are idiots, and why the people defending smoking are idiots too.

This is all for now

Sunday update. Justin Sane was good, my drunken mind was all over the show, this is not necessarily a bad thing, I quite like thinking when I am drunk.

Random thoughts
Am I best utilizing my intellectual and creative abilities by being a web developer and businessman? Should I work in the science/research field instead? Regarding being creative, I've always wanted to create TV shows. (although TV is rather considered old school, there's other forms of media) There's still time, I can work on building wealth and at 35 assess my life. I might get stem cell treatment and fund a series, that would be great. Perhaps sort out being frozen upon death too. Apparently you can do such a thing through a life insurance policy so the money builds up over a 30 year period. I've research this. My goals fully depend of my success. Oh and children? They're a needless expense until my other goals are reached. Time to conserve money and build wealth through intellectual means. Normal people settle down with someone with a kid or two. This takes up their time and money. If I decide to have kids sooner, there is absolutely no reason why I need to be an active participate in their life. Hell, I'd be following in my birth father's footsteps, I've never met him. Only difference is this would be a completely calculated decision. A visit now and then would be good though. I have very different priorities, which is good, it's good to have goals and be driven. Lucky for me, my partner is even tighter than me, that rules out having to buy him crap etc. I am not sure why I am talking about kids, my non-death and other stuff. Things have been on my mind recently.
Posted at 29/07/2012 01:52:40 UTC 0 comments

Another Auckland trip

i am back from Auckland, it's Monday. Sorry about not posting yesterday and by sorry I mean fuck you I will do what I want. Was going to blog in my time away but I had a crappy laptop that kept crashing, so I decided to spend the whole time updating Windows and installing anti-virus and a registry cleaner so it should run super the next trip, apart from being as slow as a right winger's brain. Sam is crying about the bandwidth I used but I did offer to download anything for him, he refused, I'd download twice as much data as I used, how economical and generous is that? I should receive a medal I tell ya! I have unlimited bandwidth, it effects me fuck all.

Wednesday Sam came down, Thursday we went to Auckland.

Friday I think we went to the mall and some dark restaurant for dinner, we had meat and bread.

Oh phone died, so sorry if you text me and I didn't reply, unless I don't like you then I am not. I have no idea who has text me. I am getting a new battery tomorrow, then hopefully it will work again. I could just buy a new phone, but fuck that, a battery is cheaper. There's no point me having a voice operated phone etc. Maybe it can interface with a new eye gaze tablet I hope to get. Though knowing me I'd just make each one talk dirty to each other.

Saturday we went to the SkyTower, Sam took pictures, I am going to use a picture of the CBD for my site, technically it's a business trip! We had scones and cake at the revolving restaurant, then we went to the casino. Sam won about $7.50, yeah he's rich. I came out even with two bets. I should have gambled more with my method which really just is guesswork odds really. Bad method, but eh.

Sunday we went and saw The Dark Knight Rises, fuck that was such a stupid movie. I couldn't understand why Batman didn't just stab Bane in the skin in the first fight scene. IT WAS UNPROTECTED, ARE YOU A FUCKING MORON??? If you didn't have something to stab him with at least give him a dead arm! What kind of moron loses his wealth? What kind of moron wears armor with big chunks of his skin unprotected? The characters were so moronic. Perhaps it wanted to reflect reality. Popcorn and Coke were the best part of the movie.

Monday (today) we went back to Christchurch. I am going back to Auckland Sunday.

Tuesday (really today, am I confusing you?) Got a new battery for my phone. Hopefully it works for three more years.
Posted at 24/07/2012 02:34:15 UTC 0 comments

Auckland, Ladyhawke, Shapeshifter, Cruz

A very disappointing coding week, I'll do better next week and hopefully launch some products. Meh I did say holidays were excluded from work and did spend an entire days at a group mentoring session.

Tuesday I went to Auckland, the fucking taxi company sent a car to the airport instead of a cab. Since I took my electric wheelchair, that was useless. The cab driver did offer to lift my electric wheelchair into the boot. Ummmmmmm yeah, firstly it wouldn't fit, secondly good luck trying to lift it. Of course we refused, but I did find it amusing. An hour and a half later a van showed up, not so amused. Decent service after that though.

Wednesday I went to the group mentoring session. I spent the first two to three hours typing stuff out, I can type and listen at the same time, I am good at multi-tasking. I lost interest when a lady from Work Bridge came and spoke. I couldn't apply for their funding anyway, so what was the point of me paying attention? Went on Facebook, the people did say we could do whatever if we got bored. We did a behavioral assessment, apparently I am controlling and promoting, I don't really see the promoting side. Although perhaps I am through this blog and Facebook. I don't really talk to actual people, especially about work, maybe Sam when he asks. I tend to say whatever I want to people and fuck them off, which is how I like it, and the reason why I need to hire customer service people when I can afford it. I did notice many people were passionate about their business. I however am a money whore doing it for the money. Also I get bored and depressed if I don't occupy my mind with something, I quite like scripting and programming but I wouldn't call it a passion.

Thursday I went home and saw Ladyhawke in Christchurch. I wish that I had someone to feed me alcohol; a girl did feed me some V and Beer. Met a guy from Denmark studying environmental economics, whatever the fuck that is. He was very much into the environment, which was good. He was concerned about global warming, as am I. Ladyhawke was good. I am seeing Shapeshifter tonight.

Shapeshifter was good, I got up the front, just for something to do really LOL. I tried entering the after party, but couldn't because didn't have tickets, I thought I would try my luck anyway, so I went to Cruz. Had a good time there.
Posted at 15/07/2012 04:57:59 UTC 0 comments

Nights and work.

Saturday was supposed to be blogging time but I needed to make up work because I missed about two hours yesterday. Oh well, it's still pretty good.

I still have about two hours of blogging before I go out.

Thursday I went out with Craig, first to Pomeroy's, I watched the guys play pool and fuseball, actually I couldn't see the ball on the fuseball table, but their losing reactions was quite funny. No idea what the appeal of pool is, but a cute guy ended up playing. No idea why humans find playing with balls so amusing, well depending about what kind of balls they are. Playing with balls just seems so unproductive to me. I know what you are thinking "Cripple only hates sport because he can't play it" SHUT UP! I find wheelchair sports so boring and pointless too. I have no idea why I have launched into a rant about sport. Anyway after Pomeroy's we went to The Monday Room to see Danice. We couldn't get a fucking taxi. Gold Band provided one though. I will now call them first whenever I need one, which is not often. Possibly I will need one next Saturday for a Shapshifter concert. Had a few conversations at The Monday Room, a guy wouldn't stop talking slow to me, I found him highly amusing. I really should stop using people who treat me differently as a way to entertain myself, but what else am I meant to do? Oh then we went to Cruz. It was a fun night.

I finally sorted out my eye typing problems. it has been working perfectly for three weeks. Apparently it doesn't like it when you remove layouts if they're still linked in the software. So I removed the links to some layouts and had no further problems. Yay I am a genius! I will be trying a new eye typing system in August. This one is not compatible with 64 bit Windows.
Sunday now, last night I was drinking at Steven's and Cruz. I got thinking about the Bible, why did God kill every first born instead of just killing the pharaoh? This is at best terribly inefficient, at worse, just plain ridiculous. Anyway a woman offered to "root" me at Cruz, I declined of course. I saw some friends and got they shouted me many many drinks, too many. Cheers Shannon and Craig.

Very busy week next week, I have got to go to Auckland for my upcoming business and I have two concerts in Christchurch.

Boring work part, written Saturday.

I've stuck to my schedule, minus Friday but I did make up the hours today. I didn't launched the two products I was planning to but one is in the testing phase, the second product is virtually the same product with a few modifications, so that's good! I've coded most of the modifications already. Regarding my local business; I've started the shopping cart software and I expect it to be ready by mid August, that's good. I saw someone selling shopping cart products on trademe for about $1,800 so if I can compete in that market that would certainly make me happy. I've coded most of the frontend, I only have the affiliate system to go. I have started designing a site to sell designs. I am stuck on it because I am a shit designer. Thank fuck I will be getting other people to design clients' sites. I'll seek advice about it next week in Auckland.
Posted at 08/07/2012 04:02:07 UTC 0 comments

Couldn't really think of anything comical to say this week, sorry

saturday Today I went to Hine's, tonight I am going out. That's basically my week. Was good to see her, we brought groceries, well she did. I looked at liquor prices even though I have heaps and had no intention of buying anything, hey I wanted to compare prices. For no good reason. Saturday night I arrived rather late at the L.V.C tour but meh I was on the cider before so I didn't care. It was not a big night, but it was cheap LOL. I do need to conserve money for business projects, trips and Shapshifter on the 15th. Regarding business, an old reseller came back, now I have three, things are looking up. I start my new local business venture tomorrow. Top priorities are creating the shopping cart script and a site to sell designs, the script and other services. I'll spend ten hours per week on each task. Starting income goal of $2,500 per month, this does not include income from my international business. I really want to focus on building multiple income streams. My second local venture could be dropshipping. Hopefully in six months my income will be very different. Looks like I am going to Auckland three times in two months and Wellington in August. I have been watching Question Time for two weeks, and it has me wondering again; how could New Zealand elect such incompetent fools. Have you heard them speak? Seriously! These people have zero business running a country and it's a tragedy that they were elected, let alone reelected. They frequently say shit that can be proven wrong very easily. It's embarrassing. I've been researching Cerebral Palsy and apparently higher than average intelligence is common with Athetold Cerebral Palsy, I never knew that. I wonder why that it. Also apparently our muscles age faster due to involuntarily moving constantly. This is a concern, I'll seek medical advice in about 20 years. The medical world will be so different then, who knows what solutions/rollbacks they will have. Of course this could be irrelevant because the climate could destroy us all due to global warming, who knows? Hopefully not.
Posted at 01/07/2012 03:54:47 UTC 1 comment

Will be blogging about business more

Saturday, the week so far:

Today I went out to lunch with my parents.

Weekly recap done...

Nice burgers at the Herewood Tavern. even though I only had the beef and bacon inside.

I am going to ramble about progress on my business here weekly since it's technically required of my mentoring program. However if you really don't like it, feel free to fuck off, I don't care. I really don't want to start another blog and be boring and business like on it, that's not me. Don't know if this is an appropriate place for my business blogs, oh well OK, I was going to completely start doing it July 1st. However I thought I'd email a few designers to see if they're interested in doing some work, got a positive response from one. Business Tip #1, don't pay sites to advertise for people, if you already know them, I guess that's fucking obvious. Launched a product this week. I hope to launch about four by August. My hours from July will be 11-4 NZ business, 4-9 international business which is what I am working on now until the specific hours start. Hours exclude when I'm away. Weekends be spent blogging and some business here and there. Breaks for meals obviously included with the hours, maybe some TV as background noise, especially if I don't care about the program. I was going to work on my core customer backend first, but I think that I will get a basic site up first to sell web designs then work on the backend products and eventually add to the backend products and add services like marketing etc.

Next day:

Going to a food and drink festival in Wellington in August, except we are going to a few drink events, which suits me fine. I imagine i'll be extremely bored at the food events. I was going to go a few days earlier so I had to abandon that trip and go later because Kenny Rodgers is coming to Christchurch and I'm going to that.

Last night I went to Cruz, had a great time. Some random guy was patting me on the head from behind, that was bizarre.

My other blogs will resume in July. Saturdays will be spent blogging.
Posted at 24/06/2012 02:15:36 UTC 0 comments

Work, Rugby, Elysium Fields, Taxi Rant

Fuck, has it only been a week since GaGa? Sometimes time flys, other times, not so much. I am still working on the product I hoped would be finished two weeks ago. Oh well, crap always takes longer. Every day closer to a stable product I can sell. I am looking forward to finally starting a new product next week. I hope that the global economy doesn't die as soon as I start to get somewhere.

Tonight I am watching rugby with Steven, I have zero interest in rugby, I just thought that it was a convenient way to get pissed without going out and getting home at 4 in the morning. I will do that next week.

Next day (Sunday)

Yeah I am not sure going off into a drunken dream world and looking at the TV occasionally to see that the scores were different counts as watching rugby. I had no idea of the events that changed the scores half the time, and I wasn't really interested. I was on the Whisky, I was happy.

Friday night I did go out; to Elysium Fields Presents: Engel Der Nacht. It was a great night; good friends, good music, good burbon, good wine. It was good to see David, Shannon, Alex, Mike etc. It was great to party to a different style of music. Fantastic night! Couldn't get a taxi home, Mike was nice enough to take me. We managed to shove my manual wheelchair in the back of his car.

I am appalled that I couldn't get a taxi despite being wheelchair taxis on the road. Taxis would rather take drunken groups of seven rather than wheelchair passengers. I understand that they make more money off groups. However understand this: Understand that I couldn't give a flying fuck about their profits. Understand that drunken groups can take multiple cabs. Understand that I do not have that option. Understand that denying me a ride when you have the ability to take me is simply discrimination. Understand that if I was in my electric wheelchair I'd be totally screwed. Understand that if you treat disabled people like this it discourages them from going out and living life. Understand that this is not the first time this has happened to me and I am pissed and will complain. It probably will do fuck all good but oh well.
Posted at 17/06/2012 03:41:30 UTC 1 comment

GaGa 2012 and business stuff

Sunday night I got really really pissed at a GLBT dance party with Craig. He was offering Tequila shots, I had too many and knew it. Eh, it was fun! Mixed bag of music I thought, some good tracks though.

Monday I had to recover, I even took a nap which I never do normally. I was tired and clearly wasn't going to do anything productive. I felt much better after.

Tuesday Sam came down from Auckland.

Wednesday we were supposed to go up to Auckland but because of the cunting stupid snow that didn't happen. I hate snow. We waited in the Koru lounge until after lunch. I decided to have a cider and wine, because it was free.

Another free cider Thursday. Arrived in the airport at 9, finally got to Auckland at 6. Had dinner supplied by the Pullman Hotel and a burbon. Then went to a Lady GaGa concert, got there just before GaGa came on. Oh on the way Sam's car got rear ended. That sucked. The concert was great, not as good as the one in 2010 but still excellent. She's weird and uplifting, I am very glad that I went.

Friday we went back to Christchurch. I decided to have a coffee on the plane since I didn't visit the Koru Lounge, technically I could have got one at the hotel but eh, had orange and pineapple juice instead. Sam went home after dropping me off.

Saturday night I drank whisky at Steven's, took a break from clubbing this week, perhaps I'll do this more.

This has definitely been a high alcohol week, back to the normal rate next week.

I have been accepted into an business mentoring program which I am in two minds about whether I actually need it. On the one hand I now have clear goals and are highly motivated, on the other hand I haven't been successful for the past five years. (my primary industry got over saturated and died off, my top reseller stopped exclusively selling my products and then moved on to an offline business a few years ago, plus several other ventures went sour, I never modernized the businesses to keep up with changes in the industries) Considering the early days, I can't help but be appalled about where I am, my own fault really. So you now know the story of my failings. I will turn things around. This month I will work hard on products and sites to sell them. Next month I will start to balance my current business with my new business. Will do about 20 hours per week each. Some work will cross over. My new business will consist of mainly outsourcing (eventually including support) and web hosting. Outsourcing doesn't leave room for profits but I will sell my own backend for client's sites and make money that way. Plus there's monthly income from web hosting and mark up on outsourcing, I will have to take marketing costs into consideration and get a good balance for the profits. Perhaps I can also offer marketing services for clients. I learned from a friend that some business mentors are shit and don't recommend businesses use technology like websites etc so perhaps there's an untapped market there. Yes I fully realize the irony of complaining about business mentors while being accepted into a business mentoring program. Part of the program is getting a website established so my criticisms clearly don't apply. Perhaps I'll diversify my local businesses too. Then again on my private facebook profile I practically said that the NZ economy is fucked and I should focus internationally. This directly conflicts with this. Oh well, I will still be running my international business too. Also apparently I am supposed to keep a blog on my business progress. Not really that keen on the idea personally, we'll see.

As for my other blogs, they're taking a back seat at the moment, perhaps I will schedule time to do them weekly.

Busy seven months ahead. Time to turn things around.

Oh monthly trips are continuing; Auckland again next month and Wellington around my birthday.
Posted at 10/06/2012 03:06:03 UTC 0 comments

Looking ahead to GaGa and beyond.

Bah, I don't want to do this, work to do.

Wednesday I had dinner with the family and was shouted a few wines. I think I prefer Vodka. The wines were pretty easy to drink, comparatively. Although the advantage of ordering wine is there is no danger of the bartender mistakenly filling my bottle right up with soft drink.

Saturday night I went to Steven's and Cruz. Someone sat on my tray LOL. People were also putting their hands against my headrest. I wondered who why I could see a hand above me. Lucky my chair wasn't turned on otherwise I would have gone flying into the crowd, yeah don't do that, ever!

Thursday I went to the doctor and had blood tests. I really don't know why I bothered getting blood tests. I know it's just a non serious thing and is taken care of.

Going to Auckland next week to see Lady GaGa, I am more excited to see Sam, seen her before. Well I've seen Sam before many more times than I've seen Lady GaGa. I'm not sure of my point. I have no point. This paragraph really isn't going anywhere. What was I saying? Oh yeah going to Auckland to see Sam. I am sure that GaGa will be great too. I swear I am not drunk as I write this, I wish I was. I am just writing in my own funny style, well I think it's funny, I don't give a flying fuck if you do.

I am going out tonight too, which fucks up my work progress a bit. Oh well things are getting done. A bit slower than I would like but I am pleased, finally, well not exactly pleased with my progress, but things are coming together and have a plan for the immediate future, I hope it works out. I am also thinking of another project. I have a good vision of things now, that's what I need.
Posted at 03/06/2012 04:51:31 UTC 0 comments

Budget, My Week, Earthquakes

It was the forth National Party budget this week. Their strategy seems to be taxing the poorest members of society more. Because that will help the deficit and stimulate the economy; taxing the poorest members of society more. Give the poor less to spend and the economy will BOOM! YAYYYYYY! Anyone who knows anything about economics knows the exact opposite is true! This government is sabotaging our economic prosperity. I do support the tax changes to people who own holiday home though. However New Zealand's economic potential remain well and truly fucked. We have a growth problem and a revenue problem. This does absolutely fuck all to solve them, in fact it will make matters worse, especially on the growth problem. Less growth = Less revenue. Do you really think that the economy will grow if the people who actually spend money have less to spend? You're a complete fucking idiot if you do.

Thursday night I went out with Danice, to a lesbian night at a bar. I had mixes and someone brought me a Tequila shot. The guy still assumed that I was drinking water even after the shot. Hehe. It was a fun night.

Saturday I saw Hine, we didn't go out. We were going to go to a pub, but decided it was too cold. So we just had a natter.

Saturday night I had a very strong Tequila at Steven's and Vodka at Cruz. I do consider myself a very spiritual person, only in a very different way than the normal context. Girls were on my arms all night, I was miles away in my head, I don't know where exactly, various places. I like being in my own zone. I wasn't there enough, I was distracted, and not by the girls. Almost got through the night without someone putting a drink on my tray and it was done just to wind me up and "so you can moan about it on your blog". Well I am not moaning, I am writing on events as they happen, so ha!

Two earthquakes this week. I'm extremely unphased by them. However it was a weird feeling when it happened when I was dancing to my favourite trance track. Mainly they're just an interruption. Other people feel very differently. Earthquakes are a "meh" experience for me. Meh. It happens. Meh.
Posted at 27/05/2012 03:20:40 UTC 0 comments

Random Rambles/TV/TheYoungTurks/Cruz

It's Saturday

I said that I was going to blog more, yeah that didn't happen, but I worked on products though so I am pleased and feel accomplished. I have got a similar week ahead.

I have nothing to say so this will probably be a short entry unless I randomly ramble about something which is pretty unlikely because I can't be fucked and really can't think of anything to ramble about. If I ramble about current events would it be better suited to one of my other blogs? I have too many blogs and not enough time to write. People still seem to enjoy even though I think I write complete crap with no actual substance half the time. I like offering substance to my readers. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. OK that was a cheap joke, but I am cheap. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way.

So what did I do this week? watched TV. NCIS fucking sucked, the whole episode didn't make sense, so fuck that show. Gibbs gets shot then wasn't. What the hell was that about? Worst episode ever. Oh crap I've missed CSI Las Vagas, who cares? I can still catch House on TV3+1.

I've started watching TheYoungTurks daily on YouTube, it's a great progressive show in the US. It also has a TV show on the "current" network. We don't get that network. We do get Fox News, fuck that. This is probably no interest to anybody. Do I care? Absolutely not. Haha I've probably bored most of you. Good!

Sunday now

Last night I went to Cruz. i had the usual spellers and people resting their hands on my tray, they get a surprise when I move it. Either there's nothing more noteworthy about the night or I can't remember, it is probably a combination. I had a good time anyway.
Posted at 20/05/2012 03:20:11 UTC 0 comments

I'm not a drunk

Had a nice busy week but first

This is a ridiculous paragraph: I'm not a drunk, for the record! I drink maybe once or twice a week, many people drink much more. Apparently I'm heavily knowing for my drinking, I don't really care. I prefer to be known for my intellect and good looks, but whatever. I talk about drinking constantly, but that is because most of my outings involve drinking. I'm a homebody and most of the time I go out I drink, it's that simple. Call me a drunk, see if I care. Well obviously I do otherwise I wouldn't be writing this, but you get the point. To be fair I do drink far more when Sam's around; he's a bad influence, or maybe I am? It's probably me.

I am going to blog more, but please excuse me if issues are a few weeks or months old. Yeah I suck at some things, oh well, move on!

Monday I had an assistive technology meeting and then went to my brother's rugby league fund raiser. I had some Vodka and wine. I also got a bottle of wine. Definitely don't have a shortage of alcohol, which only proves I don't drink enough to go through my collection. HA!

Wednesday I went to a rainbow Labour branch meeting. I got there late, opps! It was informative.

Saturday I went to Steven's, a house party and Cruz. I had a fantastic night catching up with friends.
Posted at 13/05/2012 03:28:44 UTC 0 comments

David Guetta 2012

Wednesday I went to Auckland. It took us about two hours to get to the apartment because Sam had a so-called short cut which had the opposite effect. It was a free ride from the airport, so who cares? After KFC I saw a friend, we drank wine.

Thursday I did fuck all really until I met a friend for a drink before going to a David Guetta concert, had a great time, I was pissed!

Friday we went to lunch, the beef was incredibly small. I wish that I had a magnifying glass so I could have taken it out for comic effect. Also why do they fill wine glasses 30%? It's an extreme waste of space. FILL MOST OF THE FUCKING GLASS OR GIVE US SMALLER ONES!!! After lunch I had McDonalds at the airport, then some snacks on the plane, then something when I got home.

Also on Friday I watched TVNZ 7, enjoy that network while you can, the nats are cutting funding for it. Well I didn't enjoy it, The Best Of Breakfast was on. If that was the best of it, I'd surely hate to see the non highlights of it. People always complain that Petra is annoying, surely it's a competition between the two. It was about students paying more and allowances being cut. What a load of fucking shit. Young people are already pissing off to Australia in large numbers. This will not help things. Unfuckingbelievable. AND LET'S SUCK EDUCATED PEOPLE WHO TYPICALLY EARN HIGHER WAGES OUT OF THE TAX BASE TOO! YAYYYYYY! I AM SERIOUSLY SICK OF THIS SHIT!

I had a great time in Auckland catching up with mates, and Sam. I drank a lot of wine and cider.

kSaturday I went to Steven's and Cruz. Cruz was good apart from the constant stream of annoying people. First a guy left a drink on my tray and I gave him a nasty look and he promptly took it off. I only gave him a look for the fun of it really. Two or three other people left drinks on my tray, it was definitely the night for it. Also this guy was spelling, and spelling, and spelling, I had no idea what he said most of the time. He did spell out "party" ten times in a row. I was actually debating with myself whether to be annoyed or laugh at the guy.
Posted at 06/05/2012 03:23:35 UTC 0 comments

Too many Jagers

It's Sunday

I went to Craig's Friday, had too much Jager, I think I drank than what everybody had combined, they only had 1-3 each, or perhaps they were double glasses... I drank the combined equivalent. That was a bad idea, it was fucking fun though. Definitely sticking to my limits for a while. Losing count of my drinks is really bad. I think that I had less than two hours sleep.

Saturday I caught up with Hine and went for a walk, well technically a ride. That night I went to Tim's for a few hours. I had a few things on but I wasn't really in the partying mood. Quiet drinks are energy conserving, and low cost! I'll make it up at David Guetta in Auckland on Wednesday!

No new other blog entries, yes I'm a slack bastard. I know you all miss me abusing republicans and the RWNJs (right wing nut jobs) in New Zealand. I'm a proud LWNJ which is rare as most people on the left are sane, unlike the majority of the right. Do I push my political views too much? Yes? Good! Anyway don't count on any other blog posts this week. I have Auckland and work to do.

And now for an unnecessary rant.

Posted at 29/04/2012 04:49:49 UTC 0 comments

I wanna jump off a tower

Stupid me just posted this on the wrong blog.

It's Monday.

I am back from Auckland.

Got up at 6 Saturday. The plane had a issue and was delayed by half an hour. Sam got vouchers for the new El Maco so we had that. Sam thought it was crap, I thought it was OK. Meh it was a burger, I eat to survive and don't really care about food. We arrived at McDonalds and we drove all the way to another McDonalds just to get free refills of coke, wasn't my idea! I didn't bring my phone so couldn't text mates, oh well, I'll be back in two weeks anyway for a David Guetta concert. This trip was basically just to see Sam, wasn't going to go until I got cheap flights. They were even cheaper than stand by fares!

Sunday we left the apartment, it didn't have Sky; I just watched music videos on Saturday night and took a nap while Sam was working. I never take naps but was tired and there was nothing else to do. I decided not to bring my computer because it was a short trip. Anyway Sunday we went out for lunch with Sam's parents, I had mash potatoes and fries, everybody else had prawns. Potatoes and fries were cheap compared to everything else. I usually have lamb, but it was $40+, fries and mash potatoes will do me just fine! I was shouted but I still don't like spending that much on food, it's just the way I am. I shared a chocolate desert with Sam, that was fucking nice! Sam got a $20 voucher for SkyCity casino so he went there, he won $35, he only lost when I wasn't picking the colours. I also went on a trike type car around Auckland. That was different and cool. I think that I want to do a "controlled jump" off the SkyTower, who wants to do it with me?

I have got a busy week this week with blogging on issues, working and watching a few DVDs that I got recently. I have got to work on my own stuff and stuff for somebody else. I quite enjoy working.
Posted at 23/04/2012 01:54:05 UTC 0 comments

I just bitch to fill up space 1

Dear Blog,

Fuck you fucking cunt.

I am doing this pretty late on a Sunday, not my fault as eye typing software doesn't work for the first hour or so most days so fuck that. Then I had emails to write, other things to do blah blah blah. Been a productive week I think.

This week I did fuck all apart from drinking and working on the computer. So not much to report.

Drank with a few friends last night then Cruz. Had a great night.

What's fucking me off this week? Human stupidity! People are idiots! I saw a YouTube video of the recent tsunami. There's a tsunami let's all go to the beach! What kind of shit for brains moron do you have to be to think that is a good idea? Recently I read about people moaning about people moaning about a character in Hunger Games being black. Eh I have to ask why a character being black offends people? It's because their racist fuckheads of course. Also it's just a fucking movie. Why do people get pissy about the stupidest shit? It was the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, people were shocked to find out it was an actual historical event. People today are clueless, absolutely clueless.

Next week I am going to Auckland for a very short time. So my next entry will probably be a day later. I know I said I wasn't going to go but I got cheap flights at a grabaseat auction.
Posted at 15/04/2012 04:22:30 UTC 0 comments

Easter 2012

Looks like I forgot to address my blog last time, how rude!

Dear Blog,


I figured that people write "Dear Diary" so I thought I would something similar, until I get sick of it in a few weeks.


It's when you pretend to eat Jesus! Or something. I got drunk, HAPPY EASTER.

That was much too positive.

INDIFFERENCE EASTER! Yeah that's better.

I didn't make time for other blogs again. Oh well.

I want to buy a dinosaur, maybe I shouldn't blog drunk. Not a good look, unlike physically which I look fucking good. Can I buy a dinosaur? Maybe a model dinosaur. Bah fuck that. Maybe I'll wait until they're clone one, and not buy one because I don't want to get eaten. Don't ya just love my insightful posts? I KNOW I DO! I love most things about me, I fucking rock and you know that you can trust what an egotistical maniac says about himself. I'm the BEST! BEST what? Who knows? I like rambling.

Sunday now, above was last night. I didn't go out, conserving money. Went out Thursday, to a pub then had lots of Sambuca at Craig's, probably too much, oh well. It was fun, we watched Madonna, in the days before she purchased a baby.

Did the family Easter thing Wednesday.

Was going to do something Friday but couldn't due to Easter trading, so fuck Easter trading laws. It inconvenienced me so abolish the trading restrictions. They're against FREEDOM! The freedom to trade on a public holiday! It's a stupid rule anyway. But it's popular, probably only because of chocolate and the day off. Notice how both our religious holidays involve chocolate and presents. It's just a random observation. I have no real point, just writing crap.
Posted at 08/04/2012 03:16:13 UTC 0 comments

No idea where I am going in life but that's OK

It's Sunday.

Currently watching House from weeks ago.

Short night last night, had pre drinks then went to Cruz but felt ill so went home early, at 2. Think I just had too much Tequila LOL.

Also saw Hine yesterday, went to a restaurant, they kept offering me drink but I didn't want to drink twice in one day and it's much more cost effective to drink my own alcohol.

This is a boring post. I need a way to change the sky channel through the computer. My current way is unbelievably slow. Need to make more sites, got a ton of crap to do. I enjoy writing blogs, but they're not profitable. I am not sure what I want to do in life. Do I see if I can make blogs profitable or focus on script development. Do I get an official education to qualify myself for jobs? Eek that costs thousands. I haven't found a PHP course anyway. All the courses I've seen are for web design and ASP. I never got any official education on PHP, learned it completely from online tutorials. Now I have this skill with no qualifications. I finished high school when I got my school certificate, I kind of want to continue my education but bah it takes money and time. I could be doing other things with my time, which is EXACTLY the reasoning I used when I was 16, guess some things don't change. It was the right decision back then. Also considering writing novels. I have no idea what I am doing in life, and I am not sure I want to, spontaneity is good, or bad if I end up getting confused but eh I'll risk it. Perhaps I'll focus on many things. Life is an adventure I say; do whatever makes you happy. Going to build crap for the immediate future, I like building crap.

Had to cancel an Auckland trip next month, can't afford it.

Fuck I am pretty sure a hangover has just hit. Uh help?
Posted at 01/04/2012 03:24:42 UTC 1 comment

Night out and technology issues

Dear Blog,

Go fuck yourself.


I got a flu shot Wednesday. That's all I did before Saturday. So this won't be an exciting post. Well I say that then randomly ramble until it turns into an OK post. Will this be the same. I cannot predict the future, nobody can.

Saturday night I had pre drinks then went to Cruz. Someone sat on my tray without realizing what it was, he got a shock when he turned around LOL. A woman shouted me a drink but I didn't ended up getting it because it was in a glass with a straw, oh well, I had barely finish my own drinks. Perhaps I should have a sign on my tray saying "I drink out of a bottle" or something.

Oh here's something I can tell you, I am having issues with my eye typing software again, it takes about an hour to get into a workable state which is a fucking pain. Maybe it's time to investigate other technology which will again be a fucking pain but this could be necessary. It started doing it the day before I went to Sydney, I have no idea why it does it, I could try a different version of the software but I do remember having major problems with the other version so maybe that's not the best course of action. I am getting a technology assessment next month, this is also for my portable communication computer which I haven't had since November because the computer basically died. My biggest concern about getting new technology is will it end up like all my other computer accessibility technology. I think that I have three pieces of software that do not have support from the developers. When I email them, they don't reply or say it doesn't happen for us so fuck off, they may not be their exact words but I definitely do no have a good view of companies who develop computer accessibility products. This very negatively effects my attitude towards trying something new, but I have really no other option.

I don't need to pointlessly ramble now, maybe next week.
Posted at 25/03/2012 02:49:58 UTC 0 comments

St Patrick's Day 2012

Dear Blog,


I don't have a topic to write about so I will write about not being to think about what to write about or am I lying about not having a topic to write about just to have a topic to write about.
Above Friday, below Sunday.

Had a busy night last night, went to Matt and Janine's, DJ Hype and The Upbeats and then Cruz. Ran out of Tequila at Matt and Janine's so had some of their Vodka, thanks! Really wasn't planning to drink anymore than my Tequila but eh, what the hell? Hype and Upbeats were good. Booked that event in February I think. I wore my Upbeats shirt, got it free at a gig so I thought why not? After dropping some girls I knew home, I went to Cruz. I was talking to a girl but she repeated the same three points five times in a very short space of time, drunk people do that. Then someone assumed I was Irish. I thought what a weird thing to assume; not everyone out on St Patrick's Day is Irish. Then I remembered I was wearing a green hat which somebody put on my head, no idea who. Even so, many people wear green on St Patrick's Day. Do I have Irish in me? I don't know, I am adopted. Perhaps I should ask my ancestry, but eh. Perhaps I should ask my family's medical history though. That would be useful. Who knows, I could have come from a long line of fucking insane lunatics. No that probably starts with me. I can't say I give a flying fuck where I come from. Anyway St Patrick's Day mainly celebrates drinking, I can totally get behind that. The Irish have the best celebrations, Irland for the win. Better than fucking easter; all you get at easter is chocolate eggs and buns, on St Patrick's Day you get alcohol! Oh but Easter lasts longer, meh alcohol wins for me! She also assumed I was straight. Strange assumption considering it's a gay club. The night ended with Irish music, very fitting I thought.

Hey since everything is green on St Patrick's Day so I think that it would be the perfect day for The Greens to campaign. Oh but everyone would be too pissed to pay attention. Then again, most people don't pay attention anyway!
Posted at 18/03/2012 03:03:01 UTC 0 comments

Melbourne Concerts 2012

So I'm back from Melbourne, it was great apart from having no free internet. I just assumed all hotels provided free internet these days. Who knew? not me! Meh busy most of the time anyway and was also drunk a good portion of it. DUTY FREE TEQUILA FOR THE WIN! Definitely have never drunk so much Tequila in my life or in one day, straight Tequila anyway. I think I went on a bender 3/4 days I was there and even when I didn't go on a bender I had two cocktails at happy hour at the hotel bar. Haven't drunk for at least 24 hours by the way. Sam was encouraging me to drink, let's just blame the boyfriend!

Saturday I arrived and went gay clubbing. Was going to watch Two And A Half Men throughout the flight but after a few episodes I decided it sucked and saw Sam was watching something with Matthew Perry so I decided to switch to that, and enjoyed it. Mr Sunshine is a decent sitcom, it is actually funny unlike the other sitcoms I watched on the flight which only bored me. New Girl only had a hot shirtless guy going for it, couldn't get into Modern Family, found it boring. So anyway arrived, had three shots of Tequila and went to a little gay club called Priscilla's @ 153, nice music, had fun. A guy brought me a drink, always a good night when someone buys you a drink.

Sunday was Future Music Festival. I saw Jessie J, Naked And Famous, Tinie Tempah, Skrillex, Fatboy Slim, Swedish House Mafia and more. I only really went for Jessie J and Fatboy Slim but also really enjoyed Skrillex and Swedish House Mafia. I also had a Frozen Cocktail and lots of other alcohol. I noticed that Melbourne had a high number of blond guys, there was a cute shirtless one on the train back. Decided to go to McDonalds after the train back.

Monday we had lunch at a diner then we both had two cocktails later on, then I think we had KFC for dinner. Or was it KFC for lunch and the diner for dinner? Yeah that's it. Nobody gives a shit anyway, if you give a shit about the accuracy of my meals you're obviously a very very very very sad person.

Tuesday we went out for lunch, I had wedges and cake. Then ordered room service for dinner. We had a two for one voucher and I was feeling lazy. Oh I fell out of my chair on the way back from lunch. LOL! Never done that before. Fucking Melbourne. Then we went to the Aqua concert, it was awesome! I was pissed again.

Wednesday we had coffee and cake at some cafe then went to the airport and drank in the Koru Lounge. I tried Baileys and had Vodka. Liked the taste of Baileys. On The flight I watched Mr Sunshine the entire time. How come you get free snacks on domestic flights and not international flights? This seems entirely fucked up. I WANT FREE SNACKS I WANT FREE SNACKS I WANT FREE SNACKS!

Melbourne fucking sucks for wheelchairs too. There's a step up to lots of places in the CBD which means it is fucking inaccessible for my electric wheelchair. Also not a fan of the dining on the streets thing that they have going on. It makes the CBD far too narrow in some places and is hazardous when crowded. The footpaths are bumpy too, I fell out my wheelchair once but hey I considered that a new experience. I do like the train system though, sooooo cheap to get to places. Auckland should definitely get a city loop system.

It had been an amazing month; I got to see Kylie Minogue and Aqua, spend time with my cute boyfriend and got frequently drunk. Excellent month. Ready for more partying tomorrow!
Posted at 16/03/2012 02:07:59 UTC 0 comments

Sydney Mardi Gras 2012

Tuesday 6th March, no idea why the date is important but there we go.

Hi dysfunctional lunatics, oh sorry that's me!

So I went to Sydney Thursday, had too much to drink in the Koru lounge, didn't end well, yeah definitely not doing that in Melbourne, I will drink after I arrive at a gay club or two. Hope that Sam doesn't collapse after being up early.

Friday we went out for breakfast at McDonalds and it was pissing down. So had a spa and steam after, and a dip in the pool in between, but fuck the pool it was cold. Thought I was going to catch pneumonia, but didn't so HORRAH! Then we went out for dinner. I think, I don't know, who cares? Then I saved the world from nuclear war.

Saturday we went to Hungry Jacks for lunch then some other restaurant for tea before going to the Mardi Gras parade. It rained on our gay pride parade again this year. God must actually hate us. JUST KIDDING! God doesn't actually exist! LOL! I did notice more god oriented floats this year, and less hot guys. As with last year, I enjoyed the music of the floats. Didn't take any pictures, it was kind of hard to communicate being squeezed in and all. I also had a Tequila Sunrise and some Vodka before the after party, didn't pay for the Vodka either! The party was great, however I had shitty sleeps Thursday and Friday so didn't know how I was going to cope but Sam brought some anti sleep pills at some pharmacy, fucking genius idea! Had an OK sleep that night and a fantastic sleep Sunday. They were selling cans of some alcoholic beverage at the party. Kylie Minogue performed! Although the truly sad part is that I saw the screen and thought it was a show elsewhere, so I spent the first few minutes wondering why everyone was screaming. I was thrilled when I noticed her on stage. I didn't even notice the stage. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh well, so pleased I got to see her live, even though I didn't even know at first. I also had a great time partying to several DJs! It was a brilliant night. So glad I went!

sunday we went out for lunch and dinner. We had a view of the harbour at the dinner restaurant. Once it stopped pissing down, it was nice. Darling Harbour Nights is a nice tasting cocktail.

Monday we went home, today Sam went home but he's back Saturday for a Melbourne trip, then it's back to visiting him in Auckland I guess. I like visiting him. I also had Vodka and straight bandy in the Koru lounge on Monday. Hey I may as well try new things while it's free.

I also got Vodka and Jager duty free. I still need Tequila and perhaps some Burbon. Never buy a single bottle of anything at duty free, pairs are cheaper! Oh I had a dream Monday night warning of the health risks of alcohol. How bizarre.

My next entry will be 16 March, either that or I'll just skip it and post one Sunday 18th, who the fuck knows?
Posted at 07/03/2012 01:40:28 UTC 0 comments

Got drunk watching cars

It's Saturday night.

What a cheap fucking weekend, spent the afternoon drinking, total cost: fuck all. I'm drunk, can you tell??? You're a fucking idiot if you can't. Not going out, more money for Australia I guess. YAY! I'm drunk.

Did wheelchair maintenance things this week, and got drunk Thursday, and today obviously.

Today I hung around at a burnout pad, I had fun, mainly because I was pissed. I went around a track in a car shit faced, that was fun. Well most things shit faced is fun, speeding around a track shit faced is definitely fun. Of course me being me, I just had to think about how burnouts are produced; friction etc. It's also surprising how much smoke they can produce, massive amounts. I wasn't driving, obviously. A woman gave me a drink but she was shocked to learn it was alcohol, not water. What's with people and thinking cripples have water??? I had Burbon and Coke and Tequila, in the same bottle, yummy yummy yummy. Must buy duty free Vodka in Australia.

My next entry will probably be 7th March, I'll probably do lots of blogging and take lots of pictures (or nag Sam to take lots of pictures) in Australia.

There's nothing like sitting at home pissed and listening to your favourite songs.

There was an earthquake earlier, It's always a relief to find out an earthquake actually happened and it was not some random drunken experience.
Posted at 26/02/2012 03:08:25 UTC 0 comments

More drinking and some offensive comments about Whitney Huston

Another week without other blog posts, I was going to do them Friday but ended up going to Craig's and getting pissed until 3AM, I also watched X Factor (reluctantly), and music DVDs such as Cher and Fatboy Slim.

I also worked on a site for someone else.

Thursday I got pissed alone, which I will probably do sometime this week too. Hey I like using my computer trolleyed. I listen to my favourite songs, write absolute crap on my private facebook profile, it's a good time.

Apparently I'm now known as a drunk. Oh well I couldn't give a flying fuck what people think of me. I am sober most nights. SO THERE!

Saturday night I went out with Hine to Cargo bar, they played 80's music which was, OK, once I had a few drinks in me LOL. I ended up having a great time, perhaps due to the three different shots! Sambuca, Jager and Tequila! Plus I had some Vodka mixes; Redbull and coke, separately of course. Then I went to Cruz and drank there.

This was posted late because I went out drinking again Sunday. I went to a gathering of gays, had some pizza then home with Craig to drink some more and watch some TV. Wrestling was on at the very start, how on earth did I ever watch that shit long ago? Found the David Bain story extremely interesting on 60 Minutes. That guy should definitely sue the ass off the crown.

Think I've been sober 3/7 nights this past week, whoops! Oh well, perhaps I'll slow down this week, or not...

Sam brought us Lady GaGa tickets. Already seen her, but eh I'll go again. I do like going to Auckland to see Sam. At least she sticks to her concerts unlike the recently deceased Whitney Huston, and doesn't sound like absolute shit, well maybe her sound has improved now that she has passed away. I have been playing her classic songs all week, love her music!
Posted at 19/02/2012 23:02:11 UTC 93 comments

Big Gay Out 2012

Sunday I got really really shit faced at Craig's place. I had a ton of Tequila and lemonaide, then was offered a wisky and coke, I don't refuse alcohol. I had a very enjoyable night, not just because I was completely shit faced by the end.

Monday I saw Mynor Star then Voltaire. Both were good. I have never really heard of either before, Voltaire sings dark and entertaining songs. I had many Jagers and some random woman kept giving me burbon, But she also filled my sipper bottle up with water. Ugh, why would I want water??? Got Fanny to exchange that shit ASAP. I also managed to give myself drinks completely unassisted. First time I've done that, it was challenging but I certainly love a challenge!

Thursday I went to Hine's birthday at The Running Bull. I ate beforehand so I just drank Jagers, got shouted them too.

Saturday I went to Auckland for The Big Gay Out on Sunday. I had drinks in the Koru lounge first, luckily Sam decided to renew his membership, which was surprising but I may as well get his money's worth with free food and vodka, why not? It doesn't cost him anymore no matter how much I drink. FREE PISS!!! Then we went to a dance party; he shared his Vodka before. Thanks Sam! Good music at the dance party but holly fuck it was bare. Lucky I took Sam otherwise I'd be bored stupid.

Sunday we got up at about midday then went for lunch and had a cocktail. Not really a Fan of expresso cocktails, remind me not to have one again. Headed to the Big Gay Out around 3, stayed for two hours until it started to pissed down. Fuck the rain, I was going home. Thought about not going but Sam said we should take a look. Some of the acts were OK, I think my favourite part was drinking in the dance tent, no surprises there then!

Monday we went out for lunch again at some random cafe, I had french toast. Then we had dinner at the Koru lounge, they served yummy spicey chicken and I also had some fruit and dessert, and of course alcohol. Vodka and I decided to have bubbly since it was free and all. Surely I'd be doing Sam a disservice if I didn't get the most alcohol possible out of his Koru membership. Don't know if I should fly completely wasted though! But what the hell? Also I boarded the plane from outside going up in a lift, found that quite cool!

And every paragraph contains me drinking hahahahahahahaha. I swear I don't have an alcohol problem, I just really really really really really really really really like to drink! I shouldn't be drinking that much over the next few weeks, I plan to drink LOTS in Sydney and Melbourne when I go with Sam next month, can't wait! Well I can and have to, there is no other alternative.
Posted at 14/02/2012 03:34:32 UTC 0 comments

Casino, night out, Aqua

This is the only blog post I am writing this week. Call me lazy, I'll call you a fuckwit. I make my readers feel sooooo special. Fuck you all.

Maybe I'll write a few more next week. Launching a new content site next week, and doing a site for a friend, so busy week which is good. Feels so good to have my technology back again so I can do shit. message me if you need a website done. Yeah I am now whoring out my website development services on this blog hahaha. Seriously, call me. I am a cheap fucker. It's totally ridiculous what other people charge.

I am in Auckland next weekend so my next entry will be posted Tuesday, or someday, or I may quit this blog, probably more chance of me congratulating John Key on the excellent job he's doing at the Big Gay Out. So.... NOT FUCKING LIKELY.

Saturday I saw Hine. We went to the casino and ate wedges. I know you're supposed to gamble there, but fuck gambling. Although I may go to SkyCity and try a strategy I learned recently. r That night I went to Steven's and had pre drinks before going to a drum and bass gig. I went far too late and only ended up spending an hour there. Oh well I managed to drink all my Tequila before so no big deal. Then once it finished I decided to go to Cruz. Wasn't ready to stop partying. Random straight guys patted me all night as usual. I should really respond by pissing on there leg!

Oh before I went out my dog did a piss in my room, I thought that was funny! Hey, I'm not the one who has to clean it up, I can laugh! Had Rose since intermediate school; she's never pissed in my room before.

I am also planning a trip to Melbourne to see Aqua. They're famous for the Barbie Girl song. I actually HATE that song but like Turn Back Time, Candyman, Cartoon Heroes and Back To The 80's which I mentioned on here once before. They have a new song: Like A Robot, it's also good. I am also going to earlier Sydney that month.
Posted at 05/02/2012 02:35:10 UTC 0 comments

Rambling and Cruz

It's Saturday and I am a little tipsy.

It has been an alcohol free week until today. Last week I drank for about five days in a row. It was a good week.

Booked our hotel for Sydney. 5 star, got a cheap deal.

Booked two drum and bass events, I miss Rock Pool, I wonder if it will open when the CBD does. These will be a good substitute. Also have some gay dance parties to go to; one in Auckland and one in Sydney.

Turns out my wheelchair wasn't fixed, no surprises there. It went away yesterday and I am supposed to get it back Wednesday.

Sunday now.

I was going to do another blog post today but I ran out of time with getting drunk and all. I will do two newsey type posts in the middle of next week. I highly doubt newsey is a word but who cares? Not me! I won't win any awards for this writing so I don't care if I don't use proper language some of the time. I don't use crap language without acknowledging that I am using crap language otherwise I'd just be a stupid fuck that uses crap language. What is a stupid fuck? Where you stick it in the wrong hole? I really should have stop rambling several sentences ago.

Went out last night, to Cruz but had pre drinks first. Tequila and lemonaide. I have so much Tequila I thought that I would start using it instead of Vodka. I'll buy more Vodka at duty free when I go to Sydney. That's barely a month away. Anyway Cruz was great, apart from being constantly annoyed being annoyed by strangers. Let's see there were spellers, patters, people that kept holding my hands, people that used my tray as a drink stand. A whole cocktail of fucking annoying people. Oh this one guy rested his hand on my tray not knowing what it was, got a shock when I vibrated the tray. Haha. It was a fantastic night apart from the complete strangers annoying me, the music was good, saw some friends. I had a great time.

Thinking of getting blue hair. Should I? Probably not.
Posted at 29/01/2012 03:58:32 UTC 0 comments

Big Day Out 2012

It's Saturday and I'm quite drunk and staying at Sam's house.

Wednesday I arrived in Auckland on stand by fares. I was quite surprised that I could fly stand by but there we go. Yay for cheaper fares! It was a bit of a hassle but I'm fucked if I care!

Thursday we went to some posh restaurant, I really don't remember the name. Frankly I really don't understand the appeal of waiting ages for overpriced food, I'd much rather have a cheap meal at home. It's Sam's thing, not mine. He enjoys it so I do it. We also went for a spa that day. (THREE DAYS LATER, I looked the restaurant up, it was dine by Peter Gordon)

Friday we went to the Big Day Out. LOL LAME EVENT! Fucking good excuse to spend time with Sam though! We spent an hour looking for the mythical wheelchair platform that didn't even exist, the staff were happy to direct us to the mythical wheelchair platform that didn't even exist, yeah try figuring that out? Bands were OK, quite disappointed that My Chemical Romance didn't play the only song I knew by them. Knew a song from the band Foster The People, very far from my favourite band though. Recognized another song from some kiwi woman I think. I had a very shitty sleep Thursday night and thought I was going to collapse by the end but ended up dancing my ass off to Nero! I knew one of their songs but they played it after we left the event, I still got to hear it though. Their other stuff is really good, great dance music! Hands down the best act in my opinion. Unfortunately my wheelchair broke down, it doesn't go over bumps without stopping and sometimes won't start back up. So Sam had to push me to the taxi and we could not find the taxi. So not a good time for him at the end.

The event was OK, still an economical way of seeing many bands at once. Wish that I wasn't half a sleep for most of it. LOL oh well, these things happen. Enjoyed dancing when I did though!

The event was definitely not crowded which was probably a good thing. I could definitely see why it was the last Big Day Out.

Sunday now.

We stayed home drinking but then I dragged Sam to Family. I was on Jager shots and had a great time. Lots of random old people patted me on the shoulder, yeah that got annoying, don't do that, like ever, to a stranger in a wheelchair unless he barks and humps your leg.

Today we went out for dinner with Sam's parents. I also had a double vodka and a tiny bit of wine.

Monday now, Sam really is not a fan of flying stand by with a wheelchair so we've booked tickets to Auckland next month. I however really like going stand by because it is more economical. Apparently we get something extra with our flights next month, I have no idea what. Hopefully it will be a bit less stressful next month. Sam is going home tomorrow. Then Sydney in March, I must book Mardi Gras party tickets!

Well my wheelchair seems to work after a charge. Apparently it needs to be charged regularly regardless of how much you use it, which is fucked up. I used it fuck all and it was at least half full when it began fucking up. I didn't even use it around the house. So what a piece of fucking shit.
Posted at 24/01/2012 01:49:12 UTC 0 comments

Eye typing back and drinking

It's Thursday, sorry for not posting last week. By sorry I really mean fuck off my fucking computer wasn't working so I couldn't give a shit if a didn't post. Did an after shock happen before? Yes it did. That was a random change of subject for no apparent reason.

Got my computer back yesterday, with eye typing back, hopefully it lasts more than a few days this time. Fucking stupid thing! If it happens again I think I will have to get a separate computer with just eye typing on it. Hopefully it won't come to that as I do need to interact with normal programs using my eye. That would be a massive bitch. I had to get a clean install again, hopefully this one lasts.

Pleased that I can blog again, although I am busy this month with an Auckland trip and a website project. But yay those things ! I am going Wednsday and going to the Big Day Out Friday. It's quite a cheap trip as I stay with Sam and he got discounted tickets. So yay for being cheap. Probably will drink vodka from the bottle instead of paying the clubs, I quite like to do that. Sam doesn't like going and people seem to hit on him in Auckland clubs haha.

Meh maybe I will go, might as well party while there etc.

Last Saturday I went to a New Years party hosted by Craig and Barbra, it was good, my drinks were a bit weak, must make sure I get stronger drinks. Then I hung out with friends and attempted to go to a trance party, but couldn't find it. Got some bad directions. Oh well. I really should have checked myself, opps. Had a nice different night anyway.

Friday now, went out with Hine today. We went to Strawberry Fare but couldn't find an accessible entrance so we ended up going to the casino instead, to eat. Well Hine was the main one who ate, I just had some of her chips! Yeah because I am cheap... Cheap as chips! But I didn't pay for the chips. I was going to have a Tequila or two but I have two bottles at home, so fuck paying bar prices.

So it's 3PM Saturday and I am already quite drunk. Had too many drinks for tonight so decided to drink one at lunch, yay excess! I REALLY hate wasting alcohol, then I have to buy more. Waste is uneconomical. Usually I don't care about waste but in this case it's just more fun not being wasteful. YAY THE ENVIRONMENT! What my drinking has to do with the environment I don't know. Hopefully I'll sober up by 6PM, then I can have MORE!

Sunday now, I had a few cocktails with family and then went to a party at Nathan's. Great times at both but did feel a bit sick at the end so decided not to go clubbing afterwards. I pretty much decided not to go clubbing at the beginning of the night anyway, then changed my mind, then didn't feel up to it. Oh well. The night was enjoyable anyway.

I am in Auckland with Sam next weekend so the next entry will be late, possibly Tuesday.
Posted at 15/01/2012 02:14:23 UTC 0 comments


And it's 2012. But you probably know that unless you are completely disconnected from reality, even more so than the average person.

It's Sunday, Sam came down Thursday, going back tomorrow.

So, got really really wasted last night and spent the day with my boyfriend. Yeah the year is pretty much downhill from here. I'm such a positive person!

We went for a spa and swim Friday afternoon and got pissed that night. The spa was good and I really can't remember the last time I went for a proper swim.

Last night was great, again I got really really trashed, that's the most important part, oh and spending it with my boyfriend and family etc. I had different types of drinks, not sure what one was called but I ended it with Jarger shots. The drink I can't remember tasted like coconut and I had it with orange juice, Quite a nice taste. Went back to the motel at 4AM, was up about 10, Drove home to Christchurch from Culverden. Has been a relaxing day.

Eye typing is not working again. UGH! Let's see if new hardware fixes the problem. I certainly hope so.

Monday now.

2011 was a good year for me. I know that it sucked for many other people, especially here in Christchurch but I personally am doing OK. Sure some parts of last year sucked badly, other parts did not. I have no idea where I am going in life. Life seems to be a continuous stream of work, partying and sex. I'm unsure whether this is a good thing. It's all a bit planned and routine for my liking. Getting a bit hamster wheel until one day the wheel stops. I don't know I think I am having a midlife crisis even though I am far too young. Life has its surprises and excitement occasionally, I always try to be adventurous and spontaneous especially this past few months. I really have no idea of my point. I'm going to try living life and enjoying it more is what I am trying to say, I don't know. Guess I need new challenges and goals.

There is nothing like a nonsensical rant to start the year off...
Posted at 02/01/2012 02:55:46 UTC 0 comments

Merry fucking christmas 2011

This will be posted on sunday if I am not too intoxicated. I am definitely too intoxicated now, yes I am.

Merry Christmas or happy holidays, or whatever you say, or nothing if you're not celebrating anything. If you just like hating on christmas for laughs, me too, so fuck christmas really is what I am trying to say.

It's Saturday night I am unsober again.

So my eye typing software is working again, it required a clean install of Windows which is a right cunt or dick depending if you a problem with the word cunt, you shouldn't as male reproductive organs have been used for decades. What am I saying, I am unsober. But at least I have it back. Now I can blog more and bitch at people faster.

I have no idea what to write apart from writing I have no idea what to write which isn't very impressive isn't it noooo. Ummmmmmm

So building my computer up again is going to be a pain but it's fucking good to be able to use my computer with my eye again.

Oh yeah had several big ass fucking earthquakes yesterday, I decided to use it as an excuse to get unsober because I am a role model.

I have no idea what I am doing, have you noticed?

It's Christmas and I am sober, must do something about that. Went to Matt and Janine's for breakfast, now back home ranting because I have nothing else to do. Well I could work but it's Christmas, good excuse not to work. I'll be offending Christians if I worked! Sure, let's use that as an excuse.

Next entry will probably be late because I am out of town on new years.

O Christmas tree O Christmas tree, my dog gave you the gift of pee.

Speaking of dogs, mine ate a fair bit of M&Ms when one of my M&M dispensers broke in the earthquake. It was on top of a DVD case which fell. Fucking earthquakes.

My Christmas gift to YOU is this entry. Which isn't much considering I was post it anyway. Well, merry fucking christmas. Why am I still sober?
Posted at 25/12/2011 01:40:04 UTC 0 comments

Bus trip

Just popping in.

Hi how are you oh you can't answer. I missed typing when I am not sober

It's sober I mean it's Thursday. I like writing my thoughts as accurate as possible.

Was interrupted forgotten what I was going to write

Sunday now

The bus trip was awesome. Went to a few great clubs then some rather boring bars, but that was OK, I really didn't know what was going on by then. It is always a fun night when you don't know what the hell is going on. Pre drinks first. I got through one and a bit then had more at some clubs. I decided to stop myself as I was pretty close to my limit and it was barely 11, if I had continued at the same pace I would have thrown up, good thing to avoid. I was mysteriously led out of a pub for some reason. Apparently someone told security that I wanted to get out. Errrrr I really didn't communicate that to anybody so I really didn't know why I was being led out. I thought that someone wanted me outside. Then I dropped people off at another pub and slowly drunk at Cruz, was sooo drunk by then, I was thinking of going home but thought it would a shame to waste such intoxication levels. It was a good night, talked to a few woman, saw a few boobs, well actually just one, personally I perfer penises but whatever.

Why does my fucking stupid neighbour insist on mowing lawns and chopping wood on a Sunday morning? I get home at 5AM and it makes it fucking impossible to sleep. Inconsiderate bastard!
Posted at 18/12/2011 06:40:59 UTC 0 comments

Night out and holidays

Well I still can't type with my eye. We got a spare camera and tried it on two computers but no luck surprisingly. I am waiting for an answer currently.

Sam brought flights to LA and wants to take me, for some reason, don't know why. Well yes I do, it's because I'm fucking sexy. OH YEAH! We've scheduled it to go to a Kelly Clarkson concert, we're going to do the theme park things. It's less than a month after we go to Sydney too. 2012 will be a great year. Also going to the Big Day Out in January.

Went to Cruz Saturday; tried a new drink, had my usual vodkas too, of course. Saw some friends. A random lady kept holding my hands and kept telling me to focus on her. Um that's unlikely unless she turned into a hot guy. Just saying! Is that rude? Good! I really don't like focusing on anything in that state; I'm a zoning out drunk, and I like it. Also I like thinking of random things in such states. I'm hideously anti social, unless it comes to friends.

I have got a bus trip next Saturday, I suppose I have to be social. I'm not actually going on the bus, will be following it in the van. I'd probably damage the bus in my drunken state. Will be good for a different type of night. Not going clubbing for a few weeks actually, will be back to it next year.
Posted at 11/12/2011 02:06:51 UTC 0 comments
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