Beyond Fucked


Blogs, Eddie's, TV, Cruz

Why doesn't anybody link to my blogs? Not specifically the blogs where I swear a lot although they are also great and should be linked to. Specifically my left-wing NZ blog. Nobody is linking to it. I need to figure out why and change that. I need to have more of an audience, because I am a genius! I am not joking, I really am a fucking genius. I will contact other blogs next week and get feedback. I am also thinking of creating my own research site/facebook page (piss easy) and a progressive change organization. The later will come much later as I have many other things to do.

Today I went to Eddie's and Jonothon's, brought Hine. Had some chats. It was nice weather, bit hot.

My TV is dead but that's OK as I watch fuck all TV, three shows, won't be missed. Family is sorting a replacement, so good. If that falls through, eh. I'm in no hurry to replace. I don't like TV/movies. There's too much emphasis on celebrities rather than the content of the show themselves.

Last night I went to Cruz. Usual stuff happened blah blah blah. Some hot guys there. Someone started to spell out something when I wasn't looking. Don't know what the fuck it was. It occurred to me, nobody ever spells out anything remotely interesting. Although their mistakes are amusing such as "yoyou". Again nothing remotely interesting. I also get frustrated and bored when they spend ages trying to find letters. Ugh just speak it, my ears work perfectly. I have more enjoyable things to do than watching some random drunk person failing to find letters quickly when there's absolutely no need to do that.
Posted at 02/02/2013 23:29:31 UTC 5 comments

Auckland, music, Cruz

I was meant to go to Auckland this week but that didn't happen, don't ask. Going next month for Linkin Park! Only, I listen to classic Linkin Park, they now play a completely different style of music due to issues with the singer's voice. Apparently it is the same issue that Adele had. That sucks, but eh. Few days in Auckland will do me good.

Delta Goodrem is playing at the Mardi Gras party, looking forward to that and I'll check out DJ Bimbo Jones too, she makes good stuff.

Pop music is starting to sound the same. Actually there's different sets of songs that can be grouped and sound very same. Pop's merging with club has a lot to do with that for me. Many people have always hated pop. I can kind of see why now. Lyrics like na na na don't help pop's cause. I like nineties pop the best. Aside from Lady GaGa and Pink. Seeing Pink in August will be great.

Went to Cruz last night. I think I am getting more and more people phobic LOL. As soon as I was thinking of something good, someone would interrupt haha. This usually happens when there's a song I like on. Random people in no particular order. A girl spelt things while I was drinking, I don't know how the fuck I was meant to see while I was drinking. Stupid bitch. Another girl spelt hello, then hi. Yeah those two words mean the same fucking thing. Another lady was dancing with me and asked if she could put her purse and drink on my tray. Eh I could have let her, but I didn't want to, I'm an ass. Drinks have a habit of falling off because of the vibrations, it was glass. That was part of it. But mainly, eh.
Posted at 27/01/2013 03:26:26 UTC 0 comments

Random rambles, Lance Armstrong, Cruz

Personal blog personal blog personal blog.

I am struggling to come up with crap to write about every week. I would ask for feedback but since nobody answered my questions last week it would be pointless. I would like a more two way conversation on my blogs, I frequently complain about this, I frequently complain about everything really. Oh look as I was complaining about the lack of comments, I got a comment. Now I will complain about not having a trillion dollars. Why don't I have a trillion dollars?




No? Fuck!

Anyway ignore me about the comments, I know most will anyway. I know most just like reading my crazy rants without making comments. That's OK. I am not a dictator. (yet) I should be! I'd make a fucking fabulous dictator. Please make me a dictator. Have I pointlessly ranted enough this entry about stuff I probably ranted about countless times before? Yes? Good.

Last night I went to Steven's and Cruz. Watched the Discovery Channel. The only thing I discovered was they play the same four ads over and over. Including a Lance Armstrong, Oprah interview. I don't give a fuck that Lance Armstrong cheated. To my knowledge, everyone cheats in cycling, so why is this news? At Cruz someone put an empty glass on my tray. I yelled (I don't know why) and someone else took it off almost immediately, I didn't see who it was. Then someone leaned on my tray and then what I thought stared at me for a few seconds, I thought he was weird. Later I found out he was blind. Not knowing he was blind, that was quite an odd experience, afterwards I was amused. Ran into somebody I knew at school, I can't for the life of me remember her name.
Posted at 20/01/2013 02:51:34 UTC 0 comments

Artificial Intelligence, Business, Blogs, Lunch

It's Sunday, I went out last night to a drum and base gig, it was crowded. Artificial Intelligence was the name of the main act. It was a good night. Saw a friend, he spelt out things like pussy, sluts and wanker. Only he couldn't find the R despite being right next to his hand. That was funny, more amusing than the typical speller.There was this woman, I could not understand what she was saying, and this man, same again, I just nodded and hoped he go away.

About 100 unique visitors to my blog in just 11 days. My news blog, that number strinks to about 20. I really like doing the news, so if you have any suggestions on what would make the blog better, let me know. Do I focus on US politics too much? Do you want me to do more New Zealand stories? I watch absolutely no mainstream news in New Zealand. This has been this way for a few months. They focus on crap stories and don't really tell you anything you need to know to be an informed citizen, most of the time. So I refuse to watch it.

On the business side. (sorry I really have fuck all to talk about this entry) I'm creating four products this month, three big projects, one reasonably size one. These are products that will help my business tremendously when done.

I had KFC for lunch, apparently people find it necessary to announce what they're eating these days. I have no idea why. Is your life any better knowing what I had for lunch? I certainly hope not.
Posted at 13/01/2013 02:25:52 UTC 0 comments

New Years 2013 and Cruz

Tuesday it was New Years Eve and I went to Culvaden with the family. Had a great time. I was in a state by 11 and stayed there until I went home at 3. Well not home, a camp facility building, where the showers were. Luckily not too many people came in to use the facilities, perhaps one.

Wednesday we went home, I felt sick on the way back. Luckily I didn't throw up!

Saturday night I went to Steven's and Cruz. The funniest thing happened to me at Cruz. I was dancing and I saw some random woman look at me, she screamed! Just like she saw a ghost! Then she and her friend rushed off. It was absolutely hilarious! Gave me a right good laugh. Later on another random woman came over stared at me and started to cry. (I think) It wouldn't be the first time, this other woman from a few months ago cried while looking at me, she went on for about fifteen minutes, I couldn't help but laugh. Seriously, what the hell am I meant to do with random people coming up to me and crying, probably because they feel sorry for me? I have absolutely no idea, so I just laugh.
Posted at 06/01/2013 01:01:40 UTC 0 comments

Christmas 2012

Wrote this Sunday.

It was Christmas Tuesday. I didn't work on that day, I worked all other days. Why didn't I work? No reason, I am not religious, in fact I highly doubt that Jesus even existed. Sorry. MERRY CHRISTMAS! I didn't work because I didn't feel like it. Oh well, I decided to use my time blogging instead. I should do some work today as I will be away from the computer for about a day or so starting tomorrow. Eek how will I cope? No unsuspecting souls to argue pointlessly with.

Christmas day I spent with family. I got a Vodka shotgun, suddenly not in favour of gun control. I also got shot syringes. Why do I feel like the alcoholic of the family! LOL! No I haven't had a drink for over a week in reality. Maybe I had some accidental Vodka Monday. Sometimes my bottles get mixed up and I accidentally get a bit of alcohol instead of juice, gives you a shock in the morning I tell ya!

Didn't convert to a blog but I'll do that mid January.

Finished three products the past week or so, working on four or five January and February, then I will do some marketing.
Posted at 30/12/2012 02:23:15 UTC 0 comments

2012, People, Menfriends, Cruz

Saturday December 22. I survived December 21 2012. Well no fucking shit, there was no reason why I wouldn't so survivor groups can fuck off, especially if they are serious. Some would be, people believe all sorts of moronic crap. You can't rule anything out as being too stupid for people to believe. Some incredibly stupid beliefs are believed by the mainstream population. Ugh I would be sympathetic to the people who want the world to end, but that would mean being sympathetic... No thanks.

By the way apparently I am not as funny since I have stopped complaining about various offline people. People can't take criticism, because they're fuckwits. Especially the people who take me seriously on here. I have also noticed people who like honesty only like honesty if it's not directed at them, there are exceptions. Meh I would rather be myself as much with I can without fucking off people in the local community, too much, and depending on my mood. I actually thought that my last posts were funny, maybe the problem is you? Yeah, I am going to go ahead and blame you, OK? Tough shit if not. I wonder how you get tough shit.

Tuesday I went to the Menfriends opening, Friday I went back. It Looks good, the ground floor is good for wheelchairs. Friday I went upstairs. I would write more but I would have to charge.

Saturday me and Sam went to a mexican restaurant. He was here for the weekend.

Later me and Sam went to Cruz, it was a good night. A group of girls we spelling, one started, then they all did it. Like dominos, only with silly bitches! They were OK after friends told them I can hear, well they eventually got it. I got shouted two drinks! Thanks random people! Drank one tequila mexican style, that's having coke straight after. I learned something, drinking is educational.

It's time to convert to a blog. I'll do that this week as well as write a post and a post for as well as more product development.

Oh shit! I forgot to mention I saw Hine Wednesday. It was a great day for a drive. I ran into my old chess coach, not literally.
Posted at 23/12/2012 01:36:52 UTC 0 comments

Nights out, work, clueless talk back caller

What did I do this week? Get drunk and partied. The usual.

On Friday I went to Craig's for Steve's leaving do. I felt like Whisky and also had punch before it was watered down. Thankfully I did not drink that much so did not feel like absolute shit the next day. Yay me!

Saturday I went to Tony and Nic's for a rainbow Labour social BBQ. Then I went to [SFN], Ghost Daddy and Mynor Star hosted by Elyslum Fields, that was good, enjoyed the music. I was totally checking out a band member LOL! Liked the DJ music too. I'll download some tracks soon. Must remember to wear black next time.

Launched a product and site this week and I'll probably do the same in the next two or three weeks. Then I will launch several more sites, or perhaps I'll do that at the same time as I am working on products.

Oh by the way, apparently I was wrong about Mitt being the anti christ so we're not going to die. Oh but not according to a News Talk ZB caller last night at 1:30. He seems to think that the planets could align and block out the sun for up to 5,000 years. He also said that there's four or five planets between us and the sun; there's two; Mercury and Venus. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT??? In fairness he only said that this was a possibility. I'll go ahead and say that he's batshit crazy and there's no possibility of this.
Posted at 16/12/2012 02:20:05 UTC 0 comments

Nights out 12/2012

It's Sunday.

Thursday I did Thirsty Thursday with Craig, that was good. We Went to Pomeroy's Old Brewery Inn, Monday Room and Cruz, I had far too many shots, I don't know how many, definitely too many. There were some sane people at the first two places, we probably were not in that group. Cruz was a different story. Multiple people told Craig off for giving me alcohol LOL.. "Ask a child if he wants alcohol" Well the guy who said this is probably much closer to the mentality of a child than I am. Ignorant moron. Cracking up on the street on the way home was rather fun.

The next day, wasn't, got up at 2pm and was back in bed at 4pm. Well I was falling asleep while typing, so yeah, that day, not happening. Felt better after a rest, got back up at 6pm.

Last night, well morning I went to Cruz. It was good, no major ignorant people.

Finishing off a product today and tomorrow, then creating another small product in the days after.
Posted at 09/12/2012 02:43:28 UTC 0 comments

Fantasy Ball 2012

This week I went out Saturday night and that's about all LOL so I'll have to make some crap up.

Saturday night I went to the Fantasy Ball which was the Christchurch GLBT pride closing event. Had a good time. Had pre drinks. I didn't watch many of the shows, because I was getting drunk outside. Least I'm honest.

Did some web development this week, didn't create any new sites or blogs, I have a bunch to do though.

OK I am officially sick of people mentioning the TPP, will the whole thing just go away? The last statement should please activists that want to stop the deal who I am particularly sick of. I agree with them, but I am sick of them. I am sick of activists in general really, even though I am one. Yes I am a hypocrite, I say it loud and proud! I am not entirely sure why people view hypocrisy as a bad thing. Surely if you're honest about your hypocrisy it cannot be considered a bad thing. I am probably wrong, but I don't care. In conclusion I am generally sick of activists. I get this way from time to time, then it passes.

Errrrrrr file the above under Thane blurts out stuff for no apparent reason.
Posted at 02/12/2012 02:41:14 UTC 0 comments

Nicki Minaj and a RIP


Monday I want to a Family dinner.

Friday I went to Auckland. While passing through airport security I was asked if I was going on a plane. #NoShit. I don't pass through airport security for the hell of it. That was a highly amusing question.

Saturday I went to Nicki Minaj. It was OK. Wasn't the best show, wasn't the worst. I thought that some of the visuals were OK, I did like some songs. Maybe I need better excuses to see Sam. We went to Family afterwards, did enjoy that.

Monday now

Sam wanted me to mention we went through a bottle of his bubbly and the cheapest pizza available "because I am such a tight ass". Bitch, I learned it from you.

Monday now, won some completely free money before going home to Christchurch, SkyCity is offering free $15 for joining their rewards program.

My business programme is over and I am no longer required to post updates on my business. Of course sometimes I need to fill up space and blathering on about my business serves that purpose. So expect occasional blatherings. I am going to work on products to sell to NZ businesses until the end of February. It saddened me to hear that a programme participant and facebook friend passed away last week. RIP vShaun McKinney, his disability came bundled with low life expectancy, a terrible thing but it looks like he used his time to make an impact on the people he encountered, I think that that can be a good thing.

Back to me and Sam.

Sunday we went and saw James Bond Skyfall, best part was the popcorn and coke. It was alright for my first Bond film. SPOILER WARNING FOR REST OF ENTRY.

I found it unbelievable that guy could freely escape and was not better guarded and that MI5 couldn't capture it better.
Posted at 27/11/2012 03:06:14 UTC 0 comments

Drum and base, sites, submission

Sunday Not really an eventful week so I will bore you with my submission on the starting out wage bill. First I went out Saturday night to a drum and base gig. I don't know what it was called, they all sound the same, I don't pay much attention to the individual acts. Looking up, it was called Dose & Trei. Next week I am going to Auckland to see Nicki Minaj so this will probably be late. I have gone off Nicki recently, she's not that great. Still looking forward to being in Auckland. Business wise, no idea what I am doing, probably want to find some backend work and also create some products to sell to local sites. On blogging, I am going to work on some new projects and create some new blogs. Am planning on writing another political article next week. Well it's more of a rant about how people, especially MPs are being ridiculously stupid. Hey, wasn't that the subject of my article Friday? Why not continue the trend of calling MPs stupid? If they don't like it they should stop being stupid. It's remarkably simple! Submission: I oppose the Minimum Wage (Starting Out Wage) Amendment Bill. You are not going to solve the employment crises by paying people less. This effects buyers' spending power in a negative way, if they spend less it has a negative impact on the economy and if they need further assistance from the government because they can't afford basic expenses, how does this save money especially since there is very little evidence that this will increase jobs? Labour abolished youth rates with null effect on overall employment, if the opposite is true, this is entirely pointless! All you're doing is shifting employees to the youth because employers can pay them less. Also most employers don't hire more people just because their profits are up. If you think that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how business works. Demand is a factor and this will effect local demand negatively.
Posted at 18/11/2012 03:01:17 UTC 0 comments nz and Auckland/birthdays

It's Wednesday. I'm in Auckland. Just had business mentoring. A criticism from my business mentor is that I have too many ideas, and I came out of that session with a few more that I will do in conjunction with what I am already planning. I'm going to turn into a web services site and into a site offering writing services, just because I can. Writing for others won't be a large part of my business. I'm going to run several independent web services sites and several blogs/events sites too. I have changed picture on, I will move the previous picture to this site.

Sunday I went around Christchurch taking pictures with Craig for one of my sites. It was a beautiful day for it. We went to the Avon, The Gardens, Restart Mall, and Brighton.

Monday Andy, Craig and I went to the Brighton fireworks. This random woman called me "excited" in an extremely patronizing way, I hate that, I was actually laughing at something in my head, as I do. The fireworks were good.

Tuesday I went to Auckland. Air New Zealand changed the safety video again. They do it every three months. Topical videos must help get people's attention. Personally I think that they are a waste of money, especially this new one. I would say that as I just don't like Peter Jackson. Casino for dinner.

Wednesday for dinner I went to a Mexican restaurant, liked the Tarco and spicy fried chicken. The Sangreta was good too. Had a tiny bit for breakfast the next day.

Sunday now.

Thursday I went back to Christchurch.

Saturday I partied with Craig and Andy for their birthday. It was a great night. I had Tequila, Sambuca and punch. Good thing I don't get hangovers. Now going to work on sites.
Posted at 11/11/2012 04:41:39 UTC 0 comments

Mitt Romney is the antichrist and we are all going to die.

it's Saturday for about 35 more minutes.

I think I went drinking Thursday, yes I did, Thirsty Thursday. It was not as cold as today. Oh after that I went to a drum and base gig. That's a rather random thing to suddenly remember. The gig was good.

Tuesday I went to the doctor. Turns out I might be in a wheelchair for a couple of months. I just had an ear problem, should I tell people I was half deaf for a while and couldn't understand a word they're saying at certain times. It only happened when people were on my right-hand side. Started antibiotics Friday, because I was drinking Thursday.

Sunday, 11:30

Yesterday I went out to Hine's. We chatted. She can predict what I am about to say sometimes, I am not sure if that's a good or scary thing.

This week I finished off a product, gained a potential web design client. Which is good because I can use the income for a business venture. Going to Auckland on business Tuesday, then partying Saturday.

A person asked me why are you so fucking awesome. OK it was myself. I said that it just comes naturally.

Less than 100 hours before the wonderful Mitt Romney gets in and less than two months to go before the world is going to end and we all die. This means Mitt Romney's stupid critics will only have to endure him for two months. I don't know why anybody would not support Mitt Romney, it's beyond me. Hey, wait, is he the antichrist? Doesn't the bible say that a new leader will come of a different religion, then the world will end? He rules for seven years. God must have decided to speed up the process and make the leader a mormon. It makes sense now...

Posted at 04/11/2012 00:47:17 UTC 0 comments

Local music, Pink concert, sites, gay marriage submission

It's Sunday.

Saturday I went to Steven's, then a kiwi music reunion concert. Why did I go? I am not entirely sure. I just ended up randomly buying tickets for some completely unknown reason. I spent almost the entire time dissecting the music into different tunes, that occupied me. It was an OK event. Then I went to Cruz. Apart from a particularly weird woman, I had a great time.

I booked tickets to a Pink concert in July. It's in Sydney which is a bitch because that's expensive. Kind of good that it is months away, so I can manage my finances. I love Pink, I probably like her better than GaGa.

I've acquired a great domain name for the Christchurch area. I'll develop that site next month along with another local site. Although I still haven't properly developed my local gay site since launching it in February. Maybe I can make improvements to that at the same time since will run off the same base as the Christchurch site.

This is my (edited) submission on the marriage equality bill. I have never made a submission before. I suppose I could make a submission for all other issue I feel strongly about, except my views are usually the opposite of this government, so that may be pointless.

I was going to include this on another blog but I don't feel like writing anymore on this entry, so to fill space, here it is.

While I understand about religious arguments, let me point out that two atheists can freely get married in a registry office, this cannot be considered a solely religious institution. It is also important to note that marriage licenses are maintained by the government, not churches. Additionally the bible bans divorce, we got rid of that ban over half a century ago, we already don't enforce the biblical definition of marriage. There were men with multiple wives in the bible too. I have no plans to bring up all the mountains of other stuff in the bible that we don't enforce this would take too long.

This bill also offers no changes on how churches conduct themselves, if two people of alternate sexualities want to get married, that's certainly no business of any church.

I strongly believe that marriage licenses should be available to all consenting adults. Civil Unions were a good halfway step, but as long as a straight couple can get civil unioned or married, and a GLBT couple can only get civil unioned, there will still be some degree of inequality in the law. This is simply wrong.

I am writing this submission simply because it is the right thing to do, I don't want to get married or civil unioned, being tied to one person is simply nonsense to me. However if other consenting adults want to do that through whatever means that they desire, it is not my business, or anybody else's. If we allow people of alternate sexualities to have the same privileges through civil unions, there is absolutely no logical reason why we cannot allow them to get married.

I would like to be heard only if I can do so in Christchurch, thanks.
Posted at 28/10/2012 03:35:06 UTC 0 comments

Web development and awards

Yes, this is late again, this is becoming a habit. I had a web development emergency yesterday and knew I was going out Sunday night. Web development emergency? Fuck, I'm a nerd. So basically did web development all week apart from going to Danice's Friday night. Oh I also went out Saturday, that was a fucking pointless trip. Had a great time at Danice's. Getting a taxi home was a bit of a bitch though. The company sent a car, not a van which took fucking ages so I decided to phone a friend who works at the company to see if I could get a van, but a car came a few minutes later, and my chair is also not the easiest to fold down. Sunday night I went to Dress To Impress, I wasn't dressed to impressed. I was dressed. Be thankful. Not that I would turn up nude, I'd probably get arrested. Anyway I had a great time, mainly after the awards when the alcohol really kicked in!!! Also enjoyed Miss Mole on MC, funny stuff. If I was MCing an awards show I'd give myself LOTS of awards as a running gag. "Best MC", "Best Crippled MC", "Sexiest Man In A Wheelchair On Stage", "Sexiest Man Named Thane Pullan", "Opps, I've just shat out another award, it's for myself". This week I have more web development to do, and building a site, then a gig Saturday.
Posted at 22/10/2012 01:57:29 UTC 0 comments

Computer issues and conspiracy theories

Yes, this is late, again. I've been busy today doing computer stuff.

I don't have anything to talk about so I will talk about that. I got a new hard drive put into my main computer and we hooked my VCR to my DVR so I can convert videos to digital format. I can't get my DVR to display any picture on the TV. Which is annoying, but workable, who needs a GUI anyway? It may be a graphics card issue, is there any Linux people out there? I have an additional time issue but a friend has directed me to articles so I can probably fix it myself. I have been meaning to upgrade that box for ages but I have other priorities.

I finished one of the products that I was working on, now need to do some fixes for some others and work on the next one.

Didn't go out, it's not pleasant going out in the cold. Had a drunken argument about the can cause of climate change instead. It's extremely well accepted in the scientific community that it is caused by CO2, there is no debate here. This been known for decades. I have been meaning to write about conspiracy theorists as they have been getting on my nerves lately, especially the "global warming is a hoax to force a one world government" crowd. By the way they have been going on about the one world government since the eighties. New World Order, where the bloody hell are ya??? At least this particular person believes in global warming, she just thinks that it's caused by something entirely fictional.
Posted at 15/10/2012 02:26:18 UTC 3 comments

Sound Check and learning programming

It's Wednesday, arrived in Auckland Tuesday. I was planning to write some blogs but I can't really think of anything to write about. (Sunday edit: I wrote about The Zeitgeist Movement. Click here. I have been meaning to write about this for months and months. My views of The Zeitgeist Movement itself have changed quite a bit recently.)

Yesterday I arrived too early at the airport but occupied myself by having Burbon, Rum and wines at the Koru Lounge.

Today I did offline business stuff. Apparently I'm going to be a car dealer for Sam, so I may interfere and try to get a better sales price for "TP Motors" If my name is on the business and I am getting a cut, it's in my best interest to lift revenue. The web site will be easy, I can just reuse the code I made for Sam and develop a design.

I watched some of "My Kitchen Rules", what a fucking boring show! Why wasn't I doing something productive? Life is too short to watch food porn. Life is also too short not to watch actual porn, and have sex. Just saying! I guess that shit would be OK if you like food, but I don't, it's boring and not mentally stimulating.

Saturday now. Last night I went to Sound Check, mainly to see Nero again. The last time I saw them was at the Big Day Out and I was extremely sleep deprived because I didn't sleep the night before. There were spellers but they weren't as annoying as other times. One guy kept spelling his name every time he saw me, ugh yeah I get it. Some of the guys and staff were quite overprotective of me, mixed feelings about that, I'm fine, just leave me to it. Feel free to give me Vodka though. Some girls did that, thanks! I started at the back of the crowd but decided to go up the front when Nero came on, why not? They were great, Rusko was too. I enjoyed Nero more though! Simply because I knew their music and I got to listen to my favourite song of theirs instead the venue, instead of outside like last time. It was a wicked night.

Sunday now. Last night I went out for cocktails with Sam and his family. Enjoyed it. First time I had a Jager cocktail. Sam and I were going to the movies afterwards but Sam's car broke down, so we went to another pub and I had a Sambuca, then I fell out of my chair. I was not driving.

I have finished the C# tutorial that I was going through. I may reread some of it before downloading some example code to work on. Maybe I will start with a very basic accessibility toolbar or a tray application for one of my advertising sites. I'll try to work on a few decent projects next year. I have quite a few web development projects to do when I get back, including finishing a product in the week ahead then working on the Christchurch Pride site again. Then creating a few more products in the coming weeks and finally launching my new local business next month, just before I go to Auckland again.

Microsoft appears to have a pissy API for toolbars so I think that I will start with a tray notification application.

I have enjoyed this trip. Going home tomorrow.

Tuesday now, I am enjoying having a fast computer, unlimited internet and eye typing back. Although I did enjoy Auckland! Yesterday I learned about multi threading in C#, among other things. I'll try to create an application next month. Had a Brandy in the Koru Lounge on the way back to Christchurch.

I forgot to mention this will be posted a few days late, oh well, fuck it.
Posted at 09/10/2012 01:16:24 UTC 0 comments

Spellers and rhymes

I went out Saturday night; to Cruz and Steven's before. I had vodka and lime at Steven's. I like to have new drinks. Spellers were beyond annoying at Cruz, once one starts doing it, the people seeing it do it too. One person did it even after I spelt out "I can hear". Well first I tried spelling out "I have ears" but she didn't understand that. I wasn't in the mood for spellers for some strange reason. I do not like them on a boat, I do not like them while dissecting a goat. I do not like them on a train, I do not like them, do they have no brain? Yes I am just rhyming for the hell of it. I made a rhyme, is that a crime? I've lost track of where I was going with this. I wasn't going anywhere, that was an easy place to find. No that didn't make sense to myself either, but it sounded good, hopefully, meh fuck you if you don't like it.

I got up at twelve today.

Now I have to work. I have to test a product, hopefully I'll launch it before I go away for a few days. I am going to a Nero concert and helping Sam with his business. I really need to focus on my business, and I am. I am just having capital problems, but I can work on products until that's sorted.
Posted at 30/09/2012 06:45:44 UTC 0 comments

Subhumans and a few rants

Wednesday I went out to dinner with my parents, I had pizza.

Thursday night i went to a Subhumans concert with my brother. It was good, though I think that I enjoyed the first warm up act better. I don't even know the band's name, but I know they had a song "Everyone is a stupid cunt but me".

Saturday, I went out with Hine, to a mall, it was a nice day, though I was very glad I was wearing a jacket. Two people commented that they thought (jokingly?) that we were having a race. This isn't a problem for me, however that is a stupid and unoriginal comment. See two people in wheelchairs; say that they're having a race. WTF. Taking it to another level, they wouldn't say this if they saw two regular people walking. Obviously it's their attempt at humour, fail! I imagine if this happened to me all the time, it would get old really really fast. This could explain why Hine was annoyed with it! Ah... So in conclusion, don't say it, it is not clever or original, if you want to say something in passing, try something intelligent, or just "How are you?".

There's also some wheelchair sport they're looking for members in, electric wheelchair soccer, or something. Practice is at 10AM Sundays, so, fuck that. I get home at 4AM some Sundays, Even if practice was at a reasonable time, sounds fun, but I have better things to do with my time. Sport is generally unproductive as a society. computing is much more productive and mentally stimulating for me.

Speaking of computing, I need to spend more time learning C#. I've done a tiny bit but not much. I'm also planning to focus more on scripting products in my business, which differs from what I said last week, but oh well. Plans are temporarily on hold until the start of November. I can use the time to learn and create products.
Posted at 23/09/2012 03:22:31 UTC 0 comments

auckland, business, programming, move back

Tuesday I went to Auckland for business mentoring.

Wednesday was the session. It was a good one with good advisers, including an accountant. I need to get me one of those, mainly for advice, I can maintain my own books. Anyway I should be starting a local web hosting company next week, I was going to sell a shopping cart script, but that will come later. This business is primarily to start building an income, I'll do other things.

I'm actually thinking of learning a programming language (or two) and creating accessibility software. There is nothing that I particularly like for Windows 7. Even the one on XP has massive bugs and companies generally don't provide adequate updates. This will be a lot of work and I'm not sure if it will be worth it monetary wise, but if I need it myself maybe it's worth developing.

Above Thursday, below Sunday.

Maybe I'll learn programming and do some easier projects before accessibility software.

Thursday I got up early and wrote then went straight to the airport because plans fell through. I wandered around the airport, went to the international terminal etc, and all around outside, there was nothing else to do.

Friday I had no sleep which was a fucker because I was moving back home and needed my wits about me because my systems were being setup. Oh well. The important stuff got done. Because I was sleep deprived I didn't go out. Had a good time Saturday night anyway.

Oh yeah I fell out of my chair Wednesday after business mentioning, I wasn't driving.
Posted at 16/09/2012 03:15:16 UTC 0 comments

Reflections and Economics

I'm in a rather strange mood, been reflecting life, been reflecting on the intelligence of humanity (or lack of), been reflecting on the way other people see things due to their own ignorance and general lack of understanding on how things work. What seems completely obvious to me may not occur at all to another person so their perception of things is impacted. I am not sure what I am trying to say. Perhaps this would sound better to a person that is interested in the human mind. Take this example right here, you could interpret this as me bashing the human race yet again, or me just making observations about how the human mind works and trying to understand people's perceptions better. What does this mean in the long term? Probably nothing. I am who I am. I do reflect on life to time to time, It mostly comes to nothing. I ponder things. My brain never stops working. I like to analyze, everything really. What is the point of writing about this? I don't know, what is the point of writing about anything? To share my opinions. OK so why is it important for people to know my opinions? Well it's not only the sharing of the opinions but also to create humour. OK you could ask why do I feel the need to do that; because it gives me joy. You could go into further detail, but let's not do that. Do I sound more insane or less? Serious question. I don't think that I have a point. I am just putting ideas out there, because I am in that sort of mood.

Monday I had drinks with Danice, that was good.

Saturday I went to a talk on economical thinking by Steve Keen. A few interesting things were brought to my attention. Economists nowadays use backwards thinking and view things from an overly simplistic way. Their economical models only work with most factors staying the same and are ineffective at predicting anything. This holds true because in 2007 the OECD economists were predicting great growth with Europe leading the way. The result was recession and Europe is fucked and they are now practicing austerity, which will be an absolute failure. It's also that most economists are arrogant, don't acknowledge that there models can be flawed and advise governments with flawed thinking. Governments go along with it because they trust the economists. The problem is their models are too simplistic and they don't treat economics like a science. There models lack complexity and do not factor in enough information. It was an eye opener.

I look at myself, then look at the world. That's comforting.
Posted at 09/09/2012 03:30:07 UTC 0 comments

No sleep, sick dog, outings

Well I had had no sleep and the dog is sick, so yeah not the best day.

Few hours later:
Just found out it's a gut infection, not a stroke. So that's good.

Wednesday I went out with mum, dad and mum's friends. Hmmmm, that was interesting. Lunch was good though. I had, I don't remember what the fuck I had, sweet and sour pork, baked potato, something else, and ice cream. It was the Garden City Restaurant, or something like that.

Saturday I went out with my sister her partner. We went to Gorilla, I had two sets lamb snacks and apple crumble, also a taste of various things, and wine. After that I drank and watched some episodes of Extras then went to Cruz. A person was angrily shouting gay slurs at the bar from across the street, I'm betting he's secretly gay. Someone asked me for my age, I started to spell, someone guessed a few years younger so I went with that, sure, why not? Anyway it was a rather weird night, but almost always is LOL.
Posted at 02/09/2012 05:41:36 UTC 0 comments

i have a cold and other random crap

I have a cold, I didn't go out last night. Partly because of the cold, partly because meh. So I don't have anything specific to talk about.

On the business side I restored a site's design. The graphics files were damaged so I managed to get a copy from and a random mirror of the site. I will probably change the content and I need to make a new logo. I also need to do more script development.

So I am bored and uninspired this blog entry.

My footplate broke, we hooked it up with wire. My van also needs fixing.

I got Sky Tuesday afternoon. Freeview is not working but who cares? I can get the programmes I watch online anyway

I am just moaning about random things for something to write about.

So how are you? I don't care. What do you want me to write about? List topics and I'll write about them when I have nothing else to write about. This assumes my insight is so great, you would actually want to hear my opinions, and it is, so start fucking suggesting topics.

Neil Armstrong died. One small step in the grave... I just looked through my facebook feed and am thoroughly disappointed that none of my nutty conspiracy theory friends are claiming that the moon landing was a hoax.
Posted at 26/08/2012 03:45:48 UTC 0 comments

Temporarily relocated, birthday drinks and dance party

Yes, this is late again. I have temporarily relocated and didn't have internet until today. Hopefully it's Monday.

Yes it is Monday, had to get a new router before I could access the internet. DVR and Sky are the only things that I am waiting for, hopefully tomorrow. It's a beautiful place and has a spa I might have to use.

Saturday I moved in then got quite shit faced at my birthday celebrations, Thanks to everyone that came. To those that came after I left. I did clearly state that I would be drinking *afterwards* and put an end time. So??? I thought that was pretty self explanatory. That is one of my problems, what I think is self explanatory isn't to everyone else. This is particularly frustrating in business when people request manuals for my scripts. I can't understand why they need manuals, things should be self explanatory. Why on earth would I put an end time if I had no intention of leaving then, this makes entirely no sense to me. Thanks for trying though! Anyway it was a good night. No drinking before the dance party, yeah that didn't work out, at all. I had three Vodkas and two shots. In my defense two drinks were free. Thanks Alex for the double Vodka and some random guy for the Tequila! After that me and Craig went to Steven's and then to a dance party. While there Allen gave me a shot. Cheers!

Did I do anything before Saturday? ... ... ... No. Well if I did, I can't fucking remember. I did get some equipment to trial, that's all.
Posted at 20/08/2012 02:37:19 UTC 0 comments

Wellington 2012

Oh that's right I still have a blog to do.

It's my birthday.


Apparently from 27, your body is slowly dying.

Yes I'm such a positive person.

Least I still look good.

Thursday I went out for lunch with mum and dad for mum's birthday. Also Sam came down.

Friday I saw Kenny Rodgers, it was a great show.

So last week I tried a communication device. I am unsure it's good for computer access, but for typing, it's OK. It doesn't predict very well but that would improve in time. It's OK as a communication device and for general typing. I'll try to type some blogs on it tomorrow.

I went to Wellington Saturday, I was in the middle of a server move before I left but luckily everything appears to be fine. I am back up and running again.

We went to a gin cocktail party, that was good but I don't like gin, I know that now. It's OK, prefer vodka or tequila. Also had mini sausages and some mini lemon cakes. After that we went out for dinner, had some beef and lamb, also some pear for dessert. Then we went clubbing for an hour. Couldn't find a gay bar. I thought public was a gay bar but obviously I just recognized the name from One of Justin Sane's events, either that or just randomly thought that public was a gay club. By chance Justin Sane was playing, saw him two or three weeks ago.

Sunday we went to the Wetta Workshop, found it small and pathetic really. Can't stand Peter Jackson, mainly because he's popular and everyone likes him. I have never seen most of his movies and have no desires to. We then dropped by Sam's relatives, and went out to lunch with one, I had an ostrich patty, never had that before, was quite nice. A very short trip to Te Papa was next, I wasn't really interested and thought it was crap. Although we arrived at the "Drinks Based On Charles Dickons" early so we could have had more time at Te Papa, I was slightly annoyed but eh, we didn't check the times properly. The drinks were good, I didn't finish the gin one. We then went out to dinner, It was pricey but we got a free dessert as a special deal which we took home and had for breakfast the next day. We visited Sam's relatives again. I had peppermint tea, just because it was offered and to try something new. It was OK, felt weird in my stomach but maybe I was just too full.

Monday (today as I'm writing this, posting Tuesday) we went back to Christchurch. I really wasn't going to have any alcohol from the Koru Lounge but Sam talked me into having some cider, I didn't take much convincing, funny that. Now, definitely no more alcohol, until Saturday when I have every intention of getting absolutely shit faced.

Tuesday Comments

Wheelchair access to the hotel was quite crap, fine if you like almost pitch black lifts, I almost felt like meditating. The first time going up was really fucking slow because Sam went up with me. So we didn't use it for almost the entire trip. We either took the chair upstairs, I walked upstairs and to my room, then another time I was drunk from gin and decided it would be fun and easier to go to my room on a luggage trolley. Should I be ashamed? Fuck off, whatever is easier I say. I don't care if people stare, not my concern, it was a laugh. The second time Sam didn't go up with me so it was faster. I'd be fucked if I took my electric wheelchair. Actually we had a car to my surprise so it was fucking lucky i didn't bring my electric wheelchair.

I am currently thinking of doing a site dedicated to accessible businesses. A women in my business mentoring group had a very similar idea. I am not stealing it, or maybe I am. My experience inspired me to do it. I have loads of other shit to do first, thn Hine may work on it with me. I am sure we can co exist with the lady from the business mentoring.

Not much to report on the business side. Once this week is done I will have plenty of time to focus on product development.
Posted at 14/08/2012 05:37:02 UTC 0 comments

A rather food oriented week in Auckland

Tuesday I came up to Auckland. Had a fucking work emergency just before I left but luckily nothing fucked up while I was gone so that's great!

Wednesday we went to Auckland restaurant month launch party. Surprisingly I had a good time! I very much enjoyed the little pork burger and the duck susuage. Oddly enough I hated duck last time I tried. Desert and ground floor food was good to. Also tried four wines and had a cider, first time I tried pear cider. It was a great night.

Thursday we went to a Big Boys Toys talk, they were trying to sign up people who want to show their crap.

Friday we went to the Food Show, we got free tickets. Basically it involved lots of free samples etc. There was also free alcohol! My favourite was the Honey Liquar. My birthday is coming up hint hint. Nah I have tons of alcohol already. Geez I say that like you can have enough. Fuck I have had enough alcohol this week, not going out this Saturday night. Anyway I also liked trying the youghets and ice creams. Oh and the lemon based energy drink was also nice. Had a shit ton of coffee too, well maybe not a shit ton. Define a shit ton. TON OF SHIT! Hmmmm

After the food show I went to a friend's house.

Saturday (today) I went home. Sam is going back tomorrow.

Did manage to do my blogs, posting tomorrow. (which is actually today) I am trying a new communication device next week. Not sure how that will interfere with my work schedule. Like I said things will hopefully die down so I can focus on work in the second half of this month.

Next post will be three to four days late because I am in Wellington.
Posted at 05/08/2012 02:52:29 UTC 0 comments

Cars, Casino, Justin Sane, Future Plans

I guess I should blog some before I go out this Saturday night. Going to a Justin Sane gig, I quite like his name LOL!

Thursday Sam dropped off a car for me to sell on his behalf. We went to the casino. I was grumpy and didn't gamble. Well we didn't go to the roulette tables. I am not playing games that I can't properly assess the and calculate a good risk. Also you don't know if those electronic roulettes are rigged.

Since I am flying a lot, I'm aiming to focus on getting more airpoints. Hopefully it will make my life SLIGHTLY more cost efficient.

Friday Talk Link came over to talk about the trial of the eye gaze device. It looks good, the word prediction software is an improvement over what I am currently using and should make my life easier. I am not convinced that it's good for computer accessibility but hopefully I am wrong. The trial is August 6th, am excited. If I get the new eye gaze system it means that I can ditch XP.

Not much progress on my local venture, I progressed a software a bit and started on the site's design. Feedback is in, it fucking sucks. I'll progress the site some more and maybe get a designer in. I do genuinely fucking suck at design, I am really not suffering from low self esteem, I'm a realist. I am a backend coder and businessman, not a designer. I am also delaying because I don't have start up funds yet and am away a lot until the second half of August, I'll be back to a regular work schedule then too! Apart from a few short trips over the next few months for concerts and business. Shame that I won't see Sam as much.. My other venture is going OK, got a product out yesterday and I will hopefully do another one before I go to Auckland Tuesday. Then launch a site to sell the products the next week and work on more products.

I know I've neglected my other blogs. I'll do a few posts in Auckland next week. I'm also seeing one of my business mentors. See, it's a business trip again. Don't hassle me I am away on business! I am also working on the weekend to make up for lost time.

Planned blog posts:
Making fun of ridiculous anti gay marriage arguments.
China floods and why the chinese government is partly to blame.
Moronic Americans and guns.
Why people leading the anti smoking crusade in New Zealand are idiots, and why the people defending smoking are idiots too.

This is all for now

Sunday update. Justin Sane was good, my drunken mind was all over the show, this is not necessarily a bad thing, I quite like thinking when I am drunk.

Random thoughts
Am I best utilizing my intellectual and creative abilities by being a web developer and businessman? Should I work in the science/research field instead? Regarding being creative, I've always wanted to create TV shows. (although TV is rather considered old school, there's other forms of media) There's still time, I can work on building wealth and at 35 assess my life. I might get stem cell treatment and fund a series, that would be great. Perhaps sort out being frozen upon death too. Apparently you can do such a thing through a life insurance policy so the money builds up over a 30 year period. I've research this. My goals fully depend of my success. Oh and children? They're a needless expense until my other goals are reached. Time to conserve money and build wealth through intellectual means. Normal people settle down with someone with a kid or two. This takes up their time and money. If I decide to have kids sooner, there is absolutely no reason why I need to be an active participate in their life. Hell, I'd be following in my birth father's footsteps, I've never met him. Only difference is this would be a completely calculated decision. A visit now and then would be good though. I have very different priorities, which is good, it's good to have goals and be driven. Lucky for me, my partner is even tighter than me, that rules out having to buy him crap etc. I am not sure why I am talking about kids, my non-death and other stuff. Things have been on my mind recently.
Posted at 29/07/2012 01:52:40 UTC 0 comments

Another Auckland trip

i am back from Auckland, it's Monday. Sorry about not posting yesterday and by sorry I mean fuck you I will do what I want. Was going to blog in my time away but I had a crappy laptop that kept crashing, so I decided to spend the whole time updating Windows and installing anti-virus and a registry cleaner so it should run super the next trip, apart from being as slow as a right winger's brain. Sam is crying about the bandwidth I used but I did offer to download anything for him, he refused, I'd download twice as much data as I used, how economical and generous is that? I should receive a medal I tell ya! I have unlimited bandwidth, it effects me fuck all.

Wednesday Sam came down, Thursday we went to Auckland.

Friday I think we went to the mall and some dark restaurant for dinner, we had meat and bread.

Oh phone died, so sorry if you text me and I didn't reply, unless I don't like you then I am not. I have no idea who has text me. I am getting a new battery tomorrow, then hopefully it will work again. I could just buy a new phone, but fuck that, a battery is cheaper. There's no point me having a voice operated phone etc. Maybe it can interface with a new eye gaze tablet I hope to get. Though knowing me I'd just make each one talk dirty to each other.

Saturday we went to the SkyTower, Sam took pictures, I am going to use a picture of the CBD for my site, technically it's a business trip! We had scones and cake at the revolving restaurant, then we went to the casino. Sam won about $7.50, yeah he's rich. I came out even with two bets. I should have gambled more with my method which really just is guesswork odds really. Bad method, but eh.

Sunday we went and saw The Dark Knight Rises, fuck that was such a stupid movie. I couldn't understand why Batman didn't just stab Bane in the skin in the first fight scene. IT WAS UNPROTECTED, ARE YOU A FUCKING MORON??? If you didn't have something to stab him with at least give him a dead arm! What kind of moron loses his wealth? What kind of moron wears armor with big chunks of his skin unprotected? The characters were so moronic. Perhaps it wanted to reflect reality. Popcorn and Coke were the best part of the movie.

Monday (today) we went back to Christchurch. I am going back to Auckland Sunday.

Tuesday (really today, am I confusing you?) Got a new battery for my phone. Hopefully it works for three more years.
Posted at 24/07/2012 02:34:15 UTC 0 comments

Auckland, Ladyhawke, Shapeshifter, Cruz

A very disappointing coding week, I'll do better next week and hopefully launch some products. Meh I did say holidays were excluded from work and did spend an entire days at a group mentoring session.

Tuesday I went to Auckland, the fucking taxi company sent a car to the airport instead of a cab. Since I took my electric wheelchair, that was useless. The cab driver did offer to lift my electric wheelchair into the boot. Ummmmmmm yeah, firstly it wouldn't fit, secondly good luck trying to lift it. Of course we refused, but I did find it amusing. An hour and a half later a van showed up, not so amused. Decent service after that though.

Wednesday I went to the group mentoring session. I spent the first two to three hours typing stuff out, I can type and listen at the same time, I am good at multi-tasking. I lost interest when a lady from Work Bridge came and spoke. I couldn't apply for their funding anyway, so what was the point of me paying attention? Went on Facebook, the people did say we could do whatever if we got bored. We did a behavioral assessment, apparently I am controlling and promoting, I don't really see the promoting side. Although perhaps I am through this blog and Facebook. I don't really talk to actual people, especially about work, maybe Sam when he asks. I tend to say whatever I want to people and fuck them off, which is how I like it, and the reason why I need to hire customer service people when I can afford it. I did notice many people were passionate about their business. I however am a money whore doing it for the money. Also I get bored and depressed if I don't occupy my mind with something, I quite like scripting and programming but I wouldn't call it a passion.

Thursday I went home and saw Ladyhawke in Christchurch. I wish that I had someone to feed me alcohol; a girl did feed me some V and Beer. Met a guy from Denmark studying environmental economics, whatever the fuck that is. He was very much into the environment, which was good. He was concerned about global warming, as am I. Ladyhawke was good. I am seeing Shapeshifter tonight.

Shapeshifter was good, I got up the front, just for something to do really LOL. I tried entering the after party, but couldn't because didn't have tickets, I thought I would try my luck anyway, so I went to Cruz. Had a good time there.
Posted at 15/07/2012 04:57:59 UTC 0 comments

Nights and work.

Saturday was supposed to be blogging time but I needed to make up work because I missed about two hours yesterday. Oh well, it's still pretty good.

I still have about two hours of blogging before I go out.

Thursday I went out with Craig, first to Pomeroy's, I watched the guys play pool and fuseball, actually I couldn't see the ball on the fuseball table, but their losing reactions was quite funny. No idea what the appeal of pool is, but a cute guy ended up playing. No idea why humans find playing with balls so amusing, well depending about what kind of balls they are. Playing with balls just seems so unproductive to me. I know what you are thinking "Cripple only hates sport because he can't play it" SHUT UP! I find wheelchair sports so boring and pointless too. I have no idea why I have launched into a rant about sport. Anyway after Pomeroy's we went to The Monday Room to see Danice. We couldn't get a fucking taxi. Gold Band provided one though. I will now call them first whenever I need one, which is not often. Possibly I will need one next Saturday for a Shapshifter concert. Had a few conversations at The Monday Room, a guy wouldn't stop talking slow to me, I found him highly amusing. I really should stop using people who treat me differently as a way to entertain myself, but what else am I meant to do? Oh then we went to Cruz. It was a fun night.

I finally sorted out my eye typing problems. it has been working perfectly for three weeks. Apparently it doesn't like it when you remove layouts if they're still linked in the software. So I removed the links to some layouts and had no further problems. Yay I am a genius! I will be trying a new eye typing system in August. This one is not compatible with 64 bit Windows.
Sunday now, last night I was drinking at Steven's and Cruz. I got thinking about the Bible, why did God kill every first born instead of just killing the pharaoh? This is at best terribly inefficient, at worse, just plain ridiculous. Anyway a woman offered to "root" me at Cruz, I declined of course. I saw some friends and got they shouted me many many drinks, too many. Cheers Shannon and Craig.

Very busy week next week, I have got to go to Auckland for my upcoming business and I have two concerts in Christchurch.

Boring work part, written Saturday.

I've stuck to my schedule, minus Friday but I did make up the hours today. I didn't launched the two products I was planning to but one is in the testing phase, the second product is virtually the same product with a few modifications, so that's good! I've coded most of the modifications already. Regarding my local business; I've started the shopping cart software and I expect it to be ready by mid August, that's good. I saw someone selling shopping cart products on trademe for about $1,800 so if I can compete in that market that would certainly make me happy. I've coded most of the frontend, I only have the affiliate system to go. I have started designing a site to sell designs. I am stuck on it because I am a shit designer. Thank fuck I will be getting other people to design clients' sites. I'll seek advice about it next week in Auckland.
Posted at 08/07/2012 04:02:07 UTC 0 comments

Couldn't really think of anything comical to say this week, sorry

saturday Today I went to Hine's, tonight I am going out. That's basically my week. Was good to see her, we brought groceries, well she did. I looked at liquor prices even though I have heaps and had no intention of buying anything, hey I wanted to compare prices. For no good reason. Saturday night I arrived rather late at the L.V.C tour but meh I was on the cider before so I didn't care. It was not a big night, but it was cheap LOL. I do need to conserve money for business projects, trips and Shapshifter on the 15th. Regarding business, an old reseller came back, now I have three, things are looking up. I start my new local business venture tomorrow. Top priorities are creating the shopping cart script and a site to sell designs, the script and other services. I'll spend ten hours per week on each task. Starting income goal of $2,500 per month, this does not include income from my international business. I really want to focus on building multiple income streams. My second local venture could be dropshipping. Hopefully in six months my income will be very different. Looks like I am going to Auckland three times in two months and Wellington in August. I have been watching Question Time for two weeks, and it has me wondering again; how could New Zealand elect such incompetent fools. Have you heard them speak? Seriously! These people have zero business running a country and it's a tragedy that they were elected, let alone reelected. They frequently say shit that can be proven wrong very easily. It's embarrassing. I've been researching Cerebral Palsy and apparently higher than average intelligence is common with Athetold Cerebral Palsy, I never knew that. I wonder why that it. Also apparently our muscles age faster due to involuntarily moving constantly. This is a concern, I'll seek medical advice in about 20 years. The medical world will be so different then, who knows what solutions/rollbacks they will have. Of course this could be irrelevant because the climate could destroy us all due to global warming, who knows? Hopefully not.
Posted at 01/07/2012 03:54:47 UTC 1 comment

Will be blogging about business more

Saturday, the week so far:

Today I went out to lunch with my parents.

Weekly recap done...

Nice burgers at the Herewood Tavern. even though I only had the beef and bacon inside.

I am going to ramble about progress on my business here weekly since it's technically required of my mentoring program. However if you really don't like it, feel free to fuck off, I don't care. I really don't want to start another blog and be boring and business like on it, that's not me. Don't know if this is an appropriate place for my business blogs, oh well OK, I was going to completely start doing it July 1st. However I thought I'd email a few designers to see if they're interested in doing some work, got a positive response from one. Business Tip #1, don't pay sites to advertise for people, if you already know them, I guess that's fucking obvious. Launched a product this week. I hope to launch about four by August. My hours from July will be 11-4 NZ business, 4-9 international business which is what I am working on now until the specific hours start. Hours exclude when I'm away. Weekends be spent blogging and some business here and there. Breaks for meals obviously included with the hours, maybe some TV as background noise, especially if I don't care about the program. I was going to work on my core customer backend first, but I think that I will get a basic site up first to sell web designs then work on the backend products and eventually add to the backend products and add services like marketing etc.

Next day:

Going to a food and drink festival in Wellington in August, except we are going to a few drink events, which suits me fine. I imagine i'll be extremely bored at the food events. I was going to go a few days earlier so I had to abandon that trip and go later because Kenny Rodgers is coming to Christchurch and I'm going to that.

Last night I went to Cruz, had a great time. Some random guy was patting me on the head from behind, that was bizarre.

My other blogs will resume in July. Saturdays will be spent blogging.
Posted at 24/06/2012 02:15:36 UTC 0 comments

Work, Rugby, Elysium Fields, Taxi Rant

Fuck, has it only been a week since GaGa? Sometimes time flys, other times, not so much. I am still working on the product I hoped would be finished two weeks ago. Oh well, crap always takes longer. Every day closer to a stable product I can sell. I am looking forward to finally starting a new product next week. I hope that the global economy doesn't die as soon as I start to get somewhere.

Tonight I am watching rugby with Steven, I have zero interest in rugby, I just thought that it was a convenient way to get pissed without going out and getting home at 4 in the morning. I will do that next week.

Next day (Sunday)

Yeah I am not sure going off into a drunken dream world and looking at the TV occasionally to see that the scores were different counts as watching rugby. I had no idea of the events that changed the scores half the time, and I wasn't really interested. I was on the Whisky, I was happy.

Friday night I did go out; to Elysium Fields Presents: Engel Der Nacht. It was a great night; good friends, good music, good burbon, good wine. It was good to see David, Shannon, Alex, Mike etc. It was great to party to a different style of music. Fantastic night! Couldn't get a taxi home, Mike was nice enough to take me. We managed to shove my manual wheelchair in the back of his car.

I am appalled that I couldn't get a taxi despite being wheelchair taxis on the road. Taxis would rather take drunken groups of seven rather than wheelchair passengers. I understand that they make more money off groups. However understand this: Understand that I couldn't give a flying fuck about their profits. Understand that drunken groups can take multiple cabs. Understand that I do not have that option. Understand that denying me a ride when you have the ability to take me is simply discrimination. Understand that if I was in my electric wheelchair I'd be totally screwed. Understand that if you treat disabled people like this it discourages them from going out and living life. Understand that this is not the first time this has happened to me and I am pissed and will complain. It probably will do fuck all good but oh well.
Posted at 17/06/2012 03:41:30 UTC 1 comment

GaGa 2012 and business stuff

Sunday night I got really really pissed at a GLBT dance party with Craig. He was offering Tequila shots, I had too many and knew it. Eh, it was fun! Mixed bag of music I thought, some good tracks though.

Monday I had to recover, I even took a nap which I never do normally. I was tired and clearly wasn't going to do anything productive. I felt much better after.

Tuesday Sam came down from Auckland.

Wednesday we were supposed to go up to Auckland but because of the cunting stupid snow that didn't happen. I hate snow. We waited in the Koru lounge until after lunch. I decided to have a cider and wine, because it was free.

Another free cider Thursday. Arrived in the airport at 9, finally got to Auckland at 6. Had dinner supplied by the Pullman Hotel and a burbon. Then went to a Lady GaGa concert, got there just before GaGa came on. Oh on the way Sam's car got rear ended. That sucked. The concert was great, not as good as the one in 2010 but still excellent. She's weird and uplifting, I am very glad that I went.

Friday we went back to Christchurch. I decided to have a coffee on the plane since I didn't visit the Koru Lounge, technically I could have got one at the hotel but eh, had orange and pineapple juice instead. Sam went home after dropping me off.

Saturday night I drank whisky at Steven's, took a break from clubbing this week, perhaps I'll do this more.

This has definitely been a high alcohol week, back to the normal rate next week.

I have been accepted into an business mentoring program which I am in two minds about whether I actually need it. On the one hand I now have clear goals and are highly motivated, on the other hand I haven't been successful for the past five years. (my primary industry got over saturated and died off, my top reseller stopped exclusively selling my products and then moved on to an offline business a few years ago, plus several other ventures went sour, I never modernized the businesses to keep up with changes in the industries) Considering the early days, I can't help but be appalled about where I am, my own fault really. So you now know the story of my failings. I will turn things around. This month I will work hard on products and sites to sell them. Next month I will start to balance my current business with my new business. Will do about 20 hours per week each. Some work will cross over. My new business will consist of mainly outsourcing (eventually including support) and web hosting. Outsourcing doesn't leave room for profits but I will sell my own backend for client's sites and make money that way. Plus there's monthly income from web hosting and mark up on outsourcing, I will have to take marketing costs into consideration and get a good balance for the profits. Perhaps I can also offer marketing services for clients. I learned from a friend that some business mentors are shit and don't recommend businesses use technology like websites etc so perhaps there's an untapped market there. Yes I fully realize the irony of complaining about business mentors while being accepted into a business mentoring program. Part of the program is getting a website established so my criticisms clearly don't apply. Perhaps I'll diversify my local businesses too. Then again on my private facebook profile I practically said that the NZ economy is fucked and I should focus internationally. This directly conflicts with this. Oh well, I will still be running my international business too. Also apparently I am supposed to keep a blog on my business progress. Not really that keen on the idea personally, we'll see.

As for my other blogs, they're taking a back seat at the moment, perhaps I will schedule time to do them weekly.

Busy seven months ahead. Time to turn things around.

Oh monthly trips are continuing; Auckland again next month and Wellington around my birthday.
Posted at 10/06/2012 03:06:03 UTC 0 comments

Looking ahead to GaGa and beyond.

Bah, I don't want to do this, work to do.

Wednesday I had dinner with the family and was shouted a few wines. I think I prefer Vodka. The wines were pretty easy to drink, comparatively. Although the advantage of ordering wine is there is no danger of the bartender mistakenly filling my bottle right up with soft drink.

Saturday night I went to Steven's and Cruz. Someone sat on my tray LOL. People were also putting their hands against my headrest. I wondered who why I could see a hand above me. Lucky my chair wasn't turned on otherwise I would have gone flying into the crowd, yeah don't do that, ever!

Thursday I went to the doctor and had blood tests. I really don't know why I bothered getting blood tests. I know it's just a non serious thing and is taken care of.

Going to Auckland next week to see Lady GaGa, I am more excited to see Sam, seen her before. Well I've seen Sam before many more times than I've seen Lady GaGa. I'm not sure of my point. I have no point. This paragraph really isn't going anywhere. What was I saying? Oh yeah going to Auckland to see Sam. I am sure that GaGa will be great too. I swear I am not drunk as I write this, I wish I was. I am just writing in my own funny style, well I think it's funny, I don't give a flying fuck if you do.

I am going out tonight too, which fucks up my work progress a bit. Oh well things are getting done. A bit slower than I would like but I am pleased, finally, well not exactly pleased with my progress, but things are coming together and have a plan for the immediate future, I hope it works out. I am also thinking of another project. I have a good vision of things now, that's what I need.
Posted at 03/06/2012 04:51:31 UTC 0 comments

Budget, My Week, Earthquakes

It was the forth National Party budget this week. Their strategy seems to be taxing the poorest members of society more. Because that will help the deficit and stimulate the economy; taxing the poorest members of society more. Give the poor less to spend and the economy will BOOM! YAYYYYYY! Anyone who knows anything about economics knows the exact opposite is true! This government is sabotaging our economic prosperity. I do support the tax changes to people who own holiday home though. However New Zealand's economic potential remain well and truly fucked. We have a growth problem and a revenue problem. This does absolutely fuck all to solve them, in fact it will make matters worse, especially on the growth problem. Less growth = Less revenue. Do you really think that the economy will grow if the people who actually spend money have less to spend? You're a complete fucking idiot if you do.

Thursday night I went out with Danice, to a lesbian night at a bar. I had mixes and someone brought me a Tequila shot. The guy still assumed that I was drinking water even after the shot. Hehe. It was a fun night.

Saturday I saw Hine, we didn't go out. We were going to go to a pub, but decided it was too cold. So we just had a natter.

Saturday night I had a very strong Tequila at Steven's and Vodka at Cruz. I do consider myself a very spiritual person, only in a very different way than the normal context. Girls were on my arms all night, I was miles away in my head, I don't know where exactly, various places. I like being in my own zone. I wasn't there enough, I was distracted, and not by the girls. Almost got through the night without someone putting a drink on my tray and it was done just to wind me up and "so you can moan about it on your blog". Well I am not moaning, I am writing on events as they happen, so ha!

Two earthquakes this week. I'm extremely unphased by them. However it was a weird feeling when it happened when I was dancing to my favourite trance track. Mainly they're just an interruption. Other people feel very differently. Earthquakes are a "meh" experience for me. Meh. It happens. Meh.
Posted at 27/05/2012 03:20:40 UTC 0 comments

Random Rambles/TV/TheYoungTurks/Cruz

It's Saturday

I said that I was going to blog more, yeah that didn't happen, but I worked on products though so I am pleased and feel accomplished. I have got a similar week ahead.

I have nothing to say so this will probably be a short entry unless I randomly ramble about something which is pretty unlikely because I can't be fucked and really can't think of anything to ramble about. If I ramble about current events would it be better suited to one of my other blogs? I have too many blogs and not enough time to write. People still seem to enjoy even though I think I write complete crap with no actual substance half the time. I like offering substance to my readers. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way. OK that was a cheap joke, but I am cheap. Also, do I write the same crap over and over again on this blog? It does seem that way.

So what did I do this week? watched TV. NCIS fucking sucked, the whole episode didn't make sense, so fuck that show. Gibbs gets shot then wasn't. What the hell was that about? Worst episode ever. Oh crap I've missed CSI Las Vagas, who cares? I can still catch House on TV3+1.

I've started watching TheYoungTurks daily on YouTube, it's a great progressive show in the US. It also has a TV show on the "current" network. We don't get that network. We do get Fox News, fuck that. This is probably no interest to anybody. Do I care? Absolutely not. Haha I've probably bored most of you. Good!

Sunday now

Last night I went to Cruz. i had the usual spellers and people resting their hands on my tray, they get a surprise when I move it. Either there's nothing more noteworthy about the night or I can't remember, it is probably a combination. I had a good time anyway.
Posted at 20/05/2012 03:20:11 UTC 0 comments

I'm not a drunk

Had a nice busy week but first

This is a ridiculous paragraph: I'm not a drunk, for the record! I drink maybe once or twice a week, many people drink much more. Apparently I'm heavily knowing for my drinking, I don't really care. I prefer to be known for my intellect and good looks, but whatever. I talk about drinking constantly, but that is because most of my outings involve drinking. I'm a homebody and most of the time I go out I drink, it's that simple. Call me a drunk, see if I care. Well obviously I do otherwise I wouldn't be writing this, but you get the point. To be fair I do drink far more when Sam's around; he's a bad influence, or maybe I am? It's probably me.

I am going to blog more, but please excuse me if issues are a few weeks or months old. Yeah I suck at some things, oh well, move on!

Monday I had an assistive technology meeting and then went to my brother's rugby league fund raiser. I had some Vodka and wine. I also got a bottle of wine. Definitely don't have a shortage of alcohol, which only proves I don't drink enough to go through my collection. HA!

Wednesday I went to a rainbow Labour branch meeting. I got there late, opps! It was informative.

Saturday I went to Steven's, a house party and Cruz. I had a fantastic night catching up with friends.
Posted at 13/05/2012 03:28:44 UTC 0 comments

David Guetta 2012

Wednesday I went to Auckland. It took us about two hours to get to the apartment because Sam had a so-called short cut which had the opposite effect. It was a free ride from the airport, so who cares? After KFC I saw a friend, we drank wine.

Thursday I did fuck all really until I met a friend for a drink before going to a David Guetta concert, had a great time, I was pissed!

Friday we went to lunch, the beef was incredibly small. I wish that I had a magnifying glass so I could have taken it out for comic effect. Also why do they fill wine glasses 30%? It's an extreme waste of space. FILL MOST OF THE FUCKING GLASS OR GIVE US SMALLER ONES!!! After lunch I had McDonalds at the airport, then some snacks on the plane, then something when I got home.

Also on Friday I watched TVNZ 7, enjoy that network while you can, the nats are cutting funding for it. Well I didn't enjoy it, The Best Of Breakfast was on. If that was the best of it, I'd surely hate to see the non highlights of it. People always complain that Petra is annoying, surely it's a competition between the two. It was about students paying more and allowances being cut. What a load of fucking shit. Young people are already pissing off to Australia in large numbers. This will not help things. Unfuckingbelievable. AND LET'S SUCK EDUCATED PEOPLE WHO TYPICALLY EARN HIGHER WAGES OUT OF THE TAX BASE TOO! YAYYYYYY! I AM SERIOUSLY SICK OF THIS SHIT!

I had a great time in Auckland catching up with mates, and Sam. I drank a lot of wine and cider.

kSaturday I went to Steven's and Cruz. Cruz was good apart from the constant stream of annoying people. First a guy left a drink on my tray and I gave him a nasty look and he promptly took it off. I only gave him a look for the fun of it really. Two or three other people left drinks on my tray, it was definitely the night for it. Also this guy was spelling, and spelling, and spelling, I had no idea what he said most of the time. He did spell out "party" ten times in a row. I was actually debating with myself whether to be annoyed or laugh at the guy.
Posted at 06/05/2012 03:23:35 UTC 0 comments

Too many Jagers

It's Sunday

I went to Craig's Friday, had too much Jager, I think I drank than what everybody had combined, they only had 1-3 each, or perhaps they were double glasses... I drank the combined equivalent. That was a bad idea, it was fucking fun though. Definitely sticking to my limits for a while. Losing count of my drinks is really bad. I think that I had less than two hours sleep.

Saturday I caught up with Hine and went for a walk, well technically a ride. That night I went to Tim's for a few hours. I had a few things on but I wasn't really in the partying mood. Quiet drinks are energy conserving, and low cost! I'll make it up at David Guetta in Auckland on Wednesday!

No new other blog entries, yes I'm a slack bastard. I know you all miss me abusing republicans and the RWNJs (right wing nut jobs) in New Zealand. I'm a proud LWNJ which is rare as most people on the left are sane, unlike the majority of the right. Do I push my political views too much? Yes? Good! Anyway don't count on any other blog posts this week. I have Auckland and work to do.

And now for an unnecessary rant.

Posted at 29/04/2012 04:49:49 UTC 0 comments

I wanna jump off a tower

Stupid me just posted this on the wrong blog.

It's Monday.

I am back from Auckland.

Got up at 6 Saturday. The plane had a issue and was delayed by half an hour. Sam got vouchers for the new El Maco so we had that. Sam thought it was crap, I thought it was OK. Meh it was a burger, I eat to survive and don't really care about food. We arrived at McDonalds and we drove all the way to another McDonalds just to get free refills of coke, wasn't my idea! I didn't bring my phone so couldn't text mates, oh well, I'll be back in two weeks anyway for a David Guetta concert. This trip was basically just to see Sam, wasn't going to go until I got cheap flights. They were even cheaper than stand by fares!

Sunday we left the apartment, it didn't have Sky; I just watched music videos on Saturday night and took a nap while Sam was working. I never take naps but was tired and there was nothing else to do. I decided not to bring my computer because it was a short trip. Anyway Sunday we went out for lunch with Sam's parents, I had mash potatoes and fries, everybody else had prawns. Potatoes and fries were cheap compared to everything else. I usually have lamb, but it was $40+, fries and mash potatoes will do me just fine! I was shouted but I still don't like spending that much on food, it's just the way I am. I shared a chocolate desert with Sam, that was fucking nice! Sam got a $20 voucher for SkyCity casino so he went there, he won $35, he only lost when I wasn't picking the colours. I also went on a trike type car around Auckland. That was different and cool. I think that I want to do a "controlled jump" off the SkyTower, who wants to do it with me?

I have got a busy week this week with blogging on issues, working and watching a few DVDs that I got recently. I have got to work on my own stuff and stuff for somebody else. I quite enjoy working.
Posted at 23/04/2012 01:54:05 UTC 0 comments

I just bitch to fill up space 1

Dear Blog,

Fuck you fucking cunt.

I am doing this pretty late on a Sunday, not my fault as eye typing software doesn't work for the first hour or so most days so fuck that. Then I had emails to write, other things to do blah blah blah. Been a productive week I think.

This week I did fuck all apart from drinking and working on the computer. So not much to report.

Drank with a few friends last night then Cruz. Had a great night.

What's fucking me off this week? Human stupidity! People are idiots! I saw a YouTube video of the recent tsunami. There's a tsunami let's all go to the beach! What kind of shit for brains moron do you have to be to think that is a good idea? Recently I read about people moaning about people moaning about a character in Hunger Games being black. Eh I have to ask why a character being black offends people? It's because their racist fuckheads of course. Also it's just a fucking movie. Why do people get pissy about the stupidest shit? It was the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, people were shocked to find out it was an actual historical event. People today are clueless, absolutely clueless.

Next week I am going to Auckland for a very short time. So my next entry will probably be a day later. I know I said I wasn't going to go but I got cheap flights at a grabaseat auction.
Posted at 15/04/2012 04:22:30 UTC 0 comments

Easter 2012

Looks like I forgot to address my blog last time, how rude!

Dear Blog,


I figured that people write "Dear Diary" so I thought I would something similar, until I get sick of it in a few weeks.


It's when you pretend to eat Jesus! Or something. I got drunk, HAPPY EASTER.

That was much too positive.

INDIFFERENCE EASTER! Yeah that's better.

I didn't make time for other blogs again. Oh well.

I want to buy a dinosaur, maybe I shouldn't blog drunk. Not a good look, unlike physically which I look fucking good. Can I buy a dinosaur? Maybe a model dinosaur. Bah fuck that. Maybe I'll wait until they're clone one, and not buy one because I don't want to get eaten. Don't ya just love my insightful posts? I KNOW I DO! I love most things about me, I fucking rock and you know that you can trust what an egotistical maniac says about himself. I'm the BEST! BEST what? Who knows? I like rambling.

Sunday now, above was last night. I didn't go out, conserving money. Went out Thursday, to a pub then had lots of Sambuca at Craig's, probably too much, oh well. It was fun, we watched Madonna, in the days before she purchased a baby.

Did the family Easter thing Wednesday.

Was going to do something Friday but couldn't due to Easter trading, so fuck Easter trading laws. It inconvenienced me so abolish the trading restrictions. They're against FREEDOM! The freedom to trade on a public holiday! It's a stupid rule anyway. But it's popular, probably only because of chocolate and the day off. Notice how both our religious holidays involve chocolate and presents. It's just a random observation. I have no real point, just writing crap.
Posted at 08/04/2012 03:16:13 UTC 0 comments

No idea where I am going in life but that's OK

It's Sunday.

Currently watching House from weeks ago.

Short night last night, had pre drinks then went to Cruz but felt ill so went home early, at 2. Think I just had too much Tequila LOL.

Also saw Hine yesterday, went to a restaurant, they kept offering me drink but I didn't want to drink twice in one day and it's much more cost effective to drink my own alcohol.

This is a boring post. I need a way to change the sky channel through the computer. My current way is unbelievably slow. Need to make more sites, got a ton of crap to do. I enjoy writing blogs, but they're not profitable. I am not sure what I want to do in life. Do I see if I can make blogs profitable or focus on script development. Do I get an official education to qualify myself for jobs? Eek that costs thousands. I haven't found a PHP course anyway. All the courses I've seen are for web design and ASP. I never got any official education on PHP, learned it completely from online tutorials. Now I have this skill with no qualifications. I finished high school when I got my school certificate, I kind of want to continue my education but bah it takes money and time. I could be doing other things with my time, which is EXACTLY the reasoning I used when I was 16, guess some things don't change. It was the right decision back then. Also considering writing novels. I have no idea what I am doing in life, and I am not sure I want to, spontaneity is good, or bad if I end up getting confused but eh I'll risk it. Perhaps I'll focus on many things. Life is an adventure I say; do whatever makes you happy. Going to build crap for the immediate future, I like building crap.

Had to cancel an Auckland trip next month, can't afford it.

Fuck I am pretty sure a hangover has just hit. Uh help?
Posted at 01/04/2012 03:24:42 UTC 1 comment

Night out and technology issues

Dear Blog,

Go fuck yourself.


I got a flu shot Wednesday. That's all I did before Saturday. So this won't be an exciting post. Well I say that then randomly ramble until it turns into an OK post. Will this be the same. I cannot predict the future, nobody can.

Saturday night I had pre drinks then went to Cruz. Someone sat on my tray without realizing what it was, he got a shock when he turned around LOL. A woman shouted me a drink but I didn't ended up getting it because it was in a glass with a straw, oh well, I had barely finish my own drinks. Perhaps I should have a sign on my tray saying "I drink out of a bottle" or something.

Oh here's something I can tell you, I am having issues with my eye typing software again, it takes about an hour to get into a workable state which is a fucking pain. Maybe it's time to investigate other technology which will again be a fucking pain but this could be necessary. It started doing it the day before I went to Sydney, I have no idea why it does it, I could try a different version of the software but I do remember having major problems with the other version so maybe that's not the best course of action. I am getting a technology assessment next month, this is also for my portable communication computer which I haven't had since November because the computer basically died. My biggest concern about getting new technology is will it end up like all my other computer accessibility technology. I think that I have three pieces of software that do not have support from the developers. When I email them, they don't reply or say it doesn't happen for us so fuck off, they may not be their exact words but I definitely do no have a good view of companies who develop computer accessibility products. This very negatively effects my attitude towards trying something new, but I have really no other option.

I don't need to pointlessly ramble now, maybe next week.
Posted at 25/03/2012 02:49:58 UTC 0 comments

St Patrick's Day 2012

Dear Blog,


I don't have a topic to write about so I will write about not being to think about what to write about or am I lying about not having a topic to write about just to have a topic to write about.
Above Friday, below Sunday.

Had a busy night last night, went to Matt and Janine's, DJ Hype and The Upbeats and then Cruz. Ran out of Tequila at Matt and Janine's so had some of their Vodka, thanks! Really wasn't planning to drink anymore than my Tequila but eh, what the hell? Hype and Upbeats were good. Booked that event in February I think. I wore my Upbeats shirt, got it free at a gig so I thought why not? After dropping some girls I knew home, I went to Cruz. I was talking to a girl but she repeated the same three points five times in a very short space of time, drunk people do that. Then someone assumed I was Irish. I thought what a weird thing to assume; not everyone out on St Patrick's Day is Irish. Then I remembered I was wearing a green hat which somebody put on my head, no idea who. Even so, many people wear green on St Patrick's Day. Do I have Irish in me? I don't know, I am adopted. Perhaps I should ask my ancestry, but eh. Perhaps I should ask my family's medical history though. That would be useful. Who knows, I could have come from a long line of fucking insane lunatics. No that probably starts with me. I can't say I give a flying fuck where I come from. Anyway St Patrick's Day mainly celebrates drinking, I can totally get behind that. The Irish have the best celebrations, Irland for the win. Better than fucking easter; all you get at easter is chocolate eggs and buns, on St Patrick's Day you get alcohol! Oh but Easter lasts longer, meh alcohol wins for me! She also assumed I was straight. Strange assumption considering it's a gay club. The night ended with Irish music, very fitting I thought.

Hey since everything is green on St Patrick's Day so I think that it would be the perfect day for The Greens to campaign. Oh but everyone would be too pissed to pay attention. Then again, most people don't pay attention anyway!
Posted at 18/03/2012 03:03:01 UTC 0 comments

Melbourne Concerts 2012

So I'm back from Melbourne, it was great apart from having no free internet. I just assumed all hotels provided free internet these days. Who knew? not me! Meh busy most of the time anyway and was also drunk a good portion of it. DUTY FREE TEQUILA FOR THE WIN! Definitely have never drunk so much Tequila in my life or in one day, straight Tequila anyway. I think I went on a bender 3/4 days I was there and even when I didn't go on a bender I had two cocktails at happy hour at the hotel bar. Haven't drunk for at least 24 hours by the way. Sam was encouraging me to drink, let's just blame the boyfriend!

Saturday I arrived and went gay clubbing. Was going to watch Two And A Half Men throughout the flight but after a few episodes I decided it sucked and saw Sam was watching something with Matthew Perry so I decided to switch to that, and enjoyed it. Mr Sunshine is a decent sitcom, it is actually funny unlike the other sitcoms I watched on the flight which only bored me. New Girl only had a hot shirtless guy going for it, couldn't get into Modern Family, found it boring. So anyway arrived, had three shots of Tequila and went to a little gay club called Priscilla's @ 153, nice music, had fun. A guy brought me a drink, always a good night when someone buys you a drink.

Sunday was Future Music Festival. I saw Jessie J, Naked And Famous, Tinie Tempah, Skrillex, Fatboy Slim, Swedish House Mafia and more. I only really went for Jessie J and Fatboy Slim but also really enjoyed Skrillex and Swedish House Mafia. I also had a Frozen Cocktail and lots of other alcohol. I noticed that Melbourne had a high number of blond guys, there was a cute shirtless one on the train back. Decided to go to McDonalds after the train back.

Monday we had lunch at a diner then we both had two cocktails later on, then I think we had KFC for dinner. Or was it KFC for lunch and the diner for dinner? Yeah that's it. Nobody gives a shit anyway, if you give a shit about the accuracy of my meals you're obviously a very very very very sad person.

Tuesday we went out for lunch, I had wedges and cake. Then ordered room service for dinner. We had a two for one voucher and I was feeling lazy. Oh I fell out of my chair on the way back from lunch. LOL! Never done that before. Fucking Melbourne. Then we went to the Aqua concert, it was awesome! I was pissed again.

Wednesday we had coffee and cake at some cafe then went to the airport and drank in the Koru Lounge. I tried Baileys and had Vodka. Liked the taste of Baileys. On The flight I watched Mr Sunshine the entire time. How come you get free snacks on domestic flights and not international flights? This seems entirely fucked up. I WANT FREE SNACKS I WANT FREE SNACKS I WANT FREE SNACKS!

Melbourne fucking sucks for wheelchairs too. There's a step up to lots of places in the CBD which means it is fucking inaccessible for my electric wheelchair. Also not a fan of the dining on the streets thing that they have going on. It makes the CBD far too narrow in some places and is hazardous when crowded. The footpaths are bumpy too, I fell out my wheelchair once but hey I considered that a new experience. I do like the train system though, sooooo cheap to get to places. Auckland should definitely get a city loop system.

It had been an amazing month; I got to see Kylie Minogue and Aqua, spend time with my cute boyfriend and got frequently drunk. Excellent month. Ready for more partying tomorrow!
Posted at 16/03/2012 02:07:59 UTC 0 comments

Sydney Mardi Gras 2012

Tuesday 6th March, no idea why the date is important but there we go.

Hi dysfunctional lunatics, oh sorry that's me!

So I went to Sydney Thursday, had too much to drink in the Koru lounge, didn't end well, yeah definitely not doing that in Melbourne, I will drink after I arrive at a gay club or two. Hope that Sam doesn't collapse after being up early.

Friday we went out for breakfast at McDonalds and it was pissing down. So had a spa and steam after, and a dip in the pool in between, but fuck the pool it was cold. Thought I was going to catch pneumonia, but didn't so HORRAH! Then we went out for dinner. I think, I don't know, who cares? Then I saved the world from nuclear war.

Saturday we went to Hungry Jacks for lunch then some other restaurant for tea before going to the Mardi Gras parade. It rained on our gay pride parade again this year. God must actually hate us. JUST KIDDING! God doesn't actually exist! LOL! I did notice more god oriented floats this year, and less hot guys. As with last year, I enjoyed the music of the floats. Didn't take any pictures, it was kind of hard to communicate being squeezed in and all. I also had a Tequila Sunrise and some Vodka before the after party, didn't pay for the Vodka either! The party was great, however I had shitty sleeps Thursday and Friday so didn't know how I was going to cope but Sam brought some anti sleep pills at some pharmacy, fucking genius idea! Had an OK sleep that night and a fantastic sleep Sunday. They were selling cans of some alcoholic beverage at the party. Kylie Minogue performed! Although the truly sad part is that I saw the screen and thought it was a show elsewhere, so I spent the first few minutes wondering why everyone was screaming. I was thrilled when I noticed her on stage. I didn't even notice the stage. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh well, so pleased I got to see her live, even though I didn't even know at first. I also had a great time partying to several DJs! It was a brilliant night. So glad I went!

sunday we went out for lunch and dinner. We had a view of the harbour at the dinner restaurant. Once it stopped pissing down, it was nice. Darling Harbour Nights is a nice tasting cocktail.

Monday we went home, today Sam went home but he's back Saturday for a Melbourne trip, then it's back to visiting him in Auckland I guess. I like visiting him. I also had Vodka and straight bandy in the Koru lounge on Monday. Hey I may as well try new things while it's free.

I also got Vodka and Jager duty free. I still need Tequila and perhaps some Burbon. Never buy a single bottle of anything at duty free, pairs are cheaper! Oh I had a dream Monday night warning of the health risks of alcohol. How bizarre.

My next entry will be 16 March, either that or I'll just skip it and post one Sunday 18th, who the fuck knows?
Posted at 07/03/2012 01:40:28 UTC 0 comments

Got drunk watching cars

It's Saturday night.

What a cheap fucking weekend, spent the afternoon drinking, total cost: fuck all. I'm drunk, can you tell??? You're a fucking idiot if you can't. Not going out, more money for Australia I guess. YAY! I'm drunk.

Did wheelchair maintenance things this week, and got drunk Thursday, and today obviously.

Today I hung around at a burnout pad, I had fun, mainly because I was pissed. I went around a track in a car shit faced, that was fun. Well most things shit faced is fun, speeding around a track shit faced is definitely fun. Of course me being me, I just had to think about how burnouts are produced; friction etc. It's also surprising how much smoke they can produce, massive amounts. I wasn't driving, obviously. A woman gave me a drink but she was shocked to learn it was alcohol, not water. What's with people and thinking cripples have water??? I had Burbon and Coke and Tequila, in the same bottle, yummy yummy yummy. Must buy duty free Vodka in Australia.

My next entry will probably be 7th March, I'll probably do lots of blogging and take lots of pictures (or nag Sam to take lots of pictures) in Australia.

There's nothing like sitting at home pissed and listening to your favourite songs.

There was an earthquake earlier, It's always a relief to find out an earthquake actually happened and it was not some random drunken experience.
Posted at 26/02/2012 03:08:25 UTC 0 comments

More drinking and some offensive comments about Whitney Huston

Another week without other blog posts, I was going to do them Friday but ended up going to Craig's and getting pissed until 3AM, I also watched X Factor (reluctantly), and music DVDs such as Cher and Fatboy Slim.

I also worked on a site for someone else.

Thursday I got pissed alone, which I will probably do sometime this week too. Hey I like using my computer trolleyed. I listen to my favourite songs, write absolute crap on my private facebook profile, it's a good time.

Apparently I'm now known as a drunk. Oh well I couldn't give a flying fuck what people think of me. I am sober most nights. SO THERE!

Saturday night I went out with Hine to Cargo bar, they played 80's music which was, OK, once I had a few drinks in me LOL. I ended up having a great time, perhaps due to the three different shots! Sambuca, Jager and Tequila! Plus I had some Vodka mixes; Redbull and coke, separately of course. Then I went to Cruz and drank there.

This was posted late because I went out drinking again Sunday. I went to a gathering of gays, had some pizza then home with Craig to drink some more and watch some TV. Wrestling was on at the very start, how on earth did I ever watch that shit long ago? Found the David Bain story extremely interesting on 60 Minutes. That guy should definitely sue the ass off the crown.

Think I've been sober 3/7 nights this past week, whoops! Oh well, perhaps I'll slow down this week, or not...

Sam brought us Lady GaGa tickets. Already seen her, but eh I'll go again. I do like going to Auckland to see Sam. At least she sticks to her concerts unlike the recently deceased Whitney Huston, and doesn't sound like absolute shit, well maybe her sound has improved now that she has passed away. I have been playing her classic songs all week, love her music!
Posted at 19/02/2012 23:02:11 UTC 93 comments

Big Gay Out 2012

Sunday I got really really shit faced at Craig's place. I had a ton of Tequila and lemonaide, then was offered a wisky and coke, I don't refuse alcohol. I had a very enjoyable night, not just because I was completely shit faced by the end.

Monday I saw Mynor Star then Voltaire. Both were good. I have never really heard of either before, Voltaire sings dark and entertaining songs. I had many Jagers and some random woman kept giving me burbon, But she also filled my sipper bottle up with water. Ugh, why would I want water??? Got Fanny to exchange that shit ASAP. I also managed to give myself drinks completely unassisted. First time I've done that, it was challenging but I certainly love a challenge!

Thursday I went to Hine's birthday at The Running Bull. I ate beforehand so I just drank Jagers, got shouted them too.

Saturday I went to Auckland for The Big Gay Out on Sunday. I had drinks in the Koru lounge first, luckily Sam decided to renew his membership, which was surprising but I may as well get his money's worth with free food and vodka, why not? It doesn't cost him anymore no matter how much I drink. FREE PISS!!! Then we went to a dance party; he shared his Vodka before. Thanks Sam! Good music at the dance party but holly fuck it was bare. Lucky I took Sam otherwise I'd be bored stupid.

Sunday we got up at about midday then went for lunch and had a cocktail. Not really a Fan of expresso cocktails, remind me not to have one again. Headed to the Big Gay Out around 3, stayed for two hours until it started to pissed down. Fuck the rain, I was going home. Thought about not going but Sam said we should take a look. Some of the acts were OK, I think my favourite part was drinking in the dance tent, no surprises there then!

Monday we went out for lunch again at some random cafe, I had french toast. Then we had dinner at the Koru lounge, they served yummy spicey chicken and I also had some fruit and dessert, and of course alcohol. Vodka and I decided to have bubbly since it was free and all. Surely I'd be doing Sam a disservice if I didn't get the most alcohol possible out of his Koru membership. Don't know if I should fly completely wasted though! But what the hell? Also I boarded the plane from outside going up in a lift, found that quite cool!

And every paragraph contains me drinking hahahahahahahaha. I swear I don't have an alcohol problem, I just really really really really really really really really like to drink! I shouldn't be drinking that much over the next few weeks, I plan to drink LOTS in Sydney and Melbourne when I go with Sam next month, can't wait! Well I can and have to, there is no other alternative.
Posted at 14/02/2012 03:34:32 UTC 0 comments

Casino, night out, Aqua

This is the only blog post I am writing this week. Call me lazy, I'll call you a fuckwit. I make my readers feel sooooo special. Fuck you all.

Maybe I'll write a few more next week. Launching a new content site next week, and doing a site for a friend, so busy week which is good. Feels so good to have my technology back again so I can do shit. message me if you need a website done. Yeah I am now whoring out my website development services on this blog hahaha. Seriously, call me. I am a cheap fucker. It's totally ridiculous what other people charge.

I am in Auckland next weekend so my next entry will be posted Tuesday, or someday, or I may quit this blog, probably more chance of me congratulating John Key on the excellent job he's doing at the Big Gay Out. So.... NOT FUCKING LIKELY.

Saturday I saw Hine. We went to the casino and ate wedges. I know you're supposed to gamble there, but fuck gambling. Although I may go to SkyCity and try a strategy I learned recently. r That night I went to Steven's and had pre drinks before going to a drum and bass gig. I went far too late and only ended up spending an hour there. Oh well I managed to drink all my Tequila before so no big deal. Then once it finished I decided to go to Cruz. Wasn't ready to stop partying. Random straight guys patted me all night as usual. I should really respond by pissing on there leg!

Oh before I went out my dog did a piss in my room, I thought that was funny! Hey, I'm not the one who has to clean it up, I can laugh! Had Rose since intermediate school; she's never pissed in my room before.

I am also planning a trip to Melbourne to see Aqua. They're famous for the Barbie Girl song. I actually HATE that song but like Turn Back Time, Candyman, Cartoon Heroes and Back To The 80's which I mentioned on here once before. They have a new song: Like A Robot, it's also good. I am also going to earlier Sydney that month.
Posted at 05/02/2012 02:35:10 UTC 0 comments

Rambling and Cruz

It's Saturday and I am a little tipsy.

It has been an alcohol free week until today. Last week I drank for about five days in a row. It was a good week.

Booked our hotel for Sydney. 5 star, got a cheap deal.

Booked two drum and bass events, I miss Rock Pool, I wonder if it will open when the CBD does. These will be a good substitute. Also have some gay dance parties to go to; one in Auckland and one in Sydney.

Turns out my wheelchair wasn't fixed, no surprises there. It went away yesterday and I am supposed to get it back Wednesday.

Sunday now.

I was going to do another blog post today but I ran out of time with getting drunk and all. I will do two newsey type posts in the middle of next week. I highly doubt newsey is a word but who cares? Not me! I won't win any awards for this writing so I don't care if I don't use proper language some of the time. I don't use crap language without acknowledging that I am using crap language otherwise I'd just be a stupid fuck that uses crap language. What is a stupid fuck? Where you stick it in the wrong hole? I really should have stop rambling several sentences ago.

Went out last night, to Cruz but had pre drinks first. Tequila and lemonaide. I have so much Tequila I thought that I would start using it instead of Vodka. I'll buy more Vodka at duty free when I go to Sydney. That's barely a month away. Anyway Cruz was great, apart from being constantly annoyed being annoyed by strangers. Let's see there were spellers, patters, people that kept holding my hands, people that used my tray as a drink stand. A whole cocktail of fucking annoying people. Oh this one guy rested his hand on my tray not knowing what it was, got a shock when I vibrated the tray. Haha. It was a fantastic night apart from the complete strangers annoying me, the music was good, saw some friends. I had a great time.

Thinking of getting blue hair. Should I? Probably not.
Posted at 29/01/2012 03:58:32 UTC 0 comments

Big Day Out 2012

It's Saturday and I'm quite drunk and staying at Sam's house.

Wednesday I arrived in Auckland on stand by fares. I was quite surprised that I could fly stand by but there we go. Yay for cheaper fares! It was a bit of a hassle but I'm fucked if I care!

Thursday we went to some posh restaurant, I really don't remember the name. Frankly I really don't understand the appeal of waiting ages for overpriced food, I'd much rather have a cheap meal at home. It's Sam's thing, not mine. He enjoys it so I do it. We also went for a spa that day. (THREE DAYS LATER, I looked the restaurant up, it was dine by Peter Gordon)

Friday we went to the Big Day Out. LOL LAME EVENT! Fucking good excuse to spend time with Sam though! We spent an hour looking for the mythical wheelchair platform that didn't even exist, the staff were happy to direct us to the mythical wheelchair platform that didn't even exist, yeah try figuring that out? Bands were OK, quite disappointed that My Chemical Romance didn't play the only song I knew by them. Knew a song from the band Foster The People, very far from my favourite band though. Recognized another song from some kiwi woman I think. I had a very shitty sleep Thursday night and thought I was going to collapse by the end but ended up dancing my ass off to Nero! I knew one of their songs but they played it after we left the event, I still got to hear it though. Their other stuff is really good, great dance music! Hands down the best act in my opinion. Unfortunately my wheelchair broke down, it doesn't go over bumps without stopping and sometimes won't start back up. So Sam had to push me to the taxi and we could not find the taxi. So not a good time for him at the end.

The event was OK, still an economical way of seeing many bands at once. Wish that I wasn't half a sleep for most of it. LOL oh well, these things happen. Enjoyed dancing when I did though!

The event was definitely not crowded which was probably a good thing. I could definitely see why it was the last Big Day Out.

Sunday now.

We stayed home drinking but then I dragged Sam to Family. I was on Jager shots and had a great time. Lots of random old people patted me on the shoulder, yeah that got annoying, don't do that, like ever, to a stranger in a wheelchair unless he barks and humps your leg.

Today we went out for dinner with Sam's parents. I also had a double vodka and a tiny bit of wine.

Monday now, Sam really is not a fan of flying stand by with a wheelchair so we've booked tickets to Auckland next month. I however really like going stand by because it is more economical. Apparently we get something extra with our flights next month, I have no idea what. Hopefully it will be a bit less stressful next month. Sam is going home tomorrow. Then Sydney in March, I must book Mardi Gras party tickets!

Well my wheelchair seems to work after a charge. Apparently it needs to be charged regularly regardless of how much you use it, which is fucked up. I used it fuck all and it was at least half full when it began fucking up. I didn't even use it around the house. So what a piece of fucking shit.
Posted at 24/01/2012 01:49:12 UTC 0 comments

Eye typing back and drinking

It's Thursday, sorry for not posting last week. By sorry I really mean fuck off my fucking computer wasn't working so I couldn't give a shit if a didn't post. Did an after shock happen before? Yes it did. That was a random change of subject for no apparent reason.

Got my computer back yesterday, with eye typing back, hopefully it lasts more than a few days this time. Fucking stupid thing! If it happens again I think I will have to get a separate computer with just eye typing on it. Hopefully it won't come to that as I do need to interact with normal programs using my eye. That would be a massive bitch. I had to get a clean install again, hopefully this one lasts.

Pleased that I can blog again, although I am busy this month with an Auckland trip and a website project. But yay those things ! I am going Wednsday and going to the Big Day Out Friday. It's quite a cheap trip as I stay with Sam and he got discounted tickets. So yay for being cheap. Probably will drink vodka from the bottle instead of paying the clubs, I quite like to do that. Sam doesn't like going and people seem to hit on him in Auckland clubs haha.

Meh maybe I will go, might as well party while there etc.

Last Saturday I went to a New Years party hosted by Craig and Barbra, it was good, my drinks were a bit weak, must make sure I get stronger drinks. Then I hung out with friends and attempted to go to a trance party, but couldn't find it. Got some bad directions. Oh well. I really should have checked myself, opps. Had a nice different night anyway.

Friday now, went out with Hine today. We went to Strawberry Fare but couldn't find an accessible entrance so we ended up going to the casino instead, to eat. Well Hine was the main one who ate, I just had some of her chips! Yeah because I am cheap... Cheap as chips! But I didn't pay for the chips. I was going to have a Tequila or two but I have two bottles at home, so fuck paying bar prices.

So it's 3PM Saturday and I am already quite drunk. Had too many drinks for tonight so decided to drink one at lunch, yay excess! I REALLY hate wasting alcohol, then I have to buy more. Waste is uneconomical. Usually I don't care about waste but in this case it's just more fun not being wasteful. YAY THE ENVIRONMENT! What my drinking has to do with the environment I don't know. Hopefully I'll sober up by 6PM, then I can have MORE!

Sunday now, I had a few cocktails with family and then went to a party at Nathan's. Great times at both but did feel a bit sick at the end so decided not to go clubbing afterwards. I pretty much decided not to go clubbing at the beginning of the night anyway, then changed my mind, then didn't feel up to it. Oh well. The night was enjoyable anyway.

I am in Auckland with Sam next weekend so the next entry will be late, possibly Tuesday.
Posted at 15/01/2012 02:14:23 UTC 0 comments


And it's 2012. But you probably know that unless you are completely disconnected from reality, even more so than the average person.

It's Sunday, Sam came down Thursday, going back tomorrow.

So, got really really wasted last night and spent the day with my boyfriend. Yeah the year is pretty much downhill from here. I'm such a positive person!

We went for a spa and swim Friday afternoon and got pissed that night. The spa was good and I really can't remember the last time I went for a proper swim.

Last night was great, again I got really really trashed, that's the most important part, oh and spending it with my boyfriend and family etc. I had different types of drinks, not sure what one was called but I ended it with Jarger shots. The drink I can't remember tasted like coconut and I had it with orange juice, Quite a nice taste. Went back to the motel at 4AM, was up about 10, Drove home to Christchurch from Culverden. Has been a relaxing day.

Eye typing is not working again. UGH! Let's see if new hardware fixes the problem. I certainly hope so.

Monday now.

2011 was a good year for me. I know that it sucked for many other people, especially here in Christchurch but I personally am doing OK. Sure some parts of last year sucked badly, other parts did not. I have no idea where I am going in life. Life seems to be a continuous stream of work, partying and sex. I'm unsure whether this is a good thing. It's all a bit planned and routine for my liking. Getting a bit hamster wheel until one day the wheel stops. I don't know I think I am having a midlife crisis even though I am far too young. Life has its surprises and excitement occasionally, I always try to be adventurous and spontaneous especially this past few months. I really have no idea of my point. I'm going to try living life and enjoying it more is what I am trying to say, I don't know. Guess I need new challenges and goals.

There is nothing like a nonsensical rant to start the year off...
Posted at 02/01/2012 02:55:46 UTC 0 comments

Merry fucking christmas 2011

This will be posted on sunday if I am not too intoxicated. I am definitely too intoxicated now, yes I am.

Merry Christmas or happy holidays, or whatever you say, or nothing if you're not celebrating anything. If you just like hating on christmas for laughs, me too, so fuck christmas really is what I am trying to say.

It's Saturday night I am unsober again.

So my eye typing software is working again, it required a clean install of Windows which is a right cunt or dick depending if you a problem with the word cunt, you shouldn't as male reproductive organs have been used for decades. What am I saying, I am unsober. But at least I have it back. Now I can blog more and bitch at people faster.

I have no idea what to write apart from writing I have no idea what to write which isn't very impressive isn't it noooo. Ummmmmmm

So building my computer up again is going to be a pain but it's fucking good to be able to use my computer with my eye again.

Oh yeah had several big ass fucking earthquakes yesterday, I decided to use it as an excuse to get unsober because I am a role model.

I have no idea what I am doing, have you noticed?

It's Christmas and I am sober, must do something about that. Went to Matt and Janine's for breakfast, now back home ranting because I have nothing else to do. Well I could work but it's Christmas, good excuse not to work. I'll be offending Christians if I worked! Sure, let's use that as an excuse.

Next entry will probably be late because I am out of town on new years.

O Christmas tree O Christmas tree, my dog gave you the gift of pee.

Speaking of dogs, mine ate a fair bit of M&Ms when one of my M&M dispensers broke in the earthquake. It was on top of a DVD case which fell. Fucking earthquakes.

My Christmas gift to YOU is this entry. Which isn't much considering I was post it anyway. Well, merry fucking christmas. Why am I still sober?
Posted at 25/12/2011 01:40:04 UTC 0 comments

Bus trip

Just popping in.

Hi how are you oh you can't answer. I missed typing when I am not sober

It's sober I mean it's Thursday. I like writing my thoughts as accurate as possible.

Was interrupted forgotten what I was going to write

Sunday now

The bus trip was awesome. Went to a few great clubs then some rather boring bars, but that was OK, I really didn't know what was going on by then. It is always a fun night when you don't know what the hell is going on. Pre drinks first. I got through one and a bit then had more at some clubs. I decided to stop myself as I was pretty close to my limit and it was barely 11, if I had continued at the same pace I would have thrown up, good thing to avoid. I was mysteriously led out of a pub for some reason. Apparently someone told security that I wanted to get out. Errrrr I really didn't communicate that to anybody so I really didn't know why I was being led out. I thought that someone wanted me outside. Then I dropped people off at another pub and slowly drunk at Cruz, was sooo drunk by then, I was thinking of going home but thought it would a shame to waste such intoxication levels. It was a good night, talked to a few woman, saw a few boobs, well actually just one, personally I perfer penises but whatever.

Why does my fucking stupid neighbour insist on mowing lawns and chopping wood on a Sunday morning? I get home at 5AM and it makes it fucking impossible to sleep. Inconsiderate bastard!
Posted at 18/12/2011 06:40:59 UTC 0 comments

Night out and holidays

Well I still can't type with my eye. We got a spare camera and tried it on two computers but no luck surprisingly. I am waiting for an answer currently.

Sam brought flights to LA and wants to take me, for some reason, don't know why. Well yes I do, it's because I'm fucking sexy. OH YEAH! We've scheduled it to go to a Kelly Clarkson concert, we're going to do the theme park things. It's less than a month after we go to Sydney too. 2012 will be a great year. Also going to the Big Day Out in January.

Went to Cruz Saturday; tried a new drink, had my usual vodkas too, of course. Saw some friends. A random lady kept holding my hands and kept telling me to focus on her. Um that's unlikely unless she turned into a hot guy. Just saying! Is that rude? Good! I really don't like focusing on anything in that state; I'm a zoning out drunk, and I like it. Also I like thinking of random things in such states. I'm hideously anti social, unless it comes to friends.

I have got a bus trip next Saturday, I suppose I have to be social. I'm not actually going on the bus, will be following it in the van. I'd probably damage the bus in my drunken state. Will be good for a different type of night. Not going clubbing for a few weeks actually, will be back to it next year.
Posted at 11/12/2011 02:06:51 UTC 0 comments

Should have eye typing back soon!

Another eye camera has arrived so I'll try that next week. Hopefully it will work and I can type with my eye again. Then I can blog more and start new sites etc. If it doesn't work then it must be the computer and I will have to downgrade the processor or something. Should be sorted next week. If I have to downgrade, that won't be a problem at all, I'll contact the technicians and it should be relatively easy. Hopefully it's the camera; I'll get it working tomorrow then. Fucking finally. Been about six weeks. I'll feel like I have my mojo back. Yeah baby! Excuse the Austin Powers reference. Always preferred Dr Evil anyway mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha mwhahaha

Friday I went to town with Hine, it was a great day! We went to Cashel Mall, the access needs work and they've been notified of the problems. I got stuck in gravel again, it happened last time when I was out with her. This time on the streets of Christchurch. My chair is obviously crap at handling gravel, Hine's chair had no problem with it. So, fuck my stupid chair.

Saturday I went to Club 22 and Cruz, a drink at Steven's first. There was plenty of spellers, I was surprised that I could understand them with the state I was in. Fucking fantastic night, always a good night when you're pissed. Good music too! Christchurch taxis sure beat the hell out of the ones in Auckland. You can't even order them on Saturdays in Auckland. It's fucking great here, although I remember going to the access commission and complaining about Christchurch taxis. I complain about a lot of things, it's a hobby.

Next month it will be next year then less than a year until THE WORLD WILL END!!! Just kidding. You would have to be shit fucking insane to believe that, a lot of people are shit fucking insane, well including me but at least I am highly intelligent too. I like tooting my own horn. TOOT TOOT. I'm horny! Errr that's another subject all together. I apologize, no I do not.
Posted at 04/12/2011 02:57:33 UTC 0 comments

Many voters are morons

New Zealand is a very stupid country.

I was going to save this rant until I can type faster and I'll probably do another one.

Shocked by election result. I thought that the polls were wrong because I figured that New Zealanders can't be that stupid, but apparently they are.

Congratulations dipshits you've voted for a well established liar and a banker. I've personally seen him lie four times this week, at the very minimum. For fuck sakes he gagged the media with police force and is keeping details on a policy hidden. Yeah let's trust him. WHAT THE FUCK??? People are moronic idiots!

If you think that a banker will get us out of this when bankers crashed the global economy then there's something very very very very wrong with you.

Bankers look after the rich and fuck over the rest. What kind of shit for brains moron doesn't know this?

They have already taken away your rights and swindled billions to the rich. The trend will continue, their economic policies won't work so we'll be crippled economically. The result will be less rights for the people, lower wages, slower economic growth and more money to the rich. You've fucked yourselves New Zealand.

Democracy can be described as stupid fuckwits voting for fuckwits that fuck them.

I realize that this may offend a great portion of my readers and honestly I really don't care. Offending National supporters really doesn't concern me. Take comfort in the rest of the world is just as stupid as you. This is a fucking stupid planet. I wish I could find some aliens and leave, especially if the aliens looked like the guys from Roswell; Brendon Fahr mmmmm. Another factor is the mainstream media; excluding the previous four weeks they've spent more time on a fucking penguin and a psychic fucking octopus than actual critical analyst of government policy. Then there's a piss weak opposition. Fuck this result!

Gays who voted for National, uh why? National doesn't give a flying fuck about enhancing our rights. Forget about gay adoption, gay marriage. They simply don't care. They were pushing for a homophobic bigot; John Banks to be entered in parliament.

In conclusion I haven't forgiven New Zealand for the 2008 election. New Zealand remains a stupid country! It's not completely your fault, you're still stupid though!

On Wednesday I went to Eddie's birthday, I just drank. Enjoyable night.

Saturday night I had drinks then went to Cruz. I was going to go to a birthday but there was several mix ups, my fault. The pity brigade was out in force. Do me a favour; don't pity me unless you're giving money. If you're not giving money, fuck off! Life is fucking fantastic! I am intelligent and hot, people pay attention to my opinions, people like my humour. Things I say matter to people. Although I have fuck all people skills, I love who I am. This is a great time time in my life. Pitty yourself for being a simplistic fuckwit!
Posted at 27/11/2011 03:54:23 UTC 0 comments

Auckland and an election rant

This is late and I'm not sure I can get this out by Tuesday as planned. It's Monday, still no eye camera. Frustrated as fuck. Funny that if I had a portable one my computer usage wouldn't be impacted but apparently I don't need it. Took it to Auckland, four weeks later my computer usage is still crippled. I'm fucked off!

Wednesday an OT came to sort out some problems etc, nothing I want to publicize, I'm just growing a third arm.

May need surgery.


Went to Auckland Friday. Being wasted in an airport is an interesting experience! I expected to stay at a batch but that didn't happen. Eh I couldn't care that much. "As long as it's free it's all good with me". Went to visit Sam.

Saturday we went to Big Boys Toys with cars and trucks etc. Boring as fuck for a gay nerd. Personally when I cars all I wonder is what the carbon output is, and what an overpriced piece of shit it is. Yes I am a gay nerd, and proud! I also saw a friend, I was going to see the new Twilight movie but eh fuck Twilight, not important. Taylor Lautner appears to have one short shirtless scene, so fuck that. Then I went to Sam's and got intoxicated.

Sunday I went home.

Two ticks for Labour this Saturday. If you're voting National, sorry but I have no respect for you, you have shit for brains and are a fucking moron. OK this is a little harsh, I emphasize little. At best your highly ignorant, at worst you're a rich bastard who really doesn't give fuck about people. I have much more respect for the second. National's policies are stupid, I will describe them as intellectually bankrupt and furthermore sabotage. Asset sales alone will do long term damage and will drive power prices up. Despite keeping 51% the government will not have total control, that is a myth. Paying people less will not help the economy, the idea is ludicrous and exploitative. Then there's changes to ACC which was a fucking disaster last time we tried it, millions of dollars worth of subsidies to the rich and oh the constant stream of broken promises out of John Key. How anyone can believe anything out of that publicly clown's mouth is beyond me. They must be really fucking stupid. I make absolutely no apologies for anything I'm saying. I will personally blame every fucking National voter for the constant shit the country will be going through over the next three years. Grow a fucking brain and vote against this government! If you don't you are beyond fucked!
Posted at 22/11/2011 00:58:20 UTC 0 comments

Quite a random night out.

Got intoxicated last night and going out drinking tonight. I am such a role model!

It's Saturday, again I wrote two articles today. Yes I just like writing so I can call people stupid. Insulting people is a shit lot of fun.


It was a bit of a random and unexpected night, in a very good way. Was going to go to Club 22 but ended up going to a friend's. Then I went to Cruz where a girl repeatedly called me beautiful, so I learned nothing new there then. There was a few cute guys wearing far too many clothes. Drunken straight men spelling things out wasn't exactly what I signed up for. Tell me, is it rude not to look at my tray when I know EXACTLY what they are going to say, can still follow the letters out of the corner of my eye and will still respond? Is that rude? Yes I don't really care. People are told I can hear but still spell. Stupid fucking people! Oh well, I was too intoxicated to care. It was a good night.

In Auckland next weekend, probably won't be clubbing. Probably will take my laptop because my tablet keeps dying.

Still waiting for anyone to contact me about my computer access problems. Grrrrrrrr
Posted at 13/11/2011 02:46:42 UTC 1 comment

Nothing constructive to say.

I thought I was going to be less crazy in public. That is not working out especially when I'm intoxicated and just facebook whatever comes to mind. I think I am fucking hilarious! Go me!

Intoxicated Thursday night, intoxicated tonight which is Saturday.

Do people enjoy my blog when I write sober or intoxicated? Seriously I'm asking!

I wrote two other blog posts over the past two days, go me! My eye typing issue is not resolved so I am typing slower so fuck that.

This maybe short because I am all blogged out but I hate short things.

That was inappropriate and fuck all that were offended.

I love writing intoxicated knowing people will read my crazy writings.

Did nothing that you want to know about this week. Going out next week, don't know where.

I rock, always remind yourself that you rock, except you probably suck!

Sunday now, I really don't have anything constructive to say sober. I have got to get better at writing throughout the week to spread it out. I'm rather shit at this. So anyway this is my incredibly boring week. I need more shit to do. Bye, fuck off.
Posted at 06/11/2011 01:59:04 UTC 0 comments

Thank fuck the RWC is over.

It's Wednsday 26 October, couldn't post sooner because I am stuck in Auckland untill Thursday. I wanted to be a tight ass with my money and fly home via standby fares. However due to misinformation, that did not work out. I am also without a working computer because mine keeps dying. Stupid peice of fucking shit. Arrived Thursday, I have little memory of what happended before Saturday, possibly becasue of the alcohol. Sam is doing the typing.

I really don't remember instructing Sam to write a tight ass comment.

Thursday we went to the movies and saw Footloose. It sucked. Very boring and dull. Got to lay on bean bags though. That was different. Cute lead actor though, needed a shirtless scene definitely.

Friday we went to the rugby it was the bronze match. Pifft who cares. I got drunk. I really don't care about rugby. Almost threw up on the Tequila before. Some stupid person gave us crappy directions and had to walk half way around the fucking stadium.

Saturday we went to Micheal's place, then decided to drink etc at home.

Sunday we went to the 2 milion dollar tupper waka and the 20 milion dollar rugby ball. Money well spent, not. The movies inside them were good though. That night we went to Queens Wharf for the Kids Of 88 Concert. I never expected to watch the final, it was only bearable because I was fucked off my nut. Rugby players are idiots. Rugby is boring, I dont know how people watch that shit. One more thing; people who say "we did it" are idiots, they did fuck all in the grand scheme of things, at best they contributed via buying crap which is a pretty feeble contribution really. After Kids Of 88 we went clubbing first to Family but it was too crowded for Sam's liking so we went to DNA. Lucky I didn't take my electric with me otherwise we couuldn't have gotten a taxi home. Auckland wheelchair taxis fucking suck. Something must be done about it.

Monday we tried to get a plane home but couldn't. I have already told you this part. Oh well I had no desires to leave anyway.

Tuesday we went and saw Johnny English Reborn, it was funny but a bit predictable and repetitive. Better than the crap Sam usually drags me too.

Sunday now, got home Friday. Now my eye computer system is not working which impacts my ability to work, blog and write bitchy emails to Auckland councilors about their shitty city.

Oh the Wednesday before the trip we went for cocktails at some Pizza place. Sam had a coupon, 25% off!

Saturday I got wasted at home. YAY FOR BEING ANTI-SOCIAL!!

In conclusion: Fuck Rugby. Thank fuck the RWC is over.
Posted at 30/10/2011 02:46:08 UTC 0 comments

Communication is not that easy when completely wasted.

intoxicated ramble because I am bored.

Been having back pains so a lady came today, she is will be offering solutions.

Going to Sydney March 1-5 with Sam. We got cheap flights. Yay for economizing!

it's Wednesday.

It's Wednesday, Wednesday, not giving a fuck on Wednesday

I should write songs, because I am a fucking genius.

Genius me.

I wonder if you could save your thoughts as porn in future with new advances in brain reading technology. Self driving cars are the enemy for taxi drivers. Good for me though. I wonder if you can drag race in them? Will they be available to people without a license? If not, that fucks.

It's Sunday, I don't know if I am still wasted. I might be tired or hungover, or a combination. So if I post this on a Sunday I deserve a fucking medal. I deserve a fucking medal anyway because I am fucking awesome! GIVE ME A FUCKING MEDAL!

Went to Occupy Christchurch yesterday, it was too small for my liking. Yes I am a size queen. Saw some Act supporters, they really didn't make much sense. My favourite line was "Rodger Douglas did wonders for this country" Ummmmmmm no he didn't, he fucked the people of this country. I only stayed for an hour because I was going out early and I had things to write.

Saturday night I went to Janine's birthday. That was an excellent night. Usually when I get in such a state I am usually dancing or on my computer. Using my communication tray was a great challenge. Not so much the pointing, I do that on autopilot, it's the remembering what words I've said! Doesn't help if you occasionally spell things wrong due to being wasted and the people you're talking to are almost as wasted as you. It must be hard for drunk people reading, I never fully appreciated that. I broke a piece off my wheelchair. Don't know how or when.
Posted at 16/10/2011 02:20:48 UTC 0 comments

In summary: I like not being sober

Hello Hello Hello

I am intoxicated heavily please don't judge me like I give a fuck anyway hahaha.

I wonder how many people think I am crazy that I haven't personally met. I wonder if so many people think you're crazy is an an advantage or a disadvantage in life, for networking etc.

Did it Tuesday too, why not do it more I ask?

Life is for enjoying I say. You got to do things while you still can.

Thought that before Steve Jobs died all those inspirational quotes came out.

Happiness is always best achieved ASAP unless I can make fun of the alternative.

I say such inspiring things. I am exactly like Steve Jobs! Except for being alive

Should I stop writing random crap when intoxicated? NO!

It's a rather fun time on facebook. How nerdy do I sound?

Sober now: Apologies the above is shit but I really have nothing of any real substance to say this week. Life is fucking boring at the moment and I did fuck all coding this week. Hopefully next week will be better. I am close to finishing my several new products. That's good I guess. Good things coming up; a drunken birthday party and a trip to Auckland when I am going to spend a fair bit of time intoxicated. Fun times.
Posted at 09/10/2011 03:55:57 UTC 0 comments

Moving, eventually

I am less intoxicated than I was three hours ago. That's bad, at least I am still some.

Back to long distance with Sam and fuck it the whole world may as well know I have no intention of staying in Christchurch longer than I have too. Not sure how long. No more than four years and probably much less. Regardless if we're still together. Or perhaps overseas. And to those patriotic about Christchurch, fuck you, you're cunts, patriotism is fucking stupid!

And let me be crystal clear; I am not moving because of Sam. This has been my plan for years. I simply don't like living in a small sleepy city, I've felt this way before the earthquake shit. Also to people and establishments that are offended, FUCK YOU! This has absolutely nothing to do with you and isn't my problem that you are taking offence to things that have nothing to do with you. Oh pull your fucking head in! I simply want to live in a bigger city and are not into the garden city or clean green New Zealand crap that people are delusional about. We're not clean and green you fuckwitts, haven't been for a long time.

If people punish me for having ambitions then they're fucked up!

YAY I DIDN'T DIE IN A TSUNAMI! Of course I never thought I would. Up your's prophecy women.

Thursday I went and saw Abduction but Taylor Lautner wasn't shirtless often enough so fuck that. It was one of the better movies though. I can't work out if anyone was abducted. Oh they wanted to abduct Taylor Lautner's character. mmmmm me too. Anyway... Thursday night I went Danice's. Had a great time. Thanks for having me and Sam Danice!

Friday I went to the casino and lost $40 but someone shouted me a $6.50 drink so technically I only lost $33.50 Fuck gambling. I had to go through the car park and kitchen because the main lift was fucked. That night I went to a variable show, I was far too sober, opps. That was not the plan. Had a good time apart from that. The host was hilarious. My favourite was dirty bingo.


Genius game.
Posted at 02/10/2011 02:10:57 UTC 0 comments

Goth dance party

Monday or Tuesday, I went to a movie, probably Tuesday. It was called The Change Up, mildly funny, definitely not noteworthy.

Wednesday I took Sam to a family dinner at an all you can eat place. People kept offering me food. I had Vodka too. My bottle was fulled up with lemonaide so I decided to have more Vodka when I got home. YAY FOR HOME SUPPLIES!

Saturday night I went to a goth dance party. (I think) Some people were dressed up as skeletons etc. Very interesting while off your face. It was BYO so that was fucking great because I am a cheap bastard. Fantastic music, different from the normal club music which is a welcomed change, it has been all remixes and pop since the earthquake destroyed half of the city. Dancing to something different was great. I think my dancing was on autopilot since I was so fucked. Also saw friends. Fantastic night! Got home at 5, up at 12. It was the start of daylight saving so I was really home at 4.

Next week I plan to work more, scripts are taking forever to write and frankly I am bored of doing the same thing, but I will continue.

I seem to be on a spending spree yet at the same time economizing, I am unique like that.

If I end up in a watery grave on Wednesday be aware that I hate you all. (OK not really but this line is funny LOL) Back story: There's a quack that is predicting an earthquake and tsunami on Wednesday. Apparently it's a prophecy and god speaks to her. Either she is an attention seeker or nuts.
Posted at 25/09/2011 04:48:19 UTC 0 comments

Bush Bar closing night and Auckland

I have already written two blogs today so I really can't be fucked doing this.

Monday Mum lost her voice, it was a wonderful day! Dad called me a sadist, he knows me so well. Hey at least I didn't steal my grandparents lunch this week...

Saturday I went out with Hine and ended up having a vodka and coke. It was good to see her. I got stuck, twice! That night I went out with Sam to Bush Bar. Bush Bar is now closed so that sucks, it was a great place to party since the earthquake. I had already had a vodka before I went. I drank Vodka and Redbull pretty quickly in the van. You probably shouldn't do that! About fifteen minutes in a "little person" gave me some drink from a glass then poured the rest in my bottle. CHEERS! Is "little person" the PC term? Oh who cares! One of my friends likes calling himself a midget. Anyway, I got the usual people spelling things out to me. A guy thought he was teaching me to fist bump, I just played along for my own morbid amusement really. Then a girl felt guilty leaving me because nobody was with me. (Sam was getting a drink) Near the end of the night a guy left a Tequila shot on my tray, only my first reaction was to knock it off as I just assumed it was empty as people frequently use me as a drink stand. Luckily I didn't knock it off so got a free shot! Bed about 2. Felt zoned out 80% of the time. Good shit. It was a fantastic night!

Off to Auckland in October. Going to Party Central and a bronze final match, even though I hate and despise rugby. Especially now that it is literally fucking everywhere. I can't wait for this shit to be over, but then there's the election where the stupid New Zealand population will probably vote back in the sadist fuckwitt National Party, and people say I should be more positive, WHY??? Got sidetracked, the rugby was Sam's idea. Also we don't have to pay for accommodation so YAY! Oh and we each got $358 tickets for $100 so can't complain, oh who the fuck am I kidding?
Posted at 18/09/2011 06:42:04 UTC 0 comments

A protest, movies, dinner and drinking

On Monday I went to an anti-government protest, just because I could really, and the government is full of complete fuckwitts. It was a beautiful day. We went home when we saw John Key's car coming out of the venue. I thought there were far too many police. They removed a kid from sitting on the grass on a private property. Jolly good to see tax money at work. They were only doing their job when it comes down to it. Still, the amount of cops was complete overkill. I GOT ON THE NEWS, for half a second, but it still counts!

Tuesday we saw Mr Popper's Penguins. Sam insisted we see it, I told him it looked awful, I was right. I found some parts unrealistic, like walking through the streets with penguins when they're illegal. This is definitely a movie where you need to switch your brain off to enjoy. Few funny parts but I was incredibly bored for some of it.

Wednesday we went out for dinner; to Sticks And Stones. I had lamb, no surprises there. I also had an Indian Summer. It was my turn to pay, luckily we had a 2 for 1 deal and first round of drinks free. That was fucking fantastic.

Friday we went and saw The Help, I enjoyed it. Sam thought that it was crap, but for a guy who insisted on Mr Popper's Penguins he's no film critic. Sorry Sam!

Saturday night we got pissed at home. I love getting pissed at home, soo cheap!

Please stop pressing my mouse button Sam. As with the wheelchair, CRIPPLES ONLY!
Posted at 11/09/2011 04:14:48 UTC 0 comments

I'm changing but not really, for business reasons

Errrrrrr you should really avoid this post if you like Christchurch, you have been warned!

I'm trying to spew out my negativity in one post.

This week I have
Told people to shoot a penguin
Said that I am sick of hearing about the Christchurch earthquake
Said that I hate Christchurch and want to move

Time to quit the public outbursts. Of course I am not changing, I will just take my bitching privately. Problem solved! I mean on facebook, I'll always be an asshole on here. I can't possibly change this into a nice blog. How boring! It's impossible to reformat this. Maybe I'll move announcements to Raw Thane. (That's the new profile I've made.)

OK not that I don't care about the earthquake, hearing the word earthquake got boring and tiresome a few months ago. It's more of the subject of earthquake than the stories themselves. I of course care about what people are going through.

As for Christchurch, I hate Christchurch, always have, always will. Sorry! Actually I am not! I'm moving when my business takes off. Don't want to go to Auckland, further! Somewhere in the US, a big city! Even though I would probably hate anywhere I end up. Ugh as it was pointed I've felt like this for years so I'm rather surprised why anyone would be pissed.

I don't know how long I'll be here, I may as well try to get along with the people.

Apparently people don't like me because I am mean and shit. Well NEWS FLASH turning into a nice person wouldn't make all those ignorant people less ignorant and shallow and take the time to communicate with me. Maybe they'll be more willing, but I don't think so. If I scare people, good! I am not a big fan of people anyway. People suck! Though if I want to do business locally (NZ) I may not want to alienate people, though alienating people is fun, everyone should try it! So yes basically I am turning into a public fake for the sake of potential business connections.

I'll probably continue to pick on politicians and the media on my public profile.

I don't think that I would have a bunch of new friends if I started to be nice to people. Not that I want friends, most people are boring or idiots or both! As soon as they discover this blog they'll think I'm an asshole. As soon as they get to know the real me they'll think I'm an asshole. As soon as I inevitably say something offensive to them they'll think I'm an asshole. Guess what? I'M AN ASSHOLE! I like being an asshole, it gives me great joy. Maybe this reinvention is pointless.

Oh I've thought about this private profile thing for months; it's really the best way to handle my anger. I was fully aware how my attitude effects potential relationships, this is really not new information. I could change and become a better person, nah.

I know I go through this "I'm going to be publicly nice" stage every six months.

I am fucking fantastic
Got a stunningly cute boyfriend
Business is going great, have a clear plan.

Life is great.

SAM MADE PIZZA EVERYBODY!!! He noted that I did not mention that he made it last time, happy now Sam?

We went and saw Hannah, it took a while before I could follow the story, suppose that I should arrive earlier. I thought it was unrealistic because the lack of effective gun use. Good story though.

Apparently I should also mention, there is a really cool job going at spags. Get paid to listen to music while driving! Contact me for more details.

I should charge for blog advertising. You can also contact me on that! I'll advertise anything that I won't get prosecuted for. I would very much like to monetize being a complete fuckwitt!
Posted at 04/09/2011 03:35:05 UTC 0 comments

Labour drinks and two movies

I think that someone deleted me from facebook because of something I said while intoxicated. Fuck people who unfriend without telling you why.

I am intoxicated lalala oh pizza time i hope

That was good, meat lovers!

Monday I dragged Sam along to a Labour supporter gathering with Grant Robertson,. Labour has some decent rainbow policies. I had a double Vodka and Apple juice. I just went there to have a drink really.

tuesday we went and saw Horrible Bosses which was decently funny, wasn't the best plot however.

Friday we saw Cowboys and Aliens. I went expecting it to be a bad movie, and it didn't disappoint in that regard. First half hour bored to death, even when the people were being attacked, pretty fucking boring. Some of the diolog was as predictable as a TV soap. Yeah I just went so I could rant about it, this is what life has come to... What I am wondering is how do they get big name actors to signup to this shit.

I should really start up more blogs but currently very busy creating products. Hope to create ten of them by October, actually half of them involves merging existing scripts with one of the new membership systems I am creating.

I might go for more holidays including Wellington and the Sydney Mardi Gras again although not for a fucking week this time. Really want to travel to the US, UK etc. Business has to to take off first. Although not keen on cancer causing body scanners.

Current songs I like
Britney Spears, I Wanna Go
Elin Lanto, Love Made Me Stupid
Simon Curtis, Diablo
Posted at 28/08/2011 03:55:35 UTC 0 comments

Out for breakfast

We were going to go out for breakfast Monday but couldn't because of the fucking snow. So we went out for breakfast Friday at Sophie's Cafe, I had pancakes.

Fucking snow, you'd think people had never seen it before at the rate they mentioned it. "It's snowing", "It's snowing". I don't care, fuck off! It's a fucking inconvenience, sometimes causes problems with power. Fuck snow!

Sam has moved in, much sooner than expected due to his job. We rearranged my room Saturday.

Why do I get into arguments online? The people I am arguing with are obviously shit for brain morons since they disagree with me. Why do I waste my time on these people? They won't listen to reason, they're complete morons!

We were going to go to the movies but didn't get around to it. Yes I have officially run out of things to talk about.

I have been going out a lot lately, and I am not even drunk most of the time, fancy that.
Posted at 21/08/2011 04:42:30 UTC 0 comments

I am now 26, meh boring

Sam arrived on Thursday and announced he's moving sooner due to getting a job in Christchurch.

Oh on Tuesday I went to the doctor's because my antibiotics ran out and didn't feel a whole lot better by Monday. I did feel better Tuesday and if I had known that I probably wouldn't have made the appointment. So that fucked. I am better finally.

Friday we went to the movies; saw The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. I liked it, Sam thought it was crap. The ending was a bit shit though. WAS THE US MILITARY TOO BUSY FIGHTING WARS FOR OIL TO COME TO THE PARTY??? Later we went to The George Hotel for dinner; I had a cosmopolitan, lamb and some banana themed thing for desert. I wish that I had ordered the Rocky Road but it was still nice.

Saturday night I went somewhere for cocktails, ended up only having one and then having a drink at Club 22 after. We decided to walk home. The first part of the evening was great, spent it with Hine and Sam. Had another meal, wasn't planning to but eh. Had a Long Island Iced Tea, lamb and some ice cream and chocolate sauce. Lamb was Spicey which was good. I was actually VERY surprised how cheap the Long Island Iced Tea was! They're fucking $40 at some places! The combined total of everything I had was just under $40.

I like lambs, they taste DELICIOUS!

Why am I discussing what I have to eat on this blog? I really don't care what other people have for dinner or are cooking. Facebook food states are just BORING!

I am now 26, meh that's boring. Night out was good though.

Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes everyone! Even though saying something like "Fuck you, you miserable old bastard" would be much more entertaining.
Posted at 14/08/2011 04:30:39 UTC 0 comments

Fucking virus came back

Bad week, I am sick NO NOT IN THE FUCKING HEAD actually yes that too but that's nothing new. FUCKING virus came back, on FUCKING antibiotics FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING. Do I swear too much? FUCK YOU I WILL DO WHAT I WANT. You're a cunt!

Cunt: female genitalia.
Dick: male genitalia.



I have things in me to put me in a better mood, yes this is me in a good mood! Sunshine lollipops and fucking rainbows... I want to destroy them.

Really hoping I am better by Friday.

Went to the doctor Tuesday, he gave me antibiotics, not fucking working.

By the way FUCK YOU in case that wasn't clear. I would like to take my bad mood out of my readers. Just because it's fun.

I finally upgraded my main server to PHP5! Except that broke my joke site, unlike 90% of my sites; the code wasn't written by me. So fixed that and also discovered lots of security holes. I was completely vulnerable to SQL injections. Fixed things, plugged the holes. Couldn't be bothered trying to convert the admin area or tell a friend script so I just remove them. I have more important things to do, like hot guys! I will start redoing my web hosting then continue making new products! decided not to go out because of my virus. Hey didn't I say last week that I wasn't going to be going out a lot anyway. Fuck. Who cares?

My wheelchair switch broke. As if my week wasn't crappy enough. Oh excluding Tuesday!!!

It's 1:23 Am, Sunday whatever of August, 7?

So I am sick, wheelchair is fucked, bad week at work. Fuck this shit.

Sunday afternoon, my wheelchair is fixed, someone must have pushed the plug in. Also I am a tad better I think.

It's not so bad. Oh fuck yes it is.
Posted at 07/08/2011 03:58:36 UTC 0 comments

For my birthday I want a stupidity mute button

Thoughts from last week:

Yes sex robots are UGLY, the technology has to improve before I get one. Ideally one which you can completely modify appearance would be fantastic.
Perhaps people are too much like sheep to fight against capitalism; good news for me since I will be rich.
I said that I enjoy my job which is partly true. I don't like it when projects take twice as long as planned and I don't like dealing with customers. Customers are people and people are idiots. By the way BUY MY WEB HOSTING SERVICES! Calling customers idiots is not the best way to attract new customers. Luckily most of my customers won't see this so I can say whatever the fuck I want! I keep my business and personal sites separate.

Upgrading my servers in the next two weeks, then I am working on launching many new products in the next few months! Have loads of ideas!

Decided on going for cocktails on the 13th, facebook event created. All welcome except if I hate you. Possibly going clubbing, probably not because places are shit, it depends on interest.

Really nothing else to talk about. Don't think I'd be clubbing anytime before September. There's a dance party late August, but it costs $10 so fuck that. And it's upstairs too so doubly fuck that. Why are all events fucking upstairs. Fuck the fucking fuckers. Not really that pissed, I just felt like swearing hahaha.

For my birthday I want a stupidity mute button. That way I could mute all the stupid fuckers out there. I was thinking to myself; what a BRILLIANT invention. Someone needs to invent this!
Posted at 31/07/2011 04:13:25 UTC 0 comments

Capitalism ending and sex robots

Going out tonight, but first let me ramble about how I am really just a selfish wanker who really fears capitalism to end because then I couldn't be fucking rich!

Ignoring the fact that I am MUCH SMARTER than most people so I would possibly be rich in that way.

I had a plan, getting rich was supposed to be a safeguard for getting sex from attractive twinks when I am old and grey, but if capitalism suddenly ends, all that goes to hell and frankly i am pissed off on predictions that capitalism will end within a decade. I want sex when I am old and ugly, statistically people live longer when they have frequent sex, but that's not why I want it, I'm just a very horny bastard. I suppose there's sex robots I guess. Still a world without me being rich and powerful would suck.

Question: is there any point of trying to get rich if capitalism is going to end? It does seem pointless. I would be interested to know reader's thoughts.

Most of the products I am working on now would be obsolete when capitalism ends so that really does fucks.

Another question: If I am with someone would fucking a sex robot count as cheating or masturbation?

Well I am with someone. Yes me; the guy who said that he would rather throw acid on his face than be with someone because people are such fucking morons. God help Sam, I am a lunatic. I don't even believe in god and said god help Sam. Hey I just came out as an atheist, most of my family assume I am a Christian, SURPRISE! Anyway, I am seeing Sam, he's so cute, and a really nice guy. Lives in Auckland though, which is one hell of a fucking bitch. Came down Tuesday for a few days, that was great.

I went out Saturday night, had only two drinks, that's VERY moderate for me. Straight guys kept shaking my hand, girls kept spelling. What's with sentences like "How are u" or "How r you"? If you're going to use letters in place of words, why not do both? It doesn't make any fucking sense! Music ranged from crap to good. Few hot guys. Probably won't go out again until Cruz opens.

Taking a break from my other blogs, will probably post in both next week.
Posted at 24/07/2011 03:20:05 UTC 2 comments

Google Plus and several rants

Didn't go out last night so don't know what to write about really. I have already written two blogs today. The later part of today will be spent developing products.

I have opened a Google Plus account and I believe that I am no longer a paying member of Second Life, oh well hardly ever login anyway. My Google Plus name is Thane Pullan, no fucking shit. Don't really have time to maintain another social network but I will try to post crap occasionally. Won't use it like Facebook; Google has far too much data on people already in my opinion if you consider some people use it for searches, email, videos etc. They also have financial information. It's too much in my opinion, potential for abuse is enormous.

I have decided to set myself a goal to climb Mount Cook by 2013. Well no, but I really don't have anything of substance to talk about so I am just making up complete and utter crap with no truth to it whatsoever.

Will go out next week, probably, will probably have drinks at home, because I'm a cheap bastard.

OK fuck it; question time! Why is the world run by complete and utter fucking morons? Why do complete and utter fucking morons have money? Shouldn't smart people like me dominate the world instead of the fuckwitts that do? Is it because most smart people are fucking pussys? I have been wondering these things for a while.

Nothing else to post about, I thought that I would launch into a little rant.

Holy shit I have written so much today; including my other blogs of course. Counting this blog entry alone my efforts are laughable. this really is full of random scattered crap.

Why is Facebook bothering me to try their new chat? Fuck that, I hate going on Facebook chat. Too many random people annoy me expecting me to pointlessly chat with them like I don't have anything to do with my time like work or watch porn. No thanks, fuck off!
Posted at 17/07/2011 04:22:32 UTC 0 comments

Home from Queenstown

So it's Sunday, I decided not to go out last night. I basically couldn't be fucked and I couldn't binge drink

anyway which is basically the only reason why I can stand the random annoying fuckwitts. I think that I will

finish my antibiotics medication soon so will have a decent piss up on Saturday.

On Tuesday I got dragged out, had a good time. Went to a wine tasting, I still hate wine. Apparently I'll go

anywhere if a cute guy asks. I just went to see if my tastes have changed, they haven't. I was literally carted off

to a cheese tasting, nobody actually asked if I wanted to go, the things were really nice though.

I later found out the that fucking medical centre changed me about $110 for a 20 minute visit! How FUCKING

ridiculous! Next time I'll probably just wait to go to my local GP. He only charges about $40-$60 which is fucking

too much, but at least it's not triple fucking figures.

I did do some work in Queenstown but the hard drive I put it on is not fucking working so that was entirely

fucking pointless. I have already redone the work. I did not do as much as I hoped but since I would have lost

the entire thing anyway I don't really care, fuck that. I also lost some other stuff which fucks me off. It's a shame as that particular brand of hard drive has been pretty reliable until now. Maybe I should take flash drives on trips in future.

We went home Thursday. Back to boring arse Christchurch. Had a good trip.

I currently have a sore arm which is annoying in bed. Hopefully it passes.
Posted at 10/07/2011 01:48:51 UTC 0 comments

Currently in Queenstown

Yes this is a day late, blame the three silly people who thought I had pneumonia. Despite me repeatedly telling them that I didn't, what on earth would I know??? I have only had it before and knew this clearly wasn't pneumonia, but please feel free to diagnose me with whatever you like despite having no medical training. Don't trust me, I'm just a cripple! So I was dragged to the a medical center in queenstown and it turns out I have a virus which limits my ability to be smug, but I'll take it. I believe that the doctor assumed that I was a bit slow at first, few lines of conversation, assumption gone. Very glad that I went, I wonder if the breathing pains I have frequently are caused by the virus. If so I must have had it for months.

While I am being sarcastic; don't trust me to drive around this place, just push me around despite the fact you crash MUCH MORE than me. Nice going geniuses! Meh can't blame me for damage, I don't give a fuck.

Slept well last night, which made a change, was horribly sick the night before plus loud bangs were keeping me up, will see if earplugs help.

Arrived around 515PM Friday, quite a nice place. Caught the end of Home And Away, really wished I hadn't, was bored to death. How the hell did I ever watch that shit?

There's a spa here, it's outside but still very nice.

Of course the only problem with my new medicine is that I can't binge drink, I can still drink some though. Right, I'm going on a big fucking bender when this virus clears.
Posted at 04/07/2011 04:14:39 UTC 0 comments

Work rambles then I insult you all

Well the only thing I did this week was get a flu shot, you are not meant to get it when you have a cold but oh well. Perhaps it cancels it out, perhaps it will actually cause me to get the flu. I don't know, hope not! It will probably work normally, let's see what happens!

Doing more script conversations to PHP5, nearly done with my CMS script which powers my blogs and porn sites. I do have another script to convert but it's really really big so I think I am going to just move it to another PHP4 server and upgrade my main server to PHP5 and start selling PHP5 products and web hosting which should generate an income. I really need the money for future ambitions. Still quite a few sites and scripts to convert before I can switch to PHP5 on my main server, progress is being made though..

Fuck it's the middle of the year and I have not done anything with learning software development, creating music or YouTube videos, and I haven't started up more creative blogs. Immediate scripting projects should take me to July or August. I have a clear vision for my business, not knowing what to do was half my problem this past few years.

My plans are probably irrelevant because we're probably all going to die from global warming in a few years.

Way to bring everyone down.

Well you're probably bored to death with me rambling about my business, I may as well depress you too, just because I am a sadistic fuckwitt.

Didn't go out this week, couldn't be fucked and the cash saving is nice, more to spend in queentown. Fuck have I been spelling it queentown??? Stupid fucking word prediction! QUEENSTOWN. That's better! Useless fucking readers for not correcting me.

And don't point out my grammar is shit in this entry, I fucking know.
Posted at 26/06/2011 03:31:59 UTC 0 comments

More big after shocks

Ra Ra Ramble time!

So I think Cruz is shut tonight due to the building next door is fucked or something so I am being crazy at home, more than usual.

Had two big after shocks this week on the same day, the second one was the biggest at 6.3. The water and phone were affected. Power was not. Thank fuck for that. I would get so bored without power and may have to resort to doing crap to people offline.

Sunday now, was going to pointlessly ramble last night but got distracted by guys, story of my life! Em the "got distracted by guys" part, not the "pointlessly ramble" part. Although I do like to pointlessly ramble, at times, times like now.

So went nowhere this week, meh. Nowhere to go anyway. I like home, there's porn here. Just sayin'. Yes, I am just bored at this stage of the blog and just writing random shit right now.

Fucking after shock woke me up. Fuck after shocks fuck fuck fuck. Oh I am sorry, do I have an anger problem?. On that subject; is anybody else sick of completely bullshit news stories about the earthquake? They say crap like "Christchurch residents are the most stressed in the country" NO FUCKING SHIT! I have read quite a few like that. The fact that people are stressed in Christchurch should be completely fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain cell, why even bother to report it?

Been invited to Queentown in July, looking forward to that, though I will probably end up working on sites a good portion of the time, which is fine because I like working. Spending it with great company too.

Fuck I just posted my blog on, if you see this it's fixed.
Posted at 19/06/2011 03:43:28 UTC 0 comments

Someone else can write for a change.

Fuck writing this shit someone else can do it.

Fuck I just know Thane is going to leave out all the decent things that have happened so thought I would summarize the weekend for him. Friday went to the movies as had free passes to use.As it was a date at the movies thought it was only appropriate to act upon what I thought a date at the movies meant, enough said. Decided to take the van. That was an interesting experience. The bloody indicator was on the wrong side and the bakes were extra jerky. Fuck know why people can't just stick to quality European vehicles like those found at Speedy Motors. Quality European vehicles imported direct from Japan at unbelievable prices. They got a 01 BMW 318i Wagon done 68000k's at only $1 reserve. Check it out Perhaps that why us Asians (me being one) have so much trouble driving on New Zealand roads? Just a thought. Bet he was having second thoughts about letting me drive. Sat night went out to dinner at Holy Smoke. Nice place quite different from what I was expecting. Thane ordered the spare ribs which is a BIG NONO when going out on a date esp if it's the second date. On the way home a stupid cyclist decided to cut across three lanes right in front of us. Very surprised Thane didn't go flying into the front of the van. Had a very early flight on Sunday so thought it would be easier if I just stayed up all night watching porn. Lol as if I"d do that.

Hi again.

So Sam visited again, we went to a movie Friday called "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 2", it left me wondering; who's fucking idea was it to make that movie? It had a few funny moments, keywords being "a" and "few". It wasn't completely unbearable, although that was mostly due to the hot 18 year old boy in it, I think, he was 18, played the character of Rodrick. The fact that I was with a cute guy helped too, wouldn't have seen that crap otherwise. At least it totally verified why I hate movies, they fucking suck! All that was on otherwise was a fucking comic book movie, an ugly ass Jonny Deepp pirate film, Harry fucking Potter, a fucking kids movie about cars, and some other movie I haven't heard of. Hollywood fucking sucks these days. Luckily it was free, we are both as cheap as each other, fucking brilliant!

Saturday we went to Holy Smoke for dinner, I had ribs. Apparently you're not supposed to do that due to some unwritten rule. How the fuck am I supposed to know that??? Fuck rules, and fuck unwritten ones, SPELL IT FUCKING OUT! Fuck the ribs were fucking delicious! It would be sooooo helpful if my fucking stupid wheelchair didn't fall apart! That was fucking embarrassing! Yes fucking stupid cyclists!

Thanks for whoring your auctions out on my blog Sam.

We actually drank Saturday night.

Thanks for a great few days Sam, see you online.
Posted at 12/06/2011 06:04:15 UTC 0 comments

So now I want to fuck variable conversion scripts hmmmm

Spent the week upgrading sites, except today and probably tomorrow since I am going out tonight (Sunday). I am really fucked now so I will be really really really fucked tomorrow. On the topic of scripting. I LOVE MY NEW VARIABLE CONVERTER I MADE AND WOULD TOTALLY FUCK IT IF IT WAS A GUY. Is that weird??? Well if it was a hot guy.

Basically it turns a list of variables like $a $b $c into
$a = $_POST['a'];
$b = $_POST['b'];
$c = $_POST['c']

I can paste entire SQL statements and have it list the variables for me, this saves a shit lot of time when I have ten or more variables.

Didn't really do anything else this week, I am on a scripting high at the moment.

Saturday I went to Cruz with Sam, it was pretty good.

How the fuck am I still typing?
Posted at 05/06/2011 05:13:00 UTC 0 comments


I am in the sleepy town of Nelson.

I probably shouldn't complain since it's my grandmother's funeral tomorrow. This is probably hideously distasteful! Nah I complain about everything. Hopefully me being here helps someone.

Oh fuck it I am turning up my music to drown out American Idol

So anyway puked half of the way here, considering flying home, or definitely pills. Pills are cheaper than flying. I think. Once the government fucks with Pharmac; who the fuck knows? Must say, puking in my chair is less stressful than puking in bed on Sunday mornings. Just saying!

It's Friday.

Since I have no privacy, I am going to spend my time blogging and maybe writing scripts, definitely writing at least one script, nothing else to do. May as well do some useful shit.

Right shame that one of my grandmothers has passed. She was always very sweet to me. We saw each other maybe once a year. RIP! It's a shame I didn't see her more often. Well at least I have vivid memories of her, I can't really remember my grandfather; not as much. I am thankful that I have memories of her, fond ones too. Good times are what's important. RIP to both of them!

On Monday watched "The Secret" with a friend. I don't have a positive review hahaha. SURPRISE SURPRISE! Basically it's about people who think that their positive thoughts and visualizations can influence the universe so they can get what they want, or just get positive things happening to them. It's nicely package claptrap. It's an extension of Karma. Equally as fictional too. They just offer alternative explanations for things that can already be very accurately explained or do not require explanations. Thankfully I am known as a sceptic and can post whatever I want on this topic without worrying about offending the people that know me.

Went to Cruz Thursday night, got very fucked off my face! Tried Long Island Iced Tea, good drink, fucking expensive though. Oh that's right; I didn't pay! I have an IOU instead. Had Vodka and raspberries and a Tequila shot too. It's probably a good thing I was dragged home when I was.

Saturday now. My grandmother had a lovely send off, it was a nice service.

Monday, drove home yesterday, took pills, wasn't sick. Had wedges and ice cream for lunch.
Posted at 30/05/2011 01:07:41 UTC 0 comments

Cruz is back

I am fucking insane, but you all know that. I am now a hypochondriac, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my finger, IT WAS A FUCKING BLISTER! I thought that my neck and ears was going numb, turns out it was only my hair touching them! This is hilarious! How did I not know? LOONEY! At least I amuse myself if nothing else. Having a haircut tomorrow. My chest pains were legitimately worse one day earlier in the week and had a rash on my chest but it's gone now. I got some people worried on facebook hahaha, I must stop being a hypochondriac. No I don't need a doctor, I NEED TO GET PISSED!

Feeling good apart from that.


Went to Cruz. Few hotties there, music was decent. Annoying bitch at the beginning kept kissing me, ugh. Few other girls were OK to talk to. Didn't plan on staying so long but a friend was there so ended up dancing with him which brightened up my night.

I do generally hate dancing with people, friends are OK though. Yeah I am basically filling in space at this point. Extremely boring week, I did nothing remotely interesting apart from partying.
Posted at 22/05/2011 05:30:55 UTC 1 comment

Auckland trip was awesome.

It's Monday, Monday gotta blah blah blah on Monday. I apologize for the Rebecca Black impression, very insincerely though..

Anyway did nothing noteworthy before Friday.

So went to Auckland with a good friend. He had to come to Christchurch to get me because of some stupid rule

about not being able to fly alone.. To my utter surprise we were greeted outside by a taxi, now that's efficiency

for you! Went to the City Life Hotel. It was very nice. We had two rooms, that was very lucky, no explanation

needed, work it out for yourselves! I had the big bed, yes Sam you're far too nice! Went out Friday night, we

couldn't find ANY D&B or techno bars so we gave up and went to Family; a gay club. Fuck, there was an

INCREDIBLY annoying girl there! She actually told boys not to dance with me on three separate occasions. By

the end I was really really pissed at her! I decided to go home about 1, I had always planned an early night,

didn't want to be tired for the next day or night, that didn't work out because I couldn't get to sleep, I think I

slept for about an hour, hopefully. There was a few other slightly annoying people but also a few cute guys that

were dancing with me. Had a party pill. They were incredibly boring.

Saturday I tried a double down burger from KFC. It was OK but pretty crap, is that an oxymoron? Why there was

massive queues for it when it first come out is just fucking insanity. IT'S A FUCKING BURGER!!! Saturday night I caught up with Philip, it was fucking good to see him. We later went to town but fucking taxis fuck me off. All four of us went back to my hotel to go out later but we couldn't get a taxi. The taxi company that took us wasn't running afterwards (apart from that it was a brilliant service) and APPARENTLY there was no wheelchair taxis on the road that didn't require a 24 hour booking, that's fucking pathetic for a big city!!! I'll complain if I can be fucked. I swear half of Christchurch's gay scene have moved to Auckland, saw five or six people I knew. Went to Family first, then followed Philip and his man to Urge, decided it was too crowded so hung around outside. I saw someone from high school. Fuck I really couldn't remember all of the teachers he mentioned bahahaha. Eventually ended up at Family again, stayed longer than expected, I guess that's what happens when you're dancing with a cute guy.

Sunday we packed up and went to Sam's place. Had a scone, it was very nice. Also played a drinking version of chess, until the alcohol was taken away! Sam was taking shots, I was just having a normal glass but took a shot too! Sam had seven shots bahahaha I would definitely throw up if I had that much that quickly, actually I very nearly did on the plane! I had some more in the Koru lounge.

Fuck it was an awesome trip!
Posted at 16/05/2011 02:52:19 UTC 0 comments

Happy needless commercialized halmark holiday!

It's mother's day; happy needless commercialized halmark holiday! I got my mother, absolutely nothing. Yeah I am a terrible person blah blah blah.

I went out with a friend Saturday night to Club 22 and had a great time. There was several spellers, I could not understand what the hell they were saying. I had a Sambuca, first time in ages! I like taking shots for something different than the drink I always have. I got pretty pissed! I really shouldn't tease the guy that was with me, LMAO sorry but it's funny! I am a terrible person, and I like it! I really should have more self control, but I didn't feel in a very self control mood. Oh people should just yell if I am picking on them too much!

I am in Auckland next weekend so the next update will probably be a day late. Hopefully I will have more exciting things to talk about, this week was fucking boring apart from Saturday night. Does Auckland have any good techno and D&B clubs? Let me know. May do those Friday and go to a gay club Saturday. Although this would be up to a friend whose taking me; he's great. He took me to Sydney too, we won't be staying in a shit hole this time. It's going to be a great trip, hopefully I will catch up with some other friends. Hopefully there will be pictures, if I can stop doing my Chandler Bing impression, it happened last night too. Sometimes I just can't hold a smile for photos.

Finished my friend's site apart from a little modifications he wants. Now it's back to my own work, except I don't know what the fuck to do most of the time. I have dozens of unfinished projects and don't know which ones to start on, or to start on a new project or to grow an existing site. I have no focus when it comes to these things.
Posted at 08/05/2011 02:21:57 UTC 0 comments

Out Friday. Couldn't be bothered with Saturday.

I think I haven't posted so much about politics on facebook this week, bashed the royal wedding hahaha.

Likes this week

Music from Ocean Lab
Lincoln Younes, he's so cute!

I feel like I don't talk about what I like enough on this blog. But this is a bitch blog. Besides all I like are music and hot guys. Also a few TV shows and YouTube but that was is not very riveting discussion, isn't it? No. I like discussing politics too, is there something wrong with me? Of course, that's a fucking stupid question BAHAHAHA.

Fuck I'm a nerd, and I like it.

Yeah I am intoxicated, so what? Fuck is that all I've written.

It's Sunday now.

Went out Friday night with Craig, that was fun. He put me in front of the royal wedding, of course I looked elsewhere. There was no annoying people, always a good night when there's no annoying people. Oh this girl thought that I was at university, I didn't correct her hahaha. Hey I didn't know if she would understand me so I just agreed with everything she said.

Didn't go out Saturday night, there's nowhere decent to go.

So what's happening in my life? Nothing. Been working on a client's site for most of the week. Will be pleased when I work on my own shit again full time. Need new business ideas and skills I think. Nothing much else happening. Life is extremely boring, as usual.
Posted at 01/05/2011 03:07:45 UTC 0 comments

Great night but I am fucking tired.

I have no idea why I am blogging in this condition, I feel like crap; not sick, just incredibly tired and it felt like I was still wasted when I got up. I am pretty sure I didn't sleep at all last night.

Saturday afternoon Eddie came over. It was the first time we have met despite communicating on the internet for months. It was great to meet him.

Saturday night I went to a friend's birthday. I had an awesome time, primarily due to very high intoxication levels! I was totally fucked by 12! Good shit! A crazy drunk woman was hanging around meowwing and trying to teach me the alphabet. I had to ask someone if she really was making cat noises, in my state how the hell would I know what's reality or not? I was far too intoxicated to pay attention to her for more than ten seconds at a time. I was zoning in and out. I actually thought that crazy woman was quite funny half the time, I love nutters! Of course the fact that I could easily retreat into my own intoxicated world was a big help. Didn't plan on having so much alcohol! At least I avoided last week's disaster!

I am going to Auckland next month. No reason, I don't need a reason. A great friend hooked me up with a good deal, so eh why the fuck not? (I suppose that counts as a reason) Remember my trip to Sydney? RANT RANT RANT! I enjoyed Auckland the last time I went there though.

Had a lucid dream this week. First one in ages. I won't tell you what I turned that dream into, that would be highly inappropriate!

Not sure if I am going to do work after this. I am absolutely fucked.
Posted at 24/04/2011 04:19:54 UTC 0 comments

Fuck this morning

I will try to post less about politics on Facebook. Am I driving people mad? Leave a comment. I'll either ignore you or abuse you, probably abuse you. Also I am not sure whether to continue my political blog. Now that it is a satire site maintaining, it AND seems rather pointless. I don't know, what do people think? I much prefer writing in the style of NewsPooze, I can say whatever the fuck I like there.

There was a big after shock about an hour ago. It was rather fun!

It's Saturday, I have been nowhere this week.

This is a line.

This is another line.

Doing this fills up space.

Oh go to, there is a MUCH better quality post there. This post fucking sucks hahaha! I have no idea why I said hahaha. For the record, I am sober, not for long though.

Sunday now.

I went to Club 22, it was OK. Music was OK, not great though. Great staff. A decent place I thought. Guys there were extremely average looking, that is putting it politely. Hottie ratio was PATHETIC! It definitely needed more hot guys!!! Some friends were there, apparently I am known for the amount of alcohol I can consume and my ranting. Good shit. Two strangers tried to put their drink on my tray, yeah I wasn't having any of that, gave one guy a dirty look, I think, I don't know, don't expect me to keep track of things I have done when I am pissed.

It's nearly 3PM, I have been up since 6AM. Let's say hideous morning after drinking too fast, I'll drink slower next week, I think, don't hold me to that. My throat feels like it has got a lump in it, it's just the effects of this morning. Decided to take pills because I have a headache.
Posted at 17/04/2011 03:29:58 UTC 1 comment

Clubs? Pifft.

So, still with me after my last post? Of course otherwise you wouldn't be reading this! Yeah I sometimes go overboard, DEAL WITH IT! Feeling a bit better this week, it's only Tuesday so there's still time for me to get completely fucked off!

I spent last weekend building a site for a friend and I have come to the conclusion that I am probably best sticking to my own sites as I really do things MUCH slower than everyone else and given the output VS money, I really can't me being competitive in the site design industry. It's actually a relief as I now can rule it out and feel good about what I can do; web hosting, scripts, advertising, building my network etc. Even though script creation output is much lower than web design output, I can sell scripts over and over. So hopefully that's the way to go. Oh if anybody wants a site done, I will probably do it, but doing it full time would probably be drainning and since I couldn't run my sites as well, I would lose my direction and ambition. That would definitely be a bad thing. I need to build things up and constantly expand. Otherwise I would be bored shitless!

Saturday night:

Yes something did completely fuck me off, it's name is Bill English.

More on that on my political blog, suddenly I like writing about politics, last week I hated it, yeah I change my mind frequently. You can expect that from a crazy person.

Didn't go out this week, I think, I am pissed so who knows? Nah I didn't.

I am here getting pissed with a friend. It's cheaper than the clubs. I am cheap, I am extremely cheap, and proud! Clubs are fucking lame currently. No shirtless hot young guys, I would be extremely bored.

I am not sure what it says about me when people prefer to bring their own alcohol because I moan about people who drink mine. Oh well, who cares?

Typing very badly right now.

Sunday afternoon: I don't have anything else to say really. Had a good night last night.

Had sore gums at the beginning of the week. Pain has completely gone. I am surprised about how smooth the experience was. Other people made it to be a big drama. Perhaps they're wusses?
Posted at 10/04/2011 02:03:24 UTC 0 comments

Medical shit, politics is fucking me off, night out.

Monday I had my wisdom teeth removed. Got up at 7, had the complete misfortune of seeing John Key on Breakfast. He was telling the country utter bullshit, as always! Went to get prepared for the operation rather quickly. Lying in a bed with worm blankets was nice! Then I went to be gassed, pleasant experience. I wish that going to sleep at night was that easy! Woke up, wanted to gag constantly, oh well. Very surprised when I was discharged at 11! That was excellent! They said about 3-4. I was tired that day due to not having enough caffeine. My mouth has been a bit sore since Tuesday. No major change in my eating habits. Also no noticeable bleeding outside hospital.

Friday I went to the doctor; ACC has this RIDICULOUS policy of making me go to the doctor every so often to check that I still have my permanent disability which makes fuck all sense! It's incurable, it's not going to magically heal itself. This is a complete waste of my time, and the public health resources. Luckily THIS TIME I had blood test results to get, so it was not a complete waste of time but normally it is. It is outrageous that ACC can just summon people to go to the doctor, for a completely pointless exercise. It's fucked up.

I am confused on why my facebook status didn't get more flack; I basically called all National supporters stupid. I don't really believe that; a minority of them are smart selfish rich fuckwitts! I don't blame the rich, I would totally fuck the majority of people if I was rich enough too! In fact I completely understand their position. What I don't understand is the majority of people; supporting right wing governments is just sheer insanity! Literally their job is to fuck over the people! It's the stupidity of National supporters on facebook that is really frustrating. It is ridiculous how stupid people who post pro National comments are! They seriously do not know what the fuck they are talking about! National seems to be constantly fucking this country over these days and it is extremely depressing. What's more depressing is these fuckwitt asshole cunts will probably have a second term due to the Labour party being a fucking circus. They don't know what they're doing. I COULD DO A MUCH BETTER JOB! The state of everything is genuinely starting to depress the hell out of me. I need to treat politics as the joke it is. It is run by rich fuckwitts who trick the extremely unaware public into voting for them only to completely screw them over with the aid of corporate rich fuckwitts running a completely bias media because they benefit from the tax cuts the right wing assholes give them. I have completely loss faith in humanity for now. Sorry this shit has gotten too much for me to handle these past few weeks. Society really has the potential to be SO much better than it is. To see itself held itself back is not a good feeling. I just feel like snapping from time to time. Definitely will again if National wins. I know that I go on about right wing governments far too much and that probably won't change, THEY'RE COMPLETE FUCKWITTS!!! I can't understand why more people don't see that. I will continue to blog about politics, perhaps with a less serious tone.

I went out with a friend Saturday night. We were going to go to the new club in Papanui. Completely unaware that it was a lesbian club, but not really, I don't really know what type of club it is, perhaps it's a strip club. Girls get charged $5, men get charged $22, apparently they are using the girls as the attraction. I don't think their business model will work. They told us that it was a private function but apparently they were letting people in. Oh well, who cares? I have no interest in going there. Fucked if I am paying $22 if there are mostly woman there. Is that sexiest? GOOD! I kid. I kid. bahahaha! We went to a restaurant and had a drink, then decided to go to the Bush In, that was a pretty decent place. Pretty good music, good staff. It was great to get pissed again! Been a few weeks.
Posted at 03/04/2011 03:27:15 UTC 1240 comments

Surprises fucking suck!

I am going to have my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow, earlier than expected. I only found out on Wednesday. SURPRISE! I went to the hospital on Friday, saw three people that asked mostly the same questions. Not a very good use of time! The last doctor was cute though. Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital at 7, at least I will be sleeping during the operation. Hopefully I will be discharged by 4. If I have to stay in overnight, that would really fuck me off! This is a fucking pain.

The first version of my global support system is up. Only my blog comments are hooked up to it, so I get notification of comments, before I was checking the sites manually to see if you anybody posted comments. The next stage is to create a frontend, so I can use it to handle all my contact forms for all my sites and automatically display answers to the users which will make far less work for me.

Also you can now get email notification of my replies to your blog comments. You can turn this feature off.

I am going to work on my support system for a few weeks then do other projects. Do you want to hear about my work? I don't care! I have fuck all else to talk about! I am still planning on expanding my blogging network, blogging is fun. especially my ultra bitchy blogs. Everyone needs a hobby; mine is being a fuckwitt to everyone! It's shit loads of fun! I may do a blog entry dedicated to swearing.

Apparently the new Cruz is open April 13. I miss getting pissed and perving on the boys. I was going to go pubbing this week, but pubbing sounds incredibly boring. There would be no chance of young hot shirtless guys dancing, BORING! Is Rock Pool still standing? I don't know! If not I need another D&B/techno venue. Listening to pop/pop remixes all night would be boring! I like something to listen to alternative music for a while before Cruz.
Posted at 27/03/2011 03:20:40 UTC 108 comments

Fucking eye. This is kind of short and pathetic

I have been posting crap on facebook BECAUSE I AM INTOXICATED BITCHES! No idea why I did that.

I feel like typing abusive messages to complete strangers just because I can, like at someone saying that there's no point to Shameless US. That's probably true but a guy in the cast is REALLY HOOOOOOT so FUCK YOUUUU.

I am on the right track baby I was born this way. What way? I don't know fuck off.

Anyway i went for a blood test Thursday, then I went to McDonalds for breakfast. What an exciting life I lead.

I love posting crap on facebook.

Sunday now.

Just finished a post, I was going to pick on Charlie Sheen and Rebecca Black but I think I will do it in the next post. I didn't finish the other blog entry, some of the points will be repeated between the two.

What the fuck is up with Doom 3? I was checking YouTube and it doesn't look anything like Doom 2. I used to love the first two Doom games. What's Doom? It's when they made actual video games not the sissy arsed crap they call games now.

My left eye is playing up, I can't open it fully and it's all red. Maybe too much porn? Nah, no such thing. The infrequent tears are extremely annoying.
Posted at 20/03/2011 03:25:44 UTC 1629 comments

This was supposed to be a short entry. Yeah didn't happen.

I am not sober excuse me. Be my lover be my lover be my lover

Warning pretty much back to I don't care who I fuck off attitude now, not that I ever left. Just putting out there. DANCING IS MY REMEDY REMEDY.

Now that's that's out of the way.


So anyway more notes on Australia .

The "Don't Walk" man can fuck off, he is not needed, people don't pay attention to him.
Had McDonalds for breakfast most days. YUM YUM
Hey didn't I write enough about Australia.
Hey that was just as irrelevant as some of David Letterman's points on his Top Ten
I didn't like all the rugby references in the Air New Zealand safety video, INCREDIBLY LAME!
I was very impressed by the screens on the seats. I watched TV the entire flight home. First The Middle which I could of watched over and over because of the cute shirtless guy! I didn't do that. I also watched The Big Bang Theory and Scrubs. Fuck late Scrubs are awful! Dave Franco is hot though.

While I am complaining about TV, TVNZ CAN GET FUCKED for cancelling Shortland Street From the beginning like I said they would, didn't I say they would probably cancel on this very blog? YES I AM FUCKING BRILLIANT! Ugh guess I will never see shirtless scenes of Chris Dykzeul. FUCK TVNZ!


Do I go on with writing? YES!


I should totally make music like this.

I think I will do work on my two news blogs this week. This week I took a few days off when I was back from Australia. Then worked on my helpdesk system which I will turn into a commercial product at the same time. Will also work on that next week. Good to get back in the swing of things. I love programming.

I don't know what I am typing, I should stop.

Oh went and saw Hine, that was good. Good to take a walk, or ride or whatever you call it.

Sunday. (sober)

It's good to be back home where I have better internet so can actually watch YouTube videos have music as loud as I want, and have media on my big TV! (and by media I mostly mean porn) It was good to get out as much as I did in Sydney though, despite the fact that the streets are complete crap for wheelchairs.

Well another big earthquake has hit, and a Tsunami. I am talking about Japan. It was a 8.8, I don't think I have heard of an earthquake that big. Knowing what we went through on February 22 I do feel a great deal of sympathy for them. I hope that the two can rebuild stronger.

I am looking forward to when I can go out on the town again, some quiet Saturday nights are a good thing though. Going out did seem more like a chore. Some time off will do me good. I will have a fully accessible gay club (at least temporarily) for when town opens.

Saturday I heard about a tsunami warning and actually dreamed about a tsunami hitting. Then ten minutes after I woke up an earthquake hit. I wasn't worried about the tsunami as the warnings said there was no land threat. Knowledge is comforting, assuming that it is right, in this case it was.

I hope massive global disasters lessen soon. We have had quite enough between the two earthquakes.

There is also dead birds and fish, wars etc. I have been hearing people saying that the world is going to end which is utterly insane. Most of us will still be here in 2013. In fact the story of the Maya civilization predicting the end of the world is not true at all. Their calendar just ended there. I understand that some people just joke about 2012, as you should. For the people who actually believe; YOU'RE FUCKING NUTS! A few natural disasters is not going to end the world. So relaaaax.

Once again, I am thinking about people in Japan, and here. I look forward to the day when the CBD opens more, not just for me, some of my friends consider that another home. I hope to return to clubbing in the coming months. I really like drinking, dancing and hearing new songs. Now I think it's time for me to make the most of what I have, build on it and just enjoy life.
Posted at 13/03/2011 02:57:17 UTC 1020 comments

SYDNEY IS BEYOND FUCKED!!! Had a great time though.

Well Sydney is a huge pile of shit! The people here SUCK (and by that I mean three people), the accessiblility is CRAP, this internet is FUCKING SLOW! I am sure that most people are OK but some (again three people) are complete fuckwitts, what's new? I actually prefer Christchurch. I always thought bigger cities are better, except the people who designed this city are fucking morons! For starters the lips don't line up in the street and are extremely narrow, some are just placed awkwardly. There is at least ONE step to many places. Disabled people need to say a big FUCK YOU to the fuckwitts who designed this city. I could not even get into KFC yesterday; the double doors were broken and any available doors were too narrow.

Wrote that Wednsday, now it's Thursday and the piece of shit internet is not working, fuck this!

At least the taxi fare from the airport was cheap unlike fucking Auckland, we had to wait 30 minutes in the taxi queue, then I found out that we could have bypassed the queue! Oh apparently customs do not like people bringing tools in customs, wasn't my idea and I knew nothing about it. The tools were in case Air New Zealand didn't have any to break down my wheelchair on the plane, they did not have any last time.

Saturday now: We went out Thursday to buy a mobile broadband account because I couldn't tolerate the shitty WiFi even when it was working. I also got a hat and sunglasses, then I found out the parade was at night! Well early evening. Still, I quite like the sunglasses. Oh then I was going to go somewhere but the fucking stupid taxi never came, at least taxi suckage is pretty much universal.

Then I had problems with my computer, found a solution for it.

Friday I went to Rihanna, that was fantastic! I saw a bar and knew that it would be a good night. First act was Far East Movement, I didn't recognized them by name but I recognized some of their music. They were good performers I thought. The second act was Calvin Harris, enjoyable but a bit shit, just a standard DJ really, LAME! Cool lights though. Then Rihanna came on, she was GREAT! Played many of my favourite songs of her's, also some that I didn't know which mainly drank through. Then I went to ArQ, apparently biggest and best gay club in Sydney, except I found out after that most of the young guys were upstairs having a foam party so that rather fucked! It was good anyway. The bottom floor wasn't really accessible being down a flight of stairs, the staff coped with that amazingly. Decent club, well apart from most of the young ones being upstairs!

Saturday I went to the Mardi Gras parade. To be completely honest I really only went to Sydney to party, and to see Rihanna. The parade was a parade really. The start was just bikes, EXTREMELY boring. then some of the designs of the floats were interesting, then I saw frequent shirtless young guy's, SUDDENLY IT GOT BETTER!!! BAHAHAHA! I didn't really like the fact it appeared to promote politicians, or Atheiem, now I fully support Atheism, I just don't think that it directly relates to homosexuality, then again considering how some religious folks treat us... The parade had far too many periods where nothing happened, it could be cut in half or 75%. After the parade we went to the after party, that was cool. It had the most anal retentive bag check. They weren't going to let me take my legal party pills, I had to throw all but one out. They were only doing their job though. At least I got to have one, that was good. Also what's up with not selling shots? All they sold was can stuff. It was probably more efficient with 3,000+ people. Still who the hell throws a party without selling shots??? It's like selling meals without selling coffee. Apparently some people do. EVERYWHERE SHOULD SERVE COFFEE!!! Anyway I spent half the night in the main dance room, not being aware that the acts were being held somewhere else. I got to see less than two minutes of Wynter Gordon, that was a really nice surprise actually as I really like her music, especially "Believer" and "Dirty Talk". Saw only two people I knew, great to see them. I spent the entire time shirtless, just because I could! Didn't bother putting a shirt on going home at 8:00AM, LOL that would be a sight to see in the streets; a drunken shirtless cripple!

You know you are in Christchurch when you're forced to go on the road because the streets are inaccessible. Oh wait, this is Sydney??? Ohhhhh.

Now I am referring to Christchurch before the February 22 shock, actually considering that happened it was probably lucky that parts of the footpaths were blocked off. My point is in Sydney some of the fucking lips were just on ONE side of the street so I had to go on the travel on the road until I actually found a lip to get up on. That is FUCKING USELESS!!! What fucking useless dumb arsed city planners! Fuck knows how they paralympicians got on. I thought this early on, then Sam said it the same thing days later.

Oh and train stations SUCK! The lifts were scattered all round the joint and in one case I had to travel around the outside of the building just to get to a fucking lift.

Sam was the guy I took to assist me with drinking etc. That worked out brilliantly. Apparently I didn't drive him mad which was actually extremely surprising! It was great to hang out with him while there. I did feel weird constantly bothering him to text guys, my phone wasn't working for some stupid reason.

Oh and for people who complained that I was complaining too much and being unfair to Australians. I'll complain as much as I want and about whoever I want! My statement of "OZZIES SUCK" could have easily referred to just one Australian slightly annoying me, as it happened it was referring to three Australians REALLY FUCKING ME OFF! A nasty Email to a business is definitely necessary. As for moaning too much; that is what I do DUHHHH!!! Me shutting up really isn't going to happen. I am very aware that many people in Christchurch have it MUCH worst than me, my problems were nothing in comparison. I can only act like myself and hope my insane antics give a sense of normality to at least some.

People were generally pleasant, apart from some thick fast food servers that kept forgetting stuff, and the three stupid fuckers that I was talking about earlier, and Wavey McWaverson at the parade that blocked my view every time he waved, and some of the parade staff who stood in my way a few times. People were generally very nice though.

As for The Posh Hotel, nice name, that's all that was nice about it. The staff were generally good. However it didn't feel like a hotel. Also I was fucking woken up by an alarm clock one morning, that went off TWICE! They had almost no sound proofing so you could hear cars on the street. Definitely won't be staying there again.

Vergin mobile broadband was better than the WiFi at the hotel but I couldn't use it for YouTube. VERGIN FUCKS!!! Yes I couldn't resist using that phrase. I apologize, NO I DON'T! I thought that the service was pretty decent.

In conclusion, the start was a bit shit but I had a great time starting from Friday, it was awesome.
Posted at 08/03/2011 02:31:53 UTC 2102 comments

Extremely bad earthquake

This is split up into three parts:
Earthquake disaster
Don McLean
Things that I probably shouldn't write about the earthquake disaster

Earthquake disaster

There has been a massive after shock in Christchurch. It was a 6.3 at a depth of 5km. It caused massive damage to the Central Business District and so far 144 deaths. As far as I know I don't know anybody who died, but I know several people who knew victims. I am so sad for them. Also many homes have been destroyed. Horrible times for many people here.

First, thanks to people who checked on me, the thought was touching. I am safe, healthy and still living in the same place. There is hardly any damage that you can notice. Even the power did not go off after the quake. That totally kept me sane, to my standards! There was a small power glitch the day after. I think I was watching an episode of "What The Buck?" at the time. Unlike the September 4th one I was fully awake so it was scary. I was at my desk, things fell down around me, then another one came. Having power meant I could text my parents to see if they were OK etc, a conversation with a friend also distracted me for a while, which was a good thing. Having a dog near me was also a comfort. My brother also popped over. I was not sure of the damage at first. I felt relieved when people started posting on facebook, especially if I hadn't heard from them since Tuesday. I was in shock for a few days. Right now I have a very busy day before Sydney tomorrow. So looking forward to that after what's happened. The break will be good. Christchurch will not be the same for years, I hope we can rebuild stronger.

I am thankful that I work at home under a good roof, I am further thankful that I don't go out that often. Who knows what could of happened.

Don McLean

I went to see Don McLean on Monday, the day before the after shock. I like two of his songs; American Pie and Vincent. Hey I went to Legal Tender only knowing one song of one band! The rest of Don's songs were ok, I even liked the pre show singer. Nice relaxing music from both acts. I was surrounded by old people though and wheelchairs have to be sit in the same far away seats which pisses me off. I was going to complain but then Tuesday happened, my complaints doesn't matter. I went because it was local and I didn't know if I would get the opportunity again, I may as well see live acts if I can.

Before I move on to the next section, the next post will probably be the 9th of March.

Things I probably shouldn't write about the earthquake.

Firstly I question the national state of emergency. At first I thought i was a good thing but there is really no difference between national state of emergencies and local state of emergencies other than putting different people in charge and obviously covering a wider area. It actually gives no additional powers, it does give a good impression but that's really the only advantage from the government's prospective. There are no practical advantages to it. Why do Auckland and Dunedin have to be included? A local state of emergency would have an equal effect.
My problem with the media and disaster coverage is that they ask ridiculously stupid questions. For example: What's the mood like in Christchurch. Well considering a major disaster has hit, couldn't anyone work that out for themselves? Also quit asking questions which give you the exact same answer as the one you as previously. Also they should stop interviewing ministers when they don't actually have the information, like the minister of defence.
Could politicians please stop standing around when other politicians are being interviewed?
John Key should stay in one place instead of traveling between Wellington and Christchurch. Just stay in one place for a while.
I originally praised our buildings in September. I was wrong. The fact is that more work needed to be done to strengthen buildings, this could have further minimized damaged. This is not entirely the owner's fault. Stupid protection laws prevented some from modifying the buildings. I hope that other cities modify their laws accordingly. It is vital that buildings have optimal strength, especially in high risk earthquake areas.
To the "let's give powerball winnings to Christchurch" group. Nice idea but I am pretty sure this would violate trade laws among other things. Here's a better idea. Once the jackpot has been won, stop buying lotto tickets for a few weeks and donate that money to Christchurch and encourage others to do so.
Possible law violations did not violations did not stop the government from cancelling the census.
I would like to thank everyone for showing their support on facebook etc. While some people on facebook claim this is not a practical help, I for one find it sweet.
To the looting group, a public place to post looters is a dumb idea. I could pick a random person from facebook and post them, anybody else could do the same thing so this could have massive potential for abuse. Secondly I disagree with the call for the death penalty and life in prison. Firstly I find life in prison laughable anyway as most get 20-30 years or less, THAT IS NOT LIFE. Some people absolutely deserve LIFE in prison. Looting in a time of other people's crises is absolutely disgusting but shouldn't be equated with the maximum penalty. 10 years would be probably enough. I agree that these people are scum.
Oh and people that say that the earthquake was god's judgment, please shut the fuck up. Nobody but your fellow delusional nutjobs want to hear that. I find you absolutely disgusting.
A phrase comes to mind "Anybody looks good in a crisis", with the upcoming elections etc. Just a thought, not important.

What's important is rebuilding Christchurch, rebuilding people's lives, making our city safe and secure and letting people grieve for their loved ones. There's difficult times ahead. Let's pull together and give each other the necessary support.
Posted at 27/02/2011 01:37:48 UTC 2944 comments

Fuck chest pains and the health system

So went to the doctor Friday because I have been having chest pains and what I thought was heart pains. The heart pains were actually chest pains. Looks like I am stuck with chest pains indefinitely. YAY. And by YAY I mean FUCK THIS FUCKING CRAP!!! At least it's not life threatening but oh goodie I get to live with pains probably for the rest of my life. Fuck that. It costs me fucking $33 to find that out. What a piece of shit. The health system in this country SUCKS! Although it's worth it to know what's wrong, but yes fuck $33!

Went to Rock Pool, had Vodka and some shots of someone's tea pot. Then went to Cruz. Loved the boy in the wet shirt! Anyway, good music at both places. Got shouted a Tequila or two (I don't fucking know) At Cruz THANKS FOR THAT! Obviously had a bit too much though! Really shouldn't have that last Vodka and Raspberry.

Sticking to Vodka because apparently Brandy isn't good for the heart, which granted doesn't effect me because I don't have a heart! Apparently binge drinking once a week does not pose a health risk so YAY FOR THAT! Don't quote me on that, I am not a doctor, apart from being a doctor in looove. Yes that joke was horrible, fuck off!

I haven't imagined any earthquakes this past week, not even when I was pissed off my nut, that has got to be a good thing. Maybe I am getting saner, BAHAHAHA no that just can't be it.

Irrelevant musical crap. Yes, I am out of shit to talk about.

What's with all the 3D concert movies? Jonas had one, now Justin Beiber. Imagine if they made one for Michael Jackson, I wouldn't want to see his nose in 3D, that's a scary thought! Saw parts of the Jonas one, only really the part where Joe is shirtless, the rest was basically full of unbearable screaming girls. I am guessing Justin's movie is the same. Eek.

So anyway the new songs by Britney Spears and Lady GaGa kind of suck, Rihanna too. Katy Perry and Ke$ha basically suck apart from a few songs, I like Ke$ha better, and when I actually prefer Ke$ha, you know you've got MAJOR PROBLEMS. The music industry kind of sucks now.
Posted at 20/02/2011 03:52:00 UTC 2436 comments

I quit drinking! Did I say drinking? I mean Vodka!

Random ramble time!

I was going to update my two other blogs but I am fucking lazy. Still may do a NewsPooze post. The other blog was meant to be a fortnightly one anyway, it's much harder than me just rambling about crap, although it is ending up that way without the excessive offensive language and shit.

Emma Bee Witch now has a facebook page, I am too busy (and by busy I mean lazy) to make her a blog, I will do that after Sydney. I will post all sorts of offensive crap there just because it's fun, perhaps I will up the tone a bit for a while, yes I really have nothing better to do than make up offensive shit constantly for no reason other than my own amusement.

Hopefully will launch a basic version of my global site support system next week. Also maybe I will start learning application development sooner, the next few months will be taken up by other projects then maybe I will start learning a programming language to enhanced my skills. I said I will start learning next year but I am impatient.

Wednesday I went to Hine's birthday. Had a double Vodka and raspberry and took some of Hine's wedges home, I love wedges. I think I am going to do cocktails for my birthday! Hine had one, I will have about five, where is the best place for cocktails? Probably not going to do what I normally do for my birthday, kind of over that. It's months away but the months go so fast, I used to hate people who say time goes fast, but it really does!

So went to Rock Pool and Cruz, I think I imagined two or three earthquakes. Imagined one completely sober, that's not good! I think they were just vibrations from my wheelchair. I haven't checked that the earthquakes I felt last night were real, I just assumed they were not because I am fucking insane! I had two double brandies and raspberries at Rock Pool, then Vodkas and raspberries at Cruz. I'll stick to brandies from now on, unless I find something with more alcohol content and doesn't taste like shit. A girl at Cruz said that I had a "beautiful smile" and I should "keep it", I didn't know that I could give it away. Could I sell it? The cash would be more useful. She also kept moving my feet more on my footplate, I kept moved them back immediately, good intentions but that's the way I dance, the back edge gives me better support. I was also asked if I was gay twice. Yeah a gay man in a gay club, SHOCKING! Why else would I be there? TO GET PISSED! Nice enough people there, makes a change from annoying lunatics I suppose!
Posted at 13/02/2011 04:03:11 UTC 83 comments

Random thoughts on Iraq and capitalism etc

I think I am going crazier.

I am just more AHHHHHH this week than usual. I am fine, fucking fine.

I don't have an anger problem, the world has a pissing me the fuck off problem! What a great quote!!!

"I don't have an anger problem, the world has a pissing me the fuck off problem!" - Thane Pullan

So what did I do this week? Fuck all! Moving on.

Did watch Zeigiest: Moving Forward, will blog about that in depth at a later date. Moving Forward is the third installment, did watch the second installment, thought they were a pack of nutters going on about a resource based society, the ideas are growing on me. Capitalism is counter productive. Still, while there is no alternative, I am a capitalist, society would need to change before I would.

Been thinking about Iraq, I felt the war was worth it because we removed a dictator, BUT looking at Egypt, the west obviously couldn't give a flying fuck about dictators as long as they do what the west want. So the dictator argument loses a lot of weight, maybe the war was completely pointless after all.

Saturday, went to Rock Pool, got a free drink, yet again, great place to be! A guy nearly fell on me though, that was entertaining! Then I went to Cruz, surprise surprise! Good night! Apparently there were no earthquakes last night which was extremely surprising, thought I felt at least two but apparently I was just fucked.
Posted at 06/02/2011 03:23:51 UTC 1352 comments

Life is looking up. Strange fucking pain in my thumb..


Don't have time to blog, I am shit at time management.

Sunday, yeah the above was pathetic.

Accessibility software is crapping out, doing this extremely late in the day so don't expect anything other than fuck all, OK? If not go fuck yourself, I am not answerable to you.

Hopefully my problems are fixed with a clean of the camera lens. Hopefully, it's been driving me crazy for weeks. Uhhhhh I mean even more crazy than my normal level of insanity which is already fucking high.

So how are you? Don't answer, don't care! Don't know who is reading this. You could be a complete stranger for all I know in which case I don't give a flying fuck how you are because I don't even know you. No offence. Who the fuck am I kidding? Take offence. Take lots of it! IT'S FREE unlike almost everything else in life.

I am great. top of the world! Well apart from my stupid fucking computer problems and the fact I am fucking broke. Apart from that everything is marvellous!

Yes this is me in a good mood!

Gotta say, I love election year! The right wing are a crack up! They should quit politics and start a comedy show with all their inaccurate, ridiculous and downright bizarre arguments. The right wing are good for entertainment, if nothing else. WARNING: I may post outbursts about them on facebook and here. I will try not to. I already have a political blog, I will try not to push my views anymore than bearable for most people. Oh and if you see me commenting on someone's status, please tell me to GET BACK TO FUCKING WORK! Thanks! Oh some people reading this might be right wing, well hopefully going by history you should know I am like this all the time.

Well so much for posting fuck all.

Went to a 21st Saturday, that was fun. Then I had a drink with siblings etc. Apparently "can't be fucked dancing" translates to "can't be bothered dancing". I WAS CENSORED! Further proof that I really shouldn't have the power to talk. Can you imagine me talking? I would probably regularly get black eyes from all the abuse I say. Me talking is a scary thought. Then I went to Cruz. Oh people are so funny when drunk. I was kind of in my own world all night, jolly good fun!

I have a rather strange pain in my left thumb. Hurts wherever I put pressure on it. Just noticed it today. Fuck this shit. Hopefully it will pass.
Posted at 30/01/2011 04:02:27 UTC 1294 comments

Idea for a new game and other random crap

Global warming rant

Yeah different topic then what I said I was going to rant about last week. climate change denial kind of illustrates my point about some people having such damaging opinions they should shut the fuck up OR at the very least not be in any kind of position of power. It's a side effect of freedom of speech, wouldn't want that to cease, but can we not pay attention to the crazies and people with only profits in mind? Oh fuck, that's me on both fronts. I am an exception because at least I let people I am a money hungry crazy person!

Good week, went to a stand up show Friday night with Hine, first we went to Baileys, had a Sambuca. The show was $10, that rather fucked. Generally good show, the second act was a bit shit. Saw a woman with two dogs, all I was thinking was how incredibly ugly one was!

Saturday night I went to My Bar, blonde bimbos were hanging around. Then I went to Rock Pool and Micky Finns, got shouted a Jarger, last week I got a free Sambuca. I love free drinks! Yes I am nothing but a cheap drunk!

I was thinking last night I should totally make an offensive video game involving a wheelchair character running people over, and maybe the stearing can get harder when drunk. Extra points for hitting politicians! Of course not that I condne that activity or would do it in the real world, apart from getting drunk, obviously! I could also implement the police and getting DUIs. I wonder what it costs to develop a basic game, or maybe I will make it myself when I learn application development. This is a extremely low priority project but definitely sounds like fun!

I have run out of things to talk about so I will just say I love these songs:
Tablo Cruz and Kylie Minogue - Higher
Freemasons and Wynter Gordon - Believer
Pink - Raise Your Glass

Also got my Taylor Launter posters a few weeks ago. I should have more posters of hot guys.

Fuck January 23 already. Next month I will mostly work on my multiple site support system until it's finished. Doing most support from one area would be much easier especially when I go to Sydney late next month. Looking forward to implementing canned responses, means that I will have to type fuck all for questions I frequently get, usually I just ignore such questions. If people won't read the frequently asked questions, fuck them! Usually I am much nicer to paying customers though, usually! I just scream in fits of rage when I read their messages. That can't be healthy.
Posted at 23/01/2011 02:51:26 UTC 39 comments

Blogs, more goals and nights out

By the time you read this I would have converted to, probably, depends if I can be fucked. I wrote a blog entry so probably should change it. I know I said that I wasn't going to write updates on that site for a few weeks but that would require two things. 1. Me not getting fucked off by current events. 2. Me shutting the fuck up. Both are unlikely to happen, especially the second! I LOVE blogging these days. Next week I will blog about how I have stop respecting the opinions of other's and some people just should shut the fuck up! Note I am really only talking about opinions that are just completely idiotic, I still respect most people's opinions but yeah I am now thinking that respecting everyone's opinions is a myth.

Friday Sam was in town and wanted to hit the town, went to My Bar, but apparently there was not enough guys to check out, so went to Rock Pool for about ten minutes then Boogie Nights. Music was good at each club I thought, pretty dead though. I still saw a few friends. Sam lives in Auckland and is taking me to clubs in Sydney.

My goals last week didn't include learn a programming language. I know several languages; PHP, MySQL, HTML, and a bit of javascript but not an actual computer application programming language so I can make viruses! No, I can already pretty much do that with my knowledge of batch. I am not going to make viruses! Adware maybe but definitely not viruses and trojans. Making applications would be cool, I could sell standalone applications and tie applications into my websites, perhaps I will focus on that next year.

Also want to make professional videos on YouTube but perhaps I will start by learning to make music and releasing it on YouTube and iTunes, perhaps that is a project for the second part of this year after I have progressed my commercial ventures a bit further.

Really pleased on how everything is going right now.

Saturday night I went to Rock Pool, wasn't going to go but actually had a brilliant time, awesome music, a woman hung off me though. She was rambling about how awesome I was, learned nothing new there then. Then I went to Cruz, I was thinking this place is full of dinosaurs, then they left, nothing much to look at throughout the night, or perhaps I was too drunk to remember.
Posted at 16/01/2011 03:49:11 UTC 1584 comments

Sites, goals and slowness

Quite mad rant about letting disabled people do porn

A mate came over Tuesday, had an idea for a website, wanted someone to do it, I thought I would take this project on, it also ties into my script business and I have ideas to expand the business.

I have decided to make some more new year resolutions, well not so much new year resolutions as much as whenever the fuck I get around to doing them.

I have forgotten what I was going to type. BE LESS FORGETFUL!
Set goals for the week and stick to them.
Have a centralized support system up before the Mardi Gras.
Use my writing skills for commercial projects, perhaps books?
Experiment with making music and writing songs. Perhaps starting with beats.
Be a nicer, happier person that is not obsessed with hot guys and doesn't frequently write utter bullshit, yes this is utter bullshit!

I am working on heaps of projects, normally I focus on one project per day, I also write blogs if I need to as a separate daily task. I will continue doing after January. The midday news is off air so material is a bit slim. Also doing two blogs per week is enough. May put off creating other blogs until February. I have been told that NewsPoose works better as NewsPooze but domains cost about $15 each and I am being tight with my money at the moment due to Sydney, but it will change eventually.

Amusing thing, I went to spell a thing out in a dream but I woke up and my arm went out, well I thought it was amusing.

A technician came over Friday because I had some memory issues. I still need to move my main drive to a smaller one and perhaps get a new processor, that will happen after Sydney. Long arse fucking wait!

Saturday I went to Rock Pool, meh! Parts were good. Time to try somewhere new. The DJ's voice is somewhat annoying, hot guys at Rock Pool though. Is there any techno bare with easy access? Went to Cruz, was in an anti social mood but all these women hung around, got me up on the platform. A girl told me I had big muscles LOL! Enjoyed the night, with the random things that I was thinking it's probably a good thing I am confined to a wheelchair and cannot talk. I am pretty fucked having about three hours sleep. Definitely on a go slow today. Extremely frustrating.
Posted at 09/01/2011 02:54:32 UTC 499 comments

May 2011 bring me even more money and sex

It's Christmas and I am pissed. I went to Deborah's, apparently people don't really drink at christmas family gatherings, who new? Not me! Had Vodka and Tequila. Fuck off don't judge. Got Vodka and Tequila for christmas. Fuck off don't judge. YAY FREE PISS!

I also got a rare rock, don't know who gave it to me but it's neat.

Yeah that no Tequila thing didn't work out.

Bah humbug people, even though it will be after new year's when you see this. Bah humbug in advanced.

Merry fucking christmas to meeeeeee and only meeeeeee!


December 31 2010

Mixed year, some parts were great, some parts fucking sucked. The end was kind of lame, and I don't mean the Christmas season. Things are getting better, and I am enjoying my work. I have launched many sites this year, it's been good, still need to push myself though but that has been happening this past month. Commercial scripts are a priority next year, as well as improving sites and creating new ones. Oh and more money and sex!

I went to Hine's on boxing day. There was a shit load of earthquakes that day, nothing for weeks then a fucking ton! I MISSED THEM!!! Is that fucked up? Yes? GOOD!

I launched my political/media blog this week. I will post once every week or two, probably weekly in January. I could never get into politics; I actually have a soul. No, just kidding, I don't. I am far too dirty and would be too easy to corrupt, so your average politician then, maybe I can make it as a politician. No I would probably be worse, much worse. The only way I could rule would be a dictatorship. Does anyone want to help with that?

January 1 2011

Spent New Years with Hine as usual. I had a shot of Sambuca at Rock Pool before going to Boogie Nights. Boogie Nights was great, we were the only ones on the dance floor at first, that was funny! Met a random girl, Don't really remember much about her. Got shouted a Vodka and apple, nice drink! Then I went to Cruz, met some people, saw friends, good night.


Saturday I wanted to try Rock Pool again as I am pretty bored of the same standard club music with dance mixes/pop. I enjoyed Rock Pool apart from the middle bit when it sounded like Cruz! Got a drink from a lady who recognized me from when I was in drag. Finally Cruz for about two hours. There was virtually no people in town but I had a brilliant time!
Posted at 02/01/2011 02:40:19 UTC 196 comments

New Blog


Oh shit I just realized that my import script didn't import links correctly. Oh well can't be fucked correcting.

There is finally a comment system on this blog! It's about fucking time!

I decided on when I got the idea of the header. I was going to use "My life is beyond fucked" but that would be a bit too negative. Yes me worrying about negatively is like right wing governments worrying about being counter productive. I do think that we live in a beyond fucked world; the people keep electing dipshits especially in NZ, scientific expenditure is mostly wasted on irrelevant crap, celebrities and sports people are a huge waste of resources, corporate corruption is everywhere. This planet is beyond fucked and I truly believe society could be much more productive if we cut out all the crap! I still have a idea for, I have envisioned a crazy conspiracy site where I just make up complete crap! ALIENS ARE COMING! I will probably do first. I will probably post at those two once or twice a month.

My week has been productive, I also worked on a PHP form generating site. hopefully I can finish it this week or next, most of the programming is done. Then on to other commercial projects. Otherwise not going to do anything this week apart from getting shit faced on Christmas. Probably won't post on Sunday or perhaps I will, I don't fucking know. Going to be a dull arse week. I would wish you a merry christmas but I hate christmas, thank fuck for alcohol! It's not christmas day I hate, it's the christmas spirit, happy people, decorations, hype, commercialism. BAH HUMBUG! It's mainly happy people, happy people are just annoying!

WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY TAYLOR LAUNTER POSTERS??? I ordered them at the beginning of this month, I thought they would be here by now. Perhaps a neighbour stole them. I don't know, probably not. Are there any teen girls on the street? I have no idea. I don't know a thing about my neighbuors. They weren't stolen, shipping is just fucking slow, and fucking expensive too. it was about the same price of the posters so that sucks. I really should have enquired offline.
Posted at 23/12/2010 01:18:25 UTC 244 comments

12-19-2010, 04:39

Great week, started out fucking boring though.

The guy who maintains my environmental controls came Thursday so everything should be running soon.

I have launched ( The programming took much longer than expected but at least I can use the scripts on unlimited sites since I own the copyrights, and sell it to other sites eventually. I feel much more productive recently. Not sure about my NZ political blog, I think I may put it off until February to work on more entertaining blogs and other commercial projects. Maybe I will launch it before 2011. I don't want to get overwhelmed with having to produce content though, I already do two blog entries a week plus I have to develop and maintain other sites/scripts. I am pretty sure that I can find a good balance.

This bothers me; why does everyone shout merry christmas on Saturday nights? Firstly IT IS NOT CHRISTMAS! Secondly some people may not want to be wished a merry christmas from strangers. Strangers could be psychopathic nutters for all they know. Additionally I really don't like overused phrases such as "merry christmas", "happy birthday", "you've had a haircut". You know phrases that are used over and over again. They drive me fucking mad!

I went to Vespa before Cruz on Saturday, it was OK, bit of a meh experience. I probably should stop doing Tequila shots. Cruz was good; ran into some friends and a this cute, funny guy from the UK.

It looks like people favour over for my personal blog. I am kind of surprised by this but OK, I will convert everything in the middle of next week. It should be a piece of piss since I have done (
Posted at 19/12/2010 09:39:00 UTC 15 comments

12-12-2010, 01:38

I have had a better week despite going for a dental consult. I am going to have my wisdom teeth pulled out in April. This gives me a reason to binge drink myself stupid in Sydney the month before. I DID NOT SAY IT WAS A GOOD OR EVEN VALID REASON! it sounds like I will be away for a fucking day at the dentist which fucking sucks; I HAVE THINGS TO DO!

Curiosity killed the cat refers to a line from a Shakespare play, it does not refer to an actual event. (See the previous post if you don't know what the fuck I am talking about)

I have finally finished the core programming of the comments section of my CMS scripts. I will now work on developing several content networks.

Next week I will transfer my media section to
The week after I will create a more "family friendly" NZ blog which will mainly focus on politics and media failures.

Then I will do these things in no particular order.
Transfer my Life Log to
Convert to a proper blog, perhaps with an index.
I have also decided to develop into a BS dating advice blog which will contain advice like "Third date rule? Fuck that! Especially if he is hot and you're a loser! Always try to fuck him on the first date if he hasn't already discovered you're a loser since he will probably discover that on the second or third date. Also if he's crap in bed, you don't want to waste your time with future dates. If he wants to wait, well that sucks for you!". Clearly me or my characters should NEVER give dating advice! THIS WILL BE FUN HAHAHA!

I still have to do two queer sites plus tons of commercial sites. Hopefully I can monetize my family friendly blogs. Also my offensive status messages will be moved to a facebook fan page.

Went out Friday night to the Honey Pot Cafe, Boogie Nights and Cruz. I tried Jargar shots as well as my usual Vodka and raspberries. A random girl made out with me. I was fucking shocked! SURPRISE! WHAT THE FUCK??? Ugh if anyone is listening that controls the universe (if you exist) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it a cute young guy next time! Thanks!!! That would be SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE, like 100,000 times!!! Should I have typed that? Oh well BAHAHAHA!

Saturday night went to Cruz, I had Vodka and Redbull as my first drink because I needed the caffine, well after the Tequila, then a few usuals. Ended up dancing with a guy from Sydney.
Posted at 12/12/2010 06:38:00 UTC 1 comment

12-05-2010, 02:58

Life absolutely fucking sucks right now, but the issues that I am having will resolve eventually so fuck my life until then. Well then too. My issues aren't really that bad, I just like talking shit because it's fun. Oh but life really does absolutely fucking suck right now. I need to get drunk more and I need more money! The drink will help me forget my money problems. I need assistance to get drunk. FUCKING DISABILITY! FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING! I so need more money! Money does lead to happiness, despite the saying, it's a proven fact! Studies show that people with more money are less stressed about bills etc and are happier overall. SO THERE! Money DOES make people happy. People who say otherwise DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! THEY'RE DELUSIONAL MORONS! Also ignorance is not bliss, despite the saying. Curious people get far more satisfaction knowing why things happen in life than those who don't. Obviously this does not apply to the cat that was killed from curiosity. How did that happen? I am curious! Seriously! I may look it up after I post this. "How did curiosity kill the cat?" Also which fucking cat??? People don't specify these things. Garfeild? Enough about cats, now you know two sayings that are absolute fucking crap, there is no truth to them. I aim to educate, and bitch about almost anything and everything that I am fucked off about. Actually educating is a rather low priority, but still a priority. I AM A FUCKING TEACHER! Well not according to my CV.

THANK YOU READERS for being NO FUCKING HELP AT ALL! NOBODY commented on my status. USELESS, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING USELESS! Don't bother now! Fuck you all you bunch of lazy bastards. It's fine, really fffiiinnneee!

All booked for Sydney, except for the events which now include a Rihanna concert!!! REALLY hope that I can buy two for one on at least some because I need a carer. Again may I say FUCKING DISABILITY! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

Saturday night it was Steven's birthday. We went and saw dad for a while, he brought us drinks. Then it was back to Steven's, I had some Vodka and two shots of Tequila. I know half pissed before I went out at 11PM, probably best not to ask what kind of state I was in at 1AM. In town we went to Micky Finns, Boogie Nights and The Base. I had a drink at each. I was really planning on taking a break, that didn't happen. I really shouldn't have been driving most of the night but did anyway. If cops give me a ticket I will yell DISCRIMINATION, WHEELCHAIR, DISABILITY, I AM A POOR CRIPPLE JUST TRYING TO HAVE FUN. Apparently someone's sister did get a ticket for drunken in charge of a wheelchair. LOL oh fuck! Try doing that to me and see what hell I raise! Before The Base we took a break outside Cruz, oh fuck I really did act like a COMPLETE FUCKING LUNATIC! I really do sincerely apologize for my actions, no I fucking don't, it was the best night in ages! Home at 6AM, calling a taxi was simple as yelling at a van within minutes of looking, got to love that!
Posted at 05/12/2010 07:58:00 UTC 3329 comments

11-28-2010, 03:04

I have been trying to tone down my facebook profile to make it more "mainstream compatible". Reason being that I want to start a serious NZ event blog and perhaps telling everyone to go fuck themselves probably isn't the best way to do things. This will end in either two ways. 1. Creating a separate profile so I can be as offensive as I want. 2. Failing miserably and being as offensive as I want anyway. Comment on my status on whether I should create a separate profile (Thane Pullan: UNCENSORED) or whether I am being ridiculously stupid and should just carry on as I am. People constantly cull me though, not that I care, though I do have a bad reputation. Which would be an issue if I didn't constantly try to get a bad reputation ahahahaha! Do I constantly ramble about nothing? Do I care? Not at all.

This blog will remain uncensored.

Thane Pullan fucks fucking fucked fuckers.

Oh uncensored does not include extremely dirty jokes that enter my mind, most will not appreciate them on facebook.

Then again if I make my profile G rated, what's left? A large chunk of my personality would be lost.

YES I am fully aware that I post about this kind of thing every few months. Deal with the repetition. Deal with the repetition. Deal with the repetition. Deal with the repetition.

Friday I went out with Hine, went to the cathedral to sign our names for the Pike River book, not that it will help them much. Though hundreds of thousands of supportive comments must be somewhat comforting, to a degree, maybe? After that we went to a mall.

Saturday I went to Manibas then Cruz. Deal with the repetition. Manibas was a pretty standard club. Most Christchurch clubs are the same. Except this one had very very odd looking guys at first. A random girl was dancing with me, I... was not paying attention. Music at both places was kind of blah. Cruz was cool at times. Really could have done without the old guy who wouldn't let go of my shoulder. Made me feel very uncomfortable. Luckily I was off my face, much easier to zone out from reality. Apparently that is the only way I can have a chance of enjoying myself these days. Gee does that sound somewhat unhealthy? Oh well it's true! I had cute guys dancing near me and saw some friends, so it was not all bad.

I wonder what kind of state I will be in next week. Going straight clubbing, starting earlier, planning on getting WAYYYY more fucked up, this will not end well.

Vodka and Demon is quite a weird mix. Another kind of energy drink made me puke. Demon didn't, YAY!
Posted at 28/11/2010 08:04:00 UTC 2632 comments

11-21-2010, 04:04

Fucking shit week! A plug got ripped out of my wheelchair and damaged the socket so I was without it for three days. Stupid fucking thing. You would think that they would make it less fragile.

I am already sick of Christmas being mentioned.

Tis the season to tell everyone how much I hate Christmas and if you invite me to your crap there better be free booze fa a la a la a la la fuck.

Yes I don't have anything else to write about.

Ah Christmas, the orgy of commercialism starts.

For Christmas I want the entire fucking would but that probably won't happen so I will settle for a sex slave! What? Slavery is not legal. All the good things are illegal! Probably shouldn't be saying slavery is good. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and have it with Tequila! Slavery is BAD, soulless sex robots are GOOD! I hear they make them now, except they do not look lifelike so I think that I will until the technology improves.

So Saturday night, got too pissed. Met two VERY STRANGE women at Cruz. One of them was going on about "the mother ship" in reference to her friend so maybe her friend was quite nuts which would certainly explain why she sat on my tray! How the fuck did it not break??? IT'S A FUCKING MIRACLE! Looney old women, they were quite times. One of them thought I was drinking water. For fuck sakes, it's a club. Again, looney old women!
Posted at 21/11/2010 09:04:00 UTC 2102 comments

11-14-2010, 04:41


LOL the above was just a random outburst from yesterday, it was not my day.

Ever noticed how you're not particularly pissed until people accuse you of being in a bad mood then you're just fucked for the day, or perhaps I was in a worse mood than usual and didn't know it. Nope, people are insane. I can't help that they are all sunshine and rainbows. I couldn't tell the difference in my mood to be honest.

I had a dentist appointment Tuesday, apparently I should get my wisdom teeth pulled before I get bugs and they infect my mouth. I imagine that it would be more fun than having my tendons done, less fun than most other things that I have experienced. So that fucks.

Saturday night I went to Shooters then Cruz. Shooters mistakenly mixed my Vodka with orange juice instead of raspberry but it was nice, ended up tipping half of it out because it was weak and I wanted to move on. Quickly popped by The Fetish Ball and I do mean quickly, not my thing at all. Then went to Cruz where a random irritating bitch annoyed me for a while actually she wasn't THAT annoying. A mate was out, she shouted me a Tequila, thanks!

Oh the Sunday before I went to Craig's for his birthday, he was having a BBQ but I just drank, no surprises there. Drinking in daylight is actually quite nice.
Posted at 14/11/2010 09:41:00 UTC 8 comments

11-07-2010, 02:11

Click here for a rant on US politics. (

I have a new Windows 7 box. Windows 7 SUCKS! Firstly by default it bombards with stupid fucking diolog boxes. Secondly some programs that work on XP don't work on 7, what the fuck is that about? Hey Microsoft, ever heard of backwards compatibility??? Obviously not! I was unable to register a codec in the system32 folder, it kept saying it could not find the file specified despite the fact the path was correct. Finally decided to move the file and it worked. What fucking bullshit! I almost decided to switch to XP! Windows 7 is a complete nightmare, I HATE IT! I got it to record HDTV, except checking the TV sites the Australian soaps are still broadcast in SD despite being broadcast in HD in Australia, so that is fucking useless. Still I can record some US shows in 1080i. Also I will probably find a use for the ultra fast processor!

So an Australian agency wants $40 per hour MINIMUM to provide care. 50% more on Saturdays and even more on Sundays. I knew people go on about the wage gap between Australia and New Zealand but holly fucking shit the gap is MASSIVE! It's ridiculous! Nine days of care would cost me about 7K. There is no fucking way I can afford that. So it looks like I will be taking someone from here which means that I have to pay for another plane ticket. Fuck this disability. I wish that I could fuck off anywhere whenever I want.

Saturday night I went to Foam and Cruz. I had somewhere around 9-10 Vodkas. Fantastic night, I was unnaturally hyper, this seems to be a recent trend when I am out drinking.
Posted at 07/11/2010 07:11:00 UTC 2296 comments

10-31-2010, 03:52

Just a little media rant.

So why the fuck is a complete lunatic who claims that a woman can be seen holding a cell phone in a 1920's film getting media coverage? Well obviously if this is true the woman must have been insane since cell towers were not invented until decades later so in effect nobody would be on the other end. So is he suggesting a time traveling woman who likes talking to herself? No other explanation like a toy or just an ichy head? Why did this nutjob get attention? He needs a padded cell, not media coverage. I wonder if I could get media coverage by saying that Obama is a zombie from the 1400's that was frozen and got extensive plastic surgery. I REALLY DO BELIEVE THIS! GIVE ME FUCKING MEDIA COVERAGE NOW!!! I really need to start my media bashing site, I could have shit loads of fun with it!

Saturday I went to a touch game. My brother wanted most of the family there for his birthday. Hey it was free, why the fuck not? Apparently he won, YAY GO whatever the fuck team he was on, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention.

Saturday night I went to a Halloween party at Foam, then Cruz. Foam was great. I went as a guy who dresses normally. Yeah not into making an effort, take me as I am or fuck off. I was told that I looked like Lady GaGa in her prison outfit. Perhaps I should buy a Lady GaGa wig and do a show. Anyway people were dressing me up in all sorts of things; a wig, angel costume and beads. Yeah the angel costume was so not me. I should buy some horns so I can be horny. That was deeply inappropriate, don't you just love me? I know I do! Also licked a drag queen, was only following instructions! Couldn't taste any make-up. That was random.

No more big after shocks since the last time I posted. The internet is still having problems. It was so much worse at the beginning of the week. There was only one outage yesterday, I was away for two three hours though. Also my computer is still playing up. Hopefully I can get technicians out next week.
Posted at 31/10/2010 07:52:00 UTC 301 comments

10-25-2010, 02:46

sunday night, wasn't going to do this now but the internet keeps cutting out FML! Hey it's back up!

Excuse if this is bit jargled YAY I just made up word, party has started early.

Fuck it has cut out again.

So anyway went to Band Together Canterbury yesterday, stayed for eight hours. I had a Tequila prior, just because I could. Bands were ok, could have done without some; Dave Dobbin, the band who let Bob Parker on stage. I could have done without the annoying game show and other unscripted show hosts. Not to mention John Key, what does he have to do with bands anyway? Also i had to quit trying to find a group of people because it was impossible to move. Most of the bands were good though, I especially liked Aneita Moa and Evermore. I couldn't get Candy Floss because the line was too long, that fucked me off, I fucking love Candy Floss. Took pictures with the lead singer of Op Shop and members of The Exponents. I had a great time, got quite a bit sun burnt though.

Now Monday.

Saturday night I went to Shooters and Cruz. Average time I guess.

Sunday night I went to "Christchurch's An Evening With The Stars". How the fuck did I not win the "Miss Bitch Attitude" award??? I'd out bitch ANYBODY! Fucking incompetent saps. I didn't even know that I was nominated for that one. The constant hiccups were very entertaining, it would have been boring if the night actually went smoothly. I was having so much fun making fun of it all. Most of the acts were hilarious, only one was meant to be comical! My favourite one was when these two boys came on stage wearing nothing golden shorts, oh and I think there was a drag queen on there too, I don't know, I was only paying attention to the blonde. I was scared that a drunken drag queen was going to fall on me, literally! Thankfully that didn't happen. I doubt that I would have felt anything anyway since my brain was absolutely fucking fried due to a party pill and lots of Vodka and Tequila. Had two shots of Tequila at Foam Bar prior, possibly my quickest intake of alcohol ever! Took me a white to get over it. My red carpet photo is bound to absolutely SUCK! I wasn't even looking at the camera. I was a mess at the start. I was on the way to an after party when I was told to go home because apparently my mouth was bleeding but it turned out to be lipstick from some random. What a dizzy bitch, nobody tells me to go home. The after party SUCKED MAJORLY! I had one quick drink then went home.

I upgraded my hard drive but my computer is now freezing constantly, going to defrag to see if that helps.

After shocks are still going, they appear to be infrequent but more violent.
Posted at 25/10/2010 06:46:00 UTC 1514 comments

10-17-2010, 04:51

Random crap week, I don't have anything to talk about.

So I was watching Glee for about ten minutes, fuck that program SUCKS! The singing is so BADLY done it's actually hilarious. It just looks unnatural, how can anybody take it seriously? They also sell CDs. Why would anybody buy an album full of cover songs with artificial singing??? People today are fucked up! Characters continue to bore me. I just fucking love the new blonde they added this season. HE IS SO HOT! I just want to um NEVER MIND!


Saturday night I went to Cruz, I was going to go to another bar but there was a $5 cover charge, holly fucking shit I am a cheap bastard. Highlight of the night was when several hotties got on stage and took their tops off. Fuck I am bad this week. FUCK OFF I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO TALK ABOUT! No annoying people, just a rather cute guy who was dancing with me.

Fuck this entry is LAME, it makes me sound like some kind of hormonal pervy nutjob, that would be an entirely accurate description of myself.

A favourite bar of mine has closed, such a shame, drinks there was piss cheap. Cheap is good.

I have "Christchurch's An Evening With The Stars" next week. That's a hideously long name, let's call it Ch-A-Ev-Wit-Th-Sta, OK maybe not. Next entry will be a day late.
Posted at 17/10/2010 08:51:00 UTC 783 comments

10-10-2010, 03:39

Two New Zealand topics, I was going to create a separate thread for these but can't be fucked. International readers may want to skip the following two paragraphs.

Bob Parker stayed mayor of Christchurch. I did vote for him, I don't particularly like him, in fact NOT AT ALL would be far more accurate. I voted for him because the other guy: Jim Anderton wanted to further extend the one way door policy to 1am instead of 3am. I am strongly opposed to any kind of one way door policy. The phrases namby pamby and police state come to mind. In retrospect it is entirely possible the the policy wouldn't go through due to lobbying from the liquor industry which was pointed out to me after I voted. I did look at Jim's policies after I voted, because I am a stupid fuckwitt hahaha. Anyway there was some stuff about having more say, creating more committees etc which is a good thing. Then some stuff about getting special status for our historical buildings, blah blah blah, don't give a flying fuck about that. Water conservation blah blah blah BORING! More bus lanes; OH HELL NO I HATE BUS LANES! Jim's policies were not terribly exciting in my opinion. The potential inconvenience outweighed the benefits FOR ME seeing as I mainly work out of my room all day without and don't have kids or otherwise take advantage of any community funded projects apart from possibly the taxi discount scheme. As long as Parker doesn't screw with that then I don't give a fuck. Selfish? Absolutely! That's me. Don't confuse me for a right winger though! I am closer than I would like to admit but I don't want to be associated with the right wing at all (when it comes to social issues). For the record I strongly dislike Parker, he has made some appalling decisions.

I am sick of people idolizing Paul Henry! Sure he's funny and I enjoy his humour, mostly. At the same time HE SHOULD BE FIRED!!! Firstly his description of homosexuality as unnatural is more than enough to make me want him fired! That's just the way I feel. If anybody thinks that innate sexual attraction is unnatural then they are a fucking moron and I have absolutely no respect or sympathy for them. The "pick someone who looks like a real New Zealander" comment is fucking disgraceful. What the fuck is this guy on about? And the 'Dik-shit so appropriate because she's Indian. It would be Dick in shit" I absolutely cringed at this comment! What the fuck Paul??? Absolutely fire him. His racial comments are completely unacceptable, then you add his homophobic comments. FIRE HIM! You can be a shock jock without being a biggot, I am proof of that! Granted I am a bit sexiest, well no, I get annoyed with random women coming up to me at gay clubs; that's because firstly I am not there for them, secondly I like dancing alone, thirdly I just don't like dealing with people PERIOD! I am an anti-social prick, I like being this way! So I am not sexiest I am just a loner fucking asshole YAY FOR ME! Actually it rather depends on if they annoy the crap out of me; friends don't, some randoms don't too, particularly the ones who don't whine, don't patronize and are not flat out shit insane, in a bad way. Being flat out shit insane in a good way can only help you! Paul also made some crack about Susan Boyle being retarded. I think this just proves he has no clue what he's talking about and doesn't put much intelligence into his jokes. Some of his behavior can be equated with an immature primary school student. I find his childish like behavior far more funny than the jokes themselves. His jokes really only highlight his immaturity and lack of lack of understanding about what he says. UPDATE: Just a few hours after I posted this it was announced that Paul Henry has resigned BAHAHAHA GOOD RIDDENS!


Went and saw Grievous Bodily Harm with my brother. GBH is an old punk band from the 80's. I had absolutely no idea what kind of music they played. I was expecting something like Simple Plan. Good music I guess, warm up acts were crap. I got fucking knocked around in the mosh pit, that was "interesting". We (mainly my brother) chatted to GBH for about twenty minutes. That was random. Then dropped by "Urge On Tour" for about ten minutes, best music of the night definitely. Oh on the way I nearly fell out my chair on the way. While I am on the subject I am absolutely appalled at the state of Christchurch's streets. "Bob Parker is doing a good job after the earthquake" Fuck off mate some of the temporary pathways would probably be too narrow for my electric wheelchair and you can't enter some paths because they don't have a fucking opening, you need to go on the fucking road until you find one. What a fucking useless shitty design! Anyway then I went to Ministry, good music there but there was also a bat shit crazy guy which I don't care to mention anymore about.

Hey, this must be my 100th Life Log entry! This is a completely irrelevant and useless fact.
Posted at 10/10/2010 07:39:00 UTC 2603 comments

10-03-2010, 05:55


GST rose yesterday which completely fucks me up! The tax cuts do jack fucking shit for me. FUCK THE GST INCREASE!! Over 60% favour John Key and his fucking National Party, I have completely lost all faith. Today's political systems are fucking shit and overrun with corporate corruption. They are extremely pointless and counter productive. Democracy doesn't work! People, in general are completely ignorant of the issues, wouldn't have a clue what's good for the majority and have short memories. Most shouldn't go near a voting booth. People can't be trusted to make decisions. Not that I am suggesting dictatorship, unless I am the dictator.

The above was toned down hehehe.


Anyway I have been nominated for "The Person Of The Year" at Christchurch's Evening With The Stars. In short I am brilliant, no shit! It is happening Labour weekend, pretty sure I am going to have a few Tequila shots that night! Will I win? Fucked if I know. I am brilliant anyway!

I went to Cruz, again I AM NOT A FUCKING COAT RACK. My tray is not there to hold your coat, it is so I can fucking communicate! USE THE FUCKING FIXTURES! At least only one person did it this time. Also there was this weird guy who kept staring at me with his thumbs up, I am utterly convinced he thought I was retarded. His behavior was just bizarre. Good night overall, was totally smashed.

According to a facebook application I swear more than 99% of facebook users. Yes I have officially run out of things to talk about.

Well this is a fucking boring entry, I appear to talk about the same things these days; I hate the government, I hate people, I got drunk blah blah blah. It is becoming stale. hmmmm fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit. I need some new stuff to talk about. I am bored.
Posted at 03/10/2010 09:55:00 UTC 11 comments

09-26-2010, 05:38

Fuck it's late, it's 3:45, got home at 8, well technically 7 since was daylight saving. I have been up for an hour, only slept for half the time I was in bed. A stupid fucker woke me up at 10 with the fucking outside intercom. First I went to Cruz. I have concluded that all the good looking guys only come out after a curtain time as people at the start was just ugly ugly ugly. Three separate people left their crap on me, these people are MORONS! There are shelves all round the place so really GROW A FUCKING BRAIN. I didn't particularly mind 2/3 cases. It's when this random woman left her coat on my foot plate out of the blue that I got really fucked off. These two women were spelling stuff to me and I spelt back "I can hear" then they spelt out "sorry". Stupid fucking bitches! Then I went to the Ministry for two hours at 4AM. That was good, saw a guy from primary school. Then another guy recognized me, I didn't know who the fuck he was and just stared blankly at him LOL that was not cool. He went to listen to me as if I can talk, so I just have no idea. This random woman started moving my wheelchair by the end of the night, also several very annoying women started spelling things out when the music was turned off. Yet one verbally asked me "where's the space". People just don't make sense to me.

BABY GET SHAKY AFTER SCHOOL! There were about four after shocks within five minutes of each other last night, that was kind of fun!

I am maybe going to the Mardi Gras next year, I know I said that about this year and went to Lady GaGa instead. I am wondering if I should just commit myself to a care home, Oh I am sorry "go to" a care home. That way I get accommodation and don't have to worry about taking someone. Sounds like a viable option. Undecided if I want to go. I said that I was going to Auckland in August, never happened so who the hell knows?

I want some new technology! I want yet another computer with two blu ray writers and two high definition tuners. I currently don't get high definition. I probably won't buy for a while because I am tight! So why am I including this? I have no idea.

Apparently some girls at the Ministry thought that I was "quite cute" and apparently I have lipstick somewhere on my face.

Fuck I am tired.

Fuck I am sexy!
Posted at 26/09/2010 09:38:00 UTC 2068 comments

09-19-2010, 05:50

After shocks are continuing, I now hate them.

Saw Hine Friday, we ended up in an art gallery because it was fucking cold. Art is not really my thing. Can you imagine paying thousands or millions for a painting? it's overpriced crap! The money would be better spent on something else. Errrrrrr don't I say that about sport, cars TV, space missions etc etc etc? Virtually everything? Why yes I do. I like big paintings, small ones bore me. SIZE DEFINITELY MATTERS! I should stop this line of thought right now. Although while we are near the subject; I saw a number of white briefs in a circle with things on top of them, does that count as art??? I have nothing against white briefs, in fact, NO MUST RESIST WRITING ANYMORE! Enjoyable day!

Saturday I watched "Serial Mom", well OK I was skimming just to see the Justin Whalin parts but I thought that it looked good so I ended up watching it. It's a comedy/drama, bit morbid, based on a true story of a serial killing mum. (DUH!) Really enjoyable movie. Sam Waterson also stars, everybody knows that I am a MASSIVE Law And Order fan! FUCK YOU NBC FOR CANCELLING IT! Though I only watched because I had a genuine interest in the movie, watching something just for the celebrities is completely idiotic, and now I am picking on pop culture yet again! Justin Bieber is guest staring in a CSI episode, good old stunt casting from CBS! Absolutely fucking pathetic! Apparently he can't act for shit. Not that I am going to watch to verify. That day I also watch Home And Away and Neighbours, fuck I must have been really bored because those programs SUCK!

That night I went out, to Bar5 first, there were drag shows, some great, some hideously AWFUL, hey just being honest! Yeah I am a bastard, FUCK YOUUUU! Good music there though. Then I went to Cruz. I probably should lower my limit further. The earthquake did shit all for wheelchair access, paths were closed off, that is fucking inconvenient! As if I didn't have enough access problems!
Posted at 19/09/2010 09:50:00 UTC 0 comments

09-12-2010, 06:21

Saturday: i am going out tonight, massive problems with carers, two canceled. For fuck sakes. I really need to get pissed!

I was going to go out Friday, decided not to, going out next week instead, I lead an amazing life.

We were without water until Tuesday. PVR was running smoothly by Wednesday; first there was a network problem then the system overloaded with logs for some reason, we had to delete them so we don't know what the fuck went on.

After shocks are dying down, maybe I feel one or two a day. They are not that bad in my opinion, some catch you off guard but personally it's like meh. After the 48 hour period I knew everything would be ok. Well in my household, dreadful what happened around town.

Slept like someone who had been drugged last night, very well indeed. FYI no drugs were in my system, apart from the normal medical type. I envy people who can drink through this. Fucking people. I had a rather shitty sleep Thursday, apart from that and Sunday I have been sleeping well. Oh stupid fucking neighbour was chopping wood this morning, woke me up, inconsiderate fucking bastard, fuck neighbours!


The earthquake was bigger than Hatti's which killed over 240,000 people. Sad fact is if the buildings were up to the standards of our's some or maybe most of those lives would have been saved. Were we lucky or just better equipped to survive big earthquakes living in a western society? It's mostly the second in my opinion. I mean we are lucky that the earthquake didn't strike at peak times, and there was no big after shock, plus we don't have a problem with over population, though it is not really luck, it is just the way things played out.

One more thing to piss on your parades; facebook pages stating "I survived the Canterbury earthquake". This is a redundant statement really as basically nobody didn't survive. I mean you may as well make pages saying "I survived Tuesday" etc. Granted this was a bad natural disaster but my point still stands. I believe that one man died of a heart attack but that was the only death.

Don't get me wrong I am so greatful that we survived a major natural disaster. This is just my morbid cold bitter views, as if you expected anything less! If it makes you feel better to think you are lucky or a survivor then of course do it. At this time if it makes you cope and makes you feel better, do whatever I say. By all means have your positive outlook on things if it makes you get through, personally I prefer porn and sex.

I went to Cruz where I got hit in the knee with a bracelet, not sure if someone threw it at me but it fucking hurt! I nearly knocked my tray off because of it. A guy fell over, that was funny. Wasn't that drunk.
Posted at 12/09/2010 10:21:00 UTC 0 comments

09-05-2010, 04:51


I have been up since 4:30am because of a fucking earthquake, it was a 7.1. Earthquakes are one of the reasons why I hate living in New Zealand and want to get the fuck out of here. Though everything is absolutely fucking fine! Computers with pornography survived well, that's all I give a crap about! YAY FOR TECHNOLOGY! Oh family is fine too. My DVDs are hopefully fine too. Rather boring compared to what I thought would happen, extremely greatful! Hopefully it will be a few decades before anything like this happens again. My PVR is not working, that is my only problem, apart from that everything is fucking fine! Lost power for about seven hours, will get the interior of my computer checked just to be sure. Apparently there is massive damage in town, so that is shut tonight., first time at home for a while. Apparently Christchurch has been declared a state of emergency. Well at least I don't have to spend money on alcohol this week! Can't wait for the after shocks to completely stop so I can have a good sleep. I am discounting the next few nights because I am a cynical bastard. Thank fuck I am absolutely fine!

Sunday update, but it's 12am. Apparently after shocks could continue for weeks so that sucks. A massive after shock could be coming so we'll see how everything goes down, there is supposed to be massive wind tomorrow. Fuck this shit. I am turning most of my technology off that I don't use. Means less things can go wrong.

Been up 21 hours now bibbity bobbity boo! Oh well at least I am having fun, girls just wanna have fun, but I am a boy, no I am a man. Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight lalala, It is after midnight.

Solved my carer problems for the immediate future! I was going to advertise on online job sites but they cost at least $129 each, well fuck that so I decided to contact agencies but now I don't need to. I ROCK!

3PM now, tomorrow the main risk will be over. That's brilliant! Positive thoughts people! I know it's very rare for me to say such things but I believe the worse is over. Got 4 hours sleep, that's pretty good considering. I hope that people who are reading this are getting over the effects. I still feel extremely lucky and greatful as things could have been so much worse even if your house/building has damage, look at other earthquakes in other parts of the world recently with just rubble all round and massive death tolls, well I am for once looking on the bright side! Also thinking of my friends that are worse off, hoping things get better soon.

Some buildings are completely ruined, hope you all can recover in some way.

Oh by the way I consider myself to be reasonably calm when it happened, once I knew what was going on. I just waited for it to be over. Could have really done without the power cut.

My PVR appears to be working but it is not on my local network which means I can't access it. Not good, at least it is working though. Will wait for a solution.
Posted at 05/09/2010 08:51:00 UTC 0 comments

08-29-2010, 06:18

So I got a MSN last week asking why I want to be fat so there's probably more people wondering. That itself is a scary thought! I did NOT say that I want to be fat in fact I said that I couldn't (for the most part, because my body constantly burns energy) and also it wouldn't be in my best interest to do so, PLEASE READ PEOPLE! I CLEARLY explained that it was more to do with me liking food more, WHAT A PISS ARSED CONCLUSION!!! It's possible that people deliberately misunderstand just to fuck me off, I hope this is the case but I don't think so, that would assume people have are not complete idiots which would give too much credit to humanity in general. Eh no offence readers? Oh fuck it! FUCK YOU ALL READERS BAHAHAHA! Just kidding! (kind of) I hate eating again so disregard any related comments. Hell's Pizza is nice though, and several others but for the most part eating bores the crap out of me. I don't understand why people like eating or cooking, I mostly can't stand these things, I have better things to do with my time.

I need to advertise for a new Saturday night carer. What a fucking hassle just to get pissed. Apparently I can expect some random replies, oh joy, more nutters, as if I don't have enough of them. Wonder how much it will cost. Fucking disability fucking fucking fucking.

I went out with my brother, drank too much. Side note: Micky Finns make great vodka and raspberry, very different taste, much stronger, very nice. Rather quiet night as far as annoying people were concerned. I went to get Oscars/Globes tickets from the Bedford but it was closed. Fucking hell.

Decided to give up on the online web page creator. Might still make a form creator. dealing with javascript is painful but will see. I need to push out more sites and scripts, I always say that. I should spend less time on YouTube.
Posted at 29/08/2010 10:18:00 UTC 0 comments

08-22-2010, 05:20


Fucking cats woke me up a few times this week. Fucking cats, they're lucky I am a fucking cripple! I hate cats, more of a dog person personally. They do more damage.

I have decided to put some weight on, I have no idea why. I don't care too much that I am a bit too skinny. It is more of a case of enjoying food more, which is kind of strange as I have always viewed eating as boring, eh it still is. The human body is extremely flawed. Converting everything to electronic parts would be so much better. Of course I have only increased my intake by so much, too much and people won't be able to lift me. Birds can't fly if they eat too much. I am like a bird; I like to shit on people's head. NO! One of the few perks of having Cerebral Palsy is that I can almost never put on weight, I involuntary move far too much and it burns all my energy, it's kind of fantastic as I don't need to watch what I eat. You gotta have some perks of having a disability, don't you?

Sunday additions:

I have suddenly decided to build an online web page creator, no idea why, something else to put adsense on I guess and goes nicely with my upcoming form script creator, hopefully it will be easy to get links to these which will help my network as a whole. Hey, ever tried to get links to your porn sites? My suggestion: DON'T! Building and updating a porn site is fun, adult SEO is definitely not fun! I could try blackhat link building I guess, not exactly my style, I am more of a whitehat. I don't bother with blackhat tactics, despite all the shit I know, they could get me banned. Maybe I will do blackhat for projects I don't care about down the line, probably not. My strategy is to build up some clean networks of sites, it's more stable and long term.

Ugh I hate working with Javascript. I need to figure out a way to dynamically change the properties of a text area so people can accurately preview their web page. I could do it with PHP but that would use more bandwidth, I need to do it with javascript. I hate javascript, and Perl I could never get the hang of Perl when I first started web development all those years ago. so I switched to PHP.

I cringe to think what my new monthly Saturday night helper thinks of me. He probably thinks that I am some kind of binge drinking looney. That would be entirely accurate. I was going to spend the entire night at Cruz but I ran into Craig and Barbara so I went with them to Bar5 and Foam first. THANKS BARBARA FOR BUYING MOST OF MY DRINKS! YOU ROCK! I was well pissed by the end hehe. Had a GREAT time! Maybe I should limit myself to eight vodkas, I had about ten usually have about nine.
Posted at 22/08/2010 09:20:00 UTC 0 comments

08-15-2010, 06:19

Yes it's 6:45 and I have started already weeeeeeeee. Thank fuck I didn't have a hang over! That's fucking amazing! Four hours sleep. I need professional help.

It's Saturday, I went out last night. Was fucking amazing! Great company! Drank like a fish, and ate. Jelly shots are neat! Also had an alcohol covered lolly. It was a VERY happy birthday. Let's see if I can top it. This will be interesting.

Yes this is interesting I can't type for shit. Floating... At my party I only really chatted to one group of people, opps! Very cold, waiting for taxi to town.

Next day: Town was good, especially by the end, Well apart from some annoying women at The Base. Oh fuck one kept waivving to me for about ten minutes, what a fucking nutter! Then this other girl kept spelling things out like "happy" and "smile". What stupid fucking bitches. The Base was good apart from that. Went to Micky Finns first. Got home about 6:30. Driving my chair was, interesting. I am always running into former Casebrook Intermediate students these days, managed to recognize one out of two last night.

I would write more but I still appear to be fucked.
Posted at 15/08/2010 10:19:00 UTC 0 comments

08-08-2010, 05:33

Been a mixed week, some good points, some shit points etc. People still continue to be morons and assholes. Welcome to earth! I really only go on facebook to stir shit these days. That was a random irrelevant thought.

Yay see how much I could be bothered writing the day before.

Went straight clubbing, fuck the music sucked everywhere! Found myself missing Cruz! Boogie Nights sucked, got two free drinks. Couldn't get into Shooters. Had Tequila and I think it's called Sambogia at the place beside Cruz, that was a really boring place, shots were good and the staff were extremely pleasant. My Bar SUCKED, CRAP music, actually wasn't different from the other places. Almost spent the entire time dancing with some random blonde girl, if I was straight I would have been in heaven. Fuck I really shouldn't be driving my chair by this time but it was so much fun!!! Then I went to The Base, a girl brought me a shot of something, no idea what, I probably shouldn't have accepted as I had so much Vodka by that time. Someone recognized me from intermediate school, absolutely no idea who he was, can't even remember his name, oh well! Fuck I was so pissed at the end! The free piss was the high point of the night.

Lately this has been the "drunken adventures of Thane Pullan" blog. I really don't do anything else, this is somewhat lame hmmmm.

I am planning to get MUCH more fucked up next Saturday, and even Friday, should be a great weekend! Someone asked me about presents, NO presents! For people who ignore this, OK but I definitely won't return the generosity, just FYI. I haven't brought anybody anything in years, because I am a selfish bastard! Fuck I am 25 next week and still am FUCKING HOT!
Posted at 08/08/2010 09:33:00 UTC 0 comments

08-01-2010, 05:54

Some of my window area has been covered with sheets, YAY it's darker. I hate sunlight! Haven't really had a problem with using my computer since. As long as I can use my computer I really don't give a fuck if I don't see sunlight.

I went out last night, with my nephew, went to My Bar, the live music SUCKED. The finals of Miss My Bar were being held, some of them can safely rule out winning any Nobel Prizes. Then we went to Boogie Nights, met up with my cousin. I like the music at Boogie Nights, just wish they hadn't modernized it but the music is still cool. I was dropped off at Bar5, perhaps I should have told them it was a gay bar, whoops. I was told that Mark needed to be go home early so I thought they could dump me there but it looked like they wanted to continue, again, whoops. After Bar5 me and Craig went to Cruz. Then we went to a strip club, we wanted to see if there was get better access there, there was! Oh fuck, my head in breasts, it's all coming back to me. Gah! Nope, no excitement at all. Then we went to the casino. I lost $8 AHHHHHH!
Posted at 01/08/2010 09:54:00 UTC 0 comments

07-25-2010, 04:24

As usual I have pissed off everyone, well one friend in particular. This is unrelated to the below.

Repeat of last edit

I probably should have mentioned that
The Bedford were right on at least one count of the law to refuse to give me the drink; I ordered too much. To my knowledge they offered to give my drink back in the hour but I thought that wasn't good enough so they ended up pouring it out. NOW I highly doubt that they would have given me the drink anyway since they wouldn't serve me alcohol when the bottle was completely empty. My problem was how they handled the situation, I did not give permission for them to pour it out which just completely wasted my money. I got no refund. They really shouldn't have poured it in the first place without informing me of such rules. There were a few viable and reasonable solutions instead I did not get the product I paid for. Perhaps I acted unreasonably and should have waited, or perhaps I wouldn't have gotten the drink anyway. There is no way of knowing now.

End of repeat.

Additionally I would like to add that the prices were about twice as much what I normally pay and didn't bring enough to cover it however I found a way to pay but again they poured it out so I had to use that way to pay for a completely separate drink. That is the situation in full. Oh the price was not communicated to me until after my helper came back explaining things. If I had known there is no fucking way I would have ordered. What a fucking mess. I still say I should get my money back.

NEXT DAY COMMENT! Apparently they started pouring and tipped it out when they realized they couldn't sell it. I am not sure how true this is. Again, ugh what a mess! END OF NEXT DAY EDIT!

I also deleted a portion of my last entry due to my friend getting pissed, well actually I think he was more pissed about what I said on facebook about Cruz, well sorry but NEWS FLASH I regularly say MUCH WORSE things about everyone else. He should know what I am like all too well. Looks like I underestimated the effect. I overstated my anger and made generalizations between the two situations. I was mainly pissed at the regulations surrounding the issue rather than Cruz itself, I was not pissed at Cruz or staff. I apologize for any misunderstandings and that some people got the wrong idea. I am further sympathetic to Cruz and in particularly the staff, even more so after learning a few things. However I would be lying if I said I regretted anything that I said. I am sorry but I DON'T. I regret that some people got the wrong idea, I regret that my intent was misunderstood. My anger and frustration certainly stills completely justified and if that makes me a fucking bastard with an inflated sense of entitlement then I am a fucking bastard with an inflated sense of entitlement. I don't believe that my expectations are unreasonable, we both have to agree to disagree on that fact. This doesn't mean I am not greatful for the past or ungrateful for any further help. I just feel that any help is absolutely reasonable and justified, sorry! Yes I may be an unreasonable egotistical fucking bastard but frankly that's who I am. Again I am sympathetic to the staff and I am certainly working towards a solution.

For the record, the liquor licensing department said "I would consider that it would be reasonable and probably legal for bar staff to pour liquor into your sipper bottle.". This does not refer to any situations last week (considering there were other factors) but I thought that it would be good to get the official word as I have been denied service apparently unnecessarily on multiple occasions.

Furthermore I apologize to my readers and friends if sometimes I go completely over the top and my behavior is unacceptable beyond any sort of reasonability, even for my standards. I do not claim to be a well rounded or even mentality stable human being. Sometimes I occasionally seriously fuck things up. Apologies again, I hope that my respect doesn't completely plummet and that people still enjoy the insane ramblings of a shameless unreasonable inappropriate egotistical abusive self-centered nutjob. Thank you!

Next day: Saturday.

I went out last night and decided that the above was silly. I don't give a fuck what readers think. As always feel free to fuck off if you have a problem. Why the fuck did I go all sensitive and shit?

Last night was FUN! I went to a mixer, Bar5 and Boogie Nights. Tried straight vodka, not something I want to repeat. I hardly have anything straight (yeah no shit). I will stick to Vodka and Raspberry from now on, that's probably a lie! I thoroughly enjoyed the night!

Sunday now.

Oh when I say something on MSN for instance, KEEP IT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF! Don't spread it about ESPECIALLY to the person I was commenting on who is a good friend, making them pissed at me. Oh don't involve me in your drama! What is wrong with some people??? Absolutely the last time that I go into proper conversation with him!

Had an awesome night last night! Hung out with some old school mates, that was a fucking blast! Then I went to Micky Finns with my brother, then Boogie Nights. Yeah I LIED, that not having anything straight didn't work out. TEQUILA! Then The Base, saw a friend, YAY I recognized her this time!!! I am surprised I could recognize anyone at all! Seriously! Fuck I was so fucked up, it was fucking fun!
Posted at 25/07/2010 08:24:00 UTC 0 comments

07-18-2010, 04:39

Been a mixed pile of crap this week. Actually wasn't as bad as other weeks. Even so, FUCK EVERYTHING! Even though I am feeling pretty good.

I finally got my old wheelchair back, they concluded there was nothing wrong with it but removed some moisture and secured some plugs. Fuck knows if that will fix things. If it doesn't I will be fucking pissed and not in a good intoxicated way.They made some changes to the electronics and I love them. ONE TOUCH REVERSE BITCH! That was way more excited than it needed to be. Only I had no idea how tilt so I was stuck up until I figured out how to get down which luckily only took a few minutes, could have been worse.

I probably should have mentioned that
The Bedford were right on at least one count of the law to refuse to give me the drink; I ordered too much. To my knowledge they offered to give my drink back in the hour but I thought that wasn't good enough so they ended up pouring it out. NOW I highly doubt that they would have given me the drink anyway since they wouldn't serve me alcohol when the bottle was completely empty. My problem was how they handled the situation, I did not give permission for them to pour it out which just completely wasted my money. I got no refund. They really shouldn't have poured it in the first place without informing me of such rules. There were a few viable and reasonable solutions instead I did not get the product I paid for. Perhaps I acted unreasonably and should have waited, or perhaps I wouldn't have gotten the drink anyway. There is no way of knowing now.
This will be repeated next entry.


Wrote that Saturday, writing this Sunday.

So fucked off. Happy music, happy music. Sweet dreams on a beautiful night. ANYWAY. The people at the Bedford are absolute FUCKWITTS. I ordered an alcoholic drink and they decided they couldn't give it to me and wouldn't give me a refund and it was an expensive drink. So I got absolutely nothing for my money. Then they basically refused to serve me alcohol afterwards. Everything is overpriced there. I do not recommend it at all. Next time I will be absolutely sure to spend the absolute minimum. Will definitely organize drinking at home. I have never had a worse bar experience honestly. The ball was pretty much a shit fest. Pretty lame and boring shows (excluding the drag queen I have on facebook). The music was good, I had a good time despite the bar staff being such assholes. Ended up sipping a rather large amount of Tequila at home that was a interesting experience! I have never had so much Tequila, WHAT FUN!

So the high point of the night was definitely having so much Tequila. Thank fuck for a few select awesome people who kept me from SCREAMING!!!
Posted at 18/07/2010 08:39:00 UTC 0 comments

07-11-2010, 04:57

OK I am officially done being a positive person! That should be positive "by my standards". The world can get fucked! Actually the world could get fucked even when I was being positive "by my standards". No idea why the mood shift, been feeling like this for about two weeks. Life is the same; great. Just in a bad mood. Well at least I am back to normality! FUCK EVERYTHING!!!

It's Saturday, went nowhere this week. Surprise surprise. Tonight it's clubbing, YAWN! Just to clarify; I usually have a good time. Even so, YAWN!

It's Sunday, went to Temptation, I think I hate the stairs at Temptation even more. Thank you so much Christchurch regulators for making sure that I can go anywhere with my electric wheelchair so I can be completely independent! Yes I am being fucking sarcastic! Why the fuck my electric keeps breaking I will never know, I only use it around the fucking house. If I went to straight bars I wouldn't have such problems, I AM JUST SAYING!!! Anyway Temptation, hated the design at first then thought it was OK. I am just naturally inclined to hate something before warming up to it, it's just the way I am programmed, normal people are probably the opposite. The music was OK, they need to play a higher percentage of modern songs, just my opinion. LOL YES I appear to be reviewing Temptation, fuck knows why. Expensive drinks too, possibly due to MUCH stronger Vodka there, I don't know. LOL don't know what happened there, I appeared to be on cloud coo koo land half the night. I don't know what the fuck planet I was on, it was definitely not earth! I was just completely spaced out. Temptation is a decent place overall I think. Oh "smoke machines", I HATE THEM. Every club has them, I find them pointless and annoying. "Let's gas people so it distorts their vision." What the fuck is that about? Then I went to Cruz for the rest of the night.

Working on multiple projects. Creating a centralized support system for my sites which I am going to sell, going to convert my custom CMS/blog/gallery script into a retail product, creating new web hosting/domain selling software for my sites, plus upgrading and launching many sites. Fucking busy!
Posted at 11/07/2010 08:57:00 UTC 0 comments

07-04-2010, 05:23

Sunday ramble.

I got my temporary wheelchair on Thursday and it SUCKS! Too high off the ground, does not tilt or elevate, the side head controls are too small and I am a bit uncomfortable. Yeah a disabled person complaining about his wheelchair RIVETING! Still it's WAYYYY better than my manual so I can at least tolerate it until mine is fixed.

Saturday night I went to the UniQ ball, I really enjoyed myself apart from this ugly old man trying to get into my pants! He spelt out "lets get naked" I thought to myself "um OK, NO!" Then he surprised me with some sort of hug from the side. My immediate reaction was to forcefully push him away. Was I justified? I think so. I mean he was a complete stranger. Apparently he asked Jonothon if I wanted to fuck, that made me feel SO MUCH BETTER. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE PERSONAL SPACE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MINE! (does not apply to cute young guys) Minor annoyances from him the rest of the time at The Base. Then my usual random awkwardness with people, people spelling things out and communication problems. THE USUAL CRAP! Then went to Bar5, mainly chatted there. Then Cruz, some hot guys there, one carried me downstairs really really fast, wasn't quite sure what to think.

I am kind of completely over the clubbing scene, it has been that way for about two months. I mean I can dance at home so I kind of don't see the point apart from buying overpriced booze. Definitely not about to stop, I would never leave the house otherwise, LITERALLY! It's just getting real old real fast. Not the people side, excluding the ones that need a good pepper spray. I don't know, having a case of "over it" lately, it's a bit repetitive.

To celebrate the 4th of July I thought I would sing the American national anthem!

Something about stars and strips.

Oh fuck it.
Posted at 04/07/2010 09:23:00 UTC 0 comments

06-27-2010, 04:14

Sunday ramble.

Recently I have developed an interest in being a DJ and owning a club. I will look into this in three to five years. I think that it is achievable. I'd make a kick ass DJ! I may do some freelancing sooner. Also not sure if I want the club to be based in Christchurch or a bigger city, probably a bigger city and I will visit frequency. Great excuse for frequent holidays!

In the meantime I will keep working hard on my internet businesses. Launched two sites this week. I am popping out sites more than Kate whatshername pops out children! Ya know that media whore from those awful reality TV shows that has eight kids, eight or nine? Don't answer! I don't care! Why do people watch that shit???

Also going for a trip to Auckland in August. I am turning 25 so eh, it's something different to celebrate. I will probably go the week before my birthday.

What a fucking shitty week! My weeks have been great until this one. My wheelchair crapped out yet again and I was was without it for two days. They don't know why it keeps happening so it is going back in on Monday but I am getting a loan chair. I hope that it has a good headrest for computer access via eye. Yeah I really don't give a fuck about mobility! My headrest on my manual is pretty shit!

Went to Bar5 until it closed and Cruz. It was a good night, drank more than usual. People just seemed weirder than usual and I don't mean a select few like last week I mean EVERYONE! Picked up tickets to the sleaze ball. Sounds scary but I heard that they would be male strippers!

In the "fuck my life files" there is a new gay club opening but it's still not accessible with my electric wheelchair. Fuck my life. Fuck Christchurch. Fuck this disability! Fuck the fucking fucked fuckers! YESSSS I am complaining about a club before it actually opens because I am an asshole!

Also acquired The media thread of this forum will go there as a blog. Of course there is for my "Life Log" stuff. I have still got no idea when I am going to do it. I am really busy these days.

I no longer play Mafia Wars, I got really fucked off with my wheelchair being a fucking shitty excuse for wheels and my anger spilled over. Fuck Mafia Wars.
Posted at 27/06/2010 08:14:00 UTC 0 comments

06-20-2010, 05:53


So I went out last night to Club SE, which is usually a fucking place, great music, quite relaxing. Then I went to Boogie Nights, some hotties there but a fucking annoying woman wouldn't leave me alone. Ugh I should get a medal with the amount of shit I had to put up with. Then Cruz. then Bar5 which had head banging people shouting music. Actually it was a nice change. Then headed to Boogie Nights again but it closed, at 2AM, what a bunch of fucking crap! Fucked off home after that.


Fuck I was so HYPER last night, no idea why, I just felt like dancing my ass off and like a complete lunatic! Speaking of complete lunatics some people reached a whole new level of craziness and for one particular person that's a fucking challenge! It was a great night.

I finally learned how to program stuff in ajax! I tried to learned a few months ago but couldn't get it, I understand things well now. I also launched another site, was going to launch my facebook like site but will launch that plus another site next week. The list of things that I want to do keeps growing. I appear to be well addicted these days, I am not sure if it's a good or bad thing. Oh well there are worse addictions: porn, alcohol, drugs, sex. I am not saying I am not addicted to those too! Work is one of my more sane addictions, well productive addictions. Fuck I have so much to do!

Duty free Vodka FTW! Trouble is that I don't drink at home. I have half an additional bottle too hmmmm. I really should start drinking at home, waste not what not and all.
Posted at 20/06/2010 09:53:00 UTC 0 comments

06-13-2010, 02:59

Tuesday I went to the screening of the documentary about me, it was emotionally charged, touching and moving. Not at all what I was expecting, in fact the complete opposite, well almost. The documentary was very well done, very effective, great animations, very enjoyable, even though my expectations were completely different. It received awesome feedback so I am thrilled for the students involved and honored I was chosen as the subject. As for the other documentaries, most started off OK but then just got BORING, held my interest on average of two minutes. Thank fuck each documentary was only eight minutes long, any longer and a women in one of the documentaries would be doing my makeup; she does makeup for corpes. LMAO!!! The first was completely unredeemable "The Spirit Of The River". Even the name made me role my eyes! It tells the typical story of an idiotic moron getting in the way of progress in favour of sentimentality, YAWN! The rest I actually learnt a bit from. Obviously mine was the best. DUHHHH! I am completely bias of course! It paints me as a inspiration and teacher and even though I have absolutely no desires to be either I guess I will always be them by proxy. Even though what I do seems like second nature, completely natural and extremely boring to me I guess that some people will always find me inspiring. Perhaps inspiring people without even trying is not such a bad thing. Simply knowing about me prompted a couple to get a better speech language therapist for their son so he can learn how to communicate, I am so pleased! I don't mind helping people, as long as I don't actually have to do anything! You know, I always thought that a documentary about me would be about how I murdered loads of people or scammed countless people out of billions of dollars, oh well there's plenty of time for that!

Very productive week, I finally launched my adult autoblog, I still have a bit to do on it. Next week I plan to launch two more sites, one unscheduled which is one of those "facebook like" site. So I am probably going to start liking random crap on my profile every few days, of course I will try to be as entertaining as possible with it. The design is probably going to be crap, I don't know how stable the concept is yet so I don't want to pay for a professional design until I consider the site to be long term and profitable because I am a proud capitalist bastard. Similar sites are designed like shit anyway.


Last night I went to a Cruz event that was held at Propaganda. It was called "Spoon Search", seemed like a completely pointless name for a event where a bunch of guys get votes by taking their tops off. Why am I complaining? Because it's fun! The host was hilarious, pretty good shows too. As for the winner, pretty sure that most people who voted were on something much more stronger than me because ICK! The place was fulled with balloons, people kept giving them to me to pop LOL WTF? Also got covered in confetti. It was a random night. An annoying bitch grabbed my hands but some very hot guys dance with me, so eh discomfort offset.

Oh because my autoblog script is finished I can use it to import my entries from here to a blog. I have many commercial projects to do but I should find the time in the next two months. Yes my strategy is to give outrageously long time frames so I can do it whenever the fuck I like.
Posted at 13/06/2010 06:59:00 UTC 0 comments

06-07-2010, 03:17

Fucking boring week really! I spent most of it working, or at least some of it! I launched a new site! It looks like crap because I am a shit designer but there you go. Hopefully I can afford better designs soon.

Sunday now.

Yeah my week was THAT exciting!

Went to Cruz, eye candy was kind of SHIT! Music was OK, bored out of my mind half the time, good the other half. I lost track of what my facial expressions were doing, is that normal? Oh well.

Nothing else to say! Blah blah blah.


Sunday night I went to Liberation Dance Party at The Base. I expected awful techno crap but the music was actually mostly GREAT! I had an absolutely awesome time hanging out with friends but there was a few EXTREMELY ANNOYING PEOPLE. Firstly this fucking woman constantly kept spelling things out to me. I can't be bothered reading UNLESS YOU HAVE A FUCKING SPEECH IMPAIRMENT! (or just playing around) She did this about ten fucking times. Then that crazy bitch wanted to hold both my hands and said "come on" over and over and over and over again until someone dragged her away. THANK FUCK FOR THAT! What am I? Some sort of fucking toy to play with? Then two complete strangers finished their drinks and left them on my tray, I AM NOT A FUCKING DRINK STAND! There are shelves for that. I don't mind if friends ask me to hold a drink, although I highly discourage putting it on my tray purely because the vibrations of my dancing move it about and it either ends up on the floor or over me. If it is a bottle just ask to put it in my bag. Also this gross man kept rubbing my body. I was going to push him away but luckily he stopped just about when I was going to. EWWWWWW! I put my shirt back on after that. So apart from those four fuckwitts I had an excellent time. I was shamelessly perving by the end. I AM SO BAD!

Side note: Why the FUCK facebook is making me enter verification words for every friend request, new message and reply all of a sudden??? If their intention is to weed out bots, putting verification on every action is an absolutely fucking ridiculous method, if however their intention is to annoy the living shit out of me CONGRATULATIONS IT WORKED!

Now off to get some music I heard over the weekend, mostly last night and then some more website development, it is so great I am VERY motivated again. I plan to launch five sites in five weeks, or at least three sites in three weeks. Not sure about the others.
Posted at 07/06/2010 07:17:00 UTC 0 comments

05-30-2010, 04:51

This has been a very dark week. LITERALLY! There has been no sunlight until today! Usually I hate sunlight but none for days on end is just plain DEPRESSING!

It's Sunday, I didn't write yesterday as usual because I was too busy watching porn, I mean programming, I mean programming AND watching porn. YEAH! Ironically I was actually programming scripts for my upcoming porn site. Watching porn was actually research... Em no it wasn't! The scripts are nearly ready for the first round of testing, I'm so pleased!

Didn't go anywhere until Friday when I went to a gay gathering then to Cruz with Craig. Oh FUCK I had to sit through America's Next Top Model! I WANTED TO DIE! (probably exaggerating) Watching the fish tank was much more entertaining! It was extremely lucky that I decided to go to Craig's first in my manual because there was stairs at The Honey Pot, I had absolutely no idea. Ugh I HATE places with stairs! Inconsiderate fucking bastards! Did have a good time though.

Saturday night I went to my neice's 21st birthday, that was so much fun! I got completely wasted, great company too! Had two shots of something, no idea what, usually I almost die when I have shots, not this time! YAY FOR NOT ALMOST DYING! WIN! It was an awesome event. Then at Cruz I accidentally knocked a someone else's drink off my tray, that was so embarrassing!

It was a great weekend filled with great friends and family!
Posted at 30/05/2010 08:51:00 UTC 0 comments

05-23-2010, 03:02

I feel like a crazy ass rant.

I HATE STUPID FUCKING CUSTOMERS! Can technology please evolve so I can reach through my monitor and STRANGLE the COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOTS that email me??? DISCLAIMER: I AM JOKING! YOU MAY NOT USE THIS TO COMMIT ME OR AS EVIDENCE IN A TRIAL! I hate people who expect me to spoon feed them information instead of them looking up the information themselves, especially information on a product I DON'T SELL! Then there are those who have no fucking clue what you are selling. Then I can't actually understand a person today saying "there is no clear information on how to advertise on your site." HOW ABOUT YOU FUCKING FILL IN THE FORMS ON THE FRONT PAGE LABELED "ADVERTISE WITH US". Seriously what the fuck is this person on? People advertise with this particular site multiple times daily "no clear information" is fucking bullshit. I HATE STUPID PEOPLE! I have absolutely NO business being in customer service, I ignore most of the questions, basically only responding to advertising enquiries or post sales. Free members can read the fucking site, if they are too fucking stupid or lazy to do that, NOT MY PROBLEM! I really need to hire a person to do support for my sites. Any volunteers? Seriously! I actually can't stand the support side of my business.

I HATE FUCKING FINGERNAILS I KEEP ACCIDENTALLY STABBING MYSELF WITH THEM AND IT FUCKING HURTS! This happens very often! They get cut, they grow back, I stab myself. They get cut they grow back, I stab myself. AHHHHHH FUCCCCCCK!

LMAO life is better than ever! YES this is actually me feeling pretty good about life bahahaha!

I also hate wannabe fucking hackers who change the pricing inputs so it pays me $0.01 instead of the actual price. What the fuck kind of a stupid fucking moronic programmer do they think I am? Such a lame ass trick won't get passed my security! I have to refund these wankers every time otherwise risk a charge back. Fuck them!

Just when you think facebook couldn't get any worse they release a feature so random crap that people like can take up half a fucking page or in some cases 5+ fucking pages containing nothing else than I'm AwesomeI'm AwesomeI'm Awesome etc etc etc. Over on YouTube it must be "let's beg our subscribers to do random crap week". Random crap like voting, getting people to text etc etc etc. HOW ABOUT YOU ACTUALLY PROVIDE QUALITY CONTENT INSTEAD OF YOUR SELF PROMOTION CRAP!

Yes I appear to be just randomly bitching this entry, any complaints? Go fuck yourselves!

Now let's bitch about TV! Days Of Our Lives is officially gone from NZ screens. They could at least waited until Jason Cook left, fuck TVNZ, he's cute! Basically he was the only reason why I started to record Days Of Our Lives! NBC has cancelled Law And Order after 19 years. Fuck NBC! It was my favorite series after House! There was also no episode on TV3 this week! Fuck TV3! Oh hell just fuck everything!

LEFT-WING RANT PARAGRAPH WARNING! Our Prime Minister: John Key is a FUCKING IDIOT! He said that the NZ government doesn't owe "that much". WE ARE BORROWING 200 MILLION DOLLARS EVERY WEEK!!! What the fuck??? All while giving the rich tax cuts, and 2% more than most of the people in this country. Also most of the tax cuts for the average person will be eaten up by GST hikes and various other taxes. The average person is the one who can stimulate the economy better as they generally spend a higher percentage of their income on goods and services, rather than investing overseas etc. This is just my theory. I have nothing against rich people, in fact when I am rich I plan to hide the maximum amount from the government just like you! The sooner that day comes the better. My main issue I have is the borrowing. They will only use it to sell off SOEs. This is just a theory, a theory I don't particularly believe myself. I definitely think books should be completely balanced though. It just makes basic economic sense!

Wrote that Saturday, yes I really did not go anywhere before my weekly piss up! Went to Cruz. Resorted to a party pill which went much better than last time because I actually got it down much faster, it did not sit in my mouth tasting fucking shitty for half an hour. It was a much better high. Drank appropriately, boring but did not vomit everywhere so WIN!!! Had some interesting conversations, especially on the drive home, well that was more "interesting", note the quotation marks. Fuck I LOVE completely drunk people, they're HILARIOUS!
Posted at 23/05/2010 07:02:00 UTC 0 comments

05-16-2010, 07:25

It's Christchurch Pride Week so I wrote: My Experiences With Homosexuality (

It's Saturday, just finished filming the home parts for the documentary on my life. Fuck I did feel so awkward on camera and I wish that I proof read my interview questions. Mainly it's the being on camera thing, I did feel quite uncomfortable. I was totally fine when I was just casually chatting on camera, that was quite a normal feel to it. Extremely happy with the pre written interview answers, even though I should have checked properly for errors. I am probably blowing everything out of proportion, I probably did absolutely fine overall, I am probably far too self aware. Fuck I hate that my mind wanders and I laugh at various crap inside my head. PLEASE EDIT THAT OUT!!! Also Steven and Deborah came for an interview and I didn't really know where to look so I just looked at interviewer most of the time. I am doing my typical cynical over thinking. Fuck I am a nutjob!

Saturday night I went to the Fantasy Ball then had to duck out to film at Rock Pool and Cruz. I was going to stay at Rock Pool a bit longer and go upstairs but I just didn't want to do that at that time. Sometimes the band is crap upstairs and there is even worst music downstairs. I really hate music with no lyrics, apart from classical. Rock Pool didn't completely suck though! I really should have said hello to someone having a birthday though! Sorry! Far too many things happening that night! The original plan was Boogie Nights but they got all paranoid and shit about what we were filming so they are obviously insane. After filming we I went back to the Fantasy Ball, some funny looking people there! There were some nice young shirtless hotties though mmmmm. Great to catch up with some people. We headed back to Cruz when things were pretty much dead. I also drank a bit too much that night! Saved a bit of money on drinks though. Yay for being a cheap bastard!

Just filmed my last part of the documentary with Hine, that was a fun relaxing time.

Doing the documentary was really great. People said some amazing things about me, not that I would expect different of course!

I have had a cold for a week. FUCK THIS SHIT!
Posted at 16/05/2010 11:25:00 UTC 0 comments

05-09-2010, 05:56

I did write about my experiences with spiritually/religion ( and fuck it's miles long and parts probably make me sound like a lunatic to some. Probably best not to read unless you are really interested.

I have had a rather mixed week, ended very well, if you don't count the weekend; same old crap, I could probably class most of the week as that too. Ya know I suffer from SOSDD mostly. Same Old Shit Different Day. Yeah I am a box of fluffy ducks. Kind of pleased how life is going though.

Sunday update

Rather average night at Cruz, did get some awesome songs today so WIN! Great to see a few friends. I did cut down on alcohol, I do keep me my word, it's rare but it happens! Though it was not helped by a friend making me have a skulling session! Yeah thanks for that, you're a terrible horrible influence, don't ever change!

Um, what else? It's mother's day: A Hallmark Holiday. I love my mum... but she's fucking insane. I got her, eh no scrap that!

Eh this is a fucking boring entry. Next week will be much more eventful. Should be great with filming the documentary and going to the fantasy ball.
Posted at 09/05/2010 09:56:00 UTC 0 comments

05-02-2010, 08:01

Had a good Friday night, really shouldn't be accessing computers in this state. Crazy drunk women are HILARIOUS! Mum's party was a riot! A woman accidentally offered me a blow job and yes I mean accidentally offered, slip of the tongue, whoops! I just love crazy people! I LOVE MYSELF!!!

I went to Menfriends Thursday, just for something to do. What the fuck, it's more entertaining than the movies! Had a good time! Matt took me again, he hurt his back while carrying me. I hope it's better!

Sunday afternoon.

Last night my budgie died, had him for a few years, was not unexpected, still kind of sad though but meh. Will miss him. No more cherpping to my girly pop songs. I suppose that I can start, in his memory. NOOOOOOO! Making fun when a beloved pet dies, this has got to be at least in the top one hundred of my lows on this blog. I am a very badddd boy, wanna fuck??? Seriously, it's sad, I loved watching him everyday and listening to him. He lived for as long as I expected him to though, knew his time was near. He actually escaped from his cage this week for a few minutes, he went almost straight for the computer wires. So that is pretty much the end of my bird Billy.

Cruz was a bit dead, still enjoyable. A bit less regulars there, or perhaps I was so pissed I didn't recognized most people I knew, yeah it could be that. I think that I am going to start cutting down just a bit, and I say that every week but I absolutely mean it this time! Just reduce my drinking formula a bit, yes I stick to a formula when drinking! Need to modify it next week. Oh and for fuck sake, someone tried to pick up my carer. Nobody tries to pick up me, fuck you all! The night ended with me having a spiritually debate. I still maintain the dead can't speak to people. Nobody has been arrested with the help of that fucking awful "Sensing Murder" show! CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG!!! When I see proof then I will believe it. Same with psychics, just almost no fucking way! Then the after life and religion, I truly believe that life has absolutely NO purpose if there is no after life. How do we not exist? Do we just see black? I believe there has got to be something. Not reincarnation, if we can't remember our past lives, what would be the point? Religion extremely quickly, I am a Christian, I can do whatever the fuck I want since Jesus died for my sins, I don't believe that the Bible is nearly as homophobic as most say in fact I don't believe that God has a problem with homosexuals at all, if I pick the wrong religion or wrong version of Christianity then I guess I will burn in hell or somewhere else which does not seem the least bit fair to me. Religion is kind of like gambling to me which is kind of fucked up but seriously you either pick one and take a chance or not, either way the system is unfair but whatever.

I was going to do a separate spiritually post but maybe that's not needed since I kind of covered most things above. In celebration of Christchurch Pride Week I will do a homosexuality themed post. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I will be going to anything this year. I would like to go to the fantasy ball but that night I will be out with my brother, and I am not very keen on the ticket price, I AM A CHEAP BASTARD! I would need to pay for a carer to give me drinks, I had fits when I was charge two times $5. Maybe I can work out something to pop in, but I don't know. The other events do not really interest me so maybe I am just going to be the little ahem BIG website helper this year. Pride week is the 8-15th May, I think, I don't know, I should know.

Fuck I have rambled a lot this entry!

Need to start on blog system next week, for an adult project. Yes that means porn. Hey, I again have a great domain for the site, so why not monetize it? It will be kind of an auto blog which the search engines don't like so I don't know how to approach it, I am thinking a semi automated rewriting system would be the best way if possible. This concludes the sleazy nerd and final section of this entry. Holly fuck.
Posted at 02/05/2010 12:01:00 UTC 0 comments

04-25-2010, 04:41

It's Saturday, a "good enough" day. It's been a good day apart from a few things that really fucked me off. This is better than my usual fucking crap days this week so YAY for "good enough" days, meh!

A few entries ago I asked for feedback and only one person provided it so you all are hideously awful people, fuck you all, apart from one person, bah I'll round up, easier, fuck you all! No, you all rock!!! No, I rock, you probably don't, you perhaps don't entirely suck either, perhaps, but hey that's a step up from fuck you all, take a fucking compliment people!

Also a few entries ago I had news but didn't tell you what it was. I'M PREGNANT! No. I have donated sperm and a woman is going to have my baby! I am going to be a daddy! I could have so much fun if I didn't retract this utter bullshit. A friend/journalist student is making a short documentary on my life! See, I AM AMAZING!!! We are filming in the middle of next month, it should be fun.

Saturday night I went to a "glow party", I didn't bring a glow stick, typical! The music was awesome! I was also strangely entertained by the lights, that was probably to do with a "certain state" I was in, don't ask, fuck off! I did get a glow stick at the party then this woman kept giving me them at Cruz, that was kind of random. She also brought me a drink, I was SERIOUSLY not going to have another drink but hey it was free! It would have been completely rude not to get further pissed! Wait, I AM completely rude... hmmmm. It was an awesome night!

Woke up with a headache, took a pill, fixed!
Posted at 25/04/2010 08:41:00 UTC 0 comments

04-18-2010, 06:11

Having a weekly "life is fucking crap" week. I wanted to go out early but I couldn't because I couldn't get support. I am fucked off at the inflexibility of life. Now honestly I am really not that pissed, I just like to randomly bitch and moan for absolutely no reason. I am pissed on principal, but I shouldn't try to organize things the day before, silly fucking me just assuming everything would magically work out. Also yes I should have organized everything weeks ago, I am still choosing to blame the inflexibility of life, just because I can! Fuck life! Actually if I really wanted to go I would of tried harder, I don't really care about not going, it's a minor annoyance, oh well doesn't really matter.

I reprogrammed some shit on my second computer, so downloads are now on a schedule and encodings follow straight after and should leave the computer free most of the day so I can do other stuff. I can say that batch is a stupid ass fucking programming language. Microsoft are a bunch of fucking morons! Why the fuck can't I easily launch a shortcut in batch? You can launch applications but not fucking shortcuts? Why? I had a simple shortcut that connects the VPN up but there is no good way to launch shortcuts in batch. What the fuck is that about??? Luckily I found another way to connect to the VPN and figured out how to use VBScript to quit applications.

Saturday night I went to Cruz; met some new people including a rather quirky french guy, ended up with his number and a (unused) condom in my pocket. Definitely a great night. I was seriously going to slow down my drinking, yeah didn't really happen! Well it somewhat happened.
Posted at 18/04/2010 10:11:00 UTC 0 comments

04-11-2010, 06:54

Wow I got out of the house Friday instead of just Saturday, aren't I the social butterfly? I went and saw Hine in town, had a great time, great day for it! We went to Hagley Park, beautiful lake there, oh fuck I sound like a greenie hippy, PEACE AND LOVE MAN, fuck that! We got mud on our wheelchairs but shit happens, there was probably some of that too! Before Friday the week was fucking boring shit as usual. Saturday has been FUCKING EXCELLENT and I am not even pissed yet.

At this time I can't be fucked making YouTube versions of my entries. Yes I am lazy, GET FUCKED! I like the new YouTube interface, you can unsubscribe to boring fuckers that are under the delusion that they are funny very easily now. Before it was a pain in the ass to unsubscribe so I mostly ended up watching the videos or skipping them because I am too lazy to unsubscribe using the full method. Actually I really hated a particular channel that I really like now. Who said lazyness is a bad thing? OK sure it mostly is!

Sunday update.

Saturday night I was out on my town with my brother, watched the second part of the league or rugby or whatever it's called, it was the Warriors so I am pretty sure it's league. Don't know, don't care, I was getting pissed so sport was tolerable then, the last try at the last minute was great though! After that we went to Micky Finns, the band there was not total shit as it was last time, I actually quite liked them. Oh I zoned out for a minute then a guy offered me a water, frightened me to death LOL! Water? Not unless it's alcoholic water! Boogie Nights next, few good songs there and caught up with a friend. Then we went to The Base in between hanging out outside Cruz. A guy was going on about the Crusaders, apparently they won.

Next week I need to go through some DVDs because I am about to get plenty more! Been on a right little spending spree this week. I have not purchased anything for months so it's time to splash out, actually it turned out to be very economical so I am extremely pleased because I am a cheap bastard!

I might be moving this site to a more bloggy format so people can comment easier, I don't know, what do you think? I might write blog functions into my CMS script I wrote which powers some of my sites. I have a ton of programming shit I need to do for my other sites. I may move this particular thread to, my ideas are up in the air. I kind of like the non traditional blog format here, it is lacking interaction though.
Posted at 11/04/2010 10:54:00 UTC 0 comments

04-04-2010, 06:19

This week has been almost completely identical to last week except I did even less. It's been one of those weeks when I have been absolutely bored shitless.

Blah blah blah that was just boring I know. Now on to more exciting topics. Like? Help me out? The whether? I really have absolutely no idea of the weather as I keep my curtains pulled because I hate sunlight, well actually my eye typing camera does but that's not important. So talking about the whether is out, well bye.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck I am just swearing for the hell of it.

Oh I got no sleazy texts this week, I only sent them myself! Yes I am serious!

Sunday now.

This entry seems like absolute shit so far! However I must be one of my biggest critics, it is probably brilliant! No it's shit!

So Cruz, drank way too much as usual. Last year for easter they had bunnies in undies, they didn't this year. BOO! WHAT A FUCKING RIP OFF! BOO!

Also Cruz: STOP PLAYING KEY$A AND JUSTIN BIEBER!!! Justin Bieber is an irritating little snot as ALL KIDS ARE! Ke$ha or "key dollar sign ha" as I call her is an arrogant drunken whore bitch! (pot calling the kettle black much???) STOP MAKING ME LIKE THEIR MUSIC! Well I never play them at home, I can take comfort in that!

After Cruz I had McDonalds.

I think that I have a slight hangover, my head is a bit sore. Yesterday I had pains in my chest for some reason they went away after I got up. My neck is still a problem but I have been making progress the last few weeks, I think that I only went to physio two or three times, they were pretty much useless and charged me every time I went, fuck that! No idea why I am writing about my physical problems. I suppose that it's better than giving you too much information on another subject which I regularly do, I apologize! This blog must make me sound like some sort of sex crazed nutter sometimes. I apologize. Well not really!

I am also fucking tired, slept for about four hours last night and Friday night wasn't much better which is somewhat strange as I usually sleep pretty well these days, 6-7 hours. Even less idea on why I am telling you this, BORING!

I would say happy easter but that would mean spreading cheer which I don't do so fuck that. I like easter, well it's not that I like easter, I just like the chocolate! Trouble is that I don't get around to eating everything that I get, well used to get, easter is more of a kids thing of course, anyway I used to eat them about eight months later.
Posted at 04/04/2010 10:19:00 UTC 0 comments

03-28-2010, 05:42

I did not go anywhere this week so far so it's time for a random rambling crap entry.

I had my first lucid dream on Tuesday! I really don't have anything better to talk about! Anyway I was in my room and heard extremely strange thudding sounds and I wondered what they were and then I said "this can't be real, I'm dreaming" or something like that then I proceeded to control the dream, it went smoothly, apart from someone trying to smother me with a pillow but I fixed that by calling someone else who gave him a bash over the head. Like I said I ended up having almost complete control over the dream. Really cool thing! I am leaving out sufficient parts of the dream but you probably don't want to know.

If you're the type of person who wants to know about my dream consider texting Lance, he likes to text me asking for phone sex. FUCK OFF LANCE!!! Absolutely no idea who he is and highly doubt he will see this but that felt good. I politely refused the first time and he texted me the next week. That teaches me for being polite. Remember kids: NEVER BE POLITE TO ANYONE! Saying crap like this is a good strategy to not be annoyed by kids, by making parents think I am a bad influence and will poison their precious baby's mind. I AM A FUCKING GENIUS.

Lost my point, oh yeah Lance, ignoring that bastard, hopefully he stops texting.

I do have some other news but it is in the very early pipeline stages so I am not going to say so this comment is a complete waste of your time bahahaha.

Sunday update.

I went to Cruz and did a drag show! First time I have done one live. Dancing on my feet was a bit different but it was fine. I did Kelly Clarkson's Since You've Been Gone because I could do lots of hand gestures in it, plus that song has a great jumpy style, I love that song! It was a fun experience! Thanks to the two guys that held me up. The dress was extremely hot, I was absolutely cooking, had to take it off after my show. Apart from that, normal night pretty much, the other acts were good. I definitely had lots of fun that night!

One more thing, I HATE MSN EWHORES! Basically they are bots that are pre programmed to chat with horny guys to get them to signup to a webcam site so they can view the other person in a slutty show etc. By "other person" I mean an automated bot or possibly a guy that is posing as a girl with another person's picture. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF! I am much too smart to fall for your crap because I am not a complete idiot. You're like fucking flies, just pests! Also read your fucking chat logs. I AM GAY! Sending girls after me is completely and utterly pointless, I have absolutely NO desire to see them naked! Why not try inventing some gay ewhores, oh right I wouldn't you to program a bot to act like me, sorry, my mistake! Getting two different bots in the span of 15 minutes REALLY FUCKS ME OFF. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF.

Now I feel like I have done a public service by posting about these bastards. If you get anyone trying to register you on a webcam site, even if it's free, Tell them to go fuck themselves. They prey on desperate guys make money off of your registration.
Posted at 28/03/2010 09:42:00 UTC 0 comments

03-21-2010, 04:29

OK short entry this week.

My PVR was fixed the same day and if it wasn't for the fucking stupid internet problems it would have been fixed much sooner, so fuck you Slingshot, or Telecom, or whoever was responsible, fuck you! I now have instructions to fix it myself, so that's good. That was Wednesday.

Friday I got a free flu vaccine because "I will do anything if it's free", which is probably not a good thing to publicize really. It protects against three flus, including swine flu, I am still waiting for the media to invent sheep flu and scare us with that.

Saturday night I went to a queer gathering, I appeared to completely lose the plot, as I do and completely cracked up at something that was said and I am sure that the person that I was talking to thought I was a complete head case, not saying he would be wrong. It was good to catch up with a few people. Then at Cruz, this guy was like all over me, kind of cute too. Um so what was his name? I don't know I was really really pissed! Oh well he was fun, smelled nice, just thought I would add that comment in!

FYI I don't want a 35 year old boyfriend and don't engage in SMS sex, I just thought that I would put that out there, OK??? STOP TEXTING ME NUT JOBS!!! Seriously... Desperate people are funny HAHAHA!
Posted at 21/03/2010 08:29:00 UTC 0 comments

03-17-2010, 02:14

Video Version (

I am much too tired to do this in a passionate manner. My internet connection is not currently working so I will do a paragraph. Only slept for about 7 hours for the entire Auckland trip, so, yes, I'm fucked. Jonothon and I texted random crap to my facebook status, oh I want to read the comments you fucking stupid internet. Also my recording computer is now overloaded and the system has completely crashed and I have to email the technicians which I can't do without internet access. I may have to stick my Vodem in. Oh fucking crap tried that on my portable computer on Friday and I couldn't get a signal for the 3G network. That pushes that idea right up the ass. Worth a try I guess. Fucking stupid New Zealand internet crap. It's Monday by the way. So looking forward to bed right now. *Yawn* Perhaps a nice long hot shower. STOP PICTURING ME NAKED!!! I am even hilarious when I am sleep deprived. Fuck I love me! Had two extra coffees today, good call Thane, and now I am talking to myself. *WACK JOB* "YAWN*. Well the vodem only works some of the time so it is marginally better than having no internet at all. I wouldn't trust it with email passwords but perhaps that's just my paranoria. NONE OF MY FACEBOOK STATES SHOWED UP, SO FUCKED OFF RIGHT NOW.

Tuesday now, still no reliable internet so I will continue writing. Vodafone hasn't loaded a site all day, what a useless fucking system. Currently waiting for a technician to come over. Slingshot phone support was fucking useless.

No longer sleep deprived!

Auckland trip! Left on Saturday, arrived at about 4, taxi fucking ripped us off! It was $127 from the airport to the Langhum Hotel. At first I was surprised and disappointed it was that much but later found out it was a complete rip off, it should have been $60-90. That was Re-Li-On-Us, will never book them again for shore unless it is a last resort! The Langhum is a great place to stay; the doorman took very good care of us when it came to sorting taxis etc. Saw a facebook friend I hadn't meet before then went clubbing. I wasn't asked for my ID once, apparently I look older in Auckland. Actually didn't get too drunk. Mainly went to Family but dropped by Urge and that third gay club, the name escapes me. I think that Cruz has better music than Family; it was almost all dance mixes there which I actually quite like but regular pop songs are better. Eye candy was kind of lame, a few caught my eye LOL, did dance with a cute guy too! Met a guy clubbing, he kept calling me cute, well I know that LOL. He was fun to hang out with, not my type though so nothing funny went on LOL. He followed us to the hotel, talked until about 5AM.

Got up about 10:30, went for breakfast at a Cafe, then original plans were do something for an hour at 2PM then watched my mate rehearsing for another hour but we couldn't get a Taxi until 4pm so we didn't get the second part of the trip which was a fucking pain. After picking up my camera we went to the Vector Arena area then had KFC. We got into the concert about 6:30, waited for an hour then the warm up act (Semi Precious Weapons) started, weren't quite to my taste but ran into them the next day and got their autographs! Plus a light was fucking blinding me for their entire show. Half hour wait and then Lady GaGa came on! She was fucking amazing, I loved dancing to her songs and watching her, I had a fucking brilliant time! The wheelchair place beside me was sold but the person never turned up so I decided to angle myself to so I was looking directly at the stage and I had room to really dance, that was so cool! After the concert we just happened to see a Re-Li-On-Us taxi so we took that. I know, but I just thought that it was better than being murdered in the streets.

Despite being in bed for six hours I slept for only two, I think that Jonothon was the same. The stupid cleaners kept pushing the beds together, LOL if we wanted a double bed we would have asked for one! Stupid people. We got up about an hour earlier because what the fuck neither of us could sleep anyway. Our taxi never fucking came and we ended up missing our flight. Hehe FUCK THE FUCKING AUCKLAND TAXI COMPANIES TO HELL! We ended up getting a van which by the way I can honestly highly recommend, those guys really looked after us after the nightmares we had with the others. We did miss our flight but this gave us time to have McDonalds and one of the flight attendants was rather cute so can't complain, opps I did, yeah I can complain.

Also THANKS to the Cerebral Palsy Society, I only spent about $60 on taxis the entire trip due to the vouchers! Fucking brilliant!

That trip was amazing, definitely want to see Pink next year if she does a tour in Australia or New Zealand.

Technician came, I need a new router, he is bringing one tomorrow. What a fucking pain. Though great that I have finished this entry sooner than I thought I would!

Wednesday now, turns out there was a problem with the internet in this area so I am back online at last!
Posted at 17/03/2010 06:14:00 UTC 0 comments

03-07-2010, 03:25

Video Version (

I had relief care all week, luckily this time I did not nearly choke on a bottle top. HORRAY FOR NOT CHOKING!!! I actually swallowed it and hopefully crapped it out. That particular carer was just appalling; incompetent, bossy and really patronizing. There was an "iffy" carer this time, I just got "bad vibes" from her and she complained a few times, she didn't really want to be there in my opinion, I don't know, still quite a reasonable one. The rest were fantastic though.

I am again looking at ways to improve my brain power, apparently blueberries and organic purple grape juice helps, will get some, fuck knows how much that organic hippie shit costs. Yeah not a fan of greenies, spew! Mother nature is a whore! Saving the planet is overrated. Half of the products are probably scams designed to jack up prices. Mother nature is the mother of all the trees, water, flowers etc, she's putting it about, whore!

I have started training myself to have lucid dreams. I haven't figured out how to realize I am dreaming let alone control the dream. Apparently you need to record your dreams in a journal and look for personal dream signs which I can't do because I can't write in bed, I may be screwed. Why didn't seeing Jack McCoy off Law And Order in one dream I had trigger THIS IS NOT REAL??? I have to keep practicing my reality checks so they carry over to dreams. Often I realize that I am dreaming in nightmares, now I will try spinning out of it instead of trying to wake up, then try to imagine multiple naked blonde twinks, of course my motives for wanting to control my dreams is not honorable. Need lots of practice.

Fuck so far tonight I have been hearing things and had the overwhelming urge to listen to Adam Lambert, don't worry I am just intoxicated yet again i am gone on on on on on on. Yes this is the not sober paragraph, and part of the of the last paragraph but I will edit that, will you? No! Shoutout to myself because I am fucking awesome!

Fuck I mentioned Adam Lambert in the last entry too, in my defence I had not listened to him in quite a few days.

I went to Foam bar on Friday and Cruz Saturday. Both were good! Foam had live singing. Guys seemed hotter this week at Cruz, last few weeks were kind of shit in terms of eye candy, went quite a bit later and had some McDonalds chips before.

Next entry will be a few days late due to my Auckland trip to see Lady GaGa! It's going to be awesome! I kind of regretted not going to the the Mardi Gras this year, not sure why. Been to Sydney, boring! I think that I should save for the one in the US, that would be cool. Fuck Australia, it's boring, I should totally save to go to the states!!!

I have a new ACC case manager, this one sounds like a giant pain in the ass! She is from the employment division. Frankly I am happy running my own business. FUCK OFF EMPLOYMENT PEOPLE! OK sure I need to make much more profits but profits are steadily increasing now. Sorry if the case manager reads this but ACC employment attempts have been a complete waste of time, I am doing much better on my own. Besides my ultimate goal is to live overseas, for starters I can expect zero help from the governments which means I would need to pay for 24/7 care and anything you suggest would not generate enough income and disrupt me from my business, so no, go away, leave me alone, I am sure you won't. Sigh, ACC! Really starting to hate them since The National Party took over, New Zealanders will probably be fucking idiots and give those right wing bastards a second term and they will sell ACC and completely screw up my life. Hopefully I will earn enough by then to be completely independent of them.

Labour; fire Phill Goff, the public hate him, FIRE HIM, I don't mind him but he's not going to win elections, FIRE HIM!!! Sorry Phill!

Really not my intention to rant about ACC/politics. This train went off course. This entry started off well but now is a mess. Oh well.

Boys boys boys, we like boys in cars! YAY FOR GAGA NEXT WEEK!!!
Posted at 07/03/2010 08:25:00 UTC 0 comments

02-28-2010, 03:10

Video Version (

Um can't really be fucked doing this honestly.

Well this week was free of problems mainly and I got my electric wheelchair back Tuesday. I was in a horrible mood some of the week, not sure why, was completely confused by it. Perhaps I get PMS for insane people which despite the title is different from PMS for women, I think. insane people, women. po-tat-o, po-tart-o. What's different about it??? Let's call it something else just to avoid confusion: Male insanity PMS! I have blips every now and then, horrible fucking things. I am back to my regular insane self so that's good!

ADDITION: Just went to Strassman intoxicated, now I am even more intoxicated, now going to Cruz to get even more intoxicated. i am breaking dishes something something all night uh ha!

Sunday now.

David Strassman was good, lines were a bit predictable though. Cruz was pretty good, apart from drinking too fast so I went home early.

On a side note: I LOVE SEX! SEX ROCKS! That's all I will say about this.

LOL that was random, crazy and inappropriate! Yes, that's me!

And NO I have not found a boyfriend. Shallow and meaningless suits me down to the ground.

Oh fuck I find myself liking Adam Lambert, couldn't stand him at first due to my hatred of American Idol but I guess he is an OK singer. The best ex idol contestants are Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson. What happened to Fantasia??? I loved her voice when she was on Idol. Fuck I even remember watching her a few times. Fuck I just admitted to watching reality TV. Don't panic everyone! I only did it a few times I swear!!! Forgive me??? I feel so dirty, so wrong, where is a cute young guy when you need him??? Anyway, Fantasia, I heard she's hooked on drugs, must have done too many Whitney Huston covers.

Rest assured that my sex life will not be mentioned in future posts. SEX ROCKS! WOOOOO!
Posted at 28/02/2010 08:10:00 UTC 0 comments

02-21-2010, 03:40

Video Version (

I thought last week was bad, this week was fucking worse!

Had another server move, some problems but actually not that bad.

You know how I was excited to be going to a Whitney Huston concert, yeah I am not going anymore. That fucking crack whore fucking bitch canceled the concert! I am out a few hundred dollars but I do get most of my money back. What a fucking bitch! She announces her concert two or three months prior, I had difficulties finding a carer then the bitch cancels! She probably found out our drugs are low quality. Hahaha I shouldn't be so mean, but it's FUN!!! I still love her music but this really fucks me off!!! What a fucking flake! Meh, I heard that she is past her used by date as far as live performances go, her voice isn't what it used to be. Still would have loved to have seen her but meh. I still have Lady GaGa to go to! I heard she is fantastic in concert so really looking forward to that and looking forward to gay clubbing in Auckland, what fun!

I thought that the week couldn't possibly get any worse but I was WRONG! Wrong wrong wrong! My electric wheelchair stopped working on Tuesday night and I have been without it ever since and it will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday before I get it back. Apparently one of the cords came out and something fried. Using my eye for computer access is much harder with my manual wheelchair because of the smaller head rest. This really fucks me off, not so much the mobility side of things. LOL I have wonderful priorities don't I? I don't have anything to get around independently and all I can bitch about is how it inconveniences my computer usage. What a fucking nerd I am!

My hair has kind of gone into a mixture of blonde and green, I think it looks good.

Also went to the doctor on Tuesday, it was really just to ask a question. I am fine! Well NO I am pissed as hell at everything but that's not a medical issue. The doctor saw two people before me, I should just arrive an hour late then maybe he will be ready! It's not like there's any good magazines to read, the type of magazines that interests me... LOL let's not go there.

Also getting extremely fucked off with people who advertise and don't respond to enquiries, ugh rude fucking bastards.

That's all for this week, fuck no I forgot that I write about Cruz tomorrow. See that's how much I hate this week, I just want it to be over!

Cruz was pretty average really. Another riveting bit of information.

I have a headache, well it is almost completely gone now, it was pretty minor but grew for a few minutes. I really shouldn't drink so much. Will I stop? Of course not! I have a major problem, it's called having a fucking disability bahahaha!
Posted at 21/02/2010 08:40:00 UTC 0 comments

02-15-2010, 01:44

Video Version (

I'm late.


Yes this is a day late as I didn't write on Saturday because I spent most of the afternoon getting pissed among other things at a civil union anniversary party. I just couldn't be fucked trying to write everything in a hurry. So this is Sunday, after a shitty week due to all sorts of technical problems due to moving almost all my sites to a new server, I can say the weekend ROCKED!!! Especially today! No details, sorry.

I went on a massive bender yesterday, started at 12pm and ended at 4:30am, no hangover, I rock! By the time I got to Cruz, I was already well into daisyland and still continued drinking. Had vodka and Redbull at the party, yeah not a fan, I will stick to vodka and raspberry next time. We got lost going to the anniversary party, it was an extremely out of the way place, very nice though. Went to KFC before Cruz, the security guard made a group of people move from a table for me, um not sure why, yeah fuck off everybody I want a table and am much more important than you? LOL that was just a tad unnecessary, but whatever I went with it anyway, why not? I think we just asked for a seat. I had a good time at Cruz, LOL well I was fucking flying by that time so I would have had a good time ANYWHERE! With the week I have had a massive bender was exactly what I needed. Yes I believe that alcohol is the answer, you just have to ask the right questions.

Also went to Hine's birthday, that was great, very nice, but definitely not what I am doing this year, probably doing the same old piss up I did last year, everyone should know me, I don't party unless I am off my trolley. Do any of you guys think I have a problem? Oh well, who cares? Add that to the long list. I like my problems, they make me unique, or a crackpot, or both, I am an unique crackpot! I took a chocolate cheesecake home from Hine's birthday, it was yummy.

Also tried party pills last Friday, they pretty much sucked majorly, what a really boring high. Not that I have much to compare it to because I am a sweet little angel meeeeeee. FUCK UP, I AM!!! Well OK perhaps compared to a serial killer...

Monday now, yesterday was fucking fantastic, despite it being Valentine's Day (, I hate Valentine's Day, couples celebrating love ewwwwww!
Posted at 15/02/2010 06:44:00 UTC 0 comments

02-07-2010, 03:09

Video Version (

Well before Friday I basically learned how to make myself talk on YouTube videos and fixed a client's site, yes boring boring geek geek geek. I am actually pleased about the YouTube videos, it's so cool!

On Friday night I went to Bro Online Next Top Model. Guess what? I wasn't! Actually I never ever considered entering, I was handed the registration form and thought what the hell. Though I spent the night being EXTREMELY FUCKED OFF that I couldn't say comical things because basically they ask my friend the questions etc. and I didn't feel that my personality was represented. I like people to see the real me whenever possible, even though the real me scares some people hahaha! Meh over it, I really don't know why I got worked up, communication barriers are not unusual. The hosts just didn't know how to deal with someone like me, I know now to clearly explain that I need my specific questions beforehand so I can get someone to write down my unique answers, lesson learned. Also I would really like to see the host try to program web sites and be an internet entrepreneur, yeah that's my OCCUPATION, something she asked everyone else but me! What an insulting fucking bitch. She did asked my star sign, didn't even let me answer it correctly, yeah THANKS!!! Well at least I have someone to take the piss out of this week. Also I would have preferred a more "show off your body" challenge. They got me to do a donnut which I fucked up because I went to change my speed half way through and couldn't see the controller and they assumed I stopped, ugh, fuck. I would have much rather flex my shirtless body. I mean it was a modelling competition, duh. Perhaps I was catering to people with some sort of spinning body fetish??? Except they couldn't see my back so perhaps not. Oh yeah I decided to go the entire time shirtless after everyone got up on stage and took their shirts off and I couldn't at the time because I need somebody to help. So basically I was pissed because I thought that I could of done so much more, I feel better about it now, blogging and taking the shit out of everything really does help. After the competition I had a few extremely enjoyable dances and hung outside Cruz chatting. The night ended well I thought.

Saturday I went to a queer gathering in the gardens. Extremely surprised about how many people were there, I had a great time! Saturday night was Cruz. Bit bored at first then it was great.

I am looking forward to next month, I have Whitney Huston to go to then Lady GaGa! I am so exciited. Probably won't be going anywhere else for the rest of the year.
Posted at 07/02/2010 08:09:00 UTC 0 comments

01-31-2010, 03:50

Warning the following entry contains more sexual themes, I promise to keep things decent, then again what's decent with me???

I actually did shit this week which didn't just involve getting pissed. Thursday I went to the bank, didn't do what I intended because of stupid NZ laws, I could go into more details but it's BORING!

Thursday night I went to Menfriends, one of the staff members (Matt) had to carry me around the place via piggy-back, what an awesome guy. I went there for porn mainly, turns out the porn was randomly played and the type that was on at that particular time didn't take my fancy, had more fun watching cartoons on their Sky hehe. Unless I see extremely good looking twinks, I am not interested, I have a very specific taste, yeah I am as fussy as fuck, pun not intended but BONUS I'm a genius writer ya know? I had a great time though, went in the sauna and steam room which were new experiences, good ones. Loved the spa, I am pretty sure the last time I went for one was on a cruise several years back, truly awful experience, the internet crapped out for eight days. Back on topic, the spa was extremely enjoyable. We also looked around the top floor, extremely dark there, thank fuck I was holding on to Matt because I have literally no sense of direction, I don't know why, I get lost extremely easily, well hopefully I could handle a club LOL! On that floor there were rooms, which need no explanation. The main one had mirrors, I always thought that gay sex would be much improved by mirrors, not that I would know (about the sex WITH MIRRORS, definitely putting that on my "To Do" list HAHAHA). The other customers were pleasant, surprisingly, you make certain prejudgements about such a place, none of mine were the least bit true, they were completely down to earth nice people. They were not to my taste physically, apart from one reasonably cute customer. In conclusion it was a good experience, may make infrequent visits, it's a really nice place.

Friday I saw Hine, had a great time in town with her but I truly hate the holidays; too many people on the street and you just want to either scream at them or flatten them, I wish that I had a steam roller for a wheelchair, or a gun... Probably extremely lucky I am unable to use one, me with a gun would be SCARY! DIE DIE DIE BAHAHAHA!!!. I promise that I am not actually that psycho, well hopefully not, who the hell knows anymore? I probably am. I got a free beach ball and a free mint slice, I got much more use out of the chocolate mint slice mmmmm.

Sunday update, went to Cruz, got completely pissed as usual etc.

Generally been in a good mood this week, extremely rare for me!

I really want to go to a Whitney Huston concert in March, I am also going to Lady GaGa that month. This is going to be extremely difficult to plan but she is probably going to retire soon so I want to really try to see her, ugh really bad timing. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" is about my favourite song of all time, also love "I Will Always Love You", "Unbreak My Heart", "It's Not Right But It's OK" and "Million Dollar Bill".
Posted at 31/01/2010 08:50:00 UTC 0 comments

01-24-2010, 03:04

Doing this while ripping something from YouTube. Have subscribed to many channels. I regret doing that, most videos I get from my subscriptions SUCK and I am too lazy to unsubscribe. Why the fuck doesn't YouTube have a quick unsubscribe, I don't like you, fuck off button? Also the jargon for the YouTube video information box is Doob-Le-Do... How about you people start speaking fucking English? I swear it's almost as bad as me watching The Bold And The Beautiful in Italian just to see Jacob Young shirtless, yes I live a sad and pathetic life hahaha. Doob-Le-Do sounds like some sort of made up language from a hideous children's program.

Finally snapped and deleted all of my online games from myspace and facebook! Now I will probably waste time on other things!

Ugh been VERY isolated recently! Last three weeks I only went out to get pissed. Ugh. I swear I have been more paranoid this week, I was convinced the banks will collapse someday, don't know why, in reality that is unlikely and even when that did actually happen the governments bailed them out (to some extent). This is a silly paragraph for multiple reasons. I am an insane lunatic. Errrrrrr I just stated the obvious... In conclusion: Diversify your investments; different banks, different types. Worst paragraph ever, and I am completely sober! Haven't been sleeping well. Last night was actually OK, had a cough the night before and a sore finger. still have both, at least I can take medicine for the cough and it's the sort I like YUMMY! Ohhhhhhh fuck, again, I swear, completely sober. Also I have some VERY GOOD but VERY INAPPROPRIATE news but I am not going to say so why not stick this pointless sentence in with this shit paragraph? The news has nothing to do with my delayed visit to "Men Friends", was going to go this week but decided to go another time.

Sunday update.

Went out with my brother, nephew and his friends. We went to a blues bar, it absolutely sucked. We went to Micky Finns and Rock Pool which I swear was the exact same place, building interior looked exactly the same, apart from some signs in Rock Pool. Short time in Boogie Nights too. A random guy gave me $8 LOL WTF?

Currently resisting the urge to add back Mafia Wars and YoVille, I worked so hard. Eh but it will take literally months to achieve everything I want to achieve, I spend a good portion of every morning on them, so nah, doing something else will be the best use of my time. Eh maybe I will add them back and just do jobs once a week to stay active, OK OK I am weak hahaha. Seriously I have built up so much.

I am going to experiment with a video blogging system, was thinking of taking two photos; one with my mouth shut and then open, I would rapidly keep changing the pictures, should be interesting. Perhaps not until I do some upgrades to my computers, right now I don't have any spare ports for my webcam, they are full of hard drives. I want new USB 2.0 ports then I want to combine some of my hard drives into bays, apparently you can't get the cheap ones here so will have to import them. Also I want a much faster processor for my second computer.
Posted at 24/01/2010 08:04:00 UTC 0 comments

01-17-2010, 02:19

Well this week pretty much sucked too. I did not go out of the house at all and when I do that I seem to go a bit than usual which is a challenge because I am already stark raving madddddd. I somehow thought that it was a good idea to publicly bash a TV figure, well he started it! Did I go a tad overboard? Meh who the fuck cares? Actually maybe he thought I was being horrible to a friend of mine so he posted a dirty comment to me, hehe I will say this LEARN TO POST SOME INTELLIGENT WITTY INSULTS! "feel your balls thane" I mean talk about amateurish dribble hahaha. I won't mention any names but if I say drunken vial old perv... Oh wait that's me! Speaking of bashing public figures, time to do another media rant (, at least I don't know or have any contact with those pricks so bashing rich people from other countries is much more fun!

I tried to contact my lawyer this week but he was on holiday; stupid fucking lawyer, how dare he be on holiday and inconvenience MEEEEEEE! So I emailed Canterbury Community Law but they didn't reply, useless fuckers!

Sunday update.

Saturday night started by me getting locked out of the house; van keys were forgotten! I had a spare key but it was in a bag that I stopped using haha not good. I finally got to Cruz, danced with a hottie, he had the most annoying fag hag though!

I am back doing the updates to the Christchurch Pride Week site, that job is as irritating as usual grrrrrrr and I have only just started. I loved pride week last year though. I have also got to help another friend with his site tomorrow. Anybody else want free web development? Get fucked! Two non paying clients is enough!

i also made a new social networking hoaxes group. Please join here! ( Yes that is shameless self promotion!
Posted at 17/01/2010 07:19:00 UTC 0 comments

01-10-2010, 02:30

TFIS, had a boring arsed week. Seriously did absolutely nothing. Thank fuck it's Saturday so I can get pissed! This will be a "random crap" entry.

So I just renewed my nzdating gold membership even though I hate that site, hate the people on there, brought me fuck all luck so far but I missed not being able to view the visitors to my profile so I can quietly insult the people, yeah I know I desperately need a life hahaha. Most of the profiles are just so appallingly written it's funny; either they are so boring and bland "yeah i like cars message me if you want to know more" or have such stupid writing skills they're obviously as thick as pig shit. Me, I am still happily single, wouldn't say no to a relationship but I really don't care either way. I have said this before so I will write about something else. Oh people always seem to stop replying when I believe I am getting somewhere with them, it is fucking me off now. I am not even the one who started the contact. Stop wasting my time assholes! And no I am not talking about dating...

Blah blah blah I have NOTHING! I spent the week working on sites. I need to launch more traffic exchanges, start up a new site which will sell advertising for the entire network then start new sites in different industries. Blah blah blah that's boring.

So Baileys; I did email a few media companies, two were going to call but didn't so they can get fucked. I should of just emailed the council and be done with it, might do that next week. I chose the first option because I am an attention seeking fame whore.

Sunday update.

K K K K K K K K. My name starts with a K. K K K K K K K K. This woman kept pointing to the same letter on my tray. K K K K K K K K. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK HOW YOU SPELL YOUR NAME!!! Nice enough girl but drove me FUCKING INSANE at first! Yes went to Cruz. Had a great time with friends. It's some kind of fucking miracle I don't have a hangover, had about 14 vodkas then met with friends at KFC, met some new people, really don't remember their names hahaha, got home at 6. I have noticed that I start singing when I am completely pissed, I must sound completely fucking awful. Also my "self control" with guys goes completely out the window, I don't think that I have done anything TOO embarrassing to date, hopefully???

I am also probably doing a drag show next month! I am thinking doing it to Pink, Cos I can.
Posted at 10/01/2010 07:30:00 UTC 0 comments

01-03-2010, 02:34

Fuck. I am going to start a new tradition, the first word of the first entry of the year is going to be fuck. I will probably forget next year and I hate tradition but hey...

So I was looking in the mirror while having my haircut and I was thinking something, I'M GORGEOUS! I sound like Dick Solomen from 3rd Rock From The Sun. "OH MY GOD, I'M GORGEOUS!" I now have a green mohawk, I should facebook some pictures so you can see that I am hot and sexy. Oh what am I talking about, you already know that.

I had an awesome New Years with Hine and my brother! Went to Micky Finns, then Baileys but they wouldn't serve me because I have to drink out of a sipper bottle. Of course I could try to drink out of a glass but then I will probably bite the glass and cut myself. I was going to complain but someone already did that, had no response from the senior manager surprise surprise so I may have to complain to someone else, if I can be bothered. I mean you kind of get used to discrimination if you know what I mean, you just can't be bothered dealing with such fuckers, they're irrelevant. Anyway we went to Boogie Nights instead where some hideous old women kept kissing me, was so glad when she left. After that me and my brother cruised around outside for a while then we went to The Base which I was strangely looking forward to going there, I hated techno when I first started going there but eh it has grown on me. Still prefer Cruz and Boogie Nights. By the way new song of the moment Meet Me Halfway by Black Eyed Peas, absolutely love that song right now. Back on topic, OH MY GOD, I'M GORGEOUS! No wait the topic was not that... So Renee was at The Base and also another friend but I didn't recognize her and thought she was just some random woman, despite living with her for a while LMAO I am just appalling at recognizing people. I only found out that she came up to me on facebook. Eh forgive me, I am self obsessed! Oh and was EXTREMELY intoxicated! I also heard someone say "Even the cripples are celebrating new years" I found that hilarious!

Saturday I went to Cruz. Danced with two particularly hot guys, didn't get their numbers though which was a bastard, they left before I could ask. Ran into friends, oh and an old guy gave me $20, no idea why, don't care why, FREE $20!!!

I am going to modify my communication tray to say something like "I am mute but have normal hearing and intellectual functions, I communicate by pointing to letters with my fist, look at what's under my thumb." It may make communicating to new people easier, I don't know, and of course by people I mean hot guys!

Yeah what the hell, I will email a few media companies about Baileys, they need to be shamed for refusing to serve me, it's unacceptable.

I don't do new years resolutions; more money, more success and more sex is about it for me.

Good riddens 200x, you were fucking crap.

Less than ten weeks until I see Lady GaGa in Auckland!
Posted at 03/01/2010 07:34:00 UTC 0 comments

12-27-2009, 01:22

Well it's Christmas, just had a family present opening thing, mum getting extremely uptight, dad being extremely frustrating, brother being a circus clown, ah Christmas. I think that I bit my father's head off because I mistakenly thought he started the obvious, oh well. Accessing the computer is not good in this state, weeeeeee! Best Christmas ever! Well excluding the ones before I hated christmas. Best hated Christmas ever! I don't know if I completely embarrassed myself, I just cracked up in the middle of a conversation and I don't think anyone knew what I was laughing at, they all looked at me weirdly, of course I knew exactly what I was laughing at but it was too hard to explain. So shit. That was embarrassing. Weeeeee! I got a cute wooden bird from my sister. A small hard drive and a Lady GaGa CD which was surprising since I have not gotten a CD in ages because most of my music is electronic now anyway. Oh and some money, I like money, I want to work towards 10 million and live off the interest, I have decided that is my new goal as of yesterday or perhaps it was the day before, or actually night because I stay awake thinking about these things, sometimes I can't get to sleep because I get sidetracked. Anyway this paragraph seems extremely scattered. Bah Humbug, I have been saying this all day. My brother saw my billions on Mafia Wars and was surprised,. Started playing YoVille again even though it's crap, then again so is Mafia Wars. YoVille got rid of the time consuming Sweets Factory. Wait a minute, Christmas... No idea why I am talking about online games. Is that all the Christmas crap I can talk about? Oh no. My wheelchair broke down on Christmas eve, was without it for about five hours. It's a step up from being hacked on Christmas day last year and being told the FBI was investigating, which by the way I was never contacted by them. So that's it! Bah Humbug everyone!

Probably shouldn't continue to write when I am like this. Monday I went to the physio, that was as fun as ever; not at all. Told me to continue with my neck exercises ya ya yar. Thursday I went to the dentist, my ulcer has gone but now I have two cold sores, what a fucking crap Christmas present.

It's Christmas and I am trying to getting laid on nzdating, hahaha. Well it will be very bad to try working in this condition.

Two hours later, I haven't wished anybody a merry christmas and although they're not ten billion dollars or a ageless 18 year old cute blonde sex slave, my presents were awesome. Finished my day off with some music! I don't feel like I played enough Christmas music this year. I usually start early December but my playlist somehow got deleted, I have absolutely NO idea how but it just vanished and I didn't bother to make one up until Christmas day, hopefully it can survive one year without being deleted probably by me, I don't remember doing such a thing. My favourite songs are All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey and Ho Ho Fucking Ho by Kevin Bloody Wilson.

It's Saturday now and unlike before I am writing completely sober now. Just reread the above, what absolute fucking dribble I wrote, best to write sober I think. Saturday night, eh was not bad, was completely fucked up by 10:00pm, still continued to drink the night away at Cruz, the talent was a bit shit there I thought.
Posted at 27/12/2009 06:22:00 UTC 0 comments

12-20-2009, 02:38

Monday I went to the dentist, was seen straight away, that's some kind of fucking miracle in itself! My tongue ulcer has not gone away so they scheduled me in for another appointment on Christmas eve. YAY! NOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! I am very confident the ulcer would have fucked off by then.

Tuesday I went to my GP. My neck is still playing up after my accident at Cruz, he referred me to physio which I also hate, it's painful and expensive! For two sessions it has cost me $35 and I have another $15 appointment next week and fuck knows how many more. It's outrageous! It's robbery! How dare they charge for healing me! Fucking New Zealand health system crap. So physio were my outings on Wednesday and Friday.

Friday I also saw Hine, finally did something more enjoyable than squeezing my balls with pliers, and in case you were wondering squeezing balls with pliers is a BAD thing! Some may like it, I'm not that way inclined, as far as I know, not that I want to confirm, I am happy just assuming I am not. I enjoyed the afternoon out, the weather turned to shit though.

Stopped taking my anti depressants Tuesday, did have another week to go in my trial but they did not change my mood much at all and they made my movements worse. Also I concluded they were fucking up my sex drive and that means impacting on it negatively, kind of the opposite to Viagra. So I'M BACK!!! That was somewhat inappropriate of me but if I only did things that were appropriate I would be idle. I am not quite sure if having a decreased sex drive was a bad thing, I can definitely see an advantage to it: Less wasted time. On another note being off those pills allows me to get absolutely hammered again! Unsure if I want to explore other kinds of pills for treatment, perhaps not.

Also decided not to go to the Sydney Mardi Gras, decided to go and see Lady GaGa in Auckland instead which granted is a rather downscaled trip but I really love Lady GaGa songs especially Boys Boys Boys, Paparazzi, and Bad Romance. RA RA AH AH AH ROMA ROM MA MA GA GA OHH LA LA. Launching into song does not have the same effect as when people do their vlogs or blogs on YouTube. Well actually I just think WHAT THE FUCK so maybe the effect is exactly the same hmmmm. Anyway this trip will be nice and short: Arrive Saturday, hit the gay clubs Saturday night, see GaGa on Sunday, home Monday. Yep, quick and dirty trip to Auckland, well probably not dirty but one can hope of course! Delaying the big Sydney Mardi Gras trip until 2011, unless I have the urge to see Pink, Britney Spears or Whitney Huston that year which will probably be the case.

Saturday night I went out, threw up, threw up some more at home haha oh well these things happen. Really shouldn't have drunk so quickly at the beginning, that was what did it. The quantity was about the same as always prior to being on the pills. Some other people threw up too and made more of a mess than me. Tis the season to throw up fa a la a la a la la la. Definitely won't be drinking so much that quickly again. Apart from that it was a GREAT night. Saw friends, danced with some hotties, one in particular was so hot, oh fuck. Best night in ages.

Looking forward to Saturday: Christmas will be OVER! OVER I TELL YOU! BAHAHAHA! Oh and people: Say something unique! Merry Christmas is so common and boring. It's like happy birthday; an irritatedly overused phrase. Besides Merry Christmas is an oxymoron anyway. I did get someone a present that wasn't free. Whose the lucky receiver you asked? ME OF COURSE DUHHHH! Nothing like spoiling yourself.
Posted at 20/12/2009 07:38:00 UTC 0 comments

12-13-2009, 04:43

OK I have decided that I hate my anti depressants, they suck, I haven't really noticed any kind of positive difference and my Cerebral Palsy movements seem to be worse so fuck these pills, I am probably quitting after my trial period is up.

I thought that one of my teeth was digging into my tongue, went to the dentist Tuesday, turned out to be an ulcer, perhaps I overreacted.. She wants to see me next week too as a follow up.

I am so fucked off that I missed B52 and The Proclammers, I didn't even know they were coming, am I really THAT out of touch with the community? Apparently.

Friday night I didn't sleep very well due to me constantly knocking my finger which means I was rather pleased to get home from Cruz on Sunday morning, was an excellent night though. Tasted a new drink (new as in to me), didn't make me vomit like most other alcoholic drinks, will stick to my usual drink. They put up a fucking awful christmas tree ewwwwww, I hate christmas trees, they remind me of christmas, funny that. Yes I am just pointlessly rambling just to fill in space, can't you tell? Someone, can't remember his name gave me his jacket, that was extremely random. Looking forward to my Sunday sleep, fuck I am turning into a nana.

This entry seems short and boring...
Posted at 13/12/2009 09:43:00 UTC 0 comments

12-06-2009, 03:26

I haven't gone anywhere this week so far so I will just rant about random crap such as the lack of soaps. Enjoy! Or not, I really don't give a flying fuck either way. What do they mean "a flying fuck"? Sex on airplanes? Sounds fun!

OK sad news, Maggie Jones died, she played Blanche Hunt off Coronation Street. She was fucking hilarious. I just loved her constant nasty insults towards everyone!!! My face would light up when she came on screen. Blanche was such a funny character and was my favourite in Coronation Street and probably all of the soaps, mind you most characters are irritating whiney stupid fuckwitts so there is shit all competition really. I stopped watching Coronation Street a year ago, thought about tuning in again just so I could see Blanche offend people, Now I guess I don't have a reason to start watching again. RIP Maggie Jones. You were a fucking legend!

Moving on. Prime axed The Bold And The Beautiful! I am seriously fucked off! Drew Tyler Bell was just about to become a regular again! What fucking bastards! Drew is fucking cute! He gets shirtless a lot! Fuck Prime! Fuck TVNZ! They have already axed The Young And The Restless and will axe Days Of Our Lives in April. I can't even perv on the himbos in the acting wasteland that is Hollyoaks, C4 axed that sometime ago. I was going to start recording it, didn't know it was canceled in New Zealand. CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME! Perhaps all the networks executives were having affairs with each other and their wives found out then someone said "this is like a soap" so now everyone hates soap so they are removing them from their schedules, OR fucks from reality TV and game show producers have been extra good lately so they decided to replace the soaps with the producer's shows, OR perhaps the are in bed with the internet companies hoping that we will download them instead so they will make money off our illegal downloads! I like making up crap!!!

It's Sunday now and I went out last night with my brother, had a good night. Four people recognized me from school, yeah no idea who they were.

I have a sore elbow and finger, not a clue how I got those injuries, from my wheelchair I expect. They both fucking hurt I tell ya!
Posted at 06/12/2009 08:26:00 UTC 0 comments

11-29-2009, 03:07

i am so happy! I am on anti depressants! Kidding! *Flicks bird to everyone with both hands repeatedly* Apparently these fuckers take three to four weeks to work. My binge drinking days are over, I can only have two or three double vodkas on these meds. Maybe the person who told me to cut down on my alcohol last week was psychic, or psycho, I am always getting them mixed up. Which one means wacky dangerous nutjob? Yeah, that one! Actually that description is fitting for psychics too! If they're not frauds which is most of them.

Yes the doctor was late! No surprises there! Also on Tuesday I met my helper for my Sydney trip. Meh everywhere that I want to go is far too expensive so Sydney is it! Been to Australia many times, BORING! I want to travel somewhere else. Oh well I am sure that I will enjoy myself anyway, Never been to a big Mardi Gras before, new clubs, different set of guys wearing minimal clothes since it's so hot mmmmm! Only I had planned to get extremely fucked up on booze and other shit, now I can't due to these FUCKING PILLS!!! Earlier that day I gave Niles away, I was sad, for an hour or so then I got over it.

Went out Friday night with a few friends, to Boogie Nights, we first stopped off to talk to the people outside Cruz, we had very disturbing conversations about sexual acts, that was HILARIOUS!

Then Saturday I was going to go to Christmas in the park but I couldn't get a ride, well not so much as couldn't, I decided that event sounded like crap. I went to Cruz, it was a fun night.

Oh yeah I solved my giganews problem too, direct connections are still crappy but I have found a great solution..
Posted at 29/11/2009 08:07:00 UTC 0 comments

11-22-2009, 02:39

Now if you remember my first ever post in this Life Log, I say that I refuse to go on anti depressants because I think that drug companies are EVIL FUCKING BASTARDS AND THEIR CEOS NEED TO BE BANKRUPT AND INJECTED WITH THE DISEASES THEY HAVEN'T CURED YET DUE TO THEM COLLECTING PROFITS OFF OTHER PEOPLE'S MISERY (Fuck I wish that I was a drug company CEO). Now I still think that way, minus the CEOs needing to be injected and all, I think... Anyway basically I don't want to continue being lazy and occasionally a complete idiot. Depression does that to you by making your brain signals go slower. My idiot moments are very embarrassing and also I don't like being lazy/unproductive so I will pop pills to solve my problem even though I still hate the pharmaceutical industry. I must give up my principle, a brain performing at its optimum is much more important. The good news is that I spoke to a friend who is on them and I will probably be the same fucking bitter bastard as I am now! Horray! I have absolutely NO desires to become a better, happier person, I am just doing this to become more productive to earn more money! Though certain situations could become more enjoyable, I will not be a well adjusted, functional human being, who wants to be that???

Some concerns:
I like my rational, logical thinking with minimal emotional input. I really don't want the emotional side of me to heighten. I kind of like being cold.
Tack? Will I get more of that? Certainly hope not. Speaking my mind most of the time makes life fun in my opinion. Although that probably won't be an issue.
Hope for romance. Fuck I hope that I still have no hope when it comes to love. I don't want a new attitude, I like not wanting a partner and if I find myself becoming a soppy hopeless romantic idiot I swear I will unintentionally vomit up everything including the pills.
Recreational drugs, I hope that I don't have any limits on what I can take. Actually I did bring up this issue once before with my doctor, he gave me a lecture! His personal feelings were completely irrelevant to the issue, I wanted a medical perspective, I did not get one because he didn't know about it. Perhaps I should direct my questions to the Cerebral Palsy Society and the depression thingymejig, I don't know what they are called.

I don't want to change my personality, I want my brain restored mainly so I can use it to become RICH and to probably be a SLIGHTLY happier person. Hopefully legal pill popping will achieve this. My appointment is on Tuesday, will undoubtedly bitch that he was fucking late next week. Also I also believe that pills are a quick fix, the mind should be taken care of through longer term strategies that actually deal with the problem, that's probably the main reason why I avoided this issue for so long. I do feel that I have made some sort of progress but I just realize that a quick fix is going to be good right now. Though no idea how long they take to function. One more note: this is a temporary thing, when I make it big in probably a few years I will try going off them.

Downloading from usenet through NNTP is still fucking slow! The problem is definitely not on my end! I have tried two usenet programs, two computers, two usenet providers and I have even brought a new router although that was because I hated the old routers that I had. I am currently downloading usenet content through easynews's HTTP interface which fucking sucks as giganews keeps the files for twice as long as easynews. So frustrating! Time to threaten to leave my ISP I think...

Been a crap week, very boring, went absolutely nowhere. Neck still hurts, still have a slight problem with my ear, at least my cough has fucked off.

Also the world is apparently ending in 2012. Yeah right. HOAX HOAX HOAX! Why do people engage in such nonsense? This is even worse than global warming. At least there is SOME truth to it. Global warning is mainly hype, it really boils down to governments unwillingness to manage big time polluters and unwillingness to move everybody to and research smarter technology, governments are evil! World ending in 2012... What fucking crap.

A friend told me that I drink too much and to cut down so I wouldn't vomit, feel sick and make bad choices. Firstly bad choices are mine to make, if I fuck up then I alone must be held accountable. Nobody is in the parent role, not even my parents! (in the minor/parent relationship) I am a 24 year old legal adult for fuck sake. Not that I fuck up too bad very often, I can only think of one occasion when I seriously fucked up and that eventually turned out absolutely fine and don't regret doing it. Occasionally I damage my wheelchair, again my responsibility completely. As for vomiting, just flee the scene like everyone else would I mean duhhhh! I always stop drinking when I feel I can't handle anymore. This has always worked! Always! Except for the time I was sick from my bad cough, but even then I waited to vomit in the street and what I vomited was phlegm not alcohol, and there was this first bender with my brother I vomited everything everywhere! Now I have a good grip on my limits. I am actually really shocked that this friend didn't know me better. Quite annoyed that I was not given more credit. Also I go out primary to dance and to get as fucked up as possible, again within my physical limits which I am fully aware of. I mean why do things by halves? Most of the week is fucking boring, I deserve some irresponsible fun! I do know when to call it a night.

Cruz was great! Wasn't into it last week. This week I had a blast! 6-7 double vodkas, 3 were free, I don't really know who was buying me drinks, don't really care, I got free drinks, yay!
Posted at 22/11/2009 07:39:00 UTC 0 comments

11-15-2009, 03:34

Well Tuesday I got a Vodem, the salesman wanted me to go down so he could install it, not sure why, fucking waste of time, I could have easily done it. I did downgrade my mobile broadband plan which saves me money so I am happy! Though when I do use it I only have 100 megabytes until I have to pay extra, I am definitely turning images off when I browse the web. Oh and there was fucking horrible awful christmas decorations up! I HATE CHRISTMAS!!! Absolutely the worst time of year apart from birthdays; another year older, gradually getting more unattractive to the guys I want to fuck, eventually turning into this fucking wrinklely mess and then I die, or maybe not, kind of delusionally hoping that they'll have cures for everything by the time I am old, then I could live forever as a rich toyboy fucking bitter old bastard. Though I can take pleasure in knowing that I am still fucking hot and when aging happens I can afford plastic surgery hopefully, though I would rather not fuck with my face and just pay for hookers, see I care about my health!

Wednesday I had a visit from a friend which was a nice surprise. Lucky I didn't go to the bubble blowing flash mob thingy in the square otherwise I would have missed her, was going to go but I couldn't be bothered, plus I don't have the ability to blow effectively, or suck, that sucks. Must harass ACC to get some environmental controls to open doors and curtains. I did have an environmental control system on my old electric wheelchair, it was never fitted to my new one due to some screw up at ACC. Now I can't let people in, can't operate TVs/stereos/DVD players, and if there is a fire I am fucked! This would be a great lecture for ACC. I had to give her the code to get in via text, and of course stupid me forgot to save her number so had to asked who it was, that was embarrassing.

Thursday I skipped QTopia to work but spent the entire time trying to figure out why my giganews/usenet connection is going at dialup speeds, still not sure why. It is fucking me off, have to resort to torrents. Rang Slingshot Friday, they did fix the problem but it came back so I will try contacting them again Monday if the problem hasn't fucked off then.

Glee! Glee! Glee! That's all I been hearing about recently so Friday against my better judgment I decided to watch it and let me say WOW it sucks. I was absolutely bored to death throughout most of it! About the only parts I enjoyed were the parts with Jane Lynch, loved her in Lovespring International! Jane's character in Glee is hilarious, I swear it's the only redeemable feature of the show, just not enough to make me continue watching it. Oh and Boy Factor: Mark salling is OK (well a bit more than) but Cory Monteith is TOTALLY HOT!!! So overall rating 2/10, it's even worse than most teen dramas like 90210, that's a fucking challenge. Definitely a must-miss unless Mark or especially Cory is shirtless which according to the lack of images around male picture forums, they should do much more, only one little shirtless scene of Cory is pathetic!

Anyone want my bird??? Giving him away! Seriously! TAKE HIM! He is fucking annoying. He currently keeps going on my computer and I really don't want him to chew the wires and cause a fire or data loss, He also wrecks my wheelchair and virtually everything else and his noise gets distracting. TAKE HIM! I don't care what you do with him: Cook him, make a pretty hat, give him to some homeless people to cook do your bit for the community! Of course I am kidding! Seriously he needs a home.

Finally upgraded to internet explorer 8 from IE6, avoided it for so long because my piece of shit knee switch access software does not type reliably in it, my eye control system doesn't work perfectly with it either but I am hoping the developers have fixed the issue in the new version of the software which I need to get. So IE8... How the fuck is it possible for Microsoft to make crappier versions of their software??? Firstly the command bar is UGLY UGLY UGLY, thank fuck I can hide the fucking big ugly thing, shame I can't do that with Suzzane Boyle! Secondly what the fuck is up with the search box beside the address bar, I already have a search boxon my Google Toolbar, I don't need or want another fucking one, it's just a ploy to get users to use their search engine, especially the ones who don't know how to change the search provider. Lastly they have added two annoying buttons to the favorites toolbar, again they just pointlessly take up space! I had to rename my links to get them to fit.

Now on to Saturday, firstly went to Sophie's Cafe, it was too crowded for me to get in so I had to sit outside, it was fucking freezing. The whether did improve and it was enjoyable. Food was fucking nice and normally I HATE eating! It's boring, I truly wish that I didn't have to waste my time eating. The bacon, hashbrown, and eggs were really nice though! Thanks for the free breakfast Cruz! Thanks for the Christmas present to mum, yes I claimed sharing my free breakfast with her as a Christmas present, she's lucky she got anything at all, I don't shop for Christmas presents AT ALL! Last year I gave her a free sample of soap, the other years hmmmm nothing. Am I a bad person? Yes? Good!

Also went to Cruz, was bored shitless a good amount of the time. Met a hot guy. I am kind of crap at making conversation though. That guy fell on top of me when carrying me down the stairs, I kind of screamed haha. Actually probably lucky as it stopped my urges to vomit SILVER LINING! Seriously was feeling sick most of the night because I have to drink in large quantities at a time, otherwise it gets too inconvenient to stop and start constantly. Oh it had to happen sooner or later, it was really inevitable. And people wonder why I HATE this city. This never would have happened if I was living in a city with accessible gay bars. I blame Christchurch. I hate Christchurch. Christchurch sucks. Then when I got home I fell off my toilet seat on to my head, saw weird shapes after, yes hmmmm. Currently my neck hurts when it's tilted, hopefully the pain will go away.
Posted at 15/11/2009 08:34:00 UTC 0 comments

11-08-2009, 03:21

Ugh why the fuck can't I fast forward my life to when I am insanely rich? I am tied of my current life, I want to fast forward to when my goals are done. I get side tracked far too easily, I work fucking slow due to my fucking disability moan moan moan bitch bitch bitch. Been having one of those weeks. Bahhhh, it's fine, I am just pissed off with myself for not being able to focus and things just seem to go slowwwly. Just need to motivate myself. See how next week goes. I was also thinking about how isolated I am most of the time and how my morals are completely fucked up, sometimes I dwell about those things, sigh. I of course prefer to completely ignore such things most of the time. Just had a claustrophobic/my life sucks/I am the devil in human form moment, nothing new there. It passes. Shit happens.

Thursday I went to QTopia. Friday I went out with Hine around town and to the gardens, splendid day to do that, was very good indeed.

Saturday I went to Craig's birthday, had a good time, he is hilarious and a fucking good mate, so looking forward to going to Sydney with him and a few other friends, it's going to be a fucking awesome drunken time! Drinks were a bit weak on the pub crawl and I needed more vodka sooner but oh well I should of brought some before I went to his place and started there, then I had "technology problems" so had to stop drinking after about 6 vodkas so I was fucked off! I also met up with my lunatic friend at Cruz, every few months he turns up, acts like a high nutter and I laugh my ass off. He is hilarious! Apparently my new drag name is Lucy Looselips. Sure, why not? That's fitting. Also met a playwright, encouraged me to start writing TV shows. His attitude was do whatever makes you happy, my reply was what if killing people makes you happy hahaha. Problem is I just don't have the time to write with my current business, maybe when I can afford to outsource everything and have a few assistants, or maybe I should start putting in a few hours per week. Maybe start with a movie because with TV you have to create some sort of summary, it has got to get approved for funding etc.

Also apparently some of the organizers of The Globes are pissed at me because of what I said last week. OH GET A FUCKING GRIP PEOPLE! If people don't know by now that I am a total bitch about virtually everything that doesn't involve me fucking hot guys and making money then that's their problem. I, as a person am free to dislike whatever the fuck I please so people shouldn't get pissed at me just because I complain about things that they like. How fucking stupid! I did say that there was good points too. Meh I fuck people off, what else is new??? NEXT!

Plans for next week: Ugh nothing terribly exciting, the usual crap mainly, must continue working. Hating next week already.
Posted at 08/11/2009 08:21:00 UTC 0 comments

11-01-2009, 02:26

Ya know, cutting my ear off world go down REALLY well right now, it is full of crap and it is almost completely blocked. It started last night extremely suddenly and it now is annoying. An artist, genius or looney cut his ear off. I forget what he was and can't be bothered fact checking on this Friday night, only slept for five hours because of this ear shit. I still have a cough. I had to cancel my afternoon out with a friend to go to the doctor, another round of fucking meds which cost me another $50 and means I can't binge drink still fuck fuck fuck. My only pleasure in life GONE! Well apart from seeing friends, music and gay porn tahahaha.

Well went to the globes, they sucked! Apparently everyone else liked them. I enjoyed seeing my friends and the music was ok, some GREAT songs some of it was not so good so it kind of evened out in my opinion. Was shirtless for a while, due to encouragement from a friend, hope he's still speaking to me after me completely slagging off the globes, yeah no problems, he knows I am a complete bitch! Well being shirtless did fuck all for my chances of scoring, surprise surprise haha.
These things came out of my tray.
"Thank fuck I am high": In the beginning I was extremely bored but my mood did improve as the night went on. I was high on an energy drink called Demon or something.
"It's like a gay beehive" In reference to the large number of people. It definitely needed less ugly people.
Awards were awful, good intentions but that kind of thing bores the crap out of me. Also, I have seen MUCH better drag queens in my time, some of them danced awfully in my opinion which granted counts for fuck all when it comes to these things, many of them were extremely unattractive compared to some others I have seen and one couldn't get the lip syncing right, I think... Unless the mouth moving when there was no lyrics was deliberate??? Possible.

I need a Vodem, I tested internet on my on my portable computer via my mobile phone and it won't work without somebody pressing "connect" on the phone and of course I can't do that so that's fuck all use for me really.

Then Saturday night I went to the Cruz drag off, in drag, with a blonde wig that was fucking annoying, front was too long and it kept coming off. Someone asked if I was a transsexual. I had a completely flat chest, forgot my fake breasts. The next time that I do drag will probably be next year. I had a triple Vodka, hope to be completely smashed next week. I won a Sophie's Cafe voucher, been meaning to go there, now I don't have to pay, EXCELLENT! Generally liked the drag shows, much better than the globes, no idea who I voted for, was distracted by the hot boys in just tiny shorts, I think that I voted for Bella, whoever the fuck that was, the grey dressed one, eh I don't know! I enjoyed the after show with the boys in shorts dancing on stage FAR TOO MUCH!

I need to do more site development work than I did this week. I will probably finish my gaming adds site next week, then starting another project, don't know what, maybe finishing my lead selling script, writing a directory script or working on type of another site.

My ear is a bit better now, it's at least bearable.
Posted at 01/11/2009 07:26:00 UTC 0 comments

10-25-2009, 04:10

I really shouldn't be communicating with anyone when I am sick, I am bitchyer than usual, although perhaps not... Someone said that I must be the biggest asshole in the world. Now if that really were true I would view it as an achievement, I would be the best asshole out of about six billion people, that's an achievement in my book! Also a now ex long time friend has blocked contact with me because I told her to either fix her problems or shut up about it which I felt was good advice, there is absolutely no point in whining about problems if you are not going to fix them, and frankly I have no time to listen to such people. I even told her that I was busy with a business issue and she still whined about her extremely childish problem, oh for fuck sake if the problem had been halfway decent I probably wouldn't have snapped. Some people just don't behave like adults. Hopefully that's the end of that friendship, you read right!

Went to the doctor, was seen this time CLAP CLAP CLAP! Instead of answering my question he decided to give me a lecture, fuck that, OK I will see what happens on my own, shell I? Yes hmmmm. Can't talk about the issue here. He did give me medication for my flu or whatever it is, I can't drink for a week so that fucks! Also I was going to sort out wireless internet access on my portable computer only to discover that I don't have my portable computer so getting it back, didn't even know it was missing. Scared to use the fucking thing in case it completely fucks up yet again.

Went out yesterday night, had a great time, probably because I was high on an energy drink etc. I was eating cake at a friend's house before town and commented that I needed a sugar high (since I couldn't drink) so she gave me an energy drink, didn't quite expect that to happen but hey it was fun. At town me and my brother went to Micky Finns, then Boogie Nights where I met a friend there then I talked to another friend outside cruz, could not go in, in heavy wheelchair. Then my brother (when he found me) and I went to The Base, actually had a good time despite the techno crap they play there. Although that was solely because a hot guy was dancing with me for some reason, he didn't say anything, no idea if he was gay, assumed not.

Evil capitalistic activities:
Formed a company in a sales tax free state in America!
Started a porn site focused on blonde twinks, my favourite type of guy! Plus I brought an awesome domain for the site! That's the reason I am so eager to work on it, well and the money obviously!
Before I discovered the domain I worked on my gaming adds site, still have not finished the bastard script I am programming for it.

Going to some gay awards thingy, probably just some excuse to have a party. Why not just have a party? This will probably suck.
Posted at 25/10/2009 08:10:00 UTC 0 comments

10-18-2009, 03:36

I have some sort of cough or flu or something, gift from mum, thanks NOT! People should be isolated while their sick! Shouldn't be going out tonight but am anyway since I am a stubborn bastard.

Went to the dentist Monday, what a waste of fucking time. It's the same every time; she cleans, she bitches that I grind my teeth caused by my disability, I go home without needing work done da da da BORING! I am sure that she just makes appointments to fill up her day. I have some new wisdom teeth, whatever, don't care. Still no fillings.

Tuesday I went to the bank to setup internet banking and ended up getting another credit card and the number is NO HAHAHA! This one has a smaller limit which makes it better for online purchases, not that I have experienced any credit card fraud before, best to be paranoid about these things just like most of the people that I know think I am paranoid even though most don't admit it to my face I just know that most people think that I am paranoid, including YOU!!!

Wednesday a person came over to help me make a programming setup, it is working out well.

Thursday... I HATE THE FUCKING PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM!!! I will be so glad when I am rich and can afford private doctor's visits. This time I wasn't even seen! The doctor had to make a house call urgently. WELL FUCK THE PATIENT, IF IT IS THAT URGENT CALL FUCKING 111! I actually made the appointment before I got sick solely to ask a dodgie question about my disability and a certain type of recreational substance. Now I guess that I have a valid reason to go, that's a shame. Was it very wrong to suggest that mum should be isolated while she is sick. Meh so I don't want to catch people's illnesses, so shoot me!

I was going to finish my facebook application but it turns out that I need PHP5 and my sites only support PHP4, apparently, did upgrade, got errors, downgraded, getting a separate VPS with PHP5, until then I am working on regular sites. Now I think the errors were caused by an outdated PHP encoder but it doesn't really matter, not worth the extra expense for an upgrade since I don't have any recent scripting customers and happily I hate scripting customers, customers should buy the product and leave you the fuck alone. Trouble is that some people aren't fit to tie their own shoelaces let alone run a web site.

Then nzdating... I updated my profile to say that people are the scum of the earth and I would rather burn myself with hot acid than be paired with another person. No chatters, no exceptions! Just give me fucks with hot guys. (That's funny I believe that I said the equivalent to that last sentence a few weeks ago) I don't expect anyone to respond to my profile. Well good. I hate that site anyway! I took my previous slightly less nasty message down a few weeks ago, that was insanity!

Also deleted my metropolis account on facebook. Building virtual empires really doesn't turn me on anymore (figure of speech in case anybody gets any sick fucking ideas), building real empires is more constructive and stimulating. So over Mafia Wars too but still play, don't know why. Heading to quitsville there too I think.

Sunday update:

Well went out, don't think I infected anybody, pity. Yes I know that I said that people should be isolated when they're sick, I am a hypocrite, you should know me by now! We stepped out into some kind of street fight, there was people yelling all over my street, cops turned up, what fun! There were some extremely annoying women at cruz who kept touching me like I was some kind of adorable baby. Ugh, wheelchairs should come with guns! Also getting extremely annoyed at guys that come up to me and want to chat but can't figure out how I communicate then leave, sigh, occupational hazard etc etc.
Posted at 18/10/2009 07:36:00 UTC 0 comments

10-11-2009, 04:37

Boring as fuck week apart from getting a late birthday card. Currently trying to program a facebook application, the project got more complicated than I expected but I think that I have it under control now. Hopefully I will be finished by Wednesday.

Not sure if I can be bothered going to CCS committee meetings now... I am occupied with creating sites and making money. I am going back to be a capitalistic bastard, I was once one but then I got unmotivated for some reason and took a very long break from any development on sites and scripts. That was not good, I needed to be using my mind or I would have just wasted away and did for a while. Now back to being a money obsessed evil person. My current goal is gradually building my network up with lots of sites and social applications with affiliate links, linking them together creating maximum cross traffic and search engine rankings. Only creating sites is a very slow process, I may have to employ help when I can afford to. Oh this paragraph was originally about CCS, yeah I pretty much hate that organization anyway so pifft. I can't say I have done anything positive while there. Except getting the taxi survey going, hopefully people will give feedback and the taxi companies will take notice, either that or completely ignore the findings and we all wasted our time which will probably be the outcome. So can I really be bothered helping the community hmmmm. Well on the one hand FUCK THE COMMUNITY I WANT MONEY!!!!! On the other hand

Now my night at cruz, I TOOK A BOY HOME!!!!! Well to his house and only dropped him off. That bit of half truth did sound bloody good though! I went to Cruz armed with a pen and paper to write down songs so I could get them. I particular like Run by Jamie Knight at the moment. I got completely trashed for a change! I think that I had about 12 Vodkas! Had a really good time!

More active week next week so I will have much more to bitch about!
Posted at 11/10/2009 08:37:00 UTC 0 comments

10-04-2009, 04:29

I went to a rock concert this week. Knew about one song which was Run by Shihad, the last song played of the night. About five bands played. Shihad and The Living End were great. Never got into Air Borune, I thought that they were crap! I was fucked off because the dance area was inaccessible. Some fuckwitts stood in front of me every so often and it's not like I could move, literally due to the access being crap. On another note, Lady GaGa is coming to Christchurch!!! I am so excited! Pink and Britney Spears please follow her lead! Not sure why I typed that, this won't be read by them... Can they even read? LOL I am such a total bitch!

That's all I did this week apart from worked on sites and went out Saturday night. Went to Cruz, Boogie Nights and ministry. Couldn't drink much again, stupid fucking technology, it keeps fucking up and I can't drink when certain technology is not working. Some women are extremely strange, I do feel more like a pet sometimes. I did get a cute guy's number though, I probably should text him. Also a rude fuckwitt left my his empty glass on my tray! Someone should have really thrown the glass at him. Rude fuckwitt!

I need to learn how to make fold out stuff for sites. All my attempts of making a fold out social bookmarking table failed miserably so in the end I gave up and opted for a static version until I learn. It is something to do with javascript and DHTML, need to find the right code to copy. Googling for such a thing only leads me to sites trying to sell me their codes so that is practically useless since I like to develop such things myself.

Vintage Shortland Street is back on TVNZ 7. Still really hate that network but I do hope that they get to 1996-1999 episodes, that's when a really cute guy appears! Not holding hope, I really need to find someone with those episodes, or at least clips of Chris Dykzeul/James Thorton without a shirt on!

Quiet week, ranting about various irrelevant crap again.
Posted at 04/10/2009 08:29:00 UTC 0 comments

09-27-2009, 04:53

This was posted on Twitter.
People who constantly bother me with invites will be deleted if I don't know the person in the offline world or we have never communicated something other than "Join my Mafia". I am sick of constantly pressing ignore or block buttons so now I will just delete people who annoy me with such crap! Social networking is EVIL! Almost everything is designed to be a chain, really no better than those "forward this and you will have good luck" emails.

Speaking of Twitter, I offended someone by insulting Sue Bradford, apparently she is a friend of her's. So she has defriended me for now. She also gave me some insight on the anti smacking law. It was partly made because of some cases of child abuse were not getting prosecuted because of "reasonable force" claims and the police stopped prosecuting such cases. Whipping a child is NOT "reasonable force". I still can not support a law that criminalizes a perfectly legitimate parenting practice even if the police don't prosecute minor offences. It is just a waste of resources in my opinion regarding minor offences. A more efficient law would be more suitable that adequately defines what's legal and criminalizes everything else. If you want to raise kids without smacking, fine but don't tell other people how to raise their kids, you have no right. I also really don't believe that it is the same thing as hitting your partner, your partner's brain is fully developed, a child's brain isn't and if the best way to cope with them is through a smack on the ass or hand from your hand then it is better than you getting more irritated and doing something worse. Not sure why I am so passionate about the issue, I don't have kids, I don't know if I want kids, kids mostly annoy me, "they're so cute" *vomits*! Not that I wouldn't mind a few kids eventually, can't see that happening. Perhaps when I am rich, mid 30's. Some hippy group will probably campaign against me having kids through adoption/IVF. I mean having to pay someone to take care of the kids, fucking toy boy gold diggers and hookers, plus with my ideas about the world hmmmm. Who knows? I may fall in love in a faithful relationship. How fucking boring. What is the need to have a second half, meh, love is overrated. A part of me still hopes that I will meet someone but meh I just don't care anymore. Just bring on the money and sex and lots of them!!!

I went to UniQ, had not been in months. I had other things going on, CCS meetings, clinic appointments, niece needed looking after and other times I just didn't think it was worth going, glad that I went.

Cruz again Saturday, went to Boogie Nights too, I have absolutely no idea why we went there but it was fun, extremely packed though. hmmmm my friend hmmmm. Every time I go out with him, I learn the most "interesting" and "colourful" things about him! No offence if you are reading this but seriously hmmmm. I couldn't drink for most of the night because of a technology problem so that fucked me off.

Also while many people like sunshine, I however HATE it. It completely fucks up my computer control camera and it is very hard to use. It gives you cancer and burns you unless you buy overpriced chemicals. No idea why people are so pleased when it is out. Such a simple thing to be pleased about. I will be extremely pleased when I get darker curtains so I can block the fucking thing out so I can flawlessly use my computer!

I have decided to investigate a career in writing TV/movies. I thought that was just fantasy much like oh that's not appropriate, moving along. I do really want to create my own comedies/dramas and I have tons of ideas. My main problem is that I am tied to New Zealand which doesn't have much of an industry in regards to TV. I do want to take my ideas to L.A. Maybe I will try to produce some stuff here to finance such a move. I am still working on programming web sites for myself but the process is fucking slow and to make any sort of money I will really have to keep on constantly at it and I still plan to do that. Creating sites is quite satisfying. Though I believe that my creative talents are best utilized elsewhere and I do believe that it will be a more satisfying job. So the first thing is to learn what I need to get started in the industry, then work on a single project and see if anybody picks it up.
Posted at 27/09/2009 08:53:00 UTC 0 comments

09-20-2009, 05:12

I shouldn't be accessing a computer in this state, and it is only going to get worse, bring on the vodkas WEEEEE! Starting earlier early too; spending an hour at dad's birthday, he's 60. Ugh too many people will be there, ugh I hate people!!! I suppose that I won't even recognize most of them and I will have to pretend that I do otherwise some people go on and on and on and on and it is just easier if you agree; it shuts them up.

On an unrelated note: I have been in a strange mood this week - happy, well I wouldn't go that far but definitely more motivated and slightly more positive! I have started working on my sites more and am actually excited about them again! I have decided to do more to earn money, because everybody knows that money buys happiness. Those who say otherwise are just delusional poor people who need to feel better about themselves.

Had two CCS meetings on Wednesday. On Thursday I went to qtopia, read the express magazine, what a shitty publication. The personals are funny though! They are just so pathetic! On Friday I saw Hine.

It's Sunday now, yes my state got much much worse, five double vodkas and something else. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I was completely out of it! I did get a rather cute guy's number though! Oh and mum and alcohol is a very bad combination! She's bad enough sober. Add alcohol and her nuttyness factor increases ten times and she is already a complete nutter.

I am getting extremely annoyed with PayPal! Just got a new credit card and it still won't send the fucking code required to use PayPal! This fucks me off! It didn't send anything to my previous credit card, although it clearly states it did: LIAR!!! I have checked the statements multiple times IT IS NOT THERE!!! I am going to setup internet banking again to see if I can track down the code that way, there is probably no chance in fucking hell. My internet banking password suddenly stopped working one day and we never got around to fixing it. I was told that internet banking was a bad idea anyway but I really don't know why I accepted that for so long. It is MY decision! I really regret not pushing the issue more. It's the same with my power of attorney. I NEVER wanted one!!! I was forced into getting one, granted to get a large sum of money and that is the ONLY reason that I allowed one. Now I have learned that I could get a stamp instead of a power of attorney, possibly, I don't know, I have to investigate it further. My current power of attorney takes it very personally which frankly is extremely stupid!!! Not that I don't trust him, I trust him with my life. To me having a power of attorney at my age is unnatural! He doesn't understand that I don't want ANYBODY to be my power of attorney, EVER!!! Or at least as long as I am capable of making my own decisions. Potential abuse is not the issue, it's the principle!

It's September, so that means that the new seasons of TV series are staring in the US. Ugh not sure if I can be bothered with them, I will probably just stick to House, still getting through the fifth season. Not sure if I will start watching new Law And Order, Jack McCoy is not the main DA anymore so that will suck, it was bad enough when the repeats stopped showing episodes with Lennie Briscoe. So meh, just House it is I think. Plus some episodes of some shows for not so legitimate reasons hahaha, high definition ROCKS!!!
Posted at 20/09/2009 09:12:00 UTC 0 comments

09-13-2009, 03:56

Much of the same as last week except I did even less! Ugh I need a life. No, scrap that, I already have a life. Well strictly speaking; I am breathing. What I need is a blonde twink to fuck! OK enough of my sexual desires, my blog seems to be full of them these days. LOL that was really not my intention. Next thing you know I will be explaining my fantasies in graphic detail. No, time and a place! Ooooo I could write erotic fiction!!! No, kidding! Which reminds me, I still have absolutely no idea if my article about having Cerebral Palsy was acceptable to be published by The Press, apparently the editor is overseas so that fucks.

TFIS, only went to qtopia so far, there was a games night, with actual games this time!!! Horray for actually having games at a games night, unlike last time. A group of us played a game that you have to guess who you are. I was Homer Simpson, I had a feeling that I was so four quick questions and I was done. Then I was Captain Jack Sparrow from those pirate crap movies, never watched them, no desires to, wasn't going to guess that name for a very long time. I mostly just ignore everything to do with pop culture now. Harry who? Lord Of The whatchamacallit? King eh crap? Pirates Of The? Seriously I have absolutely no ideas about recent movies or TV shows. I am definitely going to get the second movie of Twilight. Yes solely because I heard a hot guy is shirtless for most of the movie, I really don't plan on actually watching it of course.

It's Sunday now, drank four and a half double vodkas and raspberries. Ugh there was a woman who kept wanting to hold my hand while dancing, she was told not too so that solved the problem. A hot guy did the same but nobody told him not too, nor would I want them to. That's a double standard for you!

Saturday and Sunday I got woken up early, well 10:30 today after having three and a half hours sleep in total, perhaps less, so really not amused!
Posted at 13/09/2009 07:56:00 UTC 0 comments

09-07-2009, 03:10

Not much happened this week so I will bitch about exactly that; my week was dead fucking boring! Ugh I need more crap to do. TFIS. Thank Fuck it's Saturday. I can go out and get pissed and talk to some people! All I did was QTopia on Thursday and went to a clinic on Friday.

Well I heard a good song last week at Cruz and I have been trying to figure out what it was. I still have no fucking idea despite sampling hundreds of songs on itunes and the facebook application iLike. I have an extremely obsessive personality, I truly wish I didn't but I do hahaha. I will definitely ask Bruce when it is playing tonight. On the bright side I stumbled across many songs that I like! ie Stacie Orrico -Stuck ( and The Veronicas - Popular ( Ugh is music the best thing I can come up to write about???

Also soaps! Fucking TVNZ is removing The Young And The Restless and Days Of Our Lives! I am so pissed! Especially at The loss of DOOL! Primarily for not seeing more of Jason Cook shirtless hahaha. Oh don't glare at my texts like that! He's SO CUTE!!! Anyway this is worst than Prime taking away vintage Home And Away and TVNZ taking away vintage Shortland Street! Fuck both of the channels! FUCK FUCK FUCK!

Fucking hell! If my memory serves me right ADSL2 should be in my area next month. YAY! I have been waiting for this since last year! Although the New Zealand ISP sector fucking sucks because data is ridiculously overpriced but luckily my ISP lets me download for free at night (1AM-7AM) so I pay bugger all. It's brilliant! Though most of the time I really can't be bothered scheduling downloads so I don't download nearly as much as before Slingshot (my ISP) introduced the free data schedule., perhaps that's what my ISP was counting on, it's a conspiracy I tell ya! So if I keep downloading at night (assuming that peak data stay the same because of ISPs being tight assess) then I don't see how increased speeds will be of much benefit. GIVE ME CHEAPER DATA ALREADY!!! $1 per GB is outrageous!

Now it's Sunday, the song that I wanted was Hatin On The Club by Rihanna (, yes it is VERY camp, that's why I like it. My friend couldn't drive me to Cruz because he lost his glasses but we caught taxis and he broke the door handle off one of the taxis. He is definitely a quirky guy hahaha. It's part of the fun! My care agency did offer to find me a hired carer for Saturday nights and a women did suddenly turn up at Cruz to check the place out which put me in a very awkward position. I only went along with the agency finding me a carer because my friend first said that he would only do it on his holidays but this is not the case anymore so I will stick with him.

Now it's Monday, the fucking internet crapped out for five hours yesterday so I couldn't complete the rant. Hmmmm is it just a coincidence that I start bitching about internet data prices and it cuts out. Hmmmm THEY'RE WATCHING!!!
Posted at 07/09/2009 07:10:00 UTC 0 comments

08-30-2009, 04:53

You are still reading this. Don't you have anything better to do? Apparently not...

Wednesday I went to a clinic for some tests except the information got fucked up and I have to go back on the 4th of September. Surprisingly they only made me wait about 15 minutes which is much shorter than the waiting time at my local GP. I checked out Days Of Our Lives while I waited. Jason Cook wasn't shirtless so I was happy to go when the nurse called me..

On the subject of TV, it looks like Sky is finally fixed! For about two years it sometimes would not show a picture for hours on end. This later became a daily thing which was fucking annoying. It was a box configuration problem! So that's fixed! Yay! This means that I don't have to miss out on soft core porn which is frankly the only thing that I use my TV for these days, apart from watching ASB Business and repeats of X Files/Law And Order.

Thursday, QTopia, fuck I forgot that a woman was coming to speak to the members. If I had remembered I wouldn't have gone. Fucking stupid memory. Wait, what am I doing? Oh yeah typing! Who am I doing? That's right, nobody. Grrrrrrr. Annnnnnnyyyyywwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy. So the women yapped on about "boundaries". What ours were etc etc etc borrrring. The whole thing was just completely unnecessary in my opinion. The woman yapped on about completely obvious and pointless things. Now when I have to listen to somebody I can't help making fun of everything in my head and laughing. This is a very embarrassing problem. Half of QTopia probably think I am some kind of lunatic. Oh well who cares? My issue also occurs at CCS meetings. I do try to laugh as quietly as possible. Comic genius is a bitch sometimes. She asked what would a person be without rules and boundaries? FUN!!! I have minimal rules and boundaries. Seriously! One is that I try to accept people for who they are unless they are irritatedly stupid or annoying, or creepy. Secondly I am not interested in other people's problems unless I like them A LOT! I am talking about good offline friends, family and the occasional online friend. I don't get involved in other people's problems. I don't like whiners! Don't tell me your problems, I don't care! OK so I may not actually be THAT heartless but it is true as a general rule. Third, I don't pretend to be a nice person. Those that like me like me, those that don't can get fucked. I also have a few morals such as equal rights, anti corruption that effects me unless I am benefiting from it yada yada yar. Now on to the physical side of boundaries. I have come to the conclusion that people's boundaries are often looser with me, and not in a good way. I was wandering around at cruz and this man (or woman, I really don't remember) just grabbed on to both of my hands and started swinging them. I didn't know the person and it definitely wasn't a hot guy so I'm like what the fuck??? Now personally generally I don't like people holding my hand while dancing, it does not go with my style but that is going off topic. There was also this guy who kept sticking his hand out very close to me as if he wanted to me grab on, that guy definitely needed a lesson in PERSONAL SPACE! This one depressing old woman last week laid her head on my shoulder. Again I am FAR TOO NICE to people! I should have told her to FUCK OFF! These people were complete strangers! Ugh!

Saturday I spent three hours at a CCS regional meeting. Ugh how fucking sad. I truly didn't have anything more exciting to do. Again I repeat: ugh! That night I went to cruz, saw friends, got pissed etc etc etc.
Posted at 30/08/2009 08:53:00 UTC 0 comments

08-23-2009, 04:47

On Wednesday I had boring CCS committee meetings, two of the fuckers. The access committee meeting wasn't too bad, it only went on for about fifteen minutes. The LAC meeting went on for much longer. They were blahing away about financial matters and selling/acquiring properties. *yawn*.

Thursday Qtopia etc etc etc. A straight woman did call me a "spunk rat". Talk about stating the obvious...

Friday I had a doctor's appointment but rescheduled it to go to an UniQ meeting. I got nominated for a committee position. I didn't get it because I buggered off to Dunedin instead! Actually I was very surprised to get nominated at all; I pretty much constantly bitch about them in my blog and some got pissed understandably. In my defense I pretty much constantly bitch about everything! I am just a bitch!

Now Dunedin, what a fucking shit hole! For starters everywhere is as hilly as fuck. Then the nightlife sucks, half of the bars were closed and most open bars were dead, one wouldn't even let me in because of the wheelchair being a "fire hazard". Well fuck that, Natalia wasn't having a bar of it and they let me in. Hahaha stupid fuckwitts! I didn't hear the conversation but I would have said "Yeah, Do you know what a REAL fire hazard is: Arson!" Although I don't think that it would have had the same effect. It is probably best that I don't have speech, people would be stupid enough to take my empty threats seriously. I also took part in a Mardi Gras which was the opening for Dunedin pride week. I ate about two packets of Pineapple Lumps going to and from Dunedin. Also listened to music and decided to get a new style of headphones, the current ones I had kept coming off every ten minutes which was annoying, not half as annoying as it was for my carer I bet! On that subject; I pretty much took the piss out of him the entire time, he does know what I am like! Seriously I was so grateful that he could come, it was a great trip, even if we did get completely lost trying to find a Shell service station to get a wee discount using a voucher which we couldn't find so we basically traveled for miles to get a discount that we didn't get. The voucher was instantly found when Natalia came back, this was after we got petrol. Although the service station boy was hot! Dunedin was a shit hole but traveling was fun. Thanks for an awesome experience to everyone who was there!

Two hours after I got back from Dunedin I went to Cruz. I had about four double vodkas and raspberries. I probably shouldn't have had that last one considering before I did I tipped my wheelchair right over and broke my tray into two pieces. That was FUCKING HILARIOUS!!! Some people were concerned about me but I was absolutely fine, it takes a lot to injure me! Actually I was more fucked off that I was missing dancing to a great song! I also ran into a man who I am not completely convinced that he doesn't belong in a mental institution, yeah like I can talk, right??? I think he is borderline criminally insane... Well me too! Finally we ended up dropping a complete stranger off hmmmm probably a very bad idea come to think of it, she could have been a serial killer for all I knew but it was my helper's idea and I just went along with it, no idea why, perhaps I am too nice...
Posted at 23/08/2009 08:47:00 UTC 0 comments

08-16-2009, 05:53

What a boring week, I did absolutely nothing interesting,


Actually until Thursday, the week was completely boring. Thursday was my birthday. My parents gave me a gift, something that I have wanted for a very long time and I wouldn't mind getting one every birthday. Also that day I went to qtopia, none of the members showed up so two facilitators just bitched for an hour and a half, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Friday night I went out, the music was a bit off in the places.

Saturday night was my party, I got drunk and the rest, although I wasn't as drunk as I had hoped. Perhaps that's because I left Cruz earlier than usual to be with a guy, can't remember his name, it was a very GOOD night hahaha! My mother thinks that of friends is very shocking, haha why would I hang out with him otherwise? Civilized people are just so boring! My room was heavily decorated but we really spent fuck all time in there though between smoking etc. All of the straight people didn't go to town so we headed directly to Cruz at about 12:30, a taxi was meant to come an hour earlier but it fucked up. I did not realized that it was 7:45 when I got home, had about three hours sleep. I told everyone not to bring presents but some did anyway, so thanks!
Posted at 16/08/2009 09:53:00 UTC 0 comments

08-09-2009, 04:25

Well the week started on Wednesday as I did nothing remotely interesting before that and in the spirit of sharing WAYYYY too much information like I always do I had an explicit dream about Ben Nicholas, it was FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! I was extremely annoyed that I woke up. I have never had a dream quite so explicit. It must be all the gay porn (very addictive shit) I have been downloading recently hmmmm... Anyway back to Wednesday, I went to the museum with a friend. My last visit was years ago. I just zoomed around and took absolutely nothing in hahaha. I always say that people who are interested in history should stop living in the past. I also tried ty food, yeah didn't like that, I will stick to McDonalds and KFC.

On Thursday I met my new Cruz carer who is rather hot! That's irrelevant; all that I need is someone who can pour vodka down my throat, that's basically the job apart from driving and translating for me. Also that day I went to qtopia. I sat in on the facilitator's meeting, nobody told me to piss off so I guess that was OK. I am waiting on a meeting to start the process of becoming a facilitator.

On to Saturday night now because Friday fucking sucked. I went out with my brother. There was a very frustrating woman at Boogie Nights that freaked out because my brother left me to go to another bar. Sigh, I wish that people wouldn't think of me as a fucking baby. I couldn't get the message across that I can look after myself, and her worrying was fucking annoying! We later met with my other brother, his wife (Janine) and a few other friends. Janine gave someone a lecture because they used my tray as a drink stand, good on her I say. My communication tray is not for the convenience of other people. Reading my previous rant made her feel like "bitch slapping" me. Hey don't blame me! I was only repeating what my mother said to me, OK so she got your motives completely wrong, I should have known that it would have been a misunderstanding, sorry. Wow an apology, my next one is scheduled for sometime in 2053.
Posted at 09/08/2009 08:25:00 UTC 0 comments

08-02-2009, 03:45

Fuck my week up until about Thursday was boring, the only thing I did was different was wrote an article about my experiences with Cerebral Palsy and that was hardly a fucking roller coaster. It was an interesting challenge, a bit more difficult than I thought but I am pleased with it though. I tried not to use the usual disability pitying language that the media uses and also not to make it a sob story, I kind of succeeded, I hope, time will tell. I have not gotten feedback from the editor yet.

On Thursday I went to the Queer Waves launch party, only like six people were there, hardly a fucking party, eh? The radio broke down so we did not hear about half of it. In my opinion the show needed more guts and less music.

Friday night I went out with friends. we went here, there and everywhere. It was extremely scattered, I did not get very pissed, unfortunately but it was good anyway.

Saturday night I got a bit more pissed, still not enough. A friend gave my carer a hard time because it was his last time caring for me LOL. On that subject, I meet my new carer on Thursday. I felt a bit dizzy at one stage because I was very close to the flashing lights, that was an interesting experience! At least I did not almost tip over like I did last week, that was fucking fun!

I am a bit pissed with my siblings, apparently they have invited many of their friends to my party in case only a few of my friends turn up. I thought that was a bit insulting. People can invite whoever the fuck they like, I couldn't give a fuck, it's just the reasoning I have a problem with. Hopefully mum got the wrong idea and they are inviting their mob to occupy themselves. Even so, it should be packed. Fuck it's two weeks away, I really shouldn't be this excited so soon. I'm like a little fucking kid! Need to dye my hair again. I am thinking blue, red and orange with coloured shapes in it, or perhaps just the one colour as the background.
Posted at 02/08/2009 07:45:00 UTC 0 comments

07-26-2009, 03:29

This week has been even crappier than usual because my wheelchair broke down, it was fixed three days later. Thank fuck. The headrest on my manual wheelchair is absolute shit for eye computer access, oh and not being able to go out independently sucked too etc etc etc.

I did go to the fucking ACC work assessment fucking shit I bitched about two weeks ago, yes wearing a face mask just because I could! On the subject of work; the job agency changed their mind yet again. I am supposed to be writing for The Press as they originally told me. I have to write 600 words on how having Cerebral Palsy effects me. Oh what fucking fun...

I was supposed to go to a qtopia fund raiser on Friday night and I did for about 15 minutes. My ride came about two hours late and when I got there I found out that it was upstairs instead of downstairs so I waited at Boogie Nights while my manual wheelchair was being fetched. I wish that people would tell me that events are inaccessible, fucking inconsiderate bastards! Now I could easily blame myself but that would violate one of my very few principles! I always blame everyone else for my problems, the more far fetched my reasoning is, the better! I went to see Fur Purse shortly after I arrived and when we came back the party was over! Kids today have no staying power! Boogie Nights was closed too so we went to Cruz. My friend said that possibly the reason that people won't fuck me is that they think that they would hurt me partly because I am lacking in height too. For the record I AM NOT A FUCKING FRAGILE MIDGET!!!!! Even if you do hurt me during sex which is highly unlikely, who knows? I might like it...

I went to Cruz last night, got home at 6:45, up at 11. I find myself becoming MUCH worst at perving every time I go, hey you have got to grab fun when you can, although not literally, although was extremely tempting at one point but I managed to restrain myself somehow. One guy had a close resemblance to Hunter from Shortland Street, it was fucking great! Me and Craig went to the casino after Cruz at about 5, I lost $20, fuck gambling!

I finally have the ability to print and scan again, Fur Purse sold me his one.

I now have a Twitter ( account, it sucks but now I can torture everyone with my pointless status updates in two places. Twitter automatically updates my facebook status. Automation is my best friend, in other words I am fucking lazy!
Posted at 26/07/2009 07:29:00 UTC 0 comments

07-19-2009, 06:00

I don't really have anything to rant about this week so I will just rant about the job agency. The guy from the job agency reads this blog. Fucked if I care though. He knows what I think of him anyway so...

Before that I had a CCS meeting the day before, they talked about disability awareness and things that were extremely boring. Apparently they still want me on their committee even though I clearly told the chairmen of the Christchurch LAC that I will probably disagree with everyone about everything. This meeting I disagreed with their approach to disability awareness, I need to do a separate rant about the issue but basically I strongly don't like the idea of disability awareness being going around specific organizations saying that we need extra help etc etc etc blah blah blah blah... NO it should be promoting people with disabilities in a positive light to the general public such as having at least one disabled news reporter on each news channel and the possibility of a regular disabled character on scripted programs such as Shortland Street. While I really don't believe in dictating what scripted programs do, whether I like it or not and I DON'T, people's acceptance can be influenced by television. So OK let's use it to our advantage. I mean half the problem is that people are not used to disabilities, especially older people since before my time people like me were isolated from society.

Now this job agency crap. Thursday they met with me to discuss doing a freelance article for The Press, the next day, no mention of it, they wanted an UNPAID article for their OWN publication, they did NOT give any reason at first for the sudden change of direction. I simply told them that I would do it but I wasn't happy about it. They questioned why I didn't want to contribute. I replied with the question should be why should I??? I gave the reason for experience and exposure and again clearly told them I would do it but also added I am not here to give them free articles. I could get projects that don't pay myself, their magazine is aimed at employers which is good though. They did not really explain the project well, what do I write about for employers? Challenges in finding work, accessibility, awareness or my personal experiences with Cerebral Palsy? They were extremely vague about what they wanted, I still don't know. They then replied with a fucking lecture about sometimes having to do things that I don't want to do and needing commitment, if I didn't want to commit they wished me luck. I actually asked if their brain was on holiday! I was very clear in saying that I would do the article so duhhhh I wanted to commit and already knew that I would need to do undesirable things, if they did not know that they're complete fucking idiots. Don't lecture me on completely obvious things, it's patronizing!

Seriously the more I deal with people this week the more I am pleased that I am not in a relationship as that would mean spending time with another person! Most other people are fucking idiots, I am much better than them. The reason that I am not in a relationship is most people wouldn't be able to match me intellectually. This is my new attitude, yes it's untrue and completely delusional but I am going with it anyway, OK???

Sunday update, wrote the above Saturday.

Oh shit I DO have something else to rant about. I went to the Cerebral Palsy Society mid winter lunch today and it was so fucking dull, ugh never doing that again. never never never! I didn't stay for the full four hours, left half way. I didn't even want to go really, next time I will trust my instincts. I wondered why my friend that I saw Friday wasn't going, now I know.

Went out Saturday night as always, telling you this is a fucking formality, isn't it. I went to Boogie Nights, Cruz, Boogie Nights. I was kind of pissed because Miss Drag Canterbury was postponed, they postponed the last event too. I was going to go in drag anyway but eh I didn't. I'm lazy, easier to go as myself.
Posted at 19/07/2009 10:00:00 UTC 0 comments

07-12-2009, 04:38

After I posted my weekly rant I dyed my hair blue and actually got a proper mohawk this time. I asked for one last time but the incompetent bitch did not give me one, not sure what she gave me, it's a further mystery why I accepted it. I got my sister (Deborah) and sister-in-law (Janine) to do it. I was going to dye it green but the shop did not have that colour.

A thing that really fucked me off this week was that I have to go to some doctor to see if I am able to work. Now my problem is since I want to do writing, I just don't understand why I need a doctor to give the OK. I mean what the fuck? Firstly I would use a computer to write and I have accessed fucking computers since I was eight years old, for fuck sake accessing computers is all I fucking do all day most days. Secondly if they need proof that I can write... Well what the fuck do they call this??? It's completely ridiculous and a needless inconvenience. They think that they can summon me whenever they want. Fucking pen pushers. Although granted it is slightly less ridiculous than making me go to the doctor's every six months to check that I still have my permanent disability, I swear I don't make these things up, this is how insane the system is! They must just do it to keep the doctors employed. Oh shit going to the doctors in the middle of the swine flu pandemic. Not good not good not good. I am going to wear a face mask, if only to look ridiculous and seem insane! I am sooooo petty!

Finally did my powerpoint presentation Tuesday. Well we were told to go to the wrong fucking university for starters. It's only after we were at the wrong university that we realized. The thing I was demonstrating broke down half way through so my assistant had to finish the speech. There was an article in the local newspaper about it saying something like: Device gives Palsy sufferer a voice. Yeah thanks soooo much for calling me a palsy sufferer, I have always wanted to be called that! A voice? Well the voice broke down you fucking moron! The presentation was about computer access, any mention of how it gives me a voice was extremely minimal, the article had absolutely nothing on the presentation or how it makes computer access faster which was the center of the presentation. The journalist just wrote random crap! Also what was up with the face picture? I looked far too serious and blah! Horrible picture, they should have chosen a better one, with me smiling, it was not a serious presentation at all, part of it was me telling jokes, well ok the rest was educational. I will post the videos on youtube from it tomorrow afternoon. Ironically I am seeing about doing some freelance work at the newspaper that I am bashing lol.

Wednesday my friend came over and filmed me in drag. Fuck I had to give up wearing the shoes, I couldn't dance for shit in them. The make up took one hour to do. I am very glad I don't do it everyday. No disrespect to regular drag queens, or the friend who did the makeup. Thanks Wayne! I did music videos to Boys Boys Boys by Lady GaGa and Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne. Youtube videos coming soon!

I completely changed my nzdating profile to say I want sex only. It's not doing me any good. So far I have three offers from old men, yuck! A 57 year old said that he would have sex with me because he just wanted to help. Yeah, whatever! Some people are truly unbelievable. I wasn't born yesterday you fucking wankers! Give me fucking strength. I will change my profile back so it tells everyone they are morons in a few weeks.

Thursday and Friday afternoon I worked on a HIV article (, I should have done a better job of proof reading it, I have corrected about twenty errors since I published it.

It's Sunday afternoon, went out with my brother Steven, got home at six, up at 11, got totally wasted last night, good night. I never get that trolleyed at Cruz, my helper there does not give me drinks fast enough, also because I dance more at cruz. Every time I go to the straight bars I run into the same friend, met up with her at Boogie Nights, I also got recognized from the paper there. LOL I'm famous! I love going to Boogie Nights! My brother is not a fan but that is ok, I spend most of the time at bars he likes when we are out but I don't mind as long as he keeps pouring the drinks in me hahaha. I of course danced with random girls again. I was a bit fucked off with the taxi coming home. It was a wheelchair taxi but the driver decided to take about seven people home instead of us, then came back to get us. Surely wheelchairs get priority on wheelchair taxis!!! I don't care if they were there first, they could of taken multiple cabs. I didn't have that option. Yeah, I am such a NICE person!

One day and one month until my birthday! I haven't celebrated for about seven years, didn't even have a 21st. Definitely celebrating this year, on the 15th instead of my actual birthday 13th August. I will post the event on facebook at the of July.
Posted at 12/07/2009 08:38:00 UTC 0 comments

07-05-2009, 04:52

I didn't think that I would be able to do write this week because my computer access camera broke but luckily I got a temporary camera, many thanks to DTSL. It broke right after I did a practice run for my eye computer access presentation, that's fucking ironic, huh? The practice run went reasonably well apart from a few technical glitches with the screens. I still have some work to do before Tuesday when I finally do the presentation. I will video it and put it on youtube. In a way it was good that I suffered through knee switch access for a few days, it made me realize how far I have come and gave me a whole new appreciation for computer access though the eye. Ohhh I will put that in my speech!

I do need to learn how to make funny youtube shit. That will be awesome. At the moment my channel isn’t even worth linking too.

I now have two dresses and about three pairs of shoes, thanks to Fur Purse and mum, I didn't expect my mum to buy me women's outfits but there we go. I have an excess of women’s clothes for my needs. I have decided on Emma Bee Witch as my drag name. I am going for the completely over the top, comical and just downright ridiculous look. It will be a hoot!

Went to UniQ and QTopia. I volunteered to do an "ask qtopia" section for the upcoming GLBT magazine, oh fuck I will have to give advice hmmmm may not be the best idea I have had. Let's hope that they don't ask how to come out to their homophobic parents, I could deal with anything else but that question I would struggle with, or not, I do underestimate myself regularly. Not that my parents are homophobs, I thought that they were before I came out but I was completely wrong about that. I would need to suggest something so much better than what I did: just said the word gay and tried to get out of the room as quickly as possible, bah it did get the job done hahaha. So yay, I will be an agony uncle, why do the words "impending doom" spring to mind?

Friday night I went to a GLBT night, the male talent mostly sucked there. That was OK. I was the first one there but some friends later came. My picture was taken with a guy and my fucking smile went awol again. I hate trying to smile. I am just shit at intentionally trying to smile, I can smile naturally no problem. Slowest fucking taxi home ever. It definitely felt like it.

Do you want to know something that really pissed me off? One of my friends asked me if I wanted to be involved in a focus group with other people with disabilities, I said I would so she referred me to the people organizing it and they said that I couldn't come because I can't verbally communicate. Wellllllllllllll NEWS FLASH: Not being able to verbally communicate is a fucking disability, isn't it?????? Un-fucking-believable. They said that I could not contribute to a discussion. How fucking insulting. They wanted people with disabilities to participate but are discriminating against me for having a certain type of disability. Can anyone explain the logic in that??? Oh well they are fuckwitts, nothing else to say.

I went out last night of course, met up with a friend at cruz. I was extremely responsible because I left an hour early because I had to work on my powerpoint presentation at 11AM. I got home at 5 instead of 6. Well OK saying that I was extremely responsible was a lie. Do you expect anything different from me? Oh I also was shirtless for a while; yeah I am just a slut. It got cold so I abandoned that idea pretty swiftly. Not doing it again until the summer. I knocked my right thumb on my wheelchair while dancing and it fucking hurts, fucking wheelchairs.

Finally I worked on my powerpoint presentation again after about four hours sleep, it was good though. It helps that my assistant is so entertaining to work with!
Posted at 05/07/2009 08:52:00 UTC 0 comments

06-28-2009, 05:24

This week started off GREAT, I found a Shortland Street shirtless scene that I have been looking for since 2005 of David Wikaira Paul (Tama Hudson), the youtube video is actually quite good despite being covered in subtitles. Now if only I can find some of the gorgeous Chris Dykzeul who played James Thornton. I probably should minimize talking about my porn collection on here...

On Wednesday I had two CCS meetings. I complained about the crappy Taxi services to the access commitee and they said that the taxi companies did a survey and apparently 85% of taxi clients are satisfied, we however think this is bullshit and are conducting our our own survey. I also put my complaints in writing the next day.

Friday I worked on my eye gaze powerpoint presentation, I have almost finished it. My session is fully booked, yep everybody wants a piece of me. I thought that it would be boring but I fulled my speech with jokes and really enjoyed it! Speaking of writing stuff, an employment agency is going to look for a writing job for me, I love writing, although perhaps the job would want a fucking toned down version of my fucking writings. Am I fucking capable of that? Fuck knows.

Wacko Jacko died! Now I am not one to care about celebrity deaths but I listened to Michael Jackson all the time when I was a child. Shit it is shocking, isn't it? He really was a legend in my opinion. Although that didn't stop me cracking a few jokes about him on facebook. What kind of person am I? Answer: A HORRIBLE BASTARD!!! Personally I really don't believe that the dead deserve anymore respect than the living, it's just not logical in my opinion, also it is kind of hypocritical. I would have made the same light hearted jokes if he was alive and don't feel the need to act any differently. Some people are quite offended about the text jokes going around, I do understand their position and certainly don't endorse that kind of humour, although I personally am OK with it all, have even laughed at some. I like the hell out of Wacko Jacko. His songs are amazing. My favourites are Man In The Mirror, Smooth Criminal, Is It Scary and They Don't Care About Us. I also love Beat It, Bad and Thriller, Billie Jean. Why do I call him Wacko Jacko? It's a funny name, that's why. No other reason really. OK so the guy had problems, everyone does, don't they? I have many. The stress of being famous plus being falsely accused of those awful things probably by gold diggers must had some effect on the man. RIP MJ x. I must get his movies.

I went out yesterday evening. I went to a Craig and Onn's house and watched an 1980's documentary on being gay which took place before the law change that made gay sex acts legal. Craig appeared in it. I said "You were hot" He wasn't impressed with the "were" part of the sentence HAHAHA. Then we went to cruz, someone took my drink away, the bastard!

Oh and drag update: Fur Pursue got a dress and shoes for $6. That's great, I like being cheap.
Posted at 28/06/2009 09:24:00 UTC 0 comments

06-21-2009, 04:16

I am pre writing this on a Saturday because I went out last night and I am going out again tonight which I would imagine will leave me totally fucked (and not a good way. Well probably not) for tomorrow. It’s been a much better week!

Now we return to my usual bitter shit...

I worked on my speech for my powerpoint presentation. Tuesday I did programming. Wednesday I went to UniQ, only one person was there except for the guy who came for about ten minutes, everyone else was studying. I had a great time though. Thursday it was qtopia, I am seeing about becoming a facilitator there.

Friday was a bit more eventful... OK so I went to a GLBT night at some bar, well no I didn't. I got there and the place was virtually empty so I decided to go to cruz for a while (half hour) then when I came back they were closing due to a staffing fuck up. So I went back to cruz with a friend from the now canceled GLBT night. He said that a guy said it was great that he took me out and refused to believe that I took him to cruz and also that cruz was more my scene than his. Honestly I seriously think that something is wrong with society if some people refuse to believe that people like me are incapable of independent thought. I mean please give me fucking strength. Whoever said ignorance is bliss is a fuckwitt. (On a completely unrelated note this friend is helping me create a drag costume, watch out for my new youtube channel which will basically be me dancing in drag to all sorts of girly pop tracks. I think that it will be hilarious! Taking suggestions on my drag name, Le-Bitch??? Although being an uber bitch in drag would be no fun since I can't talk, it kind of defeats the purpose of the act plus Le-Bitch sounds kind of cliche, I can do better. I will use the drag costume at drag events.) Then I ran into some of my friends (girls) and they thought cruz was lacking in talent (obviously apart from me duhhhhh) so we went to another club and at 3 I gave them a ride home.

I have got my first two CCS DA committee meetings on Wednesday so if I lapse into a coma, that’s probably why. That organization is bound to hate me if they read this blog, meh they can get in line as far as I am concerned hahaha.

My computer is fucking over heating again, must get my technician to come out, I keep getting the fucking blue screen of death, fuck I hate it, fuck fuck fuck!

I just got the song "Bring Back The 80's (" by Aqua and I LOVE it and it also got me thinking, this decade fucking sucks, civilization was so much more respectable in the 90's. Big Brother, George W Bush, American Idol, Paris Hilton, seriously what the fuck is to like about this decade??? Ignorance and corruption do clearly still clearly exist, the media deliberately try to scare us that is if they are not trying to get us obsessed with celebrities. Everyone has gone all weak and sensitive with all this fucking PC crap. People are just fucking sheep nowadays. Oooooo they'll be scaring us with sheep flu next. To be fair some people will slam me for not mentioning Obama, but he’s a late comer. There may be other positives but that really does not change the fact that civilization has gone to hell.

Now on to my Sunday update…

I watched a movie at my friend's house before going to cruz. the movie needed much more skin from the two stars who were fucking hot, the movie ended differently than what I was expecting, can't remember the name of the film, errr something and angels, who cares? We couldn't get a wheelchair taxi twice due to a "boo boo", well that really isn't fucking acceptable. A station wagon worked though. I am really starting to believe that taxi companies suck, as if I don't have enough things to hate. Luckily I was in my manual wheelchair. Craig was pissed when his foot got run over by the taxi. I drank and danced as usual, it was a good night!
Posted at 21/06/2009 08:16:00 UTC 0 comments

06-14-2009, 04:47

I hate my emotions! At the beginning of the week I was feeling quite down, lonely and just feeling in the mood for self pity. I don’t know why. Perhaps when I spend too much time in my own company I start to drive myself mad. Ugh I really hate it when I turn into this self pitying mess. I really need to stop. I really do think my life is good and is improving. Fuck, yes as I typed that I did feel violently ill. How fucking happy clappy ABC did I sound? I started to feel better Wednesday. I did consider trying dating again. Yeah, what the fuck was I thinking? That's not the solution. Dating sucks. It didn't work before so I quit to try to maintain my sanity. No it didn't work, did it? I have decided to bury myself in work. Well OK not bury, just do a healthy amount just so I have something to focus on. I have already tried to get back into it more several times before but for some reason I have started to feel good about it all again, weird. Also I have got several community projects possibly starting so that will help stimulate me. Yeah either that or burn me out, make me crazy and I will start snapping at people randomly, so really no change from my current situation except I would have more work to do, hmmmm let's hope this is not the case!

I still find myself wanting a boyfriend sometimes. I don't know why. I really need to get a grip! Ugh, I do hate the times when my emotional side overtakes my rational side. I really need to control my emotions better. Oh well, today I have no need to get a boyfriend, I do hope it stays but probably not.

Yesterday I went to a birthday event and it's probably the reason why I am in a better mood. Although I was annoyed that half the people spelt things out to me despite actually knowing that I could hear. I mean what the fuck??? It is much easier and quicker for them to speak! Why would they not maximize the conversation? I think a (very cute!) guy said that it's more interesting for him spelling things out, or something like that. Personally I just don't find it normal. I went to cruz after. Hmmmm some strange people there that time. Women were all over me again. I am also fucking sick to death of people saying "good to see people like you out", that is so fucking patronizing in my opinion. Yeah, seeing people out is really amazing. I don't really give a fuck if I am in a wheelchair, people really need to stop seeing it as more than what they are doing themselves.

I also finally started my eye computer control powerpoint presentation and need to work on it today, basically rewriting the speech.

Hopefully my next post will contain less boring emotional crap. If you mind too much... Fuck off! Cheers!
Posted at 14/06/2009 08:47:00 UTC 0 comments

06-07-2009, 04:13

Hey everyone! I swallowed some ash! I just wanted to open with that. Well it happened last night when I was of course pissed, by that time I had a vodka and a shot of Absence which I just knew was a bad idea because of the shot of something I had several weeks ago. Shots DON'T agree with me, I thought it would be better second time around, it wasn't and I think the stuff was stronger too. It took me an hour to get over it then I had another vodka of course. The music was not exactly to my taste but OK, we went to about four different bars so I had a variety. Of course I got attention from girls. Bah, girls, they're useless to me! BAHAHAHAHA! A girl gave me her number though. Oh, now I completely understand why people dance to crappy "dance music", it is because they're fucking cold and move to warm themselves up.

Earlier that day I went to a mall with a friend, she took me to several woman clothing shops, the same thing happened to me last week oddly enough. Not really a good idea to take me clothes shopping: "Does this make my ass look fat!" "Hell yeah bitch!" Also why would anyone mind if their ass looks fat? It doesn't really matter in my opinion. My ass always looks fantastic, shame nobody gets to see it. I am blessed with a naturally fantastic ass but even if I wasn't, I wouldn't care. Mind is everything, body is nothing. Not that I really mind going clothes shopping with women, opps probably shouldn't of typed that! As long as they don't expect me to buy anything, because clothes are expensive!

On Wednesday I went to UniQ and took my speaking computer, it didn't crap out this time so that was good. The voice is kind of quiet though, so it is fuck all use unless you are standing close. Also I tried to use my mobile phone to connect to the internet via USB, that didn't work, I couldn't see it in the network connections panel, the guy that sold me it said it would work like that but maybe he was wrong and I have to buy another device.

Also I might be joining a CCS DA committee, That stands for Crippled Children's Society Disability Action, yeah worst name EVER!!! It used to be called just CCS but they added Disability Action, what absolute fuckwitts! If they were going to change the name they should have removed the CCS part, as personally I find it offensive. Firstly I am not a fucking child! Secondly "Crippled" sounds a bit politically incorrect, not that I really care about that part but I just think that it is seriously fucked up. I frequently refer to myself as a cripple, but that is just for laughs. Anyway about this committee, NO idea what it does and I'm completely fucked if I know why they want me on it but I assume that I will be making some kind of useful contribution to society, then again I HATE society. Meh gives me yet another thing to bitch about, I love bitching, it's a hobby! Apparently this committee is in charge of all the other committees, or something like that. Hopefully one of my friends didn't take me seriously when I said "If I ever volunteer for anything again, kill me". I said that when I was voluntering for Christchurch Pride Week and I just volunteered to do the site next year too. I am surprised they want me again but apparently I must have done a good job. I thought that I sucked but apparently not, so great!

Speaking of Christchurch, it sucks! I am going to take a few holidays to various places like Auckland, Wellington, Sydney and a few other places, yes to visit the gay venues primarily but also for some more excitement in my life. The last holiday I went to was a cruise and at the time I was still hopelessly addicted to the internet. The internet was down for seven something like 11 days, I fucking hated it. These days the only thing I hate is being on the internet all day and plus I will have mobile internet in most places, to check my email and control my personal video recorder.

My weekly rants are getting longer and longer. This one has gone on for long enough. Time to dance to Britney Spears and Lady GaGa!
Posted at 07/06/2009 08:13:00 UTC 0 comments

05-31-2009, 04:31

OK following on from my last post, I had a drunken conversation with one of my brothers and he decided a long time ago that I am rude because I don't communicate like most people. I have not learned how to tactfully put things due to me not being able to stall "um...well...I don't like that", I just directly communicate my feelings because I can't talk in real time. I have done that all of my life. It takes at least three times as longer to communicate and I don't talk nearly as often as everyone else. When I do communicate it is always directly to the point. He also thinks that I partly get it from my father. That makes sense to me and since there is a rational and logical explanation for my behavior I have decided that I am who I am and if people don't like it, they can just fuck off! I mean sure I can try to tone down myself around certain people but frankly if they are not going to give me a chance because they do not like the things I write which I do for comedy, they really are not the type of people that I want to associate with anyway so like I said they can all fuck off. There are people that like it and cheer me on, people that don't like it but still accept me, and the OTHERS. One of my mottos is "You can't please everyone so why bother pleasing anyone", if I please people, it's a bonus. OK I am laying the subject to rest. It looks like I have been blocked by another person on facebook, oh well, occupational hazard of being a shock jock.
I saw my friend on Friday; she apologized because she thought that she was complaining too much which made a welcomed change from ME doing the apologizing for complaining FAR too much. This is an issue I need to keep under control. As for her, I did not notice she was complaining excessively at all.
Then I went to Boogie Nights with my brother. Note to self: He gets me drunk really quickly. We later went to another club with his wife and friends but the music was utter shit there but I figured less time dancing equals more time drinking, plus in the end I just thought fuck it; I am going to dance but to songs that I play in my head which is fucking hard to do when you’re pissed and can remember fuck all of the songs but it mostly worked so that is a good strategy I think. Apparently a guy was eyeing me up but didn’t come over, so my brother said.
On Saturday I went to cruz, for the fifth Saturday in a row, probably going to take a break from it next week since I don’t have my light electric wheelchair or someone to push me. So I am probably going to go somewhere else. Anyway there was a temporary issue with the DJ equipment and they played mostly crap dance mixes and I left early to go to Boogie Nights but it was closed, I should have just played songs in my head like the night before. I also forgot to say bye to some people I was talking to; well actually they were talking to me and hadn’t learned how I communicated so that’s probably why they called me nice. People find me very nice until I start to communicate with them!
I forgot to mention I got a red Mohawk last week but if you have seen me since then you would probably already know unless you were very very drunk, very very high, or gotten a knock on the head which I assure you I had absolutely nothing to do with it this time. My Mohawk is crap, the hair is far too wide so it’s not a Mohawk at all really, what fucking shit for fucking $109.
People are now searching my name and for my rants on the search engines now, that makes me feel so famous and special! Hey, nobody else is giving me thrills; I take what I can get. Thinking of hiring a hooker, you know money DOES buy happiness! Nah, I am far too cheap to hire a hooker and it goes against my principals: SEX SHOULD BE FREE!!!
Posted at 31/05/2009 08:31:00 UTC 0 comments

05-28-2009, 02:55

OK, I was going to use this time to rant about how much I hate the TV industry but that will have to wait.
A guy defriended me on facebook because he thought some of my posts were "quite rude", well DUHHHHH! It's called "RANTING" Online not "let's explain our feelings in a calm and polite way" Online. Me being rude is kind of the central topic of this site! Get a fucking sense of humor! OK I admit sometimes I go completely overboard and say things that I don't mean but that is part of the fun! If you are going to take me seriously all the time you're not going to enjoy this site. I do this to make people laugh with great success most of the time, yes tooting my own horn here BEEP BEEP! He was kind of annoyed about what I said about UniQ a few weeks ago, calling them "an useless bunch of fucking bastards". Nooooow obviously that was a time that I over exaggerated for comic effect. Yes, shock horror I must be the first person EVER to do that. To clarify I really don't think that UniQ are an useless bunch of fucking bastards, that was a fucking joke! I do understand if some people don't like my acid sense of humor and that's ok but frankly they really shouldn't be reading something if they don't appreciate it. Also the guy had another conversation with me which he didn't like my views, the conversation was extremely short and I could have explained my position a whole lot better, then again that was like the only conversation we ever had. I think I need to make a better first impression, my first impressions suck. Well fair enough, some people may think that I am a miserable bastard and they would be mostly right but I am sure I would not be completely bad once people really get to know me. Fuck I must stop rambling like some soppy mess. Just one more thing, if people have a problem with me why the fuck don't they communicate their issues with me directly?
I did go to UniQ yesterday, I basically watch all the other people talking! Hopefully I will be better joined in once I get my speaking computer back which shouldn't be long!
Well I knew that people would start calling me a queen after I got awarded Outstanding Gayness and do you know what? I really don't give a fuck! If people are going to call me a queen, I would rather be known as a Bitchin' Bitchy Disco Queen! I think that I am well suited to that title.
Posted at 28/05/2009 06:55:00 UTC 0 comments

05-24-2009, 07:42

OK this has officially been the gayest week of my life! Of course I mean that in a nice way!
It was Christchurch Pride Week and I went to quite a few events. First the meet up on Tuesday, there was only about five people there. It was a nice little gathering.
On Wednesday I went to UniQ as usual.
On Thursday I went out drinking and gambling with my brother, I made about $7 profit.
Now to Friday. I went to the fantasy ball. I stupidly didn't double check the ticket and arrived an hour early! Nothing in town was open and I had to wait in the fucking cold for about 45 minutes! My sister said "do you want to be picked up at 7 or be there by 7", the party was at 8! Bah oh well. Then my fucking toilet technology failed again! So I could not drink. That was the fucking worst part of the evening! My friends complained that the fetish acts had nothing to do with gay pride and frankly I agree with them, I mean the fetish acts were just fucking awful.
Moving along to Saturday, I did go to that bingo game and I was very fucked off because Joe said that someone would help me with my drinks, NO ONE DID and I left stone cold sober. How the fuck does anyone enjoy bingo without being drunk or high??? Although the humorous comments from the host (The Devine Miss Joanne Clarke, holly fuck that's a long name so I will just call her JC) were pleasant. Also Alex fucked up the information on the facebook event, it said that it finished at 10 but NOOOO it finished at 8:45 so I had to wait for a scheduled carer to come after 10! Some of the guys waited with me but they assumed I was a fucking school boy, oh well I will take that as a compliment!
Then me and my carer went to cruz for about seven hours. The annual awards (hosted again by JC) were on and when David said that I was nominated for the Outstanding Gayness award I thought that he was joking but NO and I actually won it! At first I was just extremely puzzled on why I was even nominated but one of my friends (Craig) said people just admire my attitude towards life, now I can only assume that they are not talking about my bitchy side and are talking about my "courage", I just go out and do things hmmmm I don't think that I have explained that properly, mainly because I really don't know what the fuck people are on about honestly, I don't see myself as courageous, but hey if people want to give me awards just for being myself, fuck it, let them!
Posted at 24/05/2009 11:42:00 UTC 0 comments

05-17-2009, 07:19

FINALLY I got drunk, it had been months since I last did that although I did not have a hangover so obviously I wasn't drunk enough. I went to the UniQ pride week dance party then cruz. I did not pick up at either as usual. Fuck them, well I would like too but they won't let me HAHAHA! My tray broke again but this time it was not my fault, I kept cutting my hand every time I pointed to letters, not good!
Could people with msn adware that sends me advertisements every time that you go offline please burn their computers, or themselves, I am not picky. People who can't take care of computers shouldn't have one!!! I will start blocking people who keep sending me crap. I get an advertisement once every hour or more and they are really starting to fuck me off!
Also about nzdating, well since I am having no luck on there, I thought why not change my profile so that it insults and alienates everybody that reads it? So that's done! I probably should have just disabled my profile but hey it was fun!
I have a busy week next week so I thought that I would bother them about my regular wheelchair, it is not finished but I am getting it back anyway until events die down.
You are a crap reader base! Week after week I bitch bitch bitch but everyone loves my writings. No hate mail, no death threats, nothing! You people are so fucking boring! So it is time to write a rant which blames everybody else for me still being in a wheelchair. YAY! Actually it's a creditable argument according to people I have told. I will write it next week.
Posted at 17/05/2009 11:19:00 UTC 0 comments

05-13-2009, 05:06

Thanks UniQ you useless bunch of fucking bastards, you got kicked out but didn't tell me where you went so I left early, luckily your club president (who also did not know where the fuck you were) saw me and rang my ride. See you all at the party Saturday which you choose a venue with no lift. Are you trying to tell me something???
Also I would like to make an apology, to myself since I don't care if people like the crap I write... I have been writing like an air headed himbo lately and for that I apologize, again to myself. For example I basically said that I did not like people saying hello on nzdating just because they like my profile, I could have explained that a whole lot better so here goes. I just don't like the types of people that do that, mainly "nice old men", fuck I sound awful. It's not that I have a problem with old people, I have some very good friends who are. Well actually it's just that I don't like chatting online period really, it's just too time consuming, I only really like doing it with people who I know offline, IF that they don't irritate the crap out of me. Although "nice old men", I do not have a problem with them, it's just that too many of them contact me on nzdating and it is mainly about quantity, ratios and to be honest my utter hatred for that site. I am just fucking fed up with that site and do not have the energy to be polite to people on there anymore really. Yes I know that I am a bigoted bastard that discriminates against the elderly blah blah blah. Well actually they do it to themselves! They claim "young at heart" and only want to hang out with people younger than them, what a bunch of pathetic fucking hypocrites! Also it is not just old people, I am unlikely to chat to anyone for long periods because I am just not the type. I just find being constantly interrupted online to be very annoying which makes me irritated at the people I am chatting too and end up snapping at them, I have extremely bad anger problems. YES I stated the fucking obvious there! Duhhhhhh!
I now have a right driving pad but this wheelchair is still a piece of fucking shit and the sooner I get my regular wheelchair, the better. This wheelchair has a brand new problem, the forward pad has lost the sensitivity (Hey wheelchairs become like their owners!) and I have to push it hard in exactly the right spot which is down the bottom, it is a fucking strain to drive. Must bitch about it, to the right people.
Posted at 13/05/2009 09:06:00 UTC 0 comments

05-11-2009, 10:00

OK, currently I don't have a right driving pad because I snapped it when I was dancing to this song (, glue to the rescue again. Oh dear god of all the songs it had to be THAT ONE ???

Anyway people on a forum were writing to there 16 year old self, I joined in, here is the result. Errr it's not as entertaining as my other stuff so if you are only here for my angry ramblings, move to the next post. Yes I realize doing this was a completely pointless waste of time...

Dear Thane,
Firstly DO NOT under any circumstances hack some sites in January, it will completely fuck up your business for the next five years! Just stay the fuck away from hacking all together, NO GOOD CAN COME OF IT!!!
Secondly, be social! Go out regularly and spend time with your friends, don't waste the next seven years behind a computer, not socializing at all, trying to be the next Bill Gates, YOU WILL FAIL!!! Spend time with your friends, they will not be around forever, particularly Tim. Start going out and meeting new people. Friends are the best! I finally figured that out!
Thirdly you are gay! You are attracted to men, Don't believe me? Tape Home And Away, the men regularly get shirtless, you'll love it! And while you are at it just tape every soap that is on, including old repeats. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET! All the people you know will accept you, including your parents but I don't know about your grandparents, I don't know if they know. Seriously, just come out, you'll be much happier which actually isn't saying much as you have turned into a bitter, twisted, moody, sexually frustrated, crippled homosexual. Hopefully talking my advice will avoid this. Listen to music regularly, it will also help. Also don't be ashamed of your tastes! I don't think you ever were.
Also just say whatever the hell you want, people mostly appreciate your honestly and humour.
I will tell you what, forget learning programming and creating web sites, it's a boring career which you have lost your passion for, explore professional comedy writing, you might be good at it, I don't know, I haven't tried but I think it would be perfect.

Posted at 11/05/2009 14:00:00 UTC 0 comments

05-10-2009, 06:23

Drama drama drama, there is always some drama with me! Attempted to get pissed again last night, ended up breaking my fucking tray and I only had half a drink, My bottle was left on my tray but fell beside my ass when I was dancing, I thought that was nice secure place for it to be, I am a fucking moron sometimes, it tipped over when I was dancing some more (to a song I really wanted to get but I can't remember what it was now) and wet my cushion sooooo I tried to get it from under my ass (it rolled) and my tray fell off splitting into two separate pieces! Note to self: always get someone to put my drink on in my bag when I finished drinking. Bahhhhh and then some random guy tried to communicate with me without a tray which was NOT FUN! It has been glued back together, almost as good as new and luckily I am getting a new one soon so who cares, certainly not me, I should, I don't. I think it was worth it just to see a hot shirtless blonde dancer, ohhhh I really lack any sense of shame and good! Having shame is no fun at all!
I didn't rant at anyone too much this week, only the pointless twats on nzdating, fuck I am sick to death of people saying hello just because they like my profile etc etc etc blah blah blah blah fucking blah. I am just not fucking interested, I really can't be fucked reading those messages. I really should delete my nzdating account, I have only had one date in about six months, OK granted my profile states I am not looking for dates because I gave up and just on for offline friends and to find people to fuck me (no progress there), not in those words.
I went to the doctor on Monday, he had no clue what was wrong with my knees, what a pointless trip. At least I don't have a horrible infectious painful deadly disease, ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE! No, fuck that.
Posted at 10/05/2009 10:23:00 UTC 0 comments

05-03-2009, 08:28

I have had less than three hours sleep, got home at 6am.
Well firstly I don't have my good electric wheelchair, it is getting some modifications done, apparently it is going to be in for three weeks which pisses me off because they explicitly told me that it would not be long. So much for that, three weeks is a fucking long time when you are stuck in a wheelchair with fucking shit steering, it has got even worst since last year, someone must of fucked up the speed because forward speed is very slow but turning speed is very fast which is a very dangerous combination, I constantly crash into things if I don't completely stop going forward while turning. Not taking it out on the street, almost died last time I did that, ok maybe I am being a bit over dramatic, I tipped over a gutter on to the road, got some stratches BUT I COULD HAVE DIED!!! Perhaps that would be a good line to make them go faster hmmmm. It is also impacting on my already pathetic social life since I want to minimize trips.
I went to the doctor then I went for a blood test a few days later, waiting for the results. I went because assisted walking was painful, evil over priced drugs have fixed it so far.
Went to the university social group (UniQ for future reference), firstly they were actually there this time, BONUS, secondly I was only completely bored for most of the time instead of all of the time since some people actually did speak to me (near the end) this time DOUBLE BONUS! Also went to QTopia, ah QTopia, the group that thinks that bingo is "lots of fun" hmmmm, yeah I think that they seriously need help in the knowing what's fun department. Perhaps bingo was easy and simple to plan??? Well a wheelchair is definitely the appropriate vehicle for bingo, now just buy the others walking sticks and frames and be done with it. Of course not that I think all old people are into bingo and if some are that's fine, just taking the piss (out of QTopia). Fuck I have been nastier than usual to most people this week, been having my "daily bad days" all week, well except yesterday. I ranted at the person who sorts my computer access systems because she wants me to do a presentation on my eye computer access system, really shouldn't have done that, known her for 18 years. Luckily she did not mind. My argument was half the system is not working, when it did work it was almost useless and I am not getting paid blah blah blah. Also ranted at the person who is giving me the instructions for the Christchurch pride week site, whoops, bah I am not getting paid, I can be as bitter as I fucking want. Got some work to do on the pride week site after this which gives me an excuse to play my cliche gay music! Yeah like I need an excuse, I play it constantly! Currently listening to Linkin Park.
Finally (or near finally, who really knows) I went to Cruz last night and you never guess who was there (well of course not since there is like six billion possible answers, don't you just hate it when people say crap like "guess what I got for Christmas", oh fuck off) anyway the "kissy wissy" girl I ranted about three weeks ago was there, I could not believe my VERY BAD luck, actually she was fine, now this other girl kept kissing me almost every time she walked past. Always the way, go to a gay club and attract attention from women. Did catch up with a friend and chatted with another guy. I gave a guy my number, not expecting a text. By the way it seems like people like to use my number as their fake number, I have had two people contact me who had absolutely no idea who I was. News flash people: if you don't want people to have your number, just tell them to fuck off instead of giving them a fake number!
Posted at 03/05/2009 12:28:00 UTC 0 comments

04-26-2009, 05:19

What a fun fulled night last night! I went to my nephew's flat warming party last night, pissed my pants! Let's just say toilet technology leakage, anymore information would be too much, thanks a lot technology that was supposed to make my life fucking easier! Oh and I am not talking about nappies or any kind of oversized version or incontince pants, I am NOT incontinent, I just wear something that makes it easier for people to handle my toileting when I am drinking and don't have my toilet seat, otherwise I go to the toilet as normal people. I had to go home and change before heading to town which I was forced not to drink! I decided it wasn't worth the risk. I have not gotten properly drunk in months, I was well on my way there before that happened! Also put a giant hole in my nephew's wall, oh shit! Also why hasn't anybody gunned down the creators of Sing Star? When I was a boy computer games were gunning down zombies. After changing I went to a disco bar (again) and danced for about five hours nearly non stop, was fucking tired after that, I still let my brother take me to a dance club after that where I mainly rested, I hate that kind of boom boom boom music anyway, for the life of me I will never understand the appeal of it, it is just meaningless crap to me, songs with actual lyrics are much better. Anyway back to the disco bar which is called Boogie Nights, danced with a bunch of women there and a few guys, the trouble with drunk guys is that I don't know if they are being overly nice because they are drunk or gay, I just assume that they are drunk. Although there was this one guy with earrings in both ears that hugged me... He was hot too. Of course people kept bothering me during the songs I like! I complain when people don't talk to me, I complain when they do, don't try to win with me, you won't.

Other stuff that happened this week, turned down two offers for sex, one from a fat old guy that has bothered me repeatedly in the past over this, I changed my nzdating profile to "seeking sexual meetings" and almost immediately got a message from that bastard, quickly changed it back. Then this other guy, after I struggled to get a face picture out of him, he was cute enough I guess but obviously a FREAK that is into all kind of kinky shit so um NOOOOOO! Still no offers from SANE hot guys... Fuck I really need to stop becoming so obsessed with sex like I have been, it's not good.
One of my friends called me a loser because I said Micheal J Fox was hot, then he announced that he liked Hi5 songs and he is fucking 27, WTF??? He calls me a loser while liking kiddie bands? I repeat, WTF???
Someone else also called me "very intelligent" which is a relief because I seriously thought that I was losing my mind but NO! Maybe my intellect is being overshadowed by my insanity and sex crazed state of mind. Perhaps.
Oh yeah and I went to a qtopia games evening and nobody brought any fucking games! We had to settle for two sets of triva, one gay version and I know absolutely nothing about gay culture. Then a general one, I sucked at that too LOL, well at least I got some questions right.
Also I find myself liking Cher now hmmmm. I have been listening to classical music while I write this, minimizes the urge to sing and dance.
Posted at 26/04/2009 09:19:00 UTC 0 comments

04-19-2009, 10:42

I still need a fuck!
I also need a rant, worked on two sites this week, for other people, oh why do I volunteer for crap like this? It makes people think that I am a nice person eek, there is nothing worst than being called a nice person. I go out of my way to being a nasty bastard and people still call me nice. Granted most people who call me nice don't actually know me very well so I suppose I can take comfort in that. One site was easier than the other, I only had to learn how to work some gallery software and make some simple changes here and there. This other site I had to input all this schedule data and make sure every line was formatted correctly, what a fucking nightmare, I hate data entry with a passion (I say that about everything). The schedule was incomplete so that means I have to do more work, ugh. Hopefully they will only give me bits at a time, I can handle bits, it's doing things in bulk that take hours and hours and hours and hours and yeah enough of that.
What else did I do this week? Went to a basketball game with a friend, not doing that again! Was bored to death apart from talking to my friend. Oh and my head did not get hit with the game ball this time! BONUS! It got hit last time and I forgot to mention it hmmmm. Then I went to a disco bar with another friend, that was fun. Many of the songs were the same ones played at cruz LOL. Downloaded some Saturday, I hope my walls are reasonably sound proof... After dancing my brother dragged me to a few more bars actually I was drinking so I didn't need much dragging, you can add no self control to my list of faults. I got home about 2am which is kind of early, I was going out the following night so I wanted an early night, that plan went to crap, oh well. Once some old women kept getting touchy feelly kissy wissy with me I tried to bugger off pretty quickly. Now on to the following night which was last night, as a joke I made a sign saying

I can fucking understand you
Don't spell things out on my tray
only I have to do that since
I can't talk

People loved it apart from family, my dad and brother (a different one from Friday night) didn't approve. Dad even tried to leave out the "fucking" part, he should have known better than to try to make decisions for me. Anyway the bar visit went a bit better, although I think a hot guy wanted to chat to me while this looney old man (but very funny) was so I am kind of bummed about that, maybe he (the hot guy) will be there next time. I also spoke to about three people on holiday, so my nights there are getting better, although I still need to pick up LOL! I will be going every two weeks instead of four. Double the chance of getting laid! YAY! Oh wait double zero is still zero. Oh FUCK!
Posted at 19/04/2009 14:42:00 UTC 0 comments

04-12-2009, 06:13

Eh, I need a fuck.
Throughout this rant I will repeat the above line at random, just for my own amusement.
Eh, I need a fuck.
Well here's my weekly bitch. First an entry in the Insane Thane files. I went to meet an university group but they weren't there due to the holidays and after I found out my ride had already left and since I can't use a phone I figured that it was just easier to pointlessly wonder around the university for an hour and a half. Yes I am insane! Well it is not like I had anything more exciting to do.
Eh, I need a fuck.
Then I went to qtopia, nothing interesting happened there, moving on... Then I went to a basketball game with Hine, she is completely obsessed with sport, I however HATE sport with a passion, I don't know exactly why I went, just for something different. I got free tickets to next week's game so I am going to that. Hey it's free and I am cheap, do the math! Going out after dancing with a friend so that will be awesome! I plan to get pissed! I have not gotten pissed in weeks. Anyway back to the basketball, my mood fluctuated between extremely bored and turned on, mostly extremely bored, I hate sport! It is pointless and a waste of money, but people enjoy it so I can think of things even more evilly money sucking than sport but I won't go into why I hate society in general.
Eh, I need a fuck.
I went to cruz (local gay club) yesterday night, I didn't have a scheduled helper so one of the owners got his boyfriend check on me every now and again. I had a good time, danced a bit, both alone and with some guys. Oh and I pervved majorly on the bunnies in undies! Ohhhhh they were so hot!!! The one I liked had a boyfriend though, which is always the way I find!
Eh, I need a fuck.
Two extremely annoying people keep coming over, one was deaf and we had major problems communicating with each other, he was not that annoying actually, just very frustrating, he was a bit slow too I think. Anyway this other woman was extremely annoying! Dear god the silly bitch bothered me for about an hour, spelling things on my tray, I could not understand most of what she spelled! She also talked to me directly sometimes but that was mostly repeating the same things "You're awesome" and "All of my friends are gay", she said these things at least ten times. I was just sick of her by the end. She was hot though (for a woman) and she kept putting her arms around me, WHY DON'T HOT GUYS DO THAT????
Eh, I need a fuck.
Hey here's a bit of completely useless information, my bird can move the mouse with his eye too, of course he does not know that he is doing it.
I have started programming web sites again which hopefully will make me some more money, of course to spend on porn! It was the first time I tried programming with my eye control system, it was kind of fun.
Eh, I need a fuck.
Posted at 12/04/2009 10:13:00 UTC 0 comments

04-05-2009, 10:45

OK about people assuming I am mentally challenged, it got me thinking, perhaps the reason that I never get hit on at the gay club or nobody talks to me at the younger social club (apart from the facilitaters) is that people just automatically assume that I can't understand them. hmmmm honestly the thought has never crossed my mind before, it's a quite depressing thought actually. Perhaps I should have a sign made saying along the lines of "I can understand you, I communicate by spelling words on my tray (or through the computer but that is STILL not working)" I am serious about the sign, though perhaps it would be a little over the top and unnecessary once the group gets to know me, hmmmm feel free to tell me your thoughts at perhaps I am overthinking things and should just accept that most people are ignorant bastards and there is not a lot I can do about it apart from try to establish my mentality as quickly as possible if I should get the chance.
Posted at 05/04/2009 14:45:00 UTC 0 comments

04-02-2009, 02:22

I FUCKING HATE HACKERS! KILL THEM ALL! I am serious, they should all die slow and painful deaths! I swear they hit my sites every three months and I have to clean up after the bastards. this time apparently I am being investigated by the FBI because of this. What the hackers do is upload phishing sites on my servers and use them to trick unsuspecting idiots into giving them their password. I have to go through this crap every three months and I am fucking sick of it. The people doing the investigations always incorrectly assume that I put the files there because I own the sites. Fucking hackers! The last time that they did this was on Christmas day!
Posted at 02/04/2009 06:22:00 UTC 0 comments

04-01-2009, 06:00

I am joining another social group next week, hopefully it won't be fill of silly 16 year olds like the one I am currently in LOL! Then again perhaps it will be fill with silly people, just older silly people, I should really stop being so pessimistic
NO, I WAS RIGHT! My pessimistic prediction was entirely accurate, I swear some of them behaved worst than the teenagers at the other group, throwing drink bottles at each other etc. Grrrrr it was the same old dance: everyone was talking to everyone else except me! Nobody learned how to communicate with me, it was so fucking boring. Not sure if I will go again, eh probably, it's not that I have anything better to do with my time, hopefully they will try to learn how I speak eventually.

UPDATE: A guy from there contacted me online, apparently they assumed I was mentally challenged and my communication tray was some sort of learning tool. At least that explains it. It may be better next time now that they know different.
Posted at 01/04/2009 10:00:00 UTC 0 comments

03-30-2009, 11:29

FUCKING people with FUCKING dogs that FUCKING bark at FUCKING night. It went for about an hour after I went to bed then started back up at 4AM!
Also why do I remember songs that I want to download in bed then completely forget what the song was the morning? This is VERY annoying, I did this yesterday and today too, it was the same song both days and I can't for the life of me remember it, this is just so irritating.
Does anyone want a pet bird? Mine keeps eating my wheelchair and attacking me.
Posted at 30/03/2009 15:29:00 UTC 0 comments

03-29-2009, 08:30

Oh my god, someone pppllleeeaaasseee KILL ME NOW! I find myself liking the Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) song See You Again! I am doomed to play it over and over for the next three months. This is much worse than my crazed song fetish for Lady GaGa because of the Disney factor. I HATE DISNEY!!! KILL ME NOW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Posted at 29/03/2009 12:30:00 UTC 0 comments

03-29-2009, 04:21

Sunday bitch:
I went to a friend's 21st birthday yesterday evening, I did not know anyone there apart from the birthday boy. I was going to take my speaking computer but it decided not to boot, I really have no idea why, fuck it's just an absolute useless piece of fucking crap, if it is not one thing it's another. Things were a bit quiet at first until some guys learned how to use my spelling tray then I had a great time and should have canceled my brother picking me up at 11 but oh well, it was very enjoyable.
Also brought a new shirt saying "I don't discriminate, I hate everyone" which is very ME! It cost $20 which I thought was outrageous, now I remember why I don't buy clothes for myself!
I also had a bit of an argument with a republican on facebook and the stupid bitch deleted me from her friends list, what a fucking rude cow! Obviously she lacked the intelligence to actually defend her position and took the easy road out.
I am joining another social group next week, hopefully it won't be fill of silly 16 year olds like the one I am currently in LOL! Then again perhaps it will be fill with silly people, just older silly people, I should really stop being so pessimistic but I know you just love to hear me needlessly bitch about everything in my life.
Posted at 29/03/2009 08:21:00 UTC 0 comments

03-25-2009, 06:35

OK so today I got up early because I thought that I was going to be on the television, well I was wrong! Other people that turned up got to be filmed because they can use cell phones, but did I? NOOOOOOO!!! I even canceled an appointment to be there. I traveled all the way into town and could not participate. That fucked! On the bright side I got to meet a facebook friend who recognized me so the trip was not a complete waste after all. I can't even blame the group that sent me there because they had no idea what the television program wanted. This just gives me yet another reason to hate the TV industry! Vague, last minute fucking bastards!
In other news one of my friends thought that her flatmate was moving out and asked me to move in with her but it appears the flatmate changed his mind unfortunately, it would have been awesome! Though she lives in a council flat so I am not sure about the options about fast internet access which is about as necessary for me as food!
Posted at 25/03/2009 10:35:00 UTC 0 comments

03-24-2009, 02:55

Fantastic, just FUCKING fantastic! Even adult web cam sites are discriminating against me! I tried to register for one and the registration session kept timing out because I type slow! I asked their customer service and they said that they could not help. What fucking bullshit! I could just find another site I guess. Eh nah I would rather keep my money.
Posted at 24/03/2009 06:55:00 UTC 0 comments

03-22-2009, 06:18

OK I officially quit looking for dates, probably far too soon but I don't like the person I have turned into: a wet weak whinny little sissy. So fuck dating, it sucks! I went to a gay bar yesterday night, didn't really have a proper conversation with anyone apart from my usual friends who all have partners or are not in my age group. So the gay scene sucks for meeting guys, so does the internet, so fuck it, I'm not going to waste anymore time on it, I would believe that I will meet the love of my life eventually, if I was a delusional hopeless romantic nutjob, since I am not, I realise I could die alone, and that leaves one less person who could try and murder me for their inheritance! Also I am free to fuck as many guys as I want! If only guys would fuck me, I mean guys that are not old or ugly which is all the offers I appear to get. I don't really care about getting fucks, I have porn and LOTS of it! Although one fuck from a hot guy would be nice, just one??? So no more dating rants and thank fuck for that!
Posted at 22/03/2009 10:18:00 UTC 0 comments

03-17-2009, 03:06

"what are the challenges of Cerebal Palsy as you grow up ?"

Why do people think that just because I am in a wheelchair I want to answer questions about my disability? I registered on the dating site to actually date not to be a disability encyclopedia! This is fucking me off, almost everyone who contacts me asks about my disability, it's so annoying! It just not a normal line of conversation. I don't want to be defined by it. I mean I have to live with it almost every single second of my life, why in the hell would I want to discuss it with random people online, there's a wide range of things we could talk about. Talking about my disability fucking bores me. Ohhhhhh why the fuck do I bother with the dating site??? The only people who seem to be interested are mentally fucked up or are so ugly and just want a quick fuck which I would be more inclined to do if they were hot. Most others just want friendship or live in another city.
Posted at 17/03/2009 07:06:00 UTC 0 comments

03-15-2009, 08:25

So I was out last night, drunk, went to iconic and drove my wheelchair down a big step into the dance pit, four guys had to lift my wheelchair back up. Still, the wheelchair didn't tip when it was going down, that was great. I didn't see the step! It all worked out. I will obviously try to avoid doing that in future. Now my question, why the fuck do they make dance floors inaccessible to wheelchairs? This is not uncommon. I can at least name three bars that don't have accessible dance floors! It's discrimination! I can dance! Don't they think I can? Well fuck them! Anyway it was a good night, I did not nearly throw up my internal organs this time which was absolutely great!
Saw my friend Hine on Friday, she couldn't decide what cafe to eat at, we spent about an hour just driving around until she finally decided on one. She's totally crazy, that is why I hang out with her, so I can be a crazy lunatic too, sane people are soooo overrated.
Posted at 15/03/2009 12:25:00 UTC 0 comments

03-12-2009, 03:00

I am bored so I will rant. I am suppose to give a half hour presentation about my computer eye control access system in July. I have to state the pros and cons of using it. I don't know exactly why I volunteer for these things to be honest! Oh yeah I just like people listening to me haha, they usually don't. No actually most people listen to me unfortunately, it makes it much harder to insult people if they actually take you seriously! I would much rather people take most things that I say with a grain of sult, then I could say whatever the hell I like, actually I do already. Anyway what should I put in the presentation? It's crap and I would rather not be using it at all? Which by the way is very true, I would rather not use assistant technology at all but I have no choice. must....stop....whinning The eye technology is better than what I was using previously, typing and mouse movements are much faster so I can go on about that perhaps with some videos see me using it. More video = less writing = less work. Also I can avoid thinking about stuff to write about by having a question and answer session at the end so I would probably have to just drag out everything for twenty minutes excluding the video, still sounds a lot of work hmmmm. The portable computer system is not working properly at this stage, once it can get it working I can go on about that.
Posted at 12/03/2009 07:00:00 UTC 0 comments

03-07-2009, 06:29

Time for my weekly bitch.
I went to the doctor Thursday, he was only 25 minutes late this time which is actually an improvement. I hate the public he health system, someone will probably die waiting for their appointment. Like I don't have anything better to do than wait around for them all day, well I didn't but that is not the point. Anyway I moaned about my life, he said that happy pills could help, I of course refused, no follow up appointment so I guess he thinks that I am stable enough. More fool him...
I also went to the gym Wednesday and did not work on my legs because they are sore from the first visit but my doctor said to keep at it. I don't know why I am going to the gym, I mean hey I already have a great body say the perves on the dating site so it kind of pointless really. Although Cleo, a magazine here, had a competition for the sexiest single man, I was not nominated, although perhaps they wanted a fair race. No I did not tell the doctor that I suffer from delusions.
Oh one other thing, I got my portable computer attached to my wheelchair finally, yay now I can date himboes that can't spell!
Posted at 07/03/2009 11:29:00 UTC 0 comments

03-01-2009, 02:36

Well last night I can say that I was truly drunk for the first time in my life, I can tick that off my "to do" list. I had seven vodkas I think, was totally wasted at the end, I could not care about anything, great feeling, probably won't be doing that for another three months. Yes I did vomit until literary literally there was nothing left to vomit. My nephew fed me drinks at first then my brother took over when my nephew went home. I learned two things, I can spell better completely trolleyed than some people sober and I can still drive my wheelchair at full speed without crashing into people or other objects haha obviously I wasn't nearly drunk enough but NO I was. Danced with some women too, they were at least a decade or two older but I was pissed, I did not really care!
Next week I have to go to the doctor to tell him how I am feeling, then he will try talking me into going on anti depressants no doubt which he probably gets a commission haha. I am feeling much better than before I started this thread, still grumpy but I truly like being grumpy, being a complete cynical bastard and saying things just to annoy the crap out of people, it gives me a sense of purpose. Yeah that's fucked up but I enjoy being fucked up!!!
Then I will finally get my portable computer attached to my wheelchair which will make communicating with people much easier hopefully so I will be more independent when I am out and about. So I am really looking forward to that!
Posted at 01/03/2009 07:36:00 UTC 0 comments

02-25-2009, 12:43

Hey do you know how you know that your work is good? When someone copies it and claims it as their own! I just saw most of my second entry in this thread on someone's bebo blog, not sure if I should be pissed or flattered...
Nothing new with me, apart from my first date in over seven years on Friday! He seems my type, we have a similar sense of humor and he is quite good looking which is not important but a hell of a nice bonus LOL! No my motto is that looks will fade away eventually and then what? Trade for a younger model? Hey that idea is rather appealing!
I just saw another fly in my room, they have been pissing me off for days, the automatic fly spray mustn't be working. JUST DIE ALREADY!!! *waits for animal rights protesters to picket at his house*
Posted at 25/02/2009 17:43:00 UTC 0 comments

02-22-2009, 02:58

It's time for my weekly entry. I went out a total of two times this week, both to gay establishments. I had to go all the way into town just to the gay social group to interview me which took about fifteen minutes, more time was spent traveling there and back. It's like uber PC because you're not allowed to hit on anyone in the group. Where is the fun in that LOL! It's a support group too so their rules are made for a reason. Also I know what you're thinking, ME in a support group hmmmm this can't possibly end well! I am completely self obsessed and totally insensitive to everyone, I just tell everyone what I think in the bluntest and rudest way possible all while completely ridicling them. Perhaps the TAB should start taking bets on how long until I get banned. Most of the members are younger than me because it is for youths and I am 23, I am getting old! Then I made my monthly visit to the gay club, I enjoyed myself. I complained about the dress sense last time but everyone looked OK this time. I even quite enjoyed the drag shows, I would still preferred male strippers instead though HAHAHA! The music was OK too, some good tracks, some bad ones. My helper was outraged when I started dancing to the Spice Girls HAHAHA! Oh and I must get a copy of Boys Boys Boys by Lady GaGa, I love that song! Now time for a rant to even things out, in short people are idiots, for those who don't know me I can't talk and have to point to letters on my tray to communicate with people but some of the dumbasses was using it to spell things out to me as if I was deaf! I have to keep telling people that I can hear, It is quite funny really. When I went to my brother's wedding reception a woman did that even after my helper said that I could hear but she kept spelling stuff to me and she did it at such a fast rate that I could not understand what the hell she was talking about, don't you just LOVE irony?
Posted at 22/02/2009 07:58:00 UTC 0 comments

02-12-2009, 06:43

done nothing half way exciting this week so far. The only thing that was different was some people came to discuss modifications to my wheelchair.

I am on the dating site again, it is still full of sados, weirdos and creepy old men, I did not expect anything different. Still, A FEW guys are alright to chat to. I highly doubt that I will find my Mr Right on there but it is a good way to kill time and I have far too much for it too kill! Yes I'm gay. The only gay club is upstairs without a lift which is a bastard because it means I can not go independently so I am making arrangements to go once per month with a helper which is hardly ideal but oh well. I went about two weeks ago, it was.... er interesting! Firstly I was pissed off because nobody hit on me, I have come to the conclusion that the dating sites must be full of such ugly freaks that I am considered hot by their standards. Secondly the people there were just dressed completely awfully and this is coming from ME, I really don't give a shit what I wear. clothes shopping is a complete waste of time in my opinion. I don't care about fashion but the people there just looked strange but then again it was a beachware party so they might not be so awfully dressed next time! Speaking of things that are awful, the music there was AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL!!! Though maybe I spend far too much time listening to Linkin Park and head banging. Also I am completely mystified on what the appeal of drag acts are. If I wanted to look at women, I would be straight, that's just simple logic! I am not against drag queens or cross dressing, if people are into it, good for them, I don't care how people lead their lives, as long as they are happy and doing what they want. So "the scene" has it's quirks but it is still a good place to meet guys and I don't mind the quirks at all. I am also joining a gay social group.

i don't have a van at this time, it is getting a new hoist fitted which is good but it was supposed to be ready on Thursday which is today. Hey guess what, it is not ready! I don't know why I am surprised! The exact thing happened to my eye control system a few weeks ago, it was a week late!
Bye for now, more bitter rantings later.
Posted at 12/02/2009 11:43:00 UTC 0 comments

02-08-2009, 02:55

This thread is just about my general life etc. I will try to make it less boring than most of the personal bloggers out there who are under the deluded impression that their life's are worth writing about.
YES this thread will be filled of negativety!!! I actually went to the doctor (who was 35 minutes late!) about my depression and just general grumpyness and he said that it was completely normal for someone of my type of disability to have depression and be grumpy. HA now I have an excuse to be bitchy! He recommended anti depressants but I am fucked if I am doing that! I hate drug companies, they overprice everything and take advantage of sick people, It's bad enough that I have to take a pill daily for my epileptic fits which by the way I only take half the recommended dosage and have not have a fit in years. Anyway back to the depression issue, I have felt much better this week, I just felt bored and lonely I think. I am trying to get out of the house much more and make new friends, that is not going too well at the moment but oh well, early days. I do think that there is hope without drugs, I have been trying to play a daily game of chess too to keep my mind active, I was good at it in high school but I now absolutely suck and the I keep getting beaten at the average level, hopefully I can get better in time.
I have been out two Satudays in a row which is some kind of record for me! Last week it was to a comedy night but I had to leave early because I did not know what time it finished and the taxi came just over half way through. Apparently the acts got better after I left which is bloody typical! Then last night I was out with a good friend celebrating her birthday, she got high... on lemonaid! We ended up at a 70's/80's dance bar, that was fun! I love dancing!
Posted at 08/02/2009 07:55:00 UTC 0 comments

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